A Ritual of Fire & Blood

Being a Ritual of Ra-Hoor-Khuit proper to invoke Energies to Strengthen the Discipline To be performed on the Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law in the Hour of Mars.

By Soror Zephiniah Summerisle

  1. Enter the temple in an aggressive and sexually aroused state, wearing red garment of choice. [Three days of celibacy and a reasonable amount of alcohol or galangal tea after ritual bath and before leaving for the temple may be helpful in this.] Have a fire extinguisher handy in case of emergency. Use a fireproof pot for the offering bowl such as a Le Creuset Dutch oven or a cast-iron cauldron of decent size.


  2. Knock 1 - 4444 - 1 - 4444 - 1 [Facing East until specified]


  3. Eastern Adoration

    Holy art Thou Lord of the Universe

    Holy art Thou whom Nature hath not formed

    Holy art Thou, the Vast and the Mighty One

    Lord of the Light and the Darkness


  4. Qabalistic Cross


    Touching forehead



    Touching the genitals

    [p+k=0, k=0-p, k=-p, |k|=|p|]


    Touching the right shoulder



    Touching the left shoulder



    Clasping hands and locking fingers



  5. Mission Statement

    Advance to the East

    Thee I invoke with Lust and Life,

    Thee I invoke, Disperser of Strife,

    To purge Thy mystics’ Inhibition

    By Heart and Rood and True Volition.

    Guide us in Thy Wicked Ways,

    Bathe us in Thy Prideful Rays,

    Deep-dwelling Dragon, O Elder One,

    Twice-sexed God of the Immortal Sun.

    Thy Force and Vigor course my veins,

    O Terrible Prince of the Ethereal Planes.

    Dreaded and strong, Thou Hawk-headed Lord,

    Answer my call by the Star, Snake and Sword.


  6. Pentagrams

    Tracing in air with wand, vibrating names, and giving signs.

    In the East, trace the Active Pentagram of Invoking Spirit, vibrate RA-HOOR-KHUIT, and give The Active Sign of the Portal by Rending the Veil.

    Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air, vibrating THERION and making The Sign of Shu. Pace to the North; moving with the Sun.

    In the North, trace the Passive Pentagram of Invoking Spirit, vibrate HOOR-PA-KRAAT, and give The Passive Sign of the Portal by Closing the Veil.

    Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Earth, vibrating NUIT and making The Sign of Set Fighting. Pace to the West; moving with the Sun.

    In the West, trace the Passive Pentagram of Invoking Spirit, vibrate HOOR-PA-KRAAT, and give The Passive Sign of the Portal by Closing the Veil.

    Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Water, vibrating BABALON and making The Sign of Auramoth. Pace to the South; moving with the Sun.

    In the South, trace the Active Pentagram of Invoking Spirit, vibrate RA-HOOR-KHUIT, and give The Active Sign of the Portal by Rending the Veil.

    Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Fire, vibrating HADIT and making The Sign of Thoum-aesh-neith. Pace to the East; moving with the Sun.

    Remove the offering bowl from altar, place in the center of the circle of pentagrams and return to the East. Take up the meat and rum, in you hands respectively, spiraling into the center. Offer and place meat and rum before the bowl.


  7. Hexagrams

    Trace hexagrams over the bowl, empowering the sacrifice, and visualizing Ra-Hoor-Khuit appearing inside each Earth hexagram you trace, as you vibrate ARARITA, and then invoke each of the planets with its sigil. Invoke Leo, calling down RHK, and tracing the Invoking Hexagram of the Beast.

    During all of the hexagrams, the People, sitting around the circle, chant softly:

    Puhk vehlehk, mulehk puhk. Puhk vehlehk, mulehk puhk.
    [Instruct the People in this, if necessary.]







    Beware!  Hold!


    Raise the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

    Finish the Hexagram of the Beast and lower the weapon until it is pointed at the rose point of the Hexagram.


  8. Conjuration

    Still pointing at the center, vibrate the following repeatedly until full visualization of RHK in the center of the hexagram is achieved.

