Ah, relaxation. Who am I kidding? I'll never relax. Okay, I'm relaxing now. Here I go. Relaxing. Relaxing. I'm not relaxed. All right, I'm really trying now. I'm finally relaxing now, and I just have to...ZZZzzzzzzzz.
During my quest for the mechanisms of traveling, I've fallen asleep a lot. It's not that I was tired mind you. I was simply going a little too far into my work. I would get into bed and get comfy. I would relax my body and calm my thoughts. I would move towards an "awake/asleep line" and plan my travel. Then, just as the promise of success tapped me on the shoulder, I'd pass out. ZZZzzzzzzzz.
The awake/asleep line, that I was trying to reach, is a key element of traveling and is often called the hypnagogic state. Throw that phrase out. Too jargony. Let's replace that phrase with a brief description at this time and detail the details later.
The awake/asleep line shouldn't be confused with the relaxation of your body and an alert mind. No, that's just called relaxed-but-alert (duh). The awake/asleep line is a point between falling to sleep and remaining awake, alert and in control of your consciousness. To reach the line, you must regulate your movement towards sleep.