Papyri graecae magicae IV.1227-64
This text gives instruction for driving out a demon. After the opening sentence, the text indicates the words to be uttered, and the words to be addressed to the divine (1231-39) are given in Coptic. These Coptic words are the only Christian element in the text. The reference to "the seven" probably indicates the seven spheres of the sky. Next, the text describes the procedures to bind and defeat the demonic force (1248-52). Lastly, there are instructions for the preparation of an amulet. The utterances directed toward the amulet include permutations and verbal transformations based upon BOR and PHOR (P-Hor), are probably the name of the Egyptian god Horus. Other utterances refer to the Egyptian god Bes and the Greek word for favor (charis).
Excellent spell for driving out demons:
Formula to be spoken over his head: Place the olive branches before him and stand behind him and say, "Greetings, god of Abraham; greetings, god of Jacob; Jesus the upright, the holy spirit, the son of the father, who is below the seven, who is within the seven. Bring Yao Sabaoth; may you power issue forth from N., until you drive away this unclean demon Satan, who is in him. I adjure you, demon, whoever you are, by this god Sabarbarbathioth Sabarbarathiouth Sababarbathioneht Sabarbarbaphai. Come out, demon, whoever you are, and stay away from N., hurry, hurry, now, now! Come out, demon, since I bind you with unbreakable adamantine fetters, and I deliver you into the black chaos in perdition.
Procedure: Take seven olive branches. For six of them tie together the two ends of each one, but for the remaining one use it as a whip as you utter the adjuration. Keep it secret; it is proven.
After driving out the demon, hang around N. an amulet, which the patient puts on after the expulsion of the demon, with these things written on a tin metal leaf: BOR PHOR PHORBA PHOR PHORBA BES CHARIN BAUBA TE PHOR BORPHORBA PHORBABOR BAPHORBA PHABRAIE PHORBA PHARBA PHORPHOR PHORBA BOBORBORBA PAMPHORBA PHORPHOR PHORBA, protect N.