Chapter 7
Movement of the surface of action
Once we have assumed the model of a surface of action, then an
inference of its speed of movement follows from a measurement
of the time between signals at two or more strain gauges at known
locations. It is not necessarily a good assumption that the surface
travels directly between two sensors at a uniform speed. Data
are being collected in order to test this and similar assumptions.
But if the assumption is valid, we have seen that it is possible
to make the generalization that the speeds lie probably between
1 and 100 cm/sec.
The data show that there must be times when the motion of the
surface is very slow. At a multiple strain gauge session with
a sensor mounted on Stephen North's forearm, speeds as low as
1 cm/see were frequently recorded. Therefore it should be possible
for a strain pulse to be produced on a specimen which is physically
impelled and moves through the surface. There have been several
reports of cutlery being found to be bent after being thrown in
the air; Andrew G. has reported throwing paperclips in the air
and watching them land in the shape of treble clefs. A stroboscopic
photograph of a spoon bending in flight has been published by
Japanese researchers. Willie G. told me that he was able to bend
metal in flight, but I soon found that it never happened when
other people were present. It did not happen on video-camera either,
so I arranged that Willie should be able to take his own stroboscopic
flash photographs of swinging wires. Although he never succeeded
in producing a photograph in which the metal specimen was straight
in one flash and bent in the next, some of his photographs showed
a bent specimen swinging from a thread, and bending more and more
in consecutive flashes (ten per second). In one photograph the
successive angles were 37.5°, 39.5° and 41.5°,
in another 80°, 74°, 70.5° and 70°. What interfered
with Willie's efforts to achieve a better photograph was his apparent
production (very possibly by paranormal means) of unwanted effects
on photographic film. When he felt he had timed his 'power' to
coincide perfectly with the camera shutter operation, he would
find he had produced a Polaroid print covered with inexplicable
images (see chapter 24). I believe it is likely that Willie did
in fact cause metal specimens to bend in flight, but the experimental
proof is not as watertight as could be wished.
Willie and his family of course knew nothing of my proposed 'surface
of action', but they did form an opinion that the bending in flight
could be affected by placing a heavy piece of metal on the floor.
The specimen seemed to bend as it flew past it, although this
was impossible to see with any certainty.
It is tempting to interpret these reports in terms of a surface
of action stationary over the heavy piece of metal; as the specimen
flies through the stationary surface, it receives a strain pulse
and may well be deformed. Most of the specimens used in these
attempts were lengths of 2 mm diameter tinned copper wire, very
easily deformed.
Recent time-recorded dynamic strain recording experiments with
Stephen North have demonstrated his action on a strain gauge embedded
in a metal strip rocking to and fro on a moving wooden arm attached
to a musical metronome. But the surface of action could not be
kept motionless while the metal moved through it. The dynamic
strain signals were recorded at all phases of the metronome motion.
Not only is the speed of motion of the surface of action important;
one must also consider its possible change of shape whilst in
motion. Many paranormal metal bends, particularly of easily deformed
specimens such as wires, have been through very large angles,
often several thousand degrees (spiral); occasionally the formation
of the spiral is reported to take place in one continuous motion;
it can be a little frightening to the child on the first occasion.
In such an event we might imagine that the surface of action to
some extent follows the form of the specimen; it is as though
it clings to it, exerting continuous quasi-force. Such a clinging
surface would be capable of forming remarkably complicated metal
shapes, and these are precisely what have been found.
Plate 7.1 shows a 'folded strip' shape which several metal-benders
have formed. Nicholas Williams was already familiar with violent
spontaneous bending events when he and I first encountered a folded
strip. One day I offered him pieces of very easily deformed aluminium
alloy 30 cm X 8 mm X 0.75 mm, which he was able to leave on its
own in anticipation of spontaneous action. We took them up to
his third floor bedroom in the empty house, and placed them on
a table, in the form of a cross. We both started to leave the
room, without closing the door. Within seconds I heard a scratching
noise, as though the metal strips were moving rapidly on the table.
We found the strips folded together, and the free end of one of
them twisted. The twisting gives a clue to a possible interpretation:
namely that a surface of action starts to rotate about an axis
in its own plane. The surface is caught between the two strips,
and as it rotates it clings to them and causes them to form into
folds. On this occasion one of the strips was longer than the
other, and so one end was left free. By good fortune the axis
of the rotating surface aligned itself along the free end, causing
it to twist. This twisting has not been found in the many 'folded
strips' which have since been made. Andrew G. and Willie G., albeit
unobserved, both claim to have produced such folded strips without
seeing the original, and without being told what might happen
when two aluminium strips were crossed. A common feature is that
a single coil is formed in the folded structure. More than two
strips can be used, and more complicated folds obtained.
A number of folded strips were produced by Nicholas Williams without
his being present in the bedroom. I did not destroy the delicate
balance of observational psychology by installing a video-camera,
but I recorded the speed of the events instrumentally in the following
way. A magnetized tinned steel strip of very similar appearance
was, unknown to Nicholas, substituted for one of the aluminium
alloy strips; a fluxgate magnetometer probe was mounted near by
on the table, but the nature of the experiment was not explained.
