Traveling: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Handbook
by Alan Guiden
© copyright 2001 A.Guiden All Rights Reserved

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Following my initially terrifying introduction to "traveling" were more events of a similar nature. It became a routine of the unknown. I was never sure where I'd "wake up" while "out-of-body." I "woke up" in the basement. I woke up in the neighbor's house. I woke up at my elementary school. I woke up everywhere a child's world consists of. Going to bed became a contradiction in terms. During the travels, my "return" to bed was especially frightening. The roar in my head coupled with complete paralysis isolated my mind and body from any outside perceptions. If the phone rang or lightning rocked the house, I'd have never known nor been capable of reacting. It took some effort to cope with this paralyzing return. After having experienced the stifling wave of "electricity" many times, I knew that it eventually slacked off. I knew that I'd be all right when it left. I became determined to discover what I could while the electricity was present. It was a matter of forcing myself to remain as calm as possible. It was happening whether I wanted it to or not, so really, my only choice was an inquisitive attitude. The two years from eight to ten were packed with travels. Although I didn't yet grasp what they were, I quickly learned what to expect.

I rarely spoke of what was happening to me. On the few times I'd mentioned it to my mother and my friends, I felt disappointed by their responses. I was hoping for answers or similar stories, but there weren't any. I was alone with my odd behavior. (From ten to eleven, I was so frightened, that I didn't travel at all. I'll explain later.)

At around the age of eleven, I stumbled upon a few books at the library. I remember my excitement. I actually grabbed a chair for support. I couldn't believe what I was reading. There were others like myself. They described the event just as I'd encountered it. I was not alone. For one full year, I immersed myself in their words. I searched every book and article even remotely related to the experience. And then something happened. I was reading my umpteenth book when it occurred to me that I already knew what I was reading. It was all reruns. In fact, I knew more than I was reading. I knew things about "traveling" that I'd never seen written. It was the impact of this realization that inspired my silent study beyond curious fascination. The answers had become my responsibility. During the years since I accepted my responsibility, I've watched for a book that went beyond reruns of jargon, sales-pitch and attitude. Since no one seems willing to write this book, I've taken on the task.

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