"Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change
to occur in conformity with Will."
"Magick is the Science of understanding oneself
and one's conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding
in action."
He may now begin to act to influence his conditions, to bend them to his Will, rather than to propitiate or attack them -- to begin to cause "change to occur in conformance with Will." This is done by applying all the energies available to him within the confines of his conditions toward the harmonizing of said conditions with his perception of his True Will.
Because temporal conditions are so powerful on the lower level, his efforts are unlikely to produce satisfactory results unless he becomes able to apply his energies upon the media of higher (more subtle) levels, where he may influence powers which determine the manifestation of conditions on the lower level. Success in this is ultimately only arrived at by personal experimentation. The chances of failure are high, and he is unlikely to make significant progress unless he receives either gnosis or the instruction, guidance and inspiration of someone with experience and insight.
His success in this changes his conditions, and thus changes his consciousness. It refines his perception of his True Will. As the blinding clouds of temporal conditions part, he perceives the Light of his True Will more clearly. This allows him to perceive and begin to act upon the media of still higher levels of existence. Acting upon the media of these higher levels in accordance with his refined knowledge of his True Will, the individual increases his conscious identification with the Totality and his harmonious dominion over his circumstances.
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