Chapter 17
Some psychological effects
In the presence of a 'strong' metal-bender, the 'power' is sometimes
transmitted to other people, who temporarily 'produce' deformations
of metal objects in their own hands. This I shall term 'induction'.
Typically, at Uri Geller's television performances or press conferences,
he would attempt deformation of cutlery or latchkeys and would
ask the audience themselves to concentrate on bending something,
whether it be an item in their own pockets or hands, or the object
which he himself was trying to deform. Several times in my experience
someone in the audience came forward with a bent object, reporting
that they felt it bend in their own hand, and sometimes that they
saw it bend there. The frequency of such events cannot yet be
estimated. Scattered around the world are journalists whose latchkeys
have bent in their own hands. To some extent, a journalist could
be regarded as a sceptical observer.
In sessions with Jean-Pierre Girard, similar induction effects
have been reported. Some of the people involved are technologists,
some are journalists, some are scientists of distinction: it is
unlikely that they are all fooling themselves or being fooled.
In Italy and Spain successful attempts at induction have been
made on television and radio by charismatic entertainers.
At this stage it is premature to attempt an answer to the question
of how far it is the inducer and how far it is the induced person
who is 'responsible' for the bend; it might even be someone else
entirely. Usually the member of the audience finds that he cannot
repeat the performance on his own, but there have been many instances
of child metal-benders starting in this way, documented in Britain
and Japan.
In the studio of a British Independent Television 'Jimmy Young'
show during 1975, I saw Uri Geller and six-year-old Belinda H.
bend a spoon together; there were two members of the audience,
a housewife and a cameraman, to whom this induced bending happened.
At a press conference for Uri Geller during 1976, I saw it happen
to the astronomer Patrick Moore. Privately I smiled, as I thought
he made rather a meal of it. But the laugh was on me, since a
few days later when Uri fractured a silver fork for the Marquess
of Bath at Longleat, it happened to me also, and I too was unable
to prevent myself making a meal of it. In my case it was merely
a cufflink which snapped, and coincidence is just possible. On
three different occasions I have experienced the loosening of
metal tooth-stoppings after successful sessions with Uri Geller,
Girard or Masuaki Kiyota. Maybe these were coincidences.
When Girard first came under the scrutiny of Dr Crussard and other
French physicists, a particular point was made of practising induction
effects, since they are of some sociological value from the point
of view of validation. A physicist who has felt a piece of Pechiney
aluminium alloy bending in his own hands is unlikely to regard
this as fraud. Some of the people to whom this has happened are
of great distinction; I will not drop names, because they are
embarrassed by the events. It is necessary to understand that
an emotional shock can occur, and I have indeed experienced this
A particular observation made by Dr Crussard was the following.
When a metal-bender holds a strip of metal in his hand and 'allows'
it to bend, there will usually be only a single bend, at one position
along the strip (see also chapter 6). But when Girard held one
end and a physicist held the other, there were sometimes two quite
distinct places along the strip at which bends occurred. Similar
effects may possibly have occurred in our distance effect experiments
described in chapter 9. When I exposed a long strip of aluminium
to Stephen North with three or six resistive strain gauges mounted
along its length, the vast majority of the synchronous signal
triplets or sextets were strongest in one region of the strip,
falling off in strength at each side of it; it will be recalled
that their magnitudes were fitted to Gaussian probability curves;
the 'centre of action' end 'region of action' both varied somewhat
with time. But there were occasional signals appearing uniquely
on the far sensor, with the strip in a radial horizontal configuration,
and of course the usual position of one of the experimenters was
at the far end of the strip. Could these signals have been examples
of the induction effect?
There are further questions, which we cannot yet answer. Does
a fraction of the induction effect last much longer? Do all the
child metal-benders owe their ability to an original induction
process? How effective is induction at a distance - because many
of the child metal-benders, unlike Belinda H., have never been
physically near to Uri Geller so far as they know? In the belief
that induction may be a real effect, at least at small distance,
I have tried to 'activate' children by inviting them to parties
with Geller and with Girard. But for most metal-benders
watching Geller on television seems to have been sufficient Thus
the effect is probably more psychological than physical.
