Chapter 11
Hardening, softening and magnetisation
Softening and hardening
At a very early stage in metal-bending investigations I posed
the following questions. Is the phenomenon to be described as
metal-bending, temporary metal-softening, or both? Is the bending
due to the operation of 'paranormal forces', or is the metal changed
in such a way that its yield point is temporarily decreased, so
that relatively minor forces - gravitational, internal stress
relaxation or human - would then be sufficient to deform it?
The second alternative, a temporary decrease in yield point, seems
to be most likely. If the yield point remained normal, then moments
of the order of several Newton-metres in magnitude would be necessary
to bring about many of the bends. Assuming that such large forces
could be paranormally produced, we must ask why they are always
so well balanced that the metal specimen never flies across the
room when it deforms and why the hand that holds it experiences
no force? And why, when one suspends the specimen from its electrical
connections, does it swing only slightly, if at all, as it bends?
The answers must lie in the internal origin of the forces. The
metal specimen behaves as a sort of automaton, which is instigated
to deform itself.
If the yield point is temporarily decreased, then any residual
internal stress will be able to relax. In an early experiment
I offered Belinda H. twin pieces of brass pinned together; one
was annealed to remove residual stress, the other not; it was
the latter which bent slightly, without the application of force;
apparently, in this instance, a role could be played by residual
internal stress.
Let us consider the properties of the metal after a paranormal
bend, particularly its hardness, which is related to the yield
strength. When a metal specimen is deformed normally, the atoms
in the crystal lattice move over each other and rearrange themselves
in such a way that the resulting metal is harder than before in
the region of the deformation. This is known as work-hardening.
Eventually this increase in hardness, being accompanied by an
increase in yield strength, causes the deformation to cease, even
though the applied force has not ceased.
When the normal deformation has ceased, we may measure the hardness
and demonstrate that it has increased. This was also the case
in the early measurements on paranormal bends which Dr Desvaux
made for me (chapter 3). On the whole these data are similar to
what would have been obtained from measurements on normally bent
specimens. A copper single crystal was bent under good observation
and the data are displayed in Figure 3.1. Although the bend was
almost certainly paranormal, there was some hardening at the bend.
The only material whose hardness was found by Dr Desvaux not to
have increased was the triple eutectic alloy of 54% Bi, 26% Sn,
20% Cd. This is a brittle material, but since it has a low melting-point,
deformation by creep is possible. Although the times taken for
some paranormal bends on this material have been incredibly short
(see chapter 3), any structural changes are probably similar to
those occurring in normal deformation by creep; and in these changes
there is virtually no work-hardening. We found no evidence of
permanent softening, but at least in this case there was no permanent
hardening. In chapter l3 some further evidence for quasi-viscous
creep is described.
There is some occasional qualitative evidence of quite marked
temporary softening during the paranormal bending. The plasticization
of a teaspoon by Uri Geller has been described in chapter 1, and,
while nothing quantitative emerges, it is very difficult for me
as observer to avoid the conclusion that temporary softening occurred.
But there is nothing to show that any permanent softening occurred;
in this case the specimen was used for fracture analysis rather
than hardness measurements.
There is further evidence for marked temporary softening. Video-records
have been made of the plasticization of the neck of a teaspoon
and of other metal strips by Stephen North. Alison Lloyd has claimed
to have picked pieces from metal cutlery with her fingernails.
I have examined a coin bearing the shape of a thumb; but there
was no permanent softening. There is indeed very little evidence
that permanent softening is found on paranormally bent specimens
which must have been temporarily soft. As examples of such specimens
we select Willie G.'s abnormal plane bends in aluminium strip
of cross-section 0.75 X 6.5 mm.
