East = | Roar = | Lion = | Leo = | Fire, |
North = | Scream = | Eagle = | Scorpio = | Water, |
West = | Say = | Man = | Aquarius = | Air, |
South = | Bellow = | Bull = | Taurus = | Earth. |
This corresponds to the orientation of the fixed signs of the Zodiac and one of the ways of looking at the four Sephiroth around the intersection of the paths of Samech and Pe -- Tiphereth = Light = Fire in the East, Yesod = Air in the West, Hod = Water in the North, Netzach = Green = Earth in the South.
"...the entire symbol is not only a glyph of Earth as understood in this New Aeon of Horus, but of the number 6, the number of the Sun. This card is thus an affirmation of the identity of Sol and Terra"therefore Tiphereth = Sol = Earth.