Some light may be thrown by a report of adult psychokinetic subject
Suzanne Padfield, now married to physicist Dr Ted Bastin. Suzanne
does not bend metal, but has shown great ability at psychokinesis,
moving light mobile objects under glass domes (chapter 20). She
claims to have induced the ability in other people, when these
were in her presence. But in one instance her pupil was able to
reproduce the effect in her absence, on the same afternoon as
the original 'lesson'.
I have observed possible induction effect during a psychokinesis
demonstration by Dr Julius Krmessky in Bratislava. I almost convinced
myself that when asked by Dr Krmessky I could myself will the
change of direction of movement of the suspended pointer. However,
Dr Krmessky and also Czech physicist Dr Adamec were in the room,
and it could well have been that Dr Krmessky was picking up my
will and, consciously or unconsciously, producing the changes
himself. I have never had any similar psychokinetic success myself,
either before or since the session in Bratislava.
Another form of induction has been explored by Uri Geller twice
in my presence. He sometimes attempts to call an additional 'power'
from an observer, asking him to place his hand over the metal
object which is to be affected. Geller then moves his clenched
fist over the top of the observer's hand, without touching it.
At some position the 'power' is supposed to be strongest; this
is sensed physically by the observer, who tells Geller; concentrating
in this position, Geller is able to produce an effect. The feeling
in the observer's hand is basically a tingling sensation (possibly
the pricking of chapter 15). On the first occasion on which I
saw this it was physicist Dr Jack Sarfatt who was the active observer;
Geller succeeded in producing a sudden bend in a pure molybdenum
disc which later exhibited ferromagnetism (chapter l1). On the
second occasion I myself extended my hand and experienced the
sensation quite distinctly in my knuckles; Geller brought about
the fracture and partial disappearance of a vanadium carbide
electron microscope foil from within a capsule (chapter 19). My
knuckles were not entirely free from discomfort for more than
an hour. The extent, if any, to which Geller's 'power' was assisted
by me is almost impossible to determine, and systematic experiments
have not been carried out.
I include mention of a reported instance of remote induction which,
if replicated, could have far-reaching consequences. David Nemeth
is a young metal-bender who has demonstrated his ability to me
on resistive strain gauges, and in other ways, in the presence
of various observers. His mother was nursing in a hospital more
than ten miles from their home, and she had the keeping of the
key of a poisons cupboard, a special responsibility for her. One
day at work she searched for her key and found it in her pocket,
bent; she was unable to reopen the cupboard lock. Although her
first thought was that the paranormal bending was her own, it
transpired that David had at that exact time been particularly
anxious that his mother should come home to him. Mrs Nemeth wished
to discourage this from happening again, but there was a recurrence
under similar circumstances. I attempted to stimulate an experiment,
giving David and Mrs Nemeth identical sets of different-shaped
metal pieces; David was to concentrate on one and see if the similar
one in his mother's possession bent in the hospital. No success
was achieved with systematic experimentation.
My interest in such induction experiments has been stimulated
by the feeling sometimes subscribed to by metal-benders that 'the
power comes through them or from outside them'. I do not yet know
whether this is true or not, or even whether it is a meaningful
statement to make. Certainly there is a 'distance effect' (chapter
8) in that the power demonstrates itself within a slightly mobile
'region of action', removed from the body of the subject. But
the metal-benders do not regard this region as a manifestation
of an 'external' source of power.
Induction effects are one of the most tantalizing of all the metal-bending
phenomena, and their existence is very difficult to prove quantitatively.
A great deal more study is necessary. Our understanding is made
more difficult by the possible existence of 'poet-active effects',
discussed below. Metal-bending is sometimes found to continue
after the 'conscious' action by the psychic has ceased; but has
the action really ceased? And might an induction effect have taken
its place?
All attempts I have made to send telepathic messages or communicate
by means of signals on resistive strain gauges have failed. It
occurred to me that strain gauge signals were similar in many
ways to the paranormal raps produced on table-tops and elsewhere
by 'sitter groups' when a question is asked of a 'discarnate entity'.