When such bends are photographed at high magnification, as in
Plate 11.1, fine radial creases are seen at the inside edge. These
creases do not appear at the outside edge; they are probably associated
with compressive stresses. The abnormal plane bends could not
have been produced without some local lowering of the yield point,
or softening; but there is no buckling. If there were temporary
softening in the region of the bend, then only a small stress
would be necessary to form an unbuckled abnormal plane bend in
this thin aluminium strip. In attempts to produce similar bends
by normal means we have not been able to avoid local markings,
and have not produced the inside edge creases of Plate 11.1. There
is a strong supposition that the abnormal plane bends must have
involved temporary softening; and therefore micro-hardness measurements
were made on the outside and inside thin edges, and on the neutral
plane. However, the usual elevation of hardness on both the outside
and inside edges was recorded; so permanent softening still seems
to be an event of great rarity, having been recorded in only a
very few of the Crussard-Bouvaist-Girard experiments described
in chapter 13. In these events the paranormal action of Jean-Pierre
Girard did not produce permanent deformation; but there is no
doubt that local permanent softening occurred - the measurements
are quite unambiguous. But this effect was found to be rarer than
local permanent hardening.
Evidence for the abnormal suppression of the elastic component
during paranormal deformation may be found in the data from resistive
strain gauges. When a normal extension force (or bending moment)
beyond the yield point acts upon a metal specimen, the temporary
extension is greater than the subsequent permanent extension,
because the contribution from the elastic component cannot be
neglected. One can prove the point for oneself by pulling suddenly
to produce a permanent stretch on a weak spring, and noting the
extent to which the temporary stretch exceeds the permanent stretch.
Suppose that the temporary, elastic component of the extension
(or bend) were to be paranormally suppressed; then the variation
of extension with time would be more gradual, and at no moment
of time would its value exceed the permanent value. Such behaviour
is not uncommon in the signals chart-recorded in strain gauge
experiments, especially in the Nicholas Williams sessions. A signal
shown as e in Figure 4.4 demonstrates the behaviour, although
it is atypical in having sharp pulses superposed upon it. More
typical examples (not illustrated) are B 8(2), C 2(2), D 3(2),
D 4(2), D 11(1), E 5(1), E 6(2), E 8(2), E 9(2) and E 11(2) (Table
5.1). These signals are evidence for the absence of hardening
during paranormal deformation. Furthermore, in the Nicholas Williams
sessions and elsewhere, many elastic signals in one sense, whether
extension or compression, are followed immediately by elastic
component suppression signals in the opposite sense. Examples
include B 2(l), B 2(2), B 6(2), B 7(2), C 1(2), C 2(1), C 6(2),
D 5(1), D 7(1), F 2(l), F 4(1), F 5(2) and G 4(3) (Table 5.1).
In these cases there is no elastic signal in the correct sense
to cause the observed permanent deformation. It follows that here,
also, the elastic component of the deformation is suppressed.
It is as though we could compress metal by pulling it and allowing
it to spring back.
Dr Crussard (chapter 13) has affirmed that in the video-records
of Jean-Pierre Girard's bending of thick aluminium bars, the elastic
component suppression effect can actually be seen. The bar passes
directly from its original shape to its final shape. Of course
in a gradual bending a large number of very small elastic effects
might take place, individually too small to see on the video-record.
But there exist records which show relatively sudden bendings,
without corresponding elastic components, and on these the effect
is detectable. We conclude that there are both permanent hardening
and temporary softening effects in paranormal metal-bending. Indeed,
the structural changes which produce these can probably be taken
to be the primary effects from which the visible changes follow.
Temporary softening, as is shown by evidence from the Stephen
North video-tapes, can maximize and decay within a small fraction
of a second. This is relevant to the problem of the tight single
twists of cutlery shown in Plate 1.1. Some metal-benders, realizing
that the softening can appear and vanish very quickly, wonder
how the spoon twists in this short period of time. It would, of
course, twist if it was already under torsional stress, being
held so between right and left hand; but this a metal-bender is
reluctant to do, since it would look as though unnecessary manual
force were being applied.
The 'trick' is that the torsional stress is inertial in origin,
being applied by twirling the spoon, rotating it between the palms
of the hands rubbed together, or throwing it in the air with slight
spin, or 'English'. These applications of stress look 'innocent',
because the feature of the sudden softening is not yet understood
by observers. One may learn a lot from throwing in the air and
otherwise manipulating a bisected spoon, with the handle and bowl
joined by a short length of thin tape. Intuitively the metal-bender
learns that twists are puzzling and that they can be brought about
by such manipulation; but he probably does not understand them
in detail.
