Traveling: An Accidental Expert's How-To Leave Your Body Handbook
by Alan Guiden
© copyright 2001 A.Guiden All Rights Reserved

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In addition to being a good relaxation-method, "visualization" allows you to control your dreams. During a controlled dream, you might resolve a difficulty in your life or discover an idea that never occurred to you before. You might relive happy memories or blaze new trails beyond the limitations of everyday life. You might also, travel from your physical body.

Controlled dreaming requires nothing more nor less than visualization on the aw/as line. Normally, if you were to fall over that line to sleep, you'd dream anyway (not controlled) after a bit of time. Your dream might contain your last thoughts before succumbing to sleep and a hodgepodge of goodies from your subconscious.

But your presence on the awake/asleep line, is the catalyst that deepens your visualization into a dream of your choosing. You may either allow the visualization you've created to run free (general controlled dream) or improvise as your desire dictates (specific controlled dream).

You have a choice of being in the dream as yourself or someone else. You can be anything that you want. You might not be in the dream at all but simply observe. The options are unlimited.

Allow me to put you in a dream that's controlled from the basic idea to specific elements. The other dream type (as I've mentioned) is similar but you don't dictate where the dream goes after you create the basic idea. As you'll see below, some visualizations and controlled dreams are better suited than others for initiating a travel.

You're on a trampoline. You bounce once, then twice, then up you go. Ten feet up. Now a hundred. Further up and into the sky. Visualize a wind that swirls around you as you climb. You top out at 30,000 feet and watch as some rain clouds hover in the distance, being stirred by the wind. The clouds slide slowly towards you, and the air becomes heavy. A raindrop falls to the ground far below you. And then another drop. And then a cloudburst. After a while, the rain clouds move off. The sun returns to brighten your flight. Etcetera. (How do you visualize "etcetera" would look?)

As long as you remain in conscious control on the awake/asleep line, you can dictate your visualization into a dream. It's a process that works its own magic with just a little coaxing from you.

You may slip into the asleep side and carry the majority of your visualization with you. You may also regain the line after you've slipped over to sleep and redirect your dream from the course it began to follow.

(Happy foot stompin' music begins to play.)
And now, for your entertainment value, I present...
How-To Recognize A Dream While It's Happening:

Trick one:
Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Think about it. During your day, think about whether you're dreaming. How did you get to work? Did you drive? Did you take the bus? Did you fly? How long did it take to get there? An hour? Two point three light years? A minute? What did you see on the way? Your neighbors? Irate passengers? Some birds gliding just ahead? Can you recall where you were before you arrived at work? In your bed sleeping? At the bar ordering beer? In the park feeding squirrels?

Ask yourself whether you're dreaming during your day, and it will carry over to your night.

Trick two:
Instruct yourself (over and over a few times and then a bit more) to be aware in your dream at a certain point. Using my previous dream example as yet another example, you might tell yourself to recognize the dream when the rain cloud moves in.

When you create your own dreams, simply pick any point that you feel would be a good clue for triggering your awareness. This awareness trigger might be a person, place, thing, action, or situation. The awareness occurs at an exact point in your dream that shouts, WAKE UP!

Like so:
You are sitting in a chair in the dark by the fish bowl on the table. Your little fishy is in there, and flipping fins at you. Flip fishy flip (try saying it). You are going to wake up when you spot her in the glow of the heater. Click. The heater just popped on. There she is. All full of fishy fervor. She seems to be saying something in the bubbles. You can almost make it out. And then you do. The message says: WAKE UP! Hmm. It also says: Feed me a snack you silly land-rover.

Lastly, if you have a recurring dream, you might instruct yourself to become aware, the very next time that dream occurs.

Trick three:
Be on the prowl for any unintended event as a key to your dreaming status. Using my example one last time, you might be flying amongst the clouds when a mystery jet flies by, and the pilot winks at you. You then wink back and before you know it, the two of you are married.

The key, as I keep harping upon, is desire. You must want to stay on that line, and you must want to control your dreams. As always, the more you practice, the better your chances will be for success.

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