The following are excerpts from the _Thelema Lodge Calendar_ on Dave Jones' Enochiana. Copyright (c) OTO and the individual authors, except as noted ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for February, 1988 e.v. *Special Supplement: Serialized Standard Edition of the Magical Manuscripts of John Dee, by Brother David Preface to the Electronic Edition: It is not possible to do justice to this section in Electronic Format, because of extensive notes by Elias Ashmole and Brother David. Serious students of Enochiana and the work of John Dee will wish to obtain the printed edition of the Thelema Lodge Calendar. The Thelema Lodge Calendar is free within 90 miles of San Francisco, CA USA. Introductory rate $4.50 per year (will rise later) via 3rd class bulk USA. Ist Class USA Canada and Mexico, $7.00 (US$) per year. International surface and Air rates on request. Forward In this issue of the Thelema Lodge Calendar we begin a transcription of John Dee's spiritual diaries. Our serialization begins with Elias Ashmole's preface to "Doctor Dee's Five Books of Mystery (Doctoris Dee Mysteriorum Libri Quinti)," comparing the texts of Slane Manuscripts 3188 and 3677. Though this particular passage is already avaiable in several modern editions,we include it here as a general introduction, and in order to preserve the continuity of our project. In preparing this text we have expanded most abbreviations, noting the first instance of each (notes in printed TLC only). Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation have been left intact. References to manuscripts in the Sloane collection are designated "SL," with all textual variations noted (only in the printed TLC, not in this electronic edition). Ashmole's annotation is given (in the printed TLC edition only) in the left hand column, with our commentary (printed TLC only) upon his notes following. Our own editorial annotation is placed opposite, on the right hand, and standard abbreviationhhas been used (in the printed TLC edition only). Textual variations are noted all together, following the text (in the printed TLC edition). It is our intention over the course of time to provide a completely standardized edition of the magical manuscripts of John De, that serious practitioners and interested students of Enochian Magick may have a reliable guide in their work. -------- Here is Ashmole's text: Be it remembered, That the 20th: of August 1672. I received by the hands of my Servant Samuell Story, a parcell of Doctor Dee's Manuscripts, all written with his owne hand; vizt: his Conference with Angells, which first began the 22d: of December anno 1581. And continued to the end of May anno 1583, where the printed Booke of theremaining Conferences (published by Doctor Cawsabon) begins, and are bound up in this Volume. Beside these, the Booke intituled, the 48 Claves Angelicae, also Liber Scientia Terrestris -- Auxilij et Victoria (These two being those very individuall Bookes, which the Angells commanded to be burnt, and were after restored by them as appeares by the printedRelation of Doctor Dee's Actions with Spirits pages 418. & 419.) The Booke intituled De Heptarchia Mystica - Collectaneorum Liber primus, and a Booke of Invocations or Calls, beginning with the Squares filled with Letters, about the Black Cross. These foure Bookes I have bound up in another volume. All which, were a few daies before delivered to my said Servant, for my perusall (I being then at Mr: William Lillies house at Hersham in Surrey) by my good friend Mr: Thomas Wale, one of him Majesties Warders in the Tower of London. The 5th: of September following Mr: Wale (having heard of my retourne to Towne) came to my Office in the Excise Office in Broadstreete, and told me he was content to exchange all the aforesaid Books, for one of myne, vizt: The Institution Lawes & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter, to this I agreed, and provided one, which I sent him fairely bound, and gilt on the Back. On the 10th: of the said September Mr: Wale came thither to me againe, and brought his wife with him, from her I received the following account of the preservation of these Bookes, even till they came to my hands, vzit: That her former Husband was one Mr: Jones a Confectioner, who formerly Dwelt at the Plow in Lumbardstreet London, and who, shortly after they were married, tooke her with him into Adle Streete among the Joyners, to buy some Houshold stuff, where (at the Corner house) they saw a Chest of Cedar wood about a yard and an halfe long, whose Lock and Hinges, being of extraordinary neate worke, invited them to buy it. The Master of the shop told them it had been parcell of the Goods of one Mr: John Woodall Chirurgeon (father to Mr: Thomas Woodall late Serjant Chirurgeon to his now Majestie King Charles the Second (my intimate friend) and tis very probable he bought it after Doctor Dee's death, when his goods were exposed to Sales. Twenty yeares after this (and about 4 yeares before the fatall Fire of London) she and her good husband occasionally removing this Chest out of its usuall place, thought they heard some loose thing ratle in it, toward the right hand end, under the Box or Till thereof, and by shaking it, were fully satisfied it was so: Hereupon her Husband thrust a peece of Iron into a small Crevice at the bottome of the Chest, and thereupon appeared a private drawer, which being drawne out, therein were found divers Bookes in Manuscrpt, and Papers, together with a litle Box, and therein a Chaplet of Olive Beades, and a Cross of the same wood, hanging at the end of them. Them made no great matter of these Bookes, etc. because they understood them not; which occasioned their Servant Maide to wast about one halfe of them under Pyes, and other like uses, which when discovered, they kept the rest more safe. About two yeares after the discovery of these Bookes, Mr. Jones died; and when the fire of London hapned, thought the Chest perished in the Flames, because not easily to be removed, yet the Bookes were taken out and carried with the rest of Mrs: Jones her goods into Moorefields, and being brought safely back, she took care to preserve them; and after marrying with the aforesaid Mr: Wale, he came to the knowledge of them, and there upon, with her concent, sent them to me, as I have before set downe. E.Ashmole/ Textual Variants----see the printed edition of Thelema Lodge Calendar. Afterword with bibliographic data and Manuscript list --- see printed TLC Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the following individuals in particular for making this project possible. First, Ms. Christina Daves, for her support and for her time and effort in researching the life and works of Elias Ashmole. Also, Brother Bill Heidrick, for the use of his microfilm copies of the manuscript materials for transcription. And Brothers Equus and Vandemere, for inspiration and encouragement in the work. Lastly,. the fellows of the Center for Enochian Studies at Thelema Lodge: Brothers Leoviridis, Adam Weishaupt, and Nich Guliaeff, for the work involved in preparing the text. Interested persons may obtain an unbound photocopy reproduction of the manuscript versions of this text, and pertinent ancillary materials from the CENTER FOR ENOCHIAN STUDIES at Thelema Lodge, for the sum of $3. (Please make checks payable to "cash.") Next month, John Dee's own introduction to his spiritual diaries. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for March 1988 e.v. *Special Supplement: Serialized Standard Edition of the Magical Manuscripts of John Dee, by Brother David Note: Because of the use of special symbols, footnotes and similar structures, this electronic edition cannot contain much of the printed original. Write to Thelema Lodge for subscription information and/or back issues of the more complete version: Anno 1581: 1582. Mysteriorum Liber Primus Mortlaci -1- The Year 1581 through 1582 The First Book of the Mysteries At Mortlake. (This is a limited translation. See the printed version for the Latin. John Dee his Note. ANNAEL --- The Angel, or Intelligence, that now predominates the whole world. ---Etymology: The Grace of God. The Affliction of God. The Compassionate. Michael Gabriel Raphael Uriel ---The Four Angelic governors of the Cardinal points of Heaven: as Agrippa notes in his scale of four. ANA and ANaH. It is our particular request that through our solemn appealing and confessing we may see a serious sign, of the speech and manifestation of God. Explicatio. The preceeding andelic arrangement is a synthesis of Renaissance metaphysical principles; in particular combining the occult doctrines of H. Cronelius Agrippa with John Dee's own rather peculiar magical theorems. The four archangels central to this table are the angelic personalities whose proper names appear in the Cannon and Apocrypha of traditional Hebrew and Christian scripture. It was the primary intention of Dee's religious magick, as will become clear in the exegesis of his spiritual diaries, to make contact with these angelic intelligences. It is the placement of Annael in the superior position of this hierarchy that is rather unorthodox. It is probable the Dee is identifying this particular angel with the Anima Mundi, or World Spirit, as predominating over the rulers of the four elements. This representation of the feminine aspect of nature, and the female spirit in particular, can be seen in the concluding plate of the first edition of Dee's "Monas Heiroglyphica," where she is pictured grasping in her right hand a seven-pointed star. This heptangular symbol is cabalistically attributed to Netzach, whose ruling archangel is Haniel, an alternate form of the name Annael. Studious attention to the phonetic exposition of his concluding note, as well as to the etymological and hieratical implications of the upper right-hand notation, will support this proposition. The concluding note is itself both an attempt to translate and to latinize the given Hebrew idiom, and in so doing to set forth the formative method of Dee's Magical experiments in the science of theurgy. Bibliography (see the printed version) Afterword & Acknowledgements. This month we extend particular appreciation to Brother Clifton Cheshire, Brother Craig Brown, and Sister Caitlin Aliciane for their labor and support in bringing this project to fruition. And our thanks as always to the fellows and associates of the Center for Enochian Studies at Thelema Lodge, for the preparation of the foregoing offering. For a copy of the manuscripts from which this month's article has been edited, with pertinent supporting materials, please send $3.00 (make checks payable to CASH) and request "C.E.S. appendix vol. I, #2." Next month we present Doctor John Dee's Latin prefatory prayer to this his First Book of the Mysteries. