of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
The brief portraits contained herein are presented as an introduction to the lives, personalities and works of the saints of the Gnostic Catholic Church. They are not intended as detailed biographies. Some of the saints are too obscure to provide us with more than brief speculative sketches, and the biographies of others (such as Paracelsus, Bacon, Goethe, Wagner, Nietzsche, Gauguin, Burton and Crowley) occupy volumes. The emphasis herein has been placed on the significance of each saint to the transmission and development of the Thelemic Gnosis: the significance of some saints is a result of their works; of others, their life stories. In all cases, a list of the references used to prepare these portraits has been furnished for those who wish to investigate the saints more fully.
- Lao-tze
- Siddhârtha
- Krishna
- Tahuti
- Mosheh
- Dionysus
- Mohammed
- To Mega Thêrion
- Hermês
- Pan
- Priapus
- Osiris
- Melchizedek
- Khem
- Amoun
- Mentu
- Hêraclês
- Orpheus
- Odysseus
- Vergilius
- Catullus
- Martialis
- Rabelais
- Swinburne
- Apollonius Tyanæus
- Simon Magus
- Manes
- Pythagoras
- Basilides
- Valentinus
- Bardesanes
- Hippolytus
- Merlin
- Arthur
- Kamuret
- Parzival
- Carolus Magnus
- William of Schyren
- Frederick of Hohenstaufen
- Roger Bacon
- Jacobus Burgundus Molensis the Martyr
- Christian Rosencreutz
- Ulrich von Hutten
- Paracelsus
- Michael Maier
- Roderic Borgia Pope Alexander the Sixth
- Jacob Boehme
- Francis Bacon Lord Verulam
- Andrea
- Robertus de Fluctibus
- Giordano Bruno
- Johannes Dee
- Sir Edward Kelly
- Thomas Vaughan
- Elias Ashmole
- Molinos
- Adam Weishaupt
- Wolfgang von Goethe
- William Blake
- Ludovicus Rex Bavariæ
- Richard Wagner
- Alphonse Louis Constant
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Hargrave Jennings
- Carl Kellner
- Forlong dux
- Sir Richard Payne Knight
- Sir Richard Francis Burton
- Paul Gauguin
- Docteur Gérard Encausse
- Doctor Theodor Reuss
- Sir Aleister Crowley
- Additional Names Included in the List of Saints by Theodor Reuss