When the folding took place, the time-varying magnetic field was
chart-recorded, and showed rapid variations, as in Figure 7.1.
Since the metal strips move around as they fold, one might expect
there to be a simple proportionality between the number of chart-record
peaks and the number of folds in the finished specimen; one, two
or even three peaks per fold. The correspondence between the numbers
of peaks and the numbers of folds is shown in Table 7.1; it encourages
us to believe that the motion of the metal strips is being observed
by this simple magnetic device. Similar experiments have been
carried out with pairs of wires in a V configuration fixed by
the apex to a wooden board.
The magnetic field variations, such as those shown in Figure 7.1,
indicate that the rotation speeds of the surface of action can
be as high as three revolutions per second. But we must beware
of placing too much reliance on visually unobserved experiments.
Table 7.1 Magnetic records of folding
| Designation | No. of folds or twists
| No. of peaks in chart record
Fold | M1 1 | 7 | 14
| M1 2 | 7 | 21
| M1 3 | 12 | 48
| M1 4 | 23 | 23
Twisted wire assembly | M2A 1 | 1 | 1
| 2 | 1 | 1
| 3 | 1 | 1
| 4 | 4 | 4
| 5 | 4 | 8
Twisted wire assembly | M2C 1 | 2 1/2 | 5
| 2 | 4 | 8
| 3 | 2 1/2 | 5
| 4 | 4 | 8
A child who could rotate surfaces could, without touch, twist
a single metal strip about its own axis; metal strips were exposed
singly rather than in crossed pairs. An important question to
be answered is how does the twisting depend upon the dimensions
of the exposed specimen? It was answered by allowing Willie G.,
Andrew G. and Stephen North to twist aluminium strips of different
widths, identical in other respects. The pitches were then measured,
and analysed in terms of the torque G necessary to produce twisting,
through an angle of a strip of cross-section dimensions a and
b, and linear modulus of elasticity n. This torque is given
by the equation:
G = n*pi*theta*(a^2 + b^2)ab/(12*l)
The dimensions of the metal strips were as follows: 10 <= l
<= 40 cm, b = 0.75 mm, 1.5 <= a <= l3 mm.
Figure 7.1 Time-variation of magnetic field in the neighbourhood
of folding of crossed strips of magnetized tinned steel and aluminium.
Session M1, Nicholas Williams.
It follows that if pitch is proportional to a^2 + b^2, then the
torque per unit strip width a is constant. The data displayed
in Figure 7.2 show that this proportionality holds over more than
an order of magnitude. Since the torque is force multiplied by
strip width a, it follows that the quasi-force exerted by the
surface of action is independent of the strip width. If the width
were sufficiently small, these quasi-forces would be capable of
doing serious damage to the metal; perhaps bringing about structural
change. However, extrapolation through six orders of magnitude
down to atomic dimensions would be too much of a liberty to take!
If the axis about which the surface of action rotates were not
in the plane of the surface itself, strips of metal would not
be twisted in the same way. If it were parallel to the surface
but separated from it, as if the surface in rotation formed a
tube, the strip would be bent into an Archimedean spiral. If it
were inclined to the surface and passed through it, the strip
would be formed into a helix. All these types of action have been
found, but without leading the metal-bender towards a desired
result. (The subject is discussed further in chapter 9.)
Usually the supposed continuous rotation about a fixed axis does
not continue for more than part of a single cycle. Non-uniform
rotations and translational movements are the general rule. These
result in the decorative shapes that some children, in particular
Andrew G., claim to produce. They vary widely in size, from as
large as 50 cm to as small as l mm. Andrew at one time must have
achieved a considerable measure of control over his action so
as to be able to produce the profusion of abstract and representational
designs which have been seen by many people at a London exhibition
and elsewhere (Plate 3.2). Julie Knowles has also exhibited art-work.
Difficulties about the conservation of angular momentum must be
faced in interpreting these events. For a twisted strip to be
produced by the quasi-force of a rotating surface, the strip must
be held at one end, for example in the subject's hand. But some
subjects insist that this is not always the case, and that all
sorts of twirled patterns can be formed on their own. Although
this presents difficulties of credibility, I have come at length
to believe that it could sometimes be so. The solid surface on
which the event takes place, a table, carpet or bed, can contribute
forces; and one must also consider the possibility that two surfaces
of action, or at least two parts of the same surface, could exert
opposing quasi-forces. It will be recalled that suspended metal
specimens receiving strain gauge signals hardly swing on their
suspension wires, even though quite large strains are involved.
The strains arise from within the metal rather than from an external
It occurred to us that if a strip of metal can be twisted paranormally,
when it is mounted on the axis of a miniature electric generator
some rotation of the axle and its rotor might be observed. This
would result in the generation of recordable electric signals.
Willie G. did succeed in producing sporadic recorded pulses on
such a device, without twisting his wrist, but distortion of the
metal strip severely limited the success of the experiment.
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