    RA-HOOR-KHUIT bahtel dah-kowlutakh

    HOOR-PA-KRAAT bahtel dah-kowlutakh

    HERU-RA-HA bahtel dah-kowlutakh

    When visualization is perfect and frenzy is raised, lower the weapon until pointing into the bowl, and vibrate:

    HERU-RA HA Kee-gosh

    … raising weapon up in threatening pose, say with gusto:

    All hail Heru-Ra-Ha!

    Squat open-legged over the offering bowl, pouring rum in as libation. Step back and light on fire. Direct the raised energy into the meat, while chanting:

    Y’ghee Y’ghee Y’ghee

    … and wringing the blood into the bowl. Transfer meat to left hand and blow rum into the hexagram. [Carefully! This is above the fire.] Raise meat and rum in triumphal pose, saying the Adoration.


  9. Adoration & Anointing

    Unity uttermost showed!

    I adore the might of Thy breath,

    Supreme and terrible God,

    Who makest the gods and death

    To tremble before Thee: --

    I, I adore thee!


    Appear on the throne of Ra!

    Open the ways of the Khu!

    Lighten the ways of the Ka!

    The ways of the Khabs run through

    To stir me or still me!

    Aum! let it fill me!


    The light is mine; its rays consume

    Me: I have made a secret door

    Into the House of Ra and Tum,

    Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.

    I am thy Theban, O Mentu,

    The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!


    By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;

    By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.

    Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit!

    Bid me within thine House to dwell,

    O winged snake of light, Hadit!

    Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

    Replace rum and meat, add Abermelin Oil and take up the bowl. Spiral out from the center with the Sun. Anoint self six times, saying Das Y’mboss, in the following pattern:

    ●        ●

    At the top of the forehead.

    ●        ●

    On the eyelids

    On the lips

    On the chin.

    If using assistants anoint them in the opposite pattern, saying Das Y’mboss.

    At the top of the forehead.

    On the eyelids

    ●        ●

    On the lips

    ●        ●

    On the chin.

    Anoint the People on the center of their foreheads with the Cross in the Circle, saying Das Y’mboss.


  10. Thank you and see you later

    Return to the East, and chant.

    O Mighty Triform Horus, I give thanks to Thee,

    For hearing my Invocation and coming before me.

    Thou are released, Dread God, to return to Thy Rightful Plane.

    Come again, my Dearest One, when I call Thy name—

    Or when my Will calls out to Thee Beloved Lord,

    To come to the aid of the Servants of the Sword.


  11. Qabalistic Cross


    Touching forehead



    Touching the genitals

    [p+k=0, k=0-p, k=-p, |k|=|p|]


    Touching the right shoulder



    Touching the left shoulder



    Clasping hands and locking fingers



  12. Knock 1 - 4444 - 1 - 4444 - 1 [Facing East until specified]




  • Aleister Crowley, “Liber O vel Manvs et Sagittae sub Figvra VI”, Equinox I:2, pages 11-30, Weiser 1992.
  • Aleister Crowley, “The Star Ruby”, Magick in Theory and Practice, Dover 1976.
  • Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis, Weiser 1987.
  • Aleister Crowley, Magick in Theory and Practice, Dover 1976.
  • Aleister Crowley, “Tables of Correspondences”, Liber 777, vel Prolegomenia Symbolica and Systemam Sceptcio-Mysticae Viæ Explicandæ
  • Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Santissimorum Scientæ Summæ, Weiser, 1986.
  • Aleister Crowley, “Liber V vel Reguli” in Magick in Theory and Practice, Dover 1976.
  • Gavin and Yvonne Frost, “You, Too, Can Use the Witches’ Magic Healing Power”, The Magic Power of White Witchcraft, Prencitce Hall Press, 1999.
  • Israel Regardie, “Eastern Adoration” in The One Year Manual: Formerly Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment, Weiser 1981.
  • Milo Rigaud, Secrets of Voodoo, Pocket Book 1971.
  • Paul Huson, Mastering Witchcraft, Perigee, 1980.
  • Richard Alan Miller, Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs, Destiny Books 1983.