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for April 1988 e.v. *Special Supplement: Serialized Standard Edition of the Magical Manuscripts of John Dee, by Brother David (This electronic edition does not contain footnotes and special character accents. For a complete version, write to Thelema Lodge) -oOo- John Dee's Daily Oration for Wisdom from "The First Book of the Mysteries" Praeter alias meas extemporaneas preces, et eiaculationes ad Deum vehementiores: Haec una, maxime usitata fuit. Oratio mea Matutina, Vespertinaque: pro Sapientia. In nomine Dei Patris, Dei Filij, Dei Spiritus Sancti Amen. Omnipotens, Sempiterne, Vere, et Vive Deus, in adiutorium meum intende: Domine Dominantium, Rex Regum, Jeovah Zebaoth ad adiuvandum me festina: Gloria Deo, Patri, Filio, et spiritui Sancto: Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper: et in saecula Saeculorum: Amen. Recte sapere, et intelligere doceto me, (o rerum omnium Creator,) Nam Sapientia tua, totum est, quod volo: Da verbum tuum in ore meo, ( rerum omnium Creator,) et Sapientiam tuam in corde meo fige. O Domine Jesu Christe (qui sapientia vera es, aeterni et, Omnipotentis tui Patris) humilime tuam oro Divinam Maiestatem, expeditum mihi ut mittere digneris, alicuius pij, Sapientis expertique Philosophi auxilium, ad illa plenissime intelligenda perficiendaque, quae maximi valoris erunt ad tuam laudem et gloriam amplificandam: Et si Mortalis nullus iam in terris Vivat, qui ad hoc munus aptus sit: Vel qui ex aeterna tua providentia, ad istud mihi praestandum beneficium assignatus fuerit: Tunc equidem humilime, ardentissime et constantissime a tua Divina Maiestate requiro, Ut ad me de caelis mittere digneris bonos tuos Spirituales Ministros, Angelosque, Videlicet Michaelem, Gabrielem, Raphaelem ac Urielem: et (ex Divino tuo favore) quotienscunque alios, veros, fidelesque tuos Angelos, qui me plene et prefecte informent et instruant, in cognitione, intelligentiaque vera et exacta, Arcanorum et Magnalium tuorum (Creaturas omnes tuas, illarumque naturas, proprietates, et optimos usus, concernentium) et nobis Mortalibus scitu necessariorum; ad tui nominis laudem, honorem, et gloriam; et ad solidam meam, aliorumque (per me,) plurimorum tuorum fidelium consolationem: et ad Inimicorum tuorum confusionem, et subversionem. Amen. Fiat Jeovah Zebaoth: Fiat Adonay, fiat Elohim. O beata, et superbenedicta Omnipotens Trinitas, Concedas mihi (Joanni Dee) petitionem hanc, modo tali, qui tibi maxime placebit. Amen. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ab anno 1579. hoc fere modo: Latine vel Anglice; (ast circa annum 1569 alio et peculiari, particulari modo: interdum pro Raphaele: interdum pro Michaele) ad Deum preces fundere: mihi gratissimum fuit: Mirabilem in me faciat Deus Misericordiam suum. Amen. --Translation-- Before my other extemporaneous prayers and more ardent ejaculations to God: This one was the most usual. My Morning and Evening Oration: for Wisdom. In the Name of God the Father, of God the Son, and of God the Holy Spirit. Amen. Almighty, Everlasting, True and Living God stretch forth, now, to my help: Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Jehovah Lord of Hosts, hasten to my assistance. Glory to God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: As it was in the beginning, and is now, and will be always, even unto the Age of Ages: Amen. Teach me to properly sense, and to rightly discern, (O Father of all things,) For I desire your Wisdom, because it is all that is: Give your word to my established practice,(O Father of all things,) and fix your wisdom in my heart. O Lard Jesus Christ (who art the true wisdom, of your eternal, and Omnipotent Father) Most humbly I entreat your Divine Majesty, that you might think myself worthy, in respect of my general piety, to promptly send forth your Wise and tested Philosophical assistance, to that fulfillment of understanding and perfection, that will be of the greatest value towards the enlarging of my praising and glorification to you. And when no one is subject to Death, and at last there is Life in the Earth, to which office is it that I will have been fitted: In particular to whom, according to your eternal foresight, will your beneficent eminence have assigned me: Moreover, truly and most humbly it is my most burning and most steadfast quest to your Divine Majesty, that you would think worthy to send forth from heaven to me, your good Spiritual Ministers and Angels, Namely Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and even Uriel: and (in accordance with your Heavenly favor ) as often so ever as any other of your true and faithful Angels, who might completely and perfectly inform and furnish me, in the true and accurate, knowledge and understanding of your Secret Mysteries and Mighty Works (Concerning the properties of all of your Creatures and the best use of those natures) and of the unavoidable necessity for the Decree of our Deaths; to the praising, honoring, and glorification of your name; and to confirm to me, and of others (through me) of your many faithful encouragements: and to the disorder and ruin of your enemies. Amen. Let the Will of Jehovah Zebaoth be done: Let the Will of Adonai be done, let the will of Elohim be done, O Blessed and Most Beneficent Almighty Trinity, yield to me (John Dee) this request, for such a method, whereby to most appease you. Amen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the year 1579. in general by this mode; It has been most pleasing to me to pour forth prayers to God; Either in the Latin language or in the English (moreover since around the year 1579 by a particularly strange and different method: sometimes for Raphael; occasionally for Michael) Let God, his own mercy, be glorious in me. Amen. -oOo- APOLOGIA ET POSTSCRIPTUM This month we have presented Dr. John Dee's introductory Latin prayer from Mysteriorum Liber Primus. It is notable that most medieval and Renaissance magical texts were prefaced with Christian supplications of this type, designed frequently to circumvent the enthusiasms of zealous inquisitors. Conjurers of every shade of gray veiled their evocative formulae under pages of righteous theological pretension. And more often than not it was the darkest demonologists who penned the purest prefatory prose. It is quite possible, given the facts of John Dee's life amidst the contemporary religious and political institutions, that his motivation was in part to dissemble, with the introductory material here presented, the occult activities of his magical practice. It is also quite certain that these same phrases embody to a considerable extent Dee's sincere beliefs and intentions. Careful study of his introduction will reveal a great deal about the foundation and direction of the science of Enochian Magick. In presenting this passage of Latin text, we have relied on Dee's own manuscript version (Sloane MSS. 3188), with aid of Ashmole's later transcript (Sloane MSS. 3677). Our translation of the text attempts to convey Dee's own sense and style, and it is our sincere desire to attract the attention of classical scholars more learned than ourselves for the correction of this version in future editions. As always, a reproduction of the manuscripts and other materials used in the preparation of our text can be easily had from the CENTER FOR ENOCHIAN STUDIES for a supporting donation of $3.00 (please make checks payable to CASH, and request vol. I # 3). ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for May 1988 e.v. *Special Supplement: Serialized Standard Edition of the Magical Manuscripts of John Dee, by Brother David (This electronic edition does not contain footnotes and special character accents. For a complete version, write to Thelema Lodge) -oOo- Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 4: John Dee's Introductory Prayer to His First Angelic Communication. Ad Deum Omnipotentem Protestatio fidelis: ad perpetuam rei memoriam Anno 1582. A Testimony to the faithful Omnipotence of God: as a continual memorial concerning the matters of the year 1582. O God Almighty, thou knowest, and art my director, and witness herein, That I have from youth up, desired and prayed unto thee for pure and sound wisdom and understanding of some of thy truths natural and artificial: such as by which thy wisdom, and goodness, and power bestowed in the frame of the world might be brought, in some bountiful measure under the talent of my capacity, to thy honor and glory, the benefit of thy servants, my brethren and sistern in and by thy Christ our Saviour. And for as much as many as years, in many places, far and near, in many books, and sundry languages, I have sought, and studied; and with sundry men conferred; and with my own reasonable discourse laboured, whereby to find or get some inkling, glimpse or beam of such foresaid radical truths. But, (to be brief) after all my foresaid endeavor, I could find no other way, to such true wisdom attaining, but by thy extraordinary gift; and by no vulgar School Doctrine, or Human Invention. And seeing, I have read in thy books, and records, how Enoch enjoyed thy favor and conversation, with Moses thou wast familiar. And also that to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Joshua, Gideon, Esdras, Daniel, Tobias, and sundry others, thy good Angels were sent, by thy disposition to instruct them, inform them, help them, yea in worldly and domestic affairs, yea and sometimes to satisfy their desires, doubts and questions of thy Secrets. And furthermore considering the Shewstone, which the High Priests did use by thy own ordering wherein they had lights and judgments in their great doubts. And considering also that thou (O God) didst not refuse to instruct thy prophets (then, called seers) to give true answers to common people of things economical, as Samuel, for Saul, seeking for his father's asses being gone astray: and of other things vulgar, true predictions, whereby to win credit unto thy weightier affairs. And thinking to myself, the lack of thy wisdom to me, to be of more importance, than the value of an ass or two, could be, to Saul's father. And remembering what good counsel thy Apostle James gives, saying: "Si quis autem vestrum indiget sapientiam, postulet a Deo, qui dat omnibus affluenter et non inproperat: et dabitur ei." Jacobi I:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James I:5 And that Solomon the wise, did so, even immediately by thy self, attain to this wonderful wisdom. Therefore, seeing I was sufficiently taught and confirmed, that this wisdom could not be come by at man's hand or by human power, but only from thee (O God) mediately or immediately. And having always a great regard and care to beware of the filthy abuse of such as willingly and wittingly, did invoke and consult (in diverse sorts) spiritual creatures of the damned sort: Angels of darkness, forgers and patrons of lies and untruths. I did fly unto thee by hearty prayer, full oft, and in sundry manners, sometimes crying unto thee: "Mittas Lucem tuam et veritatem tuam, quies me ducant etc." "Send forth thy Light and truth that I might draw myself unto thee etc. sometimes: "Recte sapere et intelligere doceto me, Nam sapientia tua totum est quod volo: etc." "Teach me to properly sense and rightly discern, for I desire your wisdom, because it is all that is." sometimes: "Da verbum tuum in ore meo, et Sapientiam, tuam in corde meo fige etc." "Give your word to my established practice and fix your wisdom in my heart." And having perceived by some slight experience, with two diverse persons, that thou hadst a special care to give me thy light, and truth, by thy, holy and true Ministers Angelic and Spiritual, and at length hearing of one (a Master of Art, and a preacher of thy word admitted) accounted as a good Seer, and skryer of Spiritual apparitions in Crystalline receptacle, or in open aire, by his practice, procured; and trusting to frame him, by my earnest and faithful prayers unto thee (my God) to seem my help in my foresaid studies; till, thou (O heavenly father) wouldest by thy unsearchable providence, send me some apter way or means thereto. Thereupon trying him and using him I found great diversity between his private usual manner, and intents of practice, and my pure, devout, and faithful prayer unto thee only. And therefore often and fervently I exhorted him to the good, and reproved both him, and his ministers, with my no small danger, but that thou (in manner unheard of) didst pitch thy holy tent to be my defense, and comfort, in conflict most terrible; as thou best knowest, o God, and I