Traveling Beyond The Body w/ Alan Guiden,
Archive Article

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This Week's Article Is:

Light Fright

copyright 1996 A.Guiden

Ahhh. It's the evening. Sanctuary from another long day of coping. A time for relaxation and rejuvenation. And if you are me (or similar), a time for traveling. A time to get prepared for another evening's attempt at success. A time (tick, tick, tick) for pulling all the pieces together and exploring beyond the physical. A time for...oh cripes...Turn out that light!!!'s too bright!!! I'm melting...melting...oh, what a world, what a world.....

Okay, so it's not that bad but...

Did you know that a light source as insignificant as your refrigerator bulb may reset your internal clock? (What the heck does that mean to me, Alan?) Hmmm. I heard a voice. Oh well. Anyway. Recent studies (they should have just asked me) have shown that bright light resets our internal clocks and makes it difficult to achieve relaxation and sleep. Even your quick trip to the loo (that's a bathroom for those of us in the U.S. of A) under temporary excessive light may hinder your return to these restful conditions. As you may surmise (go ahead, it's fun) this adds an extra burden to your traveling agenda. Yes, as if there were not enough pieces (variables, from the book) to contend with, here, is yet one more. BUT...I have the solution (as you knew I would).

There is a remarkable invention called a night-light and another just a tad older known as ummm...a... uhhh...candle. These incredible innovations give off such a delicate glow as to almost mimic the moonlight (waxing poetic, whatever that means).

(You are now flabbergasted. I love that word.) And what am I proposing? That in this age of modern delights, that you should step back to darkness? Am I to actually suggest an evening in semi-glow? A night that truly resembles night?!?


Now, please understand, I haven't always enjoyed the dark (as my early recollection in 'ze book points out) so I understand that you may not as well. This adventure into near-light offers a reduction of visibility and sensibility. It cuts you off from the norm. So why would you do such a thing? Because it works. Near-light affords you a new perspective. It relaxes. It smooths out the wrinkles. It is gentle and closest to our quietest hours. is the perfect prelude to traveling. And so, dear friends, despite your attachment to that 60 watt, I insist that you try my outline for an evening (but good luck explaining this to your mate) (speaking of which, I suggest that all speaking following "lights out" should be in whispered or low volume as this accentuates the effect we are striving for).

These three easy steps will provide you an advantage towards relaxation, a headstart on your evening and a bit of insight:

1. The sun goes down; your lights go out. Turn 'em all off (don't forget the fridge). Night-lights or candles (be safe!) lit in all the important places...the kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom. Anything you do from this point into the evening is by night-light or candle-light.

2. Almost time for bed, hmmm? First, a nice warm shower or bath by the glow of your chosen. Under no circumstances, should you turn on any other lights. Not before, during or after. I know that this may be difficult but you must resist. This may mean drying your hair with a towel and brushing your teeth without a mirror but trust me. Besides, you know what you look like so just wing it. Do not turn on any glaring lights! (Yes, i do keep saying that but with good reason. You would not believe how a habit insists upon our obedience.)

3. By this point your internal clock is running smooth and it's time for bed. You have not upset, reset or jetset (for those of you with odd schedules) your basic program. You are now ready for true relaxation with an advantage. From here, without the hinderance of compensation for an overwound or inaccurate clock, you are in control and focused. And gee...what a perfect time to implement your traveling agenda.

That is all there is to it. A few simple ideas that work. Low light, relaxing events and quiet introspective moments. Then it's off to traveling. The trick as always is to remain focused upon your goal. Keep traveling in your thoughts as you glide through the calm evening. Concentrate upon your positive desire and you will travel!

As always friends, please email with your questions, attempts and success.


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Traveling: An accidental expert's how to leave your body handbook, Preface copyright 1995, 1996 A.Guiden

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