This entity can even be imaginary, invented just for the purpose
of the experiment.(48) The answer is usually given paranormally
by code in raps. During successful resistive strain gauge sessions,
the metal-benders and I have occasionally asked questions in order
to obtain answering signals, but have been vouchsafed none.
There is one possible type of induction we have not yet considered
induction by inanimate objects rather than by people. There is
no experimental proof of such an effect, but the following is
worth mentioning. Mrs Lloyd told me that certain items of cutlery
bent by her daughter Alison, when placed with other cutlery in
the kitchen drawer, would bring about further bends of neighbouring
cutlery. These events do not represent a proof of induction by
inanimate objects, since the influence of Alison was not eliminated.
But it does suggest a profitable line of experiment. Do particular
inanimate objects stimulate a subject to bring about signals on
resistive strain gauges? One is reminded of the rocks and gemstones
sometimes held by water-diviners in their hands during their dowsing
Post-active effects
By a post-active effect we signify the continuance of deformation
of a piece of metal for a period of time after the metal-bender
has apparently ceased his action.
The evidence for such an effect is difficult to quantify, because
it is not easy to know by what criterion we should decide that
the metal-bender has in fact 'ceased his action'. Many people,
including myself, have observed events with Uri Geller and others
in which the bending of a latchkey or spoon was attempted, with
some degree of success; the object was then allowed to lie on
the table, and Geller regarded the attempt as successful; minutes
later someone who was keeping his eye on the spoon reported that
in his opinion the bending was continuing; this was confirmed
or sometimes contested by those present.
Such an event cannot be cited as a post-active effect, because
in the absence of instruments Geller does not know for
certain, neither does anyone else, just when he is 'ceasing his
action'. He is still close to the object and may still have it
in his mind. The only criterion at present available to us is
that action at more than l0 m distance has not been reported,
except by inductive effects; therefore, if continued deformation
was reported after the departure of Geller, either a post-active
effect or an inductive effect might be claimed. Anecdotal evidence
satisfying this criterion exists, but I am unable to cite anything
that I have observed personally.
Since inductive effects seem to be fairly common, I am inclined
to ascribe even departure-criterion post-active effects to induction.
What is required is a rigid application of the criterion that
the subject and all observers should depart, while strain gauges
are left running.
There is another complication, purely physical in nature, of which
we must take account. Many household metal objects, formed from
rolled strip and having at some stage suffered differential cooling,
are permanently under residual internal stress; if this is suitably
relaxed they will warp or bend slightly. The relaxation might
be brought about by heat, by machining a layer off the surface
or by paranormal softening. Only annealed specimens- heat-treated
to relax the internal stresses - are free from this property.
However, the relaxation deformation is usually not large, and
would certainly be insufficient to account for paranormal metal-bending
effects in general. Many of my deformation experiments, and also
those of John Taylor, have been performed with annealed specimens.
In early researches I performed the following experiment (chapter
11) to find whether internal stresses play a role. Identical brass
strips, precisely machined, were prepared. One was annealed and
the other was left with its internal stresses unrelaxed. The two
strips were now mutually attached, side by side, by pinning through
one end with two steel pins. The standard of machining was such
that the combined pieces had the appearance of being a single
strip of brass with a fine line down the middle. The strips were
exposed to observed action by Uri Geller and by Belinda H.; on
the two successful occasions, it was the internally stressed strip
which bent slightly; the bend was in the same direction as those
in pieces cut from the same bar and heated. The annealed part
remained undeformed. The experiments were stopped by removal of
the specimen before further bending occurred, and there did not
appear to be any post-active effect.
Although it was demonstrated that internal stress relaxation played
a dominant role in this case, there is no proof that normal residual
stress is responsible for post-active effects, if indeed there
really are such effects. It would be more probable that anomalous
internal stress was produced paranormally, as we know it can be;
internal stress relaxation might possibly contribute a post-active
Resistive strain gauge experiments are necessary to the study
of post-active effects. Suppose that a series of signals is obtained
at a metal specimen, without visible deformation occurring. Will
the signals continue if the subject departs from the sensor? Several
sessions with Nicholas Williams and Stephen North were deliberately
interrupted in this way, but no significant signals have been
recorded after the boy had accompanied me out of the room. No
evidence for post-active signals was afforded.