willed him thereupon to preach thy mercies and the verity of the kingly prophet his testimony; "Immittet Angelus Domini, in circuitu timentium eum." "The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him Psalms XXXIV:7 And out of Roger Bacon his book written: "De mirabili potestate Artis et Naturae", "Concerning the wonderful power of Arts and of Nature" (where he writes against the Wicked Devil Callers) I noted unto him this sentence: "Facilius (sine comparatione a Deo * impetrandum foret, vel a bonis spiritibus, quie quid homini utile reputare. etc.)" "In order to free himself from difficulty (To reflect upon the profit with which a man, may entreat the incomparable will of God, as well as that of his good spirits etc.)" which my counsel he promised me to follow, as thou art witness, O our true and almighty God. And as thy good Spiritual Creatures neither had delight in the man, neither would so plainly and precisely give me their answers or informations by him, that he might be able to perceive the pith thereof. So was he at length very unwilling to hear himself rebuked for his naughtiness, and to be barred from the Mysteries of thy truths understanding; which were the only things that I desired, through thy grace; o our most merciful God. Therefore, as well for a Memorial answerable to the premises, as for the better warrant of my such exercises to be made account of hereafter: (leaving all unto thy infinite mercies, and unsearchable providence,) I have thought it not impertinent, to note down, even in this place one of the last Actions, which I had with the foresaid preacher; when I made earnest and faithful petitions unto thee (o the true and Almighty God) for sending, unto my comfort and erudition, (if it were thy blessed will) thy holy, and mighty Angel Annael.'. of whom and of all the Hierarchies heavenly all praise honor and thanks, be rendered unto thy divine majesty: now and ever and world without end. Amen. Amen. Amen. * "Numquid non est Deus in Israel, ut eatis ad consulendum Beelzebub, deum Accaron?" Reg.4.cap:1. "Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, ye go enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron II Kings I:3 Notes The following texts were consulted in the course of our research, comparison, and translation: The Hexaglot Bible edt. Rev. Edward Riches De Levante, Ph.D. (London: Dickinson and Higham, 1874) xv vols. C.I. Scofield, D.D. edt. Holy Bible, The New Scofield Reference Edition of the Authorized King James Version (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1967) The New English Bible with the Apocrypha (U.S.A.: Oxford Univ. Press, 1970) R.H. Charles D.D. edt., The Apocrypha and Pseudepigripha of the Old Testament in English, 2 vols. (Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1916) ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for June 1988 e.v. (Because the Footnotes are a substantal continuation of the text this time, we have decided to try including them in the electronic edition. Some of these footnotes will make little sense unless you down-load and print, but the John Dee diary entries make interesting reading in themselves. Footnotes are marked in the text by a pound (#) sign before the number) Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 5: Mortlake Anno 1581. Decembris 22. Mane. The Morning of December 22nd in the Year 1581.#1 Dee#2: After my fervent prayers made to God, for his merciful comfort and instructions, through the ministry of his holy and mighty Angel#3, named i ANAEL#4 Anael#5, (if it were his divine pleasure) I willed, the Scryer (named Saul#6), to look into my great Crystalline Globe, if God had sent his holy Angel Anael#7, or no: ii Dee. And Saul looking into my aforesaid Stone (or Crystal Note: An Globe#8 for to espy Anael#9, he saw there one, which illuding#10 answered to that name. But being earnestly requested intruder, of me to tell the Truth if he were Anael#11, another even at the did appear very beautiful: with apparel yellow, the first, glittering, like gold and his head had beams like putting star beams, blazing, and spreading from it, his himself as eyes fiery.#12 an Angel of He wrote in the stone very much in Hebrew letters, light#13. Take and the letters seethed, all transparent gold. heed always Which Saul was not able; either presently to read of undue that I might write after his voice, neither imitate securities. the letters in short time. A bright star#14, did go up and down by him. There iii * Dee. appeared also a White* dog, with a long head. There And many other visions appeared with this second, appeared a the first being voided quite away. great number Thereupon I said, as followeth: of dead men's skulls Dee: In nomine Jesu Christi, quis tu es#15? likewise#16: In the name of Jesus Christ who art thou? He answered; to Saul's hearing. Annael: Potestas omnis, in me sita est. All power, is vested in me. Dee: Quae? What powers? Annael: Bona, et mala. Good and bad. Dee: Then appeared in the stone, these two letters: M.G. I then asking him some questions, de Thesauro abscondito#17 [about hidden Treasure]; he answered: Annael: Ne perturbes: nam hac perturbes sunt Nugae. Don't confuse thyself: for by these foolish questions, thou throwest thyself into disorder. And withal appeared many dead men's skulls, on his left hand. He said to me: Annael: Ubi est potestas tua? Where is your power? Dee: Cur quaeris de potestate aliqua mea? Why do you seek for some object of my power? Annael: Cur? Signifi, non mihi placet. Why? As a Sign, not to please myself. Dee: I, thereupon, set by him, the stone in the frame {Fig. 1} and said: An bonus aliquis Angelus, assignatus est huic speculo? Is another good Angel assigned to this mirror#18? Annael: Etiam. Yes, indeed. Dee: Quis? Which? Annael: (Michael) MYKAL#19 he answered, by the show of these letters in my stone. Dee: Bonus ne ille Angelus, de quo in scripturis sit mentio? Is that not the Good Angel, of whom mention is made in the scriptures#20? Annael: Maxime'.#21 Certainly! Dee: Fieri ne potest, quod ego eundem videam, et cum illo agam? Might not it become possible, that I might see what he does see; and when might I be able to do that. Annael Ita. Thus. and therewith appeared this character: {Fig. 2} A Dee: Quid per hoc, significare velis? To what significance does this veil allude? Annael: Alterius Angeli character est. It is the mark of another Angel. Dee: Cur hic; et nunc ostendis? And why do you now set this forth? Annael: Causam ob magnam. Because the cause is great. Make an end: It shall be declared, but not by me. Dee: By Whom then? Annael: By him that is assigned to the stone: but not till after the feast#22. And then thou must prepare iv Prayers and thyself, to prayer and fasting#23. In the Name of fastings#24. God, be Secret: and in all thy doings: praying, till thou hast thy desire: Which shall not be far off. After New Year's tide: Deal, But not on the Sabbath#25 day. Pray continually#26. When it shall please god#27, to stir thee up; Then proceed. In the brightest day, When the Sun shineth: In the morning: fasting, begin to pray. In the Sun Set the stone. Deal both Kneeling, and Sitting. I have done for this time. My name is ANNAEL. I will speak once more to thee; and then fare well; for thou shalt not have me any more. Be not too hasty in wrath#28. Dee: Is this; that, you meant to speak? Annael: Ay: Do good to all men; God hath sufficient for thee, and for all men. Fare Well. Dee: Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto: Sicut erat in principio, et nunc et semper: et in saecula saeculorum Amen. Glory to the father and the son and the holy ghost: As it was in the beginning and, is now and always shall be even unto the age of ages Amen. Dee: Remember, that diverse other particulars#29, might have been noted of this day's Action: but these may suffice.'. And yet it is not to be forgotten, that as he said his name was Annael (with a double n#30.) So he also confessed himself to be the same Annael which is prepositus orbis Veneris#31 [set over the sphere of Venus]; and also: Chief governor General: of this great period, as I have noted in my book of; Famous And Rich Discoveries#32. -oOo- Consider and Remember: That this Note; of the Action (had with holy ANNAEL), is of Prince Befafes#33, (otherwise called Obelison) accounted as the Prologue of my first book of mystical exercises. Anno 1582. Novembris 20. Vide post#34 [Seen later in this book]. -oOo- FOOTNOTES: ___________________________________________________________________ 1 Friday December 22nd MDLXXXI anno domini, vide notes: 2,5,6,8,10,11,12,28,30. 2 Dee signifies his own name throughout this book with the character of the Greek capital letter Delta, in form; an upright equilateral triangle. 3 Rev.I:20,II:7,III:1-6. 4 Sufficient textual evidence throughout the corpus of Dee's writings demonstrates that he was practicing a manner of working in accordance with the Heptameron of Petri de Abano. We append the following passage taken out of this context as an illustration: Considerations of Friday. The Angel of Friday, his Sigil, his Planet, the Signs governing that Planet, and the name of the third heaven. The Angels of Friday re: Anael, Rachiel, Sachiel. The Angels of the Air reigning on Friday are: Sarabotes, King. Ministers. Amabiel, Aba, Abalidoth, Flaef The wind which said Angels of the Air are under: The West-wind. Angels of the third heaven, ruling on Friday, which are to be called from the four parts of the world. At the East: Setechiel, Chedusitaniel, Corat, Tamael, Teneciel. At the West: Turiel, Coniel, Babiel, Kadie, Maltiel, Huphaltiel. At the North: Peniel, Penael, Penat, Raphael, Raniel, Doremiel. At the South: Porna, Sachiel, Chermiel, Samael, Santanael, Famiel. The perfume of Friday is Pepperwort. The Conjuration of Friday. I Conjure and confirm upon you, ye strong and holy angels, by the names +ON+HEY+HEYA+JA+JE+SADAY+ADONAY+, and in the name +SADAY+, who created four-footed beasts, and creeping things, and man, in the sixth day, and gave to Adam power over all creatures; wherefore blessed be the name of the Creator in his place; and by the names of the angels serving in the third host, before Dagiel, a great angel, and a strong and powerful prince, and by the name of his star, which is Venus, and by his seal which is holy; and by all the names aforesaid, I conjure upon thee, Anael, who art chief ruler of this day, that thou labour for me, and fulfill all my petitions according to my will and desire in my cause and business. The spirits of the Air of Friday are subject to the West-wind; their nature is to give silver; to excite men, and incline them toward luxery; to make marriages; to allure men to love women; to cause, or take away infirmities; and to do all things which have motion. Cornelius Agrippa, His Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. trans. R.Turner (London, 1655.) pp.101-102. English of Latin from: Francis Barrett, The Magus (repr. Secaucus,N.J.:Citadel, 1967.) p.125. 5 cf. Thelema Lodge O.T.O. (Berkeley Ca. Mar.1988 e.v.) with etymological reference to Neh.III:1; Jer.XXXI:38; Zech.XIV:10; Tob.I-II,X-XI (Particularly I:21; We shall discuss the angelic mysteries revealed in the book of Tobit in a subsequent article); I Enoch.VI:8,LXIX:2; Luk.II:36-38. 