Some structural changes occurring in metals involve the alignment
of the magnetic dipoles with the formation of ferromagnetic domains.
The appearance of ferromagnetic phases has been reported in paranormal
The French researchers, Dr Crussard and Dr Bouvaist, whose work
is described in chapter 13, have observed the appearance, under
the action of Jean-Pierre Girard, of 1.9 per cent of a magnetic
phase in a specimen of non-magnetic chromium steel; no deformation
took place. Each magnetic region could be clearly discerned, the
susceptibility being measured by a detector which traversed the
metal. Magnetic susceptibility measurements are of course routine
in many metallurgical laboratories, and the monitoring of this
specimen of steel before and after its exposure to Girard presented
no difficulties. Indeed this type of experiment - that of witnessed
exposure to metal of a strong subject and monitoring some physical
property before and afterwards - is the most satisfactory from
the point of view of the scientist. The technique minimizes the
possibility of fraud on the part of the subject; the result is
unaffected by the movement of permanent magnets concealed about
the person; the responsibility for the experiment is placed securely
upon the shoulders of the scientist.
I myself observed anomalous magnetic susceptibility of a specimen
of molybdenum exposed to Uri Geller, as described in chapter 1.
A crystal of molybdenum of outstanding purity (>=0.999995)
and therefore small magnetic susceptibility (9 X l0^-5 cgs units)
was exposed on a steel plate, under good conditions of observation,
to Uri Geller's action. He did not touch the crystal at any time;
his hands were well above it, and Dr Sarfatt's hand was between
Geller's hand and the crystal, when a small bend developed suddenly.
I was not expecting any change of properties of the crystal, but
when I showed it to photographer David Rookes he picked it up
with tweezers which were slightly magnetized, as they sometimes
are in physics laboratories. We noticed that the crystal adhered
to the tweezers, and this prompted me to suspend the crystal from
a fibre and make measurements of its movement in a magnetic field.
I never solved the problem of why the exposed crystal came to
possess a large magnetic susceptibility, only a thousand times
smaller than that of iron, but I was able to arrange the determination
of upper limits on the ferromagnetic impurities in the crystal
as follows:(26)
Fe <=6 X l0^-5
Co 2.7 X 10^-7 ± 2 X 10^-8
Ni <=1.5 X 10^-3
The permanent magnetization of ferromagnetic cutlery by paranormal
bending can be investigated with the minimum of equipment. Much
stainless steel cutlery in the home is weakly magnetised, due
to normal causes such as the earth's magnetic field, local electric
currents, children's magnets, etc.; perhaps some of it is magnetic
when it leaves the factory. The usual configuration is with one
pole on the handle, and one pole at a prong of a fork or on the
bowl of a spoon. With a miniature compass one may with practice
readily find the approximate positions of these poles, making
certain by careful search that there are no subsidiary poles.
But when a curled bend or tight twist is produced paranormally
(as for example in the Nicholas Williams cutlery bent during his
first latchkey strain gauge run), subsidiary poles are usually
found close to the bend, as follows:
Handle tip Either side of curled bend Prongs
Subsidiary poles can be produced normally by the following techniques:
1 fracture;
2 heating the centre of the neck to above the Curie point;
3 prolonged hammering of the centre of the neck;
4 demagnetization followed by re-magnetization in a different
But as yet I have been unable to produce subsidiary poles merely
by physical bending of the centre of the neck. It appears that
some structural change has been brought about in the Nicholas
Williams cutlery (and also in some of Stephen North's and Mark
Henry's) by a mechanism we do not understand. I would not claim
complete confidence about such findings, and they may well turn
out to be of doubtful validity; but the simplicity of the equipment
necessary to make the observations surely makes them valuable
to researchers. It is also an amusing family game. Normal household
cutlery can also be magnetised NSN, SNS or in more complicated
ways. The effects of paranormal bending on these pieces might
be complicated, so that they should be avoided when conducting
household experiments on metal-bending.
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