On the basis of the foregoing discussion, l am unable to claim
experimental evidence for a genuine paranormal post-active effect.
If metal-bending is supposed, as we think it is, to be a largely
spontaneous phenomenon, then the whole concept of 'poet-action'
roses its value. There is some evidence to show that when metal-bending
is occurring, the subject's electroencephalographic (EEG) signals
are predominantly in the low frequency, alpha band, with possibly
some delta and theta. But apart from this, there is typically
little observable connection between the metal-bending action
and the physiological functioning of the subject (see chapter
It is of importance to research also the psychological background
to the action of the metal-bender and his companions. This type
of work was first carried out by Batcheldor and Brookes-Smith(41)
on the psychokinetic contributions to table-lifting sessions.
They proposed the hypothesis that the action occurred at moments
of sudden change in the psychological state of one or more of
the subjects. Such a hypothesis is readily tested in the case
of metal-bending by experiments with resistive strain gauges.
Julian Isaacs has taken on a programme of such experiments, including
audio-recording of conversations during sessions with several
subjects; the audio-recording was synchronized to the strain gauge
I have personally observed several occasions on which the sudden
relaxation of concentration on the part of the subject has been
accompanied by a dynamic strain signal. Sometimes the relaxation
was not spontaneous, but was brought about by the initiative of
the experimenter - e.g. by saying, 'How about a rest and a cup
of tea?' Julian Isaacs has observed similar features, with other
changes of mood. With a psychokinetic subject the strain gauge
apparatus could possibly be used as a lie detector. In a sense
the relaxation-triggered events could be classed as post-active.
Goal orientation and the psychology of experimentation
Although I am no professional psychologist, I shall try to describe
of the psychological features of the experimental sessions which
my colleagues and I have mounted.
My policy has been to spend as much experimental time as possible
with children, at the expense of time spent with adult subjects.
Although some powerful adults undoubtedly produce greater and
more frequent effects than do the children, there is currently
an atmosphere of dubiety that has been deliberately created around
the adults and which I have tried to avoid. The historical reasons
for this are obvious.
Hundreds of years of naturally-occurring strange phenomena have
had their social repercussions. Society's fear of and distrust
for that which is not understood has spilt over into the ranks
of the scientists themselves, the majority of whom have refused
to regard psychic research as important. The seriously interested
minority have been forced onto the defensive, so that they now
usually regard the psychic subject as a sort of laboratory animal.
This relationship has led inevitably to polarization, distrust
and, at worst, fraud. I have therefore tried to develop a pool
of psychic subjects from virgin territory, using immature teenagers
and younger children. These groups are quite capable of mischief,
but their efforts are primitive and easily detected. The mystique
that surrounds the conjuror's abilities rests partly upon his
patient development and practising the sleight of hand for long
daily periods; this is not a profession which produces many child
prodigies. I am much more confident of being able to detect fraud
when investigating children than when investigating adults. Moreover
the motivations of children are as readily understood or misunderstood
as those of adults: they are best understood by other members
of their family, with whom a close relationship must be maintained
during the period of experimentation.
What must be established above all else is some degree of curiosity
motivation in the child and family. They are, after all, being
asked to spend long boring periods in collaboration, without appreciable
material gain. Subject motivation is a problem faced by human
psychologists everywhere, and very often the traditional solution
is simply one of payment for time spent. I have avoided this,
partly so as to conserve research support, but more particularly
so as to avoid any motivation of the children to produce results.
Of course result-motivation must be present even when there is
no payment, but I try to minimize it by working in the family
home, by doing experiments in which negative results are an occasion
for satisfaction, and by the replacement of the positive result-motivation
by other goals.