6 Appended here is Dee's private diary for the year 1581; as it refers in some detail to Saul Barnabas, and other circumstances surrounding this event: FEBRUARY 9: I agreed with Mr Gentle Godolphin for to release the cozener [i.e. sneak-thief] Vincent Murphin. Feb. 11: Harry Prise, of Lewsam, came to me at Mortlake, and told of his dreams often repeated, and upon my prayer to God this night, his dream was confirmed, and better instruction given. Feb. 12: Sir William Herbert came to Mortlake. Feb. 23: I made aquaintance with Joannes Bodinus, in the Chamber of Presence at Westminister, the ambassador being by from Monsieur. Feb. 26: A very fair calm warm day. MARCH 8: It was the eighth day, being Wednesday, hora noctis 10 - 11 [i.e. ten to eleven o'clock PM] the strange noise in my chamber of knocking; and the voice, ten times repeated, somewhat like the screech of an owl, but more long drawn, and more softly, as it were in my chamber. Mar. 12: All reckonings paid to Mr. Hudson, œ11.17s. Mar. 13: Elizabeth Kyrton came to my service. Mar. 23: at Mortlake came to me Hugh Smith, who had returned from Magellan's Straights and Vaygatz; after that, rain, stormy wind, south-west. Mar. 25: Helen was hired at our Lady Day for the year, for four nobles, wages; she had her covenant penny, and also 6s., 8d. for her pains taken since she came. APRIL 3: I ride towards Sneedgreen, to John Brown, to hear and see the manner of the doings. Apr. 14: I came home from Sneedgreen. MAY 25: I had sight in Crystal [Gk. krystallw] offered me, and I saw. JUNE 7: hora 7 1/2 mane nata est [i.e. at 7:30 AM the birth occurred of] Katharina Dee. Jun. 10: baptisata a meridie hor. 5 1/2 Katharina [i.e. she was baptised at 5:30 AM]. Mr Packington of the court, my Lady Katherine Crofts, wife to Sir James Crofts, Mr Controller of the Queen's household, Ms Mary Skydmore of the Privy Chamber, and cousin to the Queen, by their deputies christened Katherine Dee. Jun. 17: Young Mr Hawkins, who had been with Sir Francis Drake, came to me to Mortlake. Jun. 30: Mr John Leonard Haller. of Hallerstein, by Worms in Germany, received his instructions manifold for his journey to Quinsay, which journey I moved him unto, and instructed him plentifully for the variation of the compass, observing in all places as he passed. JULY 6: My wife churched. Jul. 7: In the morning at 1 3/4 after midnight, Mr Hind's son born. Jul. 10: My right shoulder and elbow-joint were so extremely in pain that I was not able in fourteen days to lift my arm outward, not an inch; the pain was extreme. I used Mr Larder, Mr Alles, and Alice Davies, and about the twenty-fifth day I mended. Jul. 12: About ten of the clock 1/2 before noon [[Gk. roger 'is inkredible doggednes and ingratefulness agains me to mi fake, almost redi to lai violent ands on me, mager enrik kan parteli tel. = Roger's incredible doggedness and ungrantfulness against me to fake, almost ready to lay violent hands on me, Mr. Henrick can partly tell.] At the same day the Earl of Leister fell foully out with the Earl of Sussex, calling each other traitor, whereupon both were commanded to keep their chambers at Greenwich, where the court was. Jul. 19: Mr Henrick came to London to visit his wife and children. Jul. 26: Mr Henrick came, and goodman King with him. Jul. 28: Mr Collins did ride into Lincolnshire. AUGUST 3: All the night very strange knocking and rapping in my chamber, Aug. 4: and this night likewise. Katherine was sent home from Nurse Maspely, of Barnes, for fear of her maid's sickness, and goodwife Bennet gave her suck. Aug. 11: Katherine Dee was shifted to nurse Garret at Petersham on Friday, the next day after St Lawrence's Day, being the eleventh day of the month; my wife went on foot with her, and Ellen Cole, my maid, George and Benjamin, in very great showers of rain. Aug. 12: Recepi literas a D. Doctore Andrea Hess occultae philosophiae studioso, per Richardi Hesketh amici mei, Antwerpiae agentis, diligentiam in negociis meis, et recepi, una cum literis, Mercurii Mensitam seu Sigillam Planetarum [i.e. received a letter from Andrew Hess D.D., a man studied in occult philosophy, by means of my friend Richard Hesketh, my agent from Antwerp; diligent in his dealings for me, and has received, along with the letter, the Mensitam, or planetary seal, of Mercury.] Aug. 26: About 8 1/2 (at night) a strange meteor in the form of a white cloud crossing the galaxiam [L.=The Milky Way] when it lay north and south over our zeneth; and this cloud was at length from the south-east to the south-west sharp at both ends, and in the west end it was forked for awhile: it was about sixth degrees high, it lasted an hour, all the sky clear about, and fair star-shine. SEPTEMBER 5: Roger Cook, who had been with me from his fourteenth year of age till twenty-eight, of a melancholy nature, picking and devising occassions of just cause to depart on the sudden, about four of the clock in the afternoon requested of my license to depart, whereupon rose hot words between us; and he, imagining with himself that he had the 12th of July deserved my great displeasure and finding himself barred from view of my philosophical dealing with Mr Henrick, thought that he was utterly recessed from intended goodness toward him. Notwithstanding Roger Cook's unseemly dealing, I promised him, if he used himself toward me now in his absence, one hundred pounds as soon as of my own clean ability I might spare so much; and moreover, if he used himself well in life toward God and the world, I promised him some pretty alchemical experiments, whereupon he might honestly live. Sep. 7: Roger Cook went forth altogether from me. Sep. 29: Robert Gardner, of Shrewsbury, came to my service. OCTOBER 8: I had news of the chests of books found by Owndle in Northamptonshire; Mr Barnabas Saul told me of them, but I found no truth in it. Oct. 9: Barnabas Saul, lying in the . . . hall was strangely troubled by a spiritual creature about midnight. Oct. 13: I rode to South Mimes, Oct. 14: to St Needs, Oct. 16: at Mr Hickman's, Oct. 20: at Tosseter, Oct. 21: Oxford; Dr Cradock, Oct. 23: from Oxford to Wyckam. Oct. 24: I came home. Robert Hilton came to my service. NOVEMBER 16: the Queen removed to Whitehall, and Monsieur with her. Nov. 27: I rode to Greenside. Nov. 28: to goodman Wykham, two miles beyond Chayly by Lewys. Nov. 29: I made aquintance with Mr George Kylmer for Sir George's books. Nov. 30 I came home. DECEMBER 1: Katherine Dee's nurse was paid 6s., so nothing is owing to her. Dec. 5: Ellen my maid fell sick. Dec. 7: George my man had the great fall off the ladder, hora 10 fere mane [i.e. about 10:00 AM]. Dec. 8: I sent a letter to Mr Kylmer. Dec. 22: My Lord Chancellor's son, Mr Bromley, and Sir William Herbert came to me. Helen Cole was paid her wages and reckonings til this Christmas, and so discharged [from] my service, being newly recovered of her ague. Her desire was to go to her friends. Edited from The Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee..., ed. Jas.O.Halliwell (London: Camden Socy. 1842) pp. 10-13. 7 cf. Frater Achad (Chas.S.Jones), Crystal Vision (Chicago IL: Yogi Publ. Socy. 1923 e.v.) pp.64-66. 8 Gk. Xpustallw [chi-rho-upsilon-sigma-tau-alpha-lambda-lambda-omega=2461] viz.May 25th, 1581 op.cit.The Private Diary...,p.11. 9 Davidson equates Anael with Haniel, Hanael, Hamiel, Aniel and even Onoel (One of the 7 Gnostic archons). As one of the 7 angels of creation; a chief of principalities, virtues, angels and innocents and a prince of archangels, Anael is attributed to Friday, Venus and rules over the sexual functions among other things. Gustav Davidson, A Dictionary Of Angels (London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd., 1967)pp.17,48,134,213. 10 illuding (rare) = mocking from L. illudere: to mock at, ridicule. 11 Aggripa assigns Haniel to the planet Venus and her sphere Nogah (nun-ayin- gimel-heh) under the rule of Jehovah Zebaoth (cf. Thelema, Apr.88) in Netzach (nun-tzaddi-heh) the third heaven . Also attributed to this angel are the month of December and sign of Capricorn, thus quite presicely fullfilling the magical criterion for just such an operation as is here given. 12 'Familiar shapes of the Spirits of Venus: They do appear with a fair body, of middle stature, with an amiable and pleasant countenance, of colour white or green, the upper part golden. The motion of them is as if it were a most clear Star.', op.cit. Occult Philosophy p.45. 13 ' an Angel of Light ' id est Lucifer = L. lux + fer; lit. light bearing; proper name of the Morning Star, i.e. Venus; transf. the angel of light. cf. Isa. XIV:12, Rev.I:12-20, II:7, III:1-6, XXII:1-5. 14 Al.I:3 sub figura CCXX. 15 I John IV:1-3. 16 Gen.III:1-6, 22-24; Rev.II:7, III:1-2. 17 "Dee askes de Thesauro abscondito receives an evasive answer. "This note is from a fair copy of this text in an unknown hand at the end of Libri Quinti Appendix, SL. MSS.3188 fol. 123. And is interesting not only because this question is seemingly reasonable, given note 2. above, but also in light of the fact that both Dee's future relationship with Edward Talbot and much of the dealings covered in note 32 depended on the success of his ability to accertain such information. 18 Possibly an obsidian mirror owned by Dee and still extant. Probably also related to the events of June 17, 1581. Note that by reckoning Dee's first address, and the speech immediately preceding this cited passage, the sum of Stones equals two. 19 MYKAL i.e. Michael Hebrew scriptural rendering, Dan.X:13,21. [mem-yod-kaph- aleph-lamed=101] 20 Dan.X:2-21, XII:1-3; Ad.& Ev.XIII:3-XV, XXI-XXII:2, XXV, XXVIII:3-XXIX, XLI-XLIII:2, XLIV:1, XLV:1, XLVI:2-XLVIII, LI; Ap. Mos.III:2,3, XIII:2-XIV:1, XXII, XXXVII, XL, XLIII; 1 En.IX, X:11-XI, XX:5,6, XXIV:6-XXV, XL:9, LIV:6, LX:4-10, LXVIII:5 LXXI:1-13; 2 En.XXII:6-11, XXXIII:10; III Bar.XI-XVII; Jud.8-9; Rev.XII:7- 8. 21 We have given this as 'Certainly' but in context; Extensively, may be a more accurate rendering. 22 i.e. Christ Mass. 23 A common preparatory instruction of Medieval and Renaissance Grimiores given as a prerequisite for successfull angelic invocation. Founded in the theurgistic methods of the Bible: II Sam.XII:16; I Kin.XIX:8; Zech.VIII:19; Mt.IV:1-11 & Lk.IV:1-13 (vide Ex XXIV:18, XXXIV:28 & Dt.IX:9). 24 Acts XIV:23, I Cor.VII:5 25 Dee gives 'Sabaoth' for Sabbath. 26 I Thes.V:17. 27 sic. God. 28 Ja.I:19. 29 For more detailed information in regards to the specifics of Dee's practice of angelic magick the interested reader is referred to bibliographic references given here and in our preceding articles. 30 This confusion over spelling probably derives from the appearance of this name in the Book of Tobit [I:21]. It is rendered in the Septuagint as GK. Avanl [alpha-nu-alpha-eta-lambda=90] but was originally written in Hebrew as HNNAL [heh-nun-nun-aleph-lamed=136]. 31 Notat de Agrippo scalarum nonus et decimus. 32 Extant only in MSS. [Cotton Ms. Vit. C. VII] and originally part of an uncompleted larger work referred to by Dee as the IMPERIUM BRITTANICUM which is now for the most part lost. An outline; some fragments of text, and commentaries upon it by other authors [cf. Purchas, Camden] do exist in various published and MSS. form. It was to contain besides this text; General And Rare Memorials, a work on the paradoxical compass and sundry speculations on matters historical, political, and geographical. Extant portions of this book purport to trace the lineage of the English Monarchy through the antediluvian mythos and compare the Ophirian Voyages of Solomon [Josephus Antiq: lib.viii cap.6] with the quasi-historical Arthurian quest for the graal to support British geopolitical claims and aspirations. Substantial scholarly evidence supports the premise that plans now lost with the logs used by Sir Francis Drake in his exploratory and privateering activities were based on these materials by Dee. As are the known works of other Elizabethan Navigators. Dee seemingly associated the reign of Elizabeth to a venusian current that posited an expansion of the British Dominion through the favor of the God of Hosts and the intercession of his holy angels. It is evident that certain keys to establishing a cabalum linguae anglicae de enochiana particulari per De Collectanarum Heptarchia Mystica et Liber Scientia Auxilii Et Victoria Terrestis lies in further research in the materials related to this book. 33 The Enochian Evocation..., ed. & trans. G.James (Gilette N.J.: Heptangle, 1985) p.21. 