Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden,
Archive Article

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Email To Alan Guiden

This week's article is a hodgepodge of thoughts accumulated during my most productive traveling hours. It's a "gee-did-I-ever-mention-that-might-be-helpful" sort of article. The article also includes a "fun-to-do-and-oh-so-informative-gonna-tally-the results-and-tell-ya-next-article" survey. Play along at home. Just click your choices and send it my way. (but keep in mind that this article has already been posted and the survey tabulated. To see the results, read the article named, "Analytical, Hypothetical, And Technological Grab Bag").

This Week's Article Is (trumpet blast)

Puzzle Pieces

Attitude is Everything

I received the most wonderful email this past week from a woman that I've corresponded with, regarding her attempts to travel. From the start, this wonderful person has exhibited a positive attitude. It was not simply a matter of learning this and trying that. This woman was determined! She was going to get "out" and that was all there was to it. She felt that a travel might not happen immediately, and it might not be easy but sooner or later, it WAS going to happen! And she was right. It sure took a while but she traveled. And she was kind enough to share her excitement of the travel with me. It arrived as if it were a diary entry that she forwarded my way. With bleary eyes (and uncharacteristic, awful spelling:), she had apparently bounded from the bed following her "return" and began to write down everything she could recall. It was great reading. This woman is the real deal, folks. She has all it takes to travel. She has a strong desire, a positive approach and a lot of patience.

Which of the following best describes your "traveling" routine:

I'll Keep At It Till I Succeed
I'll Try A While And See How It Goes
I'll Give It A Shot But I Don't Think It Will Happen
No How, No Way

Time Sense

We all have it. Can you hear it? Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock. That's your internal clock telling you what do to. Wake up...Get tired...Go to sleep...Wake up...Get tired...Go to sleep. Marvelous, ain't it? And here's a secret that I never thought to mention before now. Each of us has a perfect half-hour in which to travel. Mine, as example, is 4:15am to 4:45am. During this time period, I am most likely to succeed in my travel attempt, as my mind and body pulls it all together. Would you like to know when your perfect time is? (Well, would you? What? I can't hear you, you'll have to speak up. I still can't hear...(grin)...okay, I'll quit...I can be such a dope:) It's very easy to discern your perfect half-hour. You probably know it already but don't recognize it. And how is this possible? Because you were trying to overcome insomnia and quite suddenly, perhaps hours later, you simply passed out. But yes, my sleepless readers, insomnia has an upside. You see, despite the cause of insomnia (other than caffeine which is a no-no near bedtime), eventually, if you lay there long enough, you're gonna pass out. Now, I know that some insomnia is so annoying, you just wanna say #$%!* it and leap from the bed. And you may as well because that type of insomnia is relentless. But the other type of insomnia, that concerns us, is just those few hours in the night when you think too much and toss and turn and visit the bathroom countless times for a change of pace and back to bed and fluff the pillow and readjust the blanket and drink some water and look out the window and listen to the sink drip and sigh a lot and...INSOMNIA BLOWS! Oops. Where was I? Oh yes. At some point, a relatively tame few hours of insomnia will let go the reins. You'll feel a sudden wave of relaxation sweep through your body. For one quick instance, you know that sleep is again possible. And then you pass out. NO...WAKE UP!!! This is your half-hour starting point. WAKE UP!!! Oh, to heck with it. Pleasant dreams. But when you wake up, make sure to recall the exact minute (or as close as possible, to narrow it down) that the wave hit. Despite the time that your insomnia begins (and often, it does seem to follow a cycle), you should be able to pinpoint the "relaxation wave" and that, my friends, is your special time. On a night that is not hindered by insomnia (or perhaps even on that night, if you don't mind missing a little sleep), you want to target that time with travel attempts. Plan ahead by waking 15 minutes or so in advance of that time. Get out of bed, move around and splash cool water on your face. Don't worry about waking up too much prior to your travel attempt. If you have pinpointed your half-hour correctly, relaxation will not be a problem. And one other connected thought:

Comfy Cozy

Note your body position as your half-hour begins because this position may assist you in your future travel attempts. For instance, on a night in which you are alert and not prone to drifting right to sleep, this position would be a plus. It can give you the added relaxation you need to reach the awake/asleep line. However, on a night in which you are not alert, and are prone to drifting right to sleep, you could then avoid this same position and more easily maintain your alert control.

Your Best Half-Hour Is:
I Have No Idea But I'll Try To Figure It Out

Your Position Is (no sly answers please:)


Goal Intending Method

Okay, one more subject. I've saved it for last because it's a smidge beyond the norm and I didn't want to lose you from the get-go.

The goal of this method is to "prepare" your nonphysical vibrational frequency for a smoother separation from the physical. (What the...?)

Allow me to de-mystify. I simply want you to charge up the vibe (read ze book) so that your travel is easier to accomplish (Oh yes, that's much clearer, not:).

As you sit there reading, I'd like you to think about increasing the tension in your body. Don't actually tense your muscles outright but allow a slow, gradual "perception" of increased tension. If you are doing this properly, there will be no outward signs that you body is tensing and in fact, I am teasing you with my word choice. You see, it is very difficult to explain this concept because until recently, it was simply a side-skill that I took for granted from my early childhood experiments with traveling. I am trying to show you what it feels like to "will" an increase to your normal vibrating frequency. I'd like to help you focus your energy into that vibe increase. The most accurate description of how this feels is "tension". This vibe increase may produce, in and of itself (whatever that means), a travel under the right circumstances, but I use it primarily to "loosen" up the nonphysical.

Easy Handy Dandy Instructions

1. In bed, relaxed and prepped per your norm for a travel attempt.

2. Very, very slowly with a gradual increase, pull inward from all points on your body at once. If you are doing this correctly, there should be no signs (to an observer) that you are doing anything other than relaxing. Increase the "inward pull". Your perception of the "pull" should scope your entire body as one part and culminate at a center. I use the spot right between my eyes as a center but you may choose another area as you see fit.

3. There is a point (you'll recognize it) when there is no longer a need to "pull and increase". You should now maintain this increased state for perhaps thirty seconds or so and then slowly back off...releasing outward...gradually returning to norm. If you have done the exercise properly, you should feel very relaxed and tingly. Now, off to your travel attempt.

I've Felt This And I Know What You Mean
Never Done This But I Will Now
Not Gonna Try This And You Can't Make Me
What The Heck Are You Talkin'bout Alan?

The results will be posted with the next article.

As always, please write to me anytime regarding your questions, attempts and successes.