The curiosity motive must not be confused with logically conceived
reasons for co-operation in the research. However simple the social
and cultural origins of these reasons may be, the curiosity motive
is distinct from them. Although the prime motivation for man's
pursuit of science has been the need to control his environment,
this environment includes himself; the control and development
of one's own abilities is itself a powerful motive, closely allied
at a subconscious level to curiosity.
The children who have contributed most to this research have on
the whole been drawn from families with some academic or educational
connections; this is partly by my choice and partly by theirs.
I have tried to develop an atmosphere in which the entire family
respects and becomes curious about what is being done. Clearly
this in itself is insufficient to induce paranormal effects: there
must be relaxation, psychological good health and, above all,
the learning of the appropriate 'attitude of inattention'. For
some practised people such as JeanPierre Girard, attention, even
concentration, is necessary, but always accompanied by and interspersed
with relaxation. We have seen that during metal-bending there
is a preponderance of alpha waves in his EEG, combined with a
very high pulse rate.
For most children, on the other hand, it is a matter of learning
inattention, or avoidance of concentration on concentration. This
is a skill rather similar to learning not to stay awake at night.
The intention to bend metal, like the intention to sleep, must
be firmly maintained, but the subject can allow the conscious
thought and the senses at times to wander. I find that while observing
I must keep conversation going, so as to induce what by experience
I believe to be the correct proportion of inattention on the part
of the subject. I also find it useful to play upon motivations
that I know by experience to be successful. These include the
following: (l) competition: on one occasion I organized a race
between children in the rate of production of signals; (2) relaxation:
for example, saying that we are now going to break for tea will
sometimes induce signals; (3) feedback: for example, drawing the
child's attention to special features of the signal just recorded;
(4) the need for antagonism to the scientist or parent: the motive
to prove him wrong, by producing data which are at variance with
preconceived ideas he may be unable to put aside; (5) vindication
of the child's belief and confidence in himself; finally, but
rarely (6) affection and joy at being close to the wonders of
Part of the observers' learning of inattention is their learning
not to glare fixedly at the metal specimen and strain gauges when
dynamic strain pulses are being sought. Certainly, one must watch
carefully, in case the desire to touch the specimen becomes too
strong and the child
yields to it. But if possible several people should be present
so that the need for constant staring by each one is lessened.
We may use indirect viewing through a mirror, or the various methods
of touch prevention and touch detection.
My experience is that any feeling on the part of the child that
the watching is entirely directed at the detection of cheating
can inhibit the action. The desire to touch is not usually strong,
but it may be triggered by feedback; when a signal is seen or
heard, there can occasionally be an instinctive response to move
a hand towards the metal specimen. This should be pointed out
and avoided.
With younger children there are good reasons, as there are in
education, for making the whole thing into a kind of game. Games
demand goals, and displays and rewards when they are achieved.
For example, dynamic strain gauge signals can be made to switch
on lights, or can be incorporated into the scoring system in a
game of chance. The game remains essentially one of chance because
the phenomenon remains essentially spontaneous; in researching
it we are trying to reduce it to a succession of observations.
This process is an unnatural one which cannot be forced, though
it may be assisted. Inevitably there are frustrations, since,
in the words of the Australian poet John Manifold: 'Nothing is
born without screaming and blood'. With very young children, dynamic
strain gauge signals can be made to operate puppets with which
the child can identify.
The most rewarding result is the production of finished articles,
decorative or useful, in bent metal. These have provided the strongest
motivation for children such as Andrew G., Stephen North, Julie
Knowles and Willie G. An example of Nicholas Williams's work appears
in Plate 17.1.
The complicated forms taken on by easily deformed metal strips
and wires contain psychological and parapsychological information.
Despite the difficulties of validating the events, even unobserved
phenomena should not be entirely ignored; we should consider the
circumstantial evidence surrounding them.