34 vide Liber Mysteriorum Quartus [SL.MS.3188 art.4]. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for July 1988 e.v. (In the following electronic edition article, end notes are marked in text by #) Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 6: The Action Of 11:15am Saturday March 10th MDLXXXII era vulgaris: Being the First Spiritual Exercise with Edward Talbot (ne Kelly) Mortlake In nomine Jesv CHRISTI: Amen. In the name of Jesus CHRIST. Amen. Anno 1582. Marty die 10. hora 11 1/4 Ante Meridiem, Saterday. i. One Mr. Edward Talbot came* to my house, and he being willing and desirous to see, or show, something in spiritual practice, would have had me to have done something therein. And I truly excused myself therein; as not, in the vulgarly accounted Magick [#1], neither studied, or exercised. But confessed myself long time to have been desirous to have help in my philosophical studies through the company and information of the blessed Angels of God [#2]. And thereupon I brought I forth to him my stone in the frame (which was given me of a friend) and I said unto him that I was credibly informed that to it (after a sort) were answerable: Aliqui Angeli boni: Various good Angels. And also that I was once willed by a skryer, to call for the good Angel Anchor, to appear in that stone to my own sight. And therefore I desired to call him and (if he would) Anachor and Anilos likewise, accounted good Angels, for I was not prepared thereunto [#3], etc. He then settled himself to the Action, and on his knees at my desk (setting the stone before him) fell to prayer and entreaty etc. In the mean space, I in my Oratory did pray and make motion to God and his good Creatures for the furthering of this Action [#4]. And within one quarter of an hour (or less) he had sight of one in the Stone. But he still expected for two more: deeming this to be one of the three (namely Anchor, Anachor, Anilos). But I then came to him, to the stone, and required to know his name. And he spake plainly, (to the hearing of E.T.) that his name is Uriel[#5]. DEE: Are you one of them (said I, John Dee) that are answerable, (upon due observations performed) to this stone? URIEL: I am. Dee: Are there any more beside you? Uriel: Michael and Raphael. But Michael est princeps in operibus nostris. ...Michael is the foremost in our working. Dee: Is my book of Soyga [#6] of any excellency? Uriel: Liber ille, erat Adae in Paradiso revelatus, per Angelos Dei bonos. It is that book, which was revealed to Adam in Paradise, by the good Angels of God. Dee: Will you give me any instructions, how I may read those Tables of Soyga [#7]. Uriel: I can. But solus Michael illius libri est interpretatur. ...only Michael is the interpreter of that book. Dee: I was told; that after I could read that book, I should live but two years and a half. Uriel: Thou shalt live an hundred and odd years [#8]. Dee: What may I, or must I do, to have the sight and presence of Michael, that blessed Angel? Uriel: Praesentias nostris postulate et invocate, sinceritate et humilitate. Et Anchor, Anachor, et Anilos, non sunt in hanc lapidem invocandi. Sincerely and humbly; demand and invoke our presence. But Anchor, Anachor, Anilos are not to be invoked into this stone. Dee: Oh my great and long desire hath been to be able to read those tables of Soyga. Uriel: Haec maxime' respicunt Michaelem. Michael est Angelas; qui illuminat gressus tuos. Et haec revelantur in virtute et veritate non Vi. This pertains especially to Michael; Michael is an Angel, who shines over us. And this revelation is in virtue and truth not Power. Dee: Is there any special time, or hour to be observed, to deal for the enjoyning of Michael? Uriel: Omnis hora, est hora nobis. Every hour that is our hour [#9]. ii. Dee: After there appeared in the stone a strange Seal or Characterismus* of the fashion ensuing: [See the printed edition for the illustration that goes here] Dee: What is the intent, or use, of this? iii. Uriel*: Sigilum hoc in sculpendum, ad defensionem corporis omni, loco, tempore et occasione; et in pectus gestandum'. This Sigil is to be carved in gold, as a defense for the body, in all places, times, and circumstances, and is to be worn on the breast. Dee: So we ceased, with thanks to God, and I mused much upon this Action, and laid all up in mind, and writing. Soli Deo Honoi omnis, et gloria. Amen. Only to God be all honor and glory. Amen. .oOo. i. Dee. Note: he had two days before made the like demand and request unto me, but he went away unsatisfied. For his coming was to entrap me, if I had had any dealing with wicked spirits, as he confessed often times after, and that he was set on, etc [#10]. ii. Dee. An Illuding Spirit straightaway intruded himself and this character as may appear Libri Quinti appendice where the character is described exactly. [#11] iii. This was not true Uriel, as may appear Anno 1583: May 5. [#12] ____________END NOTES______________________________________________ 1 "The 'magick' which made use of the invocation of evil or doubtful spirits was of course always regarded as sinful; but natural magic, i.e. that which did not involve recourse to the agency of personal spirits, was in the Middle Ages usually recognized as a legitimate department of study and practice, so long as it was not applied to malificent ends. Of 'natural magic' as understood by mediaeval writers, astrologicalconditions, in order to injure or benefit the health of the person represented; and the application of a medicament to a weapon in order to heal the wound made by it. These things, if now practiced would still be called 'magic' though the qualification 'natural' would seem quite inappropriate. On the other hand the 'natural magick' of the Middle Ages included much that from the standpoint of modern science is 'natural' but not 'magical', the processes resorted to being really, according to the now known laws of physical causation, adapted to produce the intended effects." Taken from the Oxford English Dictionary entry of 'magic' to which the interested student is referred. A comprehensive study of the texts therein cited will give a invaluable understanding of the meaning and usage of this concept throughout the history of the English language. 2 vide Thelema Lodge O.T.O. (April and May 1988 e.v.) 3 It would seem that Dee is either testing E.T. or more likely stalling for time, as the use of these angels pertains to the preliminary preparation of the magician, that is literally getting dressed before the Action proper. 4 Various points of internal evidence here indicate that Dee is following the instructions given by Peter of Abano in his Magical Elements (op cit. Agrippa, The Fourth Book, and Barrett, The Magus). This would include several preliminary conjurations in Latin, a number of ritual actions, a recitation of the Lord's Prayer or the Paternoster in conjunction with various traditional catholic supplications, and probably the particular invitation to the Angels attributed to Saturday. 5 A fuller discussion of the nature and office of Uriel will be given in the appropriate place, but it is notable that he is one of the angels listed as answerable to the Conjurations of Saturday by Abano in the Heptameron. 6 The question of what Dee is referring to with regards to his Book or Tables of Soyga has yet to be absolutely resolved by any scholarship in this area. A number of theories have been postulated and further research may yet come to some conclusive answer to this puzzling enigma. 7 "Soyga = agyos", a note from the fair copy of this action in Libri Quinti Appendix equating 'soyga' with a transposition of the spelling of the Greek word meaning holy. 8 Dee actually lived for 71 years. 9 This point which obviously refers to the use of the Government Of Hours is notable as only Michael and Raphael are questionable as to the correct calculation of their appropriate times. The resolution of which depends on how they are attributed to the sephiroth. 10 The private circumstances of Dr. Dee's life leading to the events herein discussed: 1582. JANUARY 11th Robert Gardener desired my leave to go dwell with Sir William Herbert, hora 12. Jan. 16th Mistress Herbert came to Essex. Jan. 17th Randal Hatton came home from Samuel's father at Stratton Audley. Jan. 22nd Arthur Dee and Mary Herbert, they being but 3 year old the eldest, did make as it were a show of childish marriage, of calling each other husband and wife. Jan. 22nd and 23rd The first day Mary Herbert came to her father's house at Mortlake, and the second day she came to her father's house at Estshene. Jan. 23rd My Wife went to nurse Garret and paid her for this month ending the 26th day. Jan. 27th Barnabas Saul's brother came. FEBUARY 12th About 9 of the clock Barnabas Saul and his brother Edward went homeward from Mortlake. Saul's indictment being by law found insufficient at Westminster Hall: Mr. Serjant Walmesley, Mr. Owen and Mr. Hyde, his lawyers at the bar for the matter. And Mr. Ive, the clerk of the crown Office favouring the other. Feb. 20th Mr. Bigs of Stentley by Huntingdon and John Littlechild came to me. I received a letter from Barnabas Saul. Feb. 21st Mr. Skullthorp rude toward Barnabas. Feb. 25th Mr. Skullthorp came home. Paid Nurse Garret for Katherine till Friday the 23rd day, viz. then something due to nurse for iij. lbs. of candle and 4 lbs. of soap. MARCH 1st Mr. Clerkson brought Magnus to me at Mortlake, and so went that day again. Mar. 6th Barnabas Saul came this day again about one o'clock and went to London the same afternoon. He confessed that he neither heard or saw any spiritual creature any more. Mar. 8th Mr. Clerkson and his friend came to my house. Barnabas went home again about 2 or 3 o'clock, he went I say, on Thursday with Mr. Clerkson. Mar. 8th Coelum ardere et instar sanguinis in diversis partibus rubere visum est circa horam nonam noctis, maxime versus sepentriolem et occidentalem partem: sed ultra capita nostra versus austrum frequenter miles quasi sanguines. Mar. 9th Friday at dinner time Mr. Clerkson and Mr. Talbot* declared a great deal of Barnabas naughty dealing toward me, as in telling Mr. Clerkson ill things of me, that I would so flatter his friend; the learned man, that I would borrow him of him. But his Friend told me that Barnabas had censured both Mr. Clerkson and myself. The injuries which this Barnabas had done me diverse ways were very great. * You that read this, the underwritten assure yourself that it is a shameful lie, for Talbot neither studied for any such thing nor showed himself dishonest in anything. Dee: This is Talbot or that 'learned man,' his own writing in my book, very unduly as he came by it. The above edited from the Private Diary Of Dr. John Dee, op.cit. 11 This sigil is clearly false the correct arrangement relates to the Tabula Sancta or Holy Table and is dealt with in the next action. The passages cited here are from Dee's appendix and will be given in full, in their proper context accompanying the next article in this series. 12 Ibid. but note also this passage from Abano's Considerations of Saturday: "Those are the figures that these spirits usually assume, which are generally terrible at the first coming on of the visions, but as they have only a limited power, beyond which they cannot pass, so the invocator need be under no apprehensions of danger, provided he is well fortified with those things we have directed to be used for his defense, and above all, to have a firm and constant faith in the mercy, wisdom, and goodness of God." ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for August 1988 e.v. (In the following electronic edition article, end notes are marked in text by #) The same Saturday afternoon. Hora 5. [#1} Dee: After that Mr. Edward Talbot [#2] had called Uriel, and I was come to the Stone, and had used a short speech of thanks to God. [#3] I then required some Instructions for the purposes of Soyga [#4]. Uriel: Peace, you must use Michael. Dee: I know no means or order to use in the invocation of Michael. [Note: Dee - In this time there appeared in the stone a rich Chair and after a little while it was out of sight.] Uriel: He is to be invoked by certain of the psalms of David and prayers. The which psalms, are nothing else, but a means unto the seat and Majesty of God. Whereby you gather with yourselves due power to apply your natures to the holy Angels. I mean the psalms commonly called the Seven Psalms [#5]. You must use pleasant savours, with hand and heart: whereby you shall allure him and win him (through God's favor) to attain unto the thing, you have long sought for. There must be a conjunction of minds in prayer betwixt you two, to God continually. It is the will of God, that you should jointly, have the knowledge of his Angels together. You had attained unto the sight of Michael, but for the imperfection of Saul [#6]. Be of good comfort. [Dee - The chair came into the Stone again and I asked what it meant.] Uriel: This is a seat of perfection: from which, all things shall be showed unto thee, which thou hast long desired. [Dee - Then was there was a square Table brought unto the Stone: and I demanded, what that Table betokened.] Uriel: A Mystery not yet to be known. These two, shall remain in the stone; to the sight of all undefiled creatures. You must use a four-square Table, two Cubits [#7] square: whereupon must be set Sigillum Dei [#8], which is already * perfected i. in a book [#9] of thine: Blessed be God in all his Mysteries, and Holy in all his works. This Seal must not be looked on without great Reverence and Devotion. This Seal is to be made of perfect wax which is clean purified: we have no respect of Colours [#10]. This Seal must be 9 inches in Diameter: The roundness must be 27 inches and somewhat more. The thickness of it must be an inches and half a quarter, and the figure of a Cross, must be on the back of it thus [#11]; [SEE PRINTED EDITION FOR ILLUSTRATION] The Table is to be made of sweet wood [#12] and to be of two Cubits high, with 4 feet: with 4 of the former seals under the 4 feet. [Dee: The fashion of the 4 feet, standing upon the foresaid round Seals was shewed, so as the uttermost circle containing the ii. letters, did seem to be clean * without the compass the feet, equally round about the same feet. And these Seals were shewed much lesser than the principal Seal. Under the Table did seem to be laid red silk, two yards square. And over the Seal: did seem likewise red silk to lie four- square: somewhat broader than the Table, hanging down with 4 knops or tassels at the 4 corners thereof. Upon this uppermost red silk, did seem to be set the stone with the frame: right over, and upon the principal Seal: saving that the said silk was between the one and the other. iii. The Table was shewed to have on the 4 sides of it * Characters and Names, these, that are herein a schedule annexed, in diverse rows [#13].] Uriel: The Characters and words on the sides of this Square Table, are to be written with yellow, made of perfect oil, used in the church [#14]. Dee: What oil is that? Uriel: Of That oil shall be opened unto you. The oil is perfect prayers: of other oil I have no respect. We sanctify, because we are holy: and you sanctify because of your holiness. [SEE PRINTED EDITION FOR ILLUSTRATION] [#15] Uriel: There is a spirit named Lundrumgutta using you. Who seeketh your destruction, in the hatred of men, in the hurt of thy goods. Discharge him tomorrow with Brimstone [#16]. He haunteth thy house, and seeketh the destruction of thy daughter. His pretense was to have maimed thee in thy shoulder the last night and long ago. If thou do not discharge him tomorrow, he will hurt both thy wife and thy daughter. iv. He is here * now. Give him discharge from your and house. He will seek Saul's Death who is accursed. Dee: I know no means or art too do this by. For I did burn in flame of Brimstone, Maherion his name and Character, when I found Saul privily dealing with him, (which manner of wicked dealing I had forbidden him) and yet he came after, and would have carried Saul v. away quick; as Robert Hilton, George; and other of my house can testify. Uriel: The Cursed will come to the Cursed. Dee: I beseech you to discharge him and bind him some where far off, as Raphael did (for Tobias sake) with the wicked Spirit Asmodeus [#17]. Uriel: But Tobias did his part. Art is vain, in respect of God his power. Brimstone is a means. Dee: When shall I do this? Uriel: Tomorrow at the time of prayers. Dee: Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto, sicut etc. Amen. .oOo. * i. Erratice, contra ignorantia mea: vide post. An error; in opposition to my ignorance, observe what follows. ii. Note this point. iii. Cave: quia Angelus tenebrarum se intrusit hic, ut Libri Quinti Appendice apparabit. Be careful; those angels which are of the darkness intrude in this, as will appear in the appendix to these five books. iv. So it is evident who went about to hinder the truth before in the character, and in the border of the Table falsely counterfeited etc.: as it also in the next action may appear. v. Saul in danger of being carried away quick. _____________________FOOT NOTES____________________________________ 1 5pm Saturday March 10, 1582 anno domini. 2 Dee gives E.T. 3 Most probably the Latin version of a prayer given by Abano in the Heptameron vide pg.74. C. Agrippa, The Fourth Book... (Heptangle, 1984). 4 For a rather forced though interesting solution to the enigma of Soyga see Appendix D pg. 117-123. R. Turner, The Heptarchia Mystica...(Aquarian 1986). 5 Psalms: IV, XI, XVI, XXIII, XXVII, LXII, CXXXI. 6 cf Thelema Lodge O.T.O. (Jun. & Jul. 1988 ev) 7 In biblical measurement a cubit is generally considered to be roughly equal to 18 inches, but as the unit is actually measured from the point of the elbow to the tips of the extended fingers, a cubit's actual length has varied greatly throughout history. 8 i.e. the sign or signature of God, it is notable that Dee originally had here Sigillum Divintas that is the Divine Sign or Holy Signature. 9 Dee makes a rather obscure notation in Latin with regard to this Angelic statement, but the curious should examine pg. 11. of The Sworn Book Of Honorius, ed. & trans. Daniel J. Driscoll (Gillette, NJ: Heptangle Books, 1983) 10 This Seal is one of the few relics of Dee still extant, and is on display in the British Museum Collection. It is made from a very pure almost clear form of sealing wax that has suffered only minimally from its great age. Originally in the collection of John Cotton with the Holy Table and much of Dee's ceremonial paraphernalia., it was miraculously saved from the Great Fire of London in which the table and much else perished. For more detail see R. Turner op. cit. pg.78-80. and The Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London XXI (1906-7) 11 AGLA (aleph-gimel-lamed-aleph) is notariqon for Ateh Gebor Le-Olahm Adonai (aleph-teth-heh gimel-beth-vau-resh lamed-ayin- vau-lamed-mem aleph-daleth-nun-yod) Thou Art Mighty Forever, O Lard! 12 Probably cedar wood. 13 The construction of the table of practice and of the holy lamen is an involved and interrelated problem. It is, as is noted here and elsewhere, discussed at great length and depth in Libri Quinti Appendice, but even is that context the material poses many complex and difficult problems. It is of some comfort that Dee and Kelly were themselves quite confounded on the same points which presently cause scholars difficulty, and it is unfortunate that these particular objects of ceremonial furniture have all been lost through the course of time, but sufficient instruction and evidence does exist to draw fairly concrete albeit still disputable conclusions with regards to the important specifics of construction. The October edition of this series will contain a special supplement discussing in detail the furniture required preliminary, for the practice of Dee's system of Angelic Magick. In it we shall reproduce all pertinent passages from Dee's own MSS, provide and substantiate our own conclusions in these matters and provide some practical guidelines to actual reproduction. Interested persons should examine the various published studies of these matters: M. Casaubon, A True & Faithful Relation...(London:1659). The twenty- fifth through twenty-seventh, and the thirty-eighth through fifty-third pages of Dr. Casaubon's preface as well as the plate immediately following the table of contents. Aleister Crowley, Liber XXX Aervm vel saecvli sub figura CCCCXVIII. In particular the 15th and 18th aires. Liber LXXXIV vel Chanock. Part One section I. G. James, The Enochian Evocation... (Heptangle, Gilette NJ: 1984). pg. 28-38, 178-182. G. Schueler, Enochian Magic, A Practical Manual (Llewelyn, St.Paul Mn: 1984). pg. 23-4. R. Turner op. cit. pg.40-49, 76-97. 14 The Angel would seem to be referring to an oil based gilt used for Altar detail work. 15 In Fronte: Though this root begets the English 'In front,' in medieval and renaissance Latin usage this term almost universally means 'before the altar'. A Sinistris: On the Left hand. A Dextris: On the Right hand. Juxta Pectus: At the Breast. 16 Native Sulfur. 17 Tobit III: 1-17 (note 8,17), VIII: 1-9 (note 2-4), XII: 1-22 (note 15-22). Asmodeus (aleph-shin-mem-daleth-aleph-yod) in some references rendered without the second aleph. Gk. Asmodeos, -daus, or -daios. Lit. 'The Great Name of the Daemon'. One of the most prevalent devils in western metaphysical literature; since being ascribed, in The Testament Of Solomon, with the forced construction of the Temple, Asmodeus has made major appearances in nearly every grimoire of the occult sciences. ************************************************************************* *Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 7: (In the following electronic edition article, end notes are marked in text by #. The illustrations are necessarily absent here.) 1582 Marty 11 Sonday. a Meridie hora .a. circiter [#1]. 3 Dee-- Uriel being called by Edward Talbot there appeared one; clothed with a long robe of purple all spangled with gold, and on his head a garland, or wreath of gold, his eyes sparkling. Of whom I asked whether the characters noted for the Table were perfect: He answered, i. *Lundrumguffa: They are perfect. There is no question [#2]. Dee: Are you Uriel? Then presently came in one, and threw the brave spirit down by the shoulders, and beat him mightily with a whip; and took all his robes, and apparel off him.: And then he remained all hairy and ugly; and still the spirit was beaten of him, who came in after him. And that spirit, which so beat him, said to the hearing of my Skryer: Uriel: Lo, thus are the wicked scourged. Dee: Are you Uriel, who speaketh that? Uriel: I am he. Write down, and mark this; for it is worthy of the Noting: ii. *This was thy persecutor Lundrumguffa. I brought him hither to let thee see, how God hath punished thy enemy. Lo, thus hath God dealt for thee: Lo, thus have I dealt for thee: Thank God. Dee: Blessed be his holy name, and extolled, World Without end. Edward Talbot-- He drew the wicked spirit away by the legs; and threw him into a great pit, and washed his hands, as it were, with the sweat of his own head: for he seemed to be all in a sweat. Dee-- Hereupon, my skryer saw Uriel go away, and he remained out of sight a little while. Then he came in again; and another with him, and jointly these two said together: Glorify God forever. And then Uriel did stand behind; and the other did sit down in the chair with a sword in his right hand, all his head glittering like the sun. The hair of his head was long, he had wings, and all his lower parts seemed to be with feathers. He had a robe over his body, and a great light in his left hand. He said: Michael: We are blessed from the beginning, and blessed be the name of God forever. Dee-- My Skryer saw an innumerable Company of Angels about him. And Uriel did lean on the Square Table by. He that sat in the chair (whom we take to be Michael) said then: Michael: Go forward. God hath blessed thee. I will be thy Guide. Thou shalt attain unto thy seeking. The world begins with thy doings. Praise God. The Angels under my power, shall be at thy commandment. Lo, I will do thus much for thee. Lo, God will do thus much for thee. Thou shalt see me, and I will be seen of thee. And I will direct thy liking and conversation. iii. *Those that sought thy life, are vanished away. Put up thy pen. Dee-- So he departed. Gloria, laus, honor, Virtus et Imperium. Deo immortali, invisibili, et Omnipotenti, in saecula saeculorum. Glory, praise, honor, to the Power and Authority. Unto God immortal, invisible, and Omnipotent, world without end. Amen. .oOo. i. Hereby may appear that this wicked spirit foisted in the shew of the false character and names before. ii. Note: Lundrumguffa scourged spiritually. iii. Lundrumguffa. Footnotes: 1 Sunday March 11, 1582. About the third hour before noon, i.e. 9am. 2 See plate in the printed edition. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for October 1988 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 8: "Marty. 14. Wensday. mane circa hora: 9"[#1]. Dee - Being desirous to proceed in this manner by consent, we bent ourselves to the Action. And after that Edward Talbot had called Uriel and saw him, I came to the desk from my Oratory. There did continually appear the Chair and the Table[#2]. I then being afraid that any other should come in to the Stone instead of Uriel[#3], did earnestly require the spiritual creature appearing, to shew who he was, and what was his name. At length he answered, and said to the hearing of Edward Talbot: i. Uriel is my name, with difference called *Nariel[#4]. Stay. Dee - Then he went away for a while; and came again, and said thus: Uriel: The strength of God is always with thee. Dost thou know what thou writest? Dee - In two senses, I may understand it; either that the good Angel ii. Dee Gabriel is always with me, though invisibly: or else that the strength, and mighty hand of God, always is my defence. Uriel: "Fortitudo Dei, tecum"[#5]" semper est." 'The strength of God is always with you.' Dee - He went away again, and came again, following or waiting upon another, and before that other, was a man having his head all covered with black. Then he that came so in the middle, did sit down in the chair, and spoke this word following: Michael: Note. Dee - This was Michael, with his sword in his right hand. Then came Uriel to the man (having his head all hid, as it were in a black hood) and took off that black hood; and then lifted up the Table cloth. He looked under it, and put it down again; and lifted it up again. The Man stood still before Michael. Then Michael rose; and took off all the man's clothes, and left him as it were, only in his shirt. Then Uriel took a little round Tablet, as it were, of the bigness of a six pence, having two letters in it thus: <<1>> And gave it to Michael. Uriel lifted up the Table cloth; and from thence, seemed to take apparel, and put it on the man, it seemed to be silk: and very full of wrinkles or pleats. And the man kneeled, and held up his hand. Uriel took like a Laurel bush [#6]and set upon the man's head. And then the man kneeled before Michael. Michael took the round thing with the Letters; and gave it to the man to eat, and he did eat it. Uriel: Lo are things covered. Dee - Then he covered the Table and plucked the cloth over it, down to the ground, on every side. The man rose up: and Michael dubbed him on the head with his sword. Then the man stood up. Then the man turned his face towards [Edward Talbot] the Skryer, and the man did resemble me (John Dee) in countenance. And then he turned to Michael again. Michael wrote upon the Man's back thus: ANGELVS TVAE[#7] PROFESSIONES THE ANGEL OF YOUR PROFESSION iii. Dee - Then Edward Talbot asked me, if there were such Angels of a Man's Profession: and I answered yea; as in Agrippa, and others is declared. Michael: Leave your folly. Hold thy peace. Have you not read, that they that cleave unto God; are like unto him. Dee - Yes forsooth. Michael: Thou camest hither to learn, and not to dispute. "Laudate Dominum in operibus suis"[#8]." The Lard is praised in his workings Dee - The man kneeled down, and so went out of sight. Michael: He has eaten strength against trouble. He has eaten nothing, and in eating, he has eaten all things. iv. The + name NA[#9] be praised in trouble. Dee - Now Michael thrust out his right arm; With the Sword, and bade the Skryer to look. Then his Sword did cleave in two, and a great fire flamed out of it vehemently. Then he took a Ring out of the flame of his sword, and gave it to Uriel, and said thus: Michael: The strength of God is unspeakable. Praised be God forever and ever. Dee - Then Uriel did make curtsy unto him. Michael: After this sort must thy Ring be. Note it. Dee - Then he rose and disappeared out of the Chair. And by and by came again, and said as follows: Michael: I will reveal this Ring which was never revealed since the death of Solomon; with whom I was present, I was present with him in strength and mercy. Lo this is it; This is it where with all Miracles and divine works and wonders were wrought by Solomon[#10]: <2> This is it, which I have revealed unto thee: This is it, which philosophy dreamth of. This is it which the Angels scarce know. This is it, and blessed be his Name. Yea his name be blessed forever. Dee - Then he laid the Ring down upon the Table and said: Note. Dee - It shewed to be a Ring of gold: with a seal engraved in it, and had a round thing in the middle of the Seal, and a thing like a V through the top of the circle, and an L in the bottom, and a bar clean through it. <3> v. And had 4 Letters in it, P.E.L.E.[#11] After that,he threw the Ring on the board or Table[#12]; and it vi. seemed to fall through the Table, and he said thus: Michael: So shall it do, at thy commandment. Without this thou shalt do nothing. Blessed be his name that compasseth[#13] all things. Wonders are in him, and his Name is WONDERFUL: His name worketh wonders from generation, to generation. Dee - Then he went away, and came in again by and by. Michael: Note. Dee - Then he brought in the Seal, which he had shewed the other day: and opened his Sword, and bade the Skryer: read: and he read: vii. EMETH[#14] Then the Sword closed up again, and he said: Michael: This I do open unto thee, because thou marveled at SIGILLVM DEI[#15]. This is the Name of the Seal[#16], which be blessed forever. This is the Seal self[#17]. This is Holy. This is pure. This is forever. Amen. Dee - Then the Seal vanished away. And I said to my friend (the Skryer): Indeed, this other day, I considered diverse fashions of this Seal; and I found them much differing, one from another; and therefore I had need to know which of them I shall imitate, or how to make one perfect of them all. Michael: Doubt not the making of it, for God has perfected all things. Ask not for the cause of my absence, nor of my apparel: for that Mystery is known to God. I have no clothing, as thou thyself shalt see. I am a spirit of Truth and Virtue. Yea you shall see me in Power, and I will visit you in HOPE. Bless you the Lord, and follow his ways forever. Dee - Then he went away, and Uriel followed him. And then I said to my Skryer: it were good, We had ever some watch-word when we should not look for anymore matter at their hands, every time of their visiting us. Whereupon, (unlooked for of us) he spake again. Michael: We lead time, Time leadeth not us. Put up thy pen. The Name of God, be blessed forever. Dee - Then they lifted up their hands heavenward (which heaven appeared also in the stone) and turned towards us and said: "Valete".'. Fare Well.'. Dee - So they departed; and at their going, the chair, and the Table in the Stone, did seem to shake. Dee ---------------- "Soli Deo omnis honor"" :Laus et Gloria".'. "Amen." All Honor Praise and Glory to the One God. Amen. .oOo. ---------------------------------------- Dee's Notes i. Agrippa has so; Cap. 24 Lib. 3. of The Occult Philosophy[#18]. ii. "Potius erat dicendium Michael Nam Gabriel est Praevalescentia Dei: et ita fortitudo quidem, sed altioris gradus." For by Michael is the power shown; Gabriel is the Great Power of God, and thus certainly the strength, but of the second rank. iii. "vide Agrippam de Triplice homonis Custode." Lib.3. Cap.22. See Agrippa on the Threefold Keeper of man. Book 3. Chap.22 [#19]. iv[#20]. "vide Reuchlinium de Verbo Mirifico de noie" NA[#21]. See Reuchlin in The Mirific Word for the name NA. v. "vide Reuchlinium de verbo Mirifico de noie" PELE[#22]. See Reuchlin in The Mirific Word for the name PELE. vi. The use of the Ring. vii. "De Sigilo Emeth vide Reuchlinium "Arte Cabalisticvm." Lib.3[#23]. "et Agrippa Lib.3. Cap. II"[#24]. 'For the Sigil of Truth see Reuchlin's Art Of Cabla, Book 3, and Agrippa Book 3 Chapter 11. ---------------------------------------- notes 1 Wednesday March 14th MDLXXXII anno domini. Around 9 o'clock in the morning. 2 The Seat Of Perfection and the Holy Table or "Tabula Sancta": vide SL.MS.3188 3/10/1582 5am and Thelema Lodge 8/88 ev. 3 Ibid. SL.MS.3188 3/11/1582 and Thelema Lodge 9/88 ev. 4 Angel of the southern and noonday winds a.k.a. Ariel. 5 "tecvm = te cvm"; This would seem to be an odd contraction, possibly this is a Med./Ren. L. brevity "tec'um = tectum", or an irregular conjug. from "tego, tegere, texi, tectvm" (cf. '"doceto"': Thelema Lodge 4/88 ev.) probably = 'The Strength of God is to always be concealed.' 6 "Genvs Oreodaphne"; a sweet-wood of the Bay family. 7 Strangely this personal pronoun is decl. as if it were a fem. noun. 8 Irregular decl. 9 see Proto Indo. Eur. NE = not > Indo Aryan Ne- > Indo Germ. Na- > O.E./M.E. ne > Eng. no, nay, nix, not, naught, neither, naughty, and null: nay > Eng. colloq. = nah. Also Lat. prefix ne- < Etruscan/Faliscan ni > nihil, nullus (ni + ullus), etc. > Eng. nill, null, neuter. Indo Germ: n-, un; Gk. ne- > Eng. nepenthe and Gk. a-, an- > Eng. annihilate (an + nihil); Sanskrit a-, an- > Hind. am- > Eng. Amrita. Etruscan ni > Italo/Falisan ni-, nek > L. prefix neg- > Eng. negate, negative etc. 10 The archangel Michael appeared to him, and gave him a small ring having a seal consisting of an engraved stone, and he said to him: "Take, O Solomon, king, son of David, the gift which the Lord God, the highest Zebaot, hath sent unto thee. With it thou shalt lock up all the demons of the earth; male and female, and with their help thou shalt build up Jerusalem. But thou must wear this seal of God; and this engraving of the seal of the ring is Pentalpha." Armed with it Solomon called up all the demons before him, and he asked of each in turn his or her name, as well as the name of the star or constellation or zodiacal sign and of the particular angel to the influence of which each is subject. One after another the spirits were vanquished, and compelled by Solomon to aid in the construction of the Temple. L. Ginsburg, Legends Of The Jews (Philadelphia, Pa: Jewish Publ. Soc. of Amer., 5728/1968) vol. iv. pp.150-1, see also 153, 166, 171-2 11 By reading the Ring in manner given opposite: Ve-Rho-E-E-El is phonetically equal to VRIEL. <4> 12 vide Thelema Lodge (Berkeley, CA. 7/88 ev.) 13 See Ashmole MS. 242 art. 43; for Dee's curious paradoxical compass, therein should be studied the 'Name of God which compasseth the Earth' and its relationship to the circumference of the "Sigilivm Dei AEmeth". 