Andrew G. 'invented' these complicated forms. He was the first
to use paperclip wires as a sculptural medium, and thereby to
develop both his creative and his metal-bending talents. He found
that paperclip wires would become screwed up tight into interesting
shapes, which were christened 'scrunches'; he was soon able to
control the bending to such an extent that the scrunches had representational
forms: little men, animals and so on. But he found that in order
to get results it was necessary to work in solitude, in his own
bedroom or in the bathroom. His mother, a sculptress, had her
own workshop in the house, and Andrew no doubt wanted to imitate
From the point of view of our research, it is very important that
the metal-bending operations be observed visually. But from the
point of view of the craft of metal sculpture, observation is
of little importance. Andrew followed his own motivation and that
of his parents, and made small attempt to train himself to work
in anything other than solitude. For this reason he did not progress
very far under observation in achieving extensive and complicated
movements of wires and thin metal. Several other children have
produced bending with extensive motion, albeit in the family home
and of a spontaneous character; and with these there has been
some observation, at least by the family. Julie Knowles, Nicholas
Williams, Stephen North and Willie G. have achieved motions and
deformations of wires or thin metal strips with family observation;
thus the degree of validation is higher than before.
The pattern has been as follows. I have offered strips of aluminium
alloy, usually 40 cm X 8 mm X 0.75 mm, to the metal-bender, and
at first my only instructions have been: 'Just experiment with
these and see what happens; leave them around and see if they
will bend.' I was careful not to let it be known what forms I
expected; but the forms that were reported and shown to me had
usually great similarities.
Some children and families were a little scared when the first
Plate 17.1 'Conflict', produced by Nicholas Williams; photograph
by David Rookes
movements and deformations occurred, and in several cases I received
late-night telephone calls which l tried to answer with reassurances.
One end of the strip would be held in the hand, and some bending
with stroking started. Gradually the strip would 'start to go
on its own', either into a coil, a spiral, a twist, a fold, a
tangle or a work of art. I would examine the deformed strips and
study the similarities and the differences quantitatively as for
example in the work on the pitch of twisted strips described in
chapter 7. Occasionally the strips would not be held in the hand,
but just laid on a table; one or more would start to move on its
own. In chapter 7 l described such an event with Nicholas Williams
in which I observed the movement, not visually, but aurally and
by dynamic magnetic field measurements. But I have never actually
seen complicated bending movements of these thin strips; the only
people who have are the children and sometimes members of the
families. I have video-tapes of no-touch sudden and gradual bends,
and also of some pulling and pushing of thin strips by what might
be imagined to be an invisible hand; but although this resulted
in bending, the forms produced were not complicated.
I have confidence that in broad outline the extensive spontaneous
movement phenomena are in reality as I have described them. The
folding rates (chapter 7) have been shown to be as high as three
folds per second. At first the control of the phenomenon is very
poor, but there are motives for the child to improve it. The game
is to make decorative and representational objects and even to
produce metal 'strip writing'. There is no hard and fast dividing
line between what is consciously intended, and what occurs in
an uncontrolled way but is thought to be a felicitous result,
and is therefore allowed to stand; in the Jackson Pollock mode
of normal graphic and sculptural art this is no doubt equally
true. The basic forms of metal-benders' art are coils, spirals,
anomalous plane bends, twists and folds. The most popular end-products
are flowers, animals, human forms, abstracts, strip-written texts
or messages, and jewellery. But only the strongest of the metal-benders
reach this point, and many never succeed.
My experiments on paranormal metal-bending are continuing, but
I have attempted here to complete my description of what little
has been achieved so far; even at this rudimentary stage of investigation
I believe it is worth speculating about the manner in which the
phenomena fit, or fail to fit, into physical science as we know
it. However, metal-bending is not unique as a psychic phenomenon;
there are others which could be relevant; some are of great dubiety,
some seem much more plausible. During my researches with metal-bending
children some of these phenomena have come my way; I have not
ignored them, but have tried to observe and investigate as best
I can. It may be worthwhile to devote a few chapters to setting
down these observations; they could provide a clue to the sorts
of excursions into physical theory that are going to be necessary
for the interpretation of psychic phenomena as a whole, with metal-bending
as perhaps the most amenable part. But I have approached the other
phenomena with the same attitude as that proposed in chapter l:
'Believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.'
Another important text is: 'The finest memory is inferior to the
palest ink.'
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