14 Heb. Aleph Mem Taw = truth. [1+40+400] 15 Lat. The Seal of God: "sigillvm" = seal, sign, mark, or sigil. 16 SIGILLVM DEI EMETH = The Seal of God his Truth. 17 Probably intended to be '... the Seal it self' 18 'There are also four Princes of Angels, which are set over the four winds, and over the four parts of the world, whereof "Michael" is set over the Eastern wind; "Raphael" over the Western; "Gabriel" over the Northern; "Nariel", who by some is called "Uriel", is over the Southern.' H.C. Agrippa, Three Books Of Occult Philosophy; trans. J.F. (London:1651) p.416. 19 'Now the Demon of profession is given by the Stars, to which such a profession, or sect, which any man hath professed, is subjected, which the soul, when it began to make choyce in this body, and to take upon it self dispositions, doth secretly desire. This Demon is changed, the profession being changed; then according to the dignity of the profession, we have Demons of our profession more excellent and sublime, which successively take care of man, which procures a keeper of profession, as he proceeds from vertue to vertue. When therefore a profession agrees with our nature there is present with us a Demon of our profession like untous, and suitable to our "Genius", and our life is made more peaceable, happy, and prosperous: but when we undertake a profession unlike, or contrary to our "Genius", our life is made laborius, and troubled disagreeing patrons.' ibid. Agrippa p.411. 20 Dee gives this mark: <5> to cite this reference to Reuchlin; note the similarity between this and the mark on the Arms of Reuchlin given on the title page to De Arte Cabalistica (shown here after the end of these notes. 21 '"Vt est item uocabulum Na: quo in anima molestia"" ""tubationibusque."' 'That likewise it is the name Na, which is to be made use of in troubles of the soul and in confusions.' Johannes Reuchlin, "De Verbo Mirifico. 1494/ De Arte"" ""Cabalistica. 1517 (facs. Stuttgart:1964") p.72. 22 I have been unable to locate this particular reference in the cited text of Reuchlin but it may be a reference to a passage on p.76 ? edt. 23 '"Sicut nobilis ille dictatur ait Eliezar Haklir" Aleph-Mem-Taw Chet-Vau-Taw-Mem-Nunfinal".i. Emeth est sigillum eius".' 'As that famous orator Eleazar ha-Kallir saith of that seal, that it is the Truth.' ibid. Reuchlin p.235. Heb. Aleph-Mem-Taw Cheth-Vau-Taw-Mem-Nun = Emet Chotemin = The Seal of Truth from Signet or Seal Ring. Eleazar ha-Kallir 6th cent. Gnostic Jewish poet. 24 '...,and the name of God Na Nun-Aleph is to be invovaced(sic.) in perturbations and troubles. There is also Iah Yod-Heh ... & the name Emeth Aleph-Mem-Taw which is interpreted Truth, and is the seal of God;...' op. cit. Agrippa p.371. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for November 1988 e.v. (In the following, the footnotes are marked by "#number" in text. Illustrations are not possible in the electronic edition.) Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 9: "Marty 15 Thursday. Hora 1 1/4 a meridie"#1 Dee - After Edward Talbot his calling into the stone; appeared a tall man, with a sceptre (Very great) of gold glittering. His body all red: and out of his head, did shoot out beams of light, like the sun beams#2. Dee - I being desirous, to know who he was, and his name; I requested him earnestly thereto, but he answered as followeth: ---: "Invocate nomen Domini agnoscetis eum." 'Call in the name of the Lard, You will recognize him.' Dee - Then I prayed the Psalm:#3 "Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis: illuminet vultum," "suum super nos, et misereatur nostri." Vulg. Ps:LXVI:1. 'May God be gracious and bless us, may he show us a benign countenance.' Douay:LXVI:1. 'God be merciful unto us; and cause his face to shine upon us: Selah#4. A.V:LXVII:1. After that, he said: ---: I am mighty. Dee - Because he delayed to declare his name, Edward Talbot the skryer did require him: in the name of God the father, Jesus Christ his son#5, and of the holy ghost, to express his name. And he answered in speech: ---: So I will by and by. Dee - Then he seemed to take from his head little bright sparks,like little candles' ends; and to stick them about the chair#6, and he went round about the chair, and then he spake, as followeth: i. ---: I am mighty and working wonders; I am SOLOMON#7. I rule in the heavens, and bear sway upon earth; in his name, who be blessed forever. Thou doest doubt at me. I am the servant of God, in his light; I serve him. I say, I serve him; with fear and reverence. My name is SOLOMON#8: Mighty in the Sun#9, Worker of Worldly actions; as well internal, as external. Known unto God; whose name I know, and bless forever. Dee - Then appeared a big flame of fire by him in the air. Solomon: Thou knowest not, or thou wilt not know, that Mammon#10, with his servants, are present about thee. Whose presence doth hinder the presence of the virtues#11 Adonai overcoming. Blessed be God, in the highest. Amen. Dee - He took the forsaid flame of fire, and flung it unto the heavenward. ii. Solomon: Mammon#12 is a king whom God hateth: whose sect continually tempt, provoke, and stir up wickedness against the Lord, and against his annointed. But he dies, blessed be God forever. Drive him away. Dee: It is incomparably more easy for you to do. And as for my part I feel neither in body, nor soul; any token of his presence or working. Thereupon he caused the whole chamber (Which we were in) to appear very plainly in the stone#13: and so there shewed a great company of Wicked Spirits#14 to be in the chamber; and among them, One, most horrible and grisly, threatening, and approaching to our heads, and scorning and gnashing at us. Solomon: God determines his mysteries, by Art and Virtue. Dee - Then he Willed Very eagerly to drive them away. And I prayed fervently. And there seemed one to come into the stone, which had very long arms; and he drove them away courageously. And so they were driven away. After that presently, came one into the stone, all white. Solomon reached this white one a Cup. The white man held up the cup; and said, as followeth: iii. ---: Lo this is my name. God shall bless you. Fear not. Your faithfullness provoketh me to tell my name, and this it is: (putting forth the Cup again) for I am called "Medicina Dei"#15. God his Healing. I will shew thee, and I will show you, the Angel of your Direction, iv. Which is called OCH#16. Dee - This name he spake, he showed it also on the Table#17 (before him) written. Raphael: He is mighty in the Sun#18 beams, he shall profit thee#19 hereafter. Dee - Then came in another, and sat down in the chair; and he said as followeth: ---: The strength of God Liveth, and reigneth forever. I am "Fortitudo Dei"#20. God his Strength. Dee: Why then, you are Gabriel; and I took you but hereto to be Michael. Michael; how shall I then amend my book, in respect of your name always before written Michael? "Fortitudo Dei": What thou hast Written, That hast thou Written; and it is true. Write down this name POLIPOS. Doth thou understand it? Dee: No, God knoweth. "Fortitudo Dei": When that day cometh, I will speak with thee, v. if thou observe that which I have commanded thee. As truly as I was with SOLOMON#21, so truly will I be with thee. Dee - Then came in another; Whom we take to be Uriel, for he went also, as he was want, and leaned at the Table. "Fortitudo Dei": Search for Wisdom and Learning, and the Lord Will deliver it unto you. Dee: I would to god. I knew your name truly, or What peculiar Letter I might set for you, to Note your Words and Actions by. "Fortitudo Dei": Name I have none, but by my Office. SOLOMON came not hither, but by me. He is a mighty Prince, governing the heavens, under my power. This is sufficient for thy Instruction. I was with Solomon, in all his Works and Wonders#22; and so was this, Whome God had appointed Unto him. The Divines know his name, and he is not hidden from the face of the earth. His name is written in the book which Lieth in the Window. vi. Dee: Do you mean Agrippa his book? And it is there expressed by the name SOLOMON?#23 "Fortitudo Dei": I have said. Dee: What order will you appoint unto us two, in respect of our two beings together My friend here may have other intents and purposes of his affairs, than will serve me for his aid having in these Actions. "Fortitudo Dei": Join in prayers. For God hath blessed you. Doubt not. Consider these Mysteries. Dee: Then they in the stone used talk together, but not well to be discerned by the ear of Edward Talbot. At length "Fortitudo Dei" talked very much, and speedily to Edward Talbot and disclosed unto him (Which he expressed not to me, at the stone, but disclosed afterward) all the manner of the practice, and circumstance about the Action intended, With the Gold Lamen, the ring, the seals etc#24. And after I had spoken somewhat; in requesting him to shew me the manner, How I should artificially prepare everything spoken of he said: "Fortitudo Dei":#25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Dee's Marginalia: i. SOLOMON: Of Solomon you may read in the call, "Diei Dominica in Elementis Magicis Petri de Abano", Of the lord's Day in the Elements of Magick of Peter of Abano their called Salamia#26. ii. Mammon#27 iii. Raphael iv. "De OCH"#28", vide in libello Arbatel in" Sun For OCH, look in the little book, the Arbatel, on the Sun. v. Perchance he meaneth the council of Annael: before specified#29. vi. It is in "Elementis Magicis Petri de Abano" printed with Clavis Agrippae, which was in my Oratory always under my Window#30. ----------------------------------------------- footnotes: 1 The time being one quarter past the hour of one "ante meridiem" on the Ides of March. 2 'Shapes familiar to the spirits of the Sun. The Spirits of the Sun do for the most part appear in a large, full & great body sanguine and gross, in a gold colour, with the tincture of blood. Their motion is as the lightening of Heaven; their sign is to move the person to sweat that calls them. But their particular forms are: A King having a Scepter riding on a Lion. A King crowned. A Queen with a Scepter. A Bird. A Lion. A Cock. A Yellow or golden Garment. A Scepter. "Caudaius". C. Agrippa (pseud.), "The Occult Philosophy Fourth Book" (Gillete NJ:1985) 3 This reference, compares only the first verse of a psalm, that Dee almost certainly read here in its totality. Our interested readers should refer to the cited works for the complete passages. 4 selah = Heb. (Samekh-Lamed-Heh; 60+30+5 = 95) A technical musical term indicating a pause in recitation. 5 '... his son' which Dee gives as '... his sonne' vide note # 9 & 18. 6 'The Seat of Righteousness' cf. Thelema Lodge O.T.O. (Berk.CA: 8/88ev) / SL.MS.3188 3/10/1582 7 SOLOMON. op.cit. Thelema Lodge(OTO:5/88ev) 8 SOLOMON = Sol Om On vide A. Pike, "Morals and Dogma" etc. in ' The Prince Adept of the Sun ' for a somewhat abstruse discourse on this mystery. It is partially revealed to initiates of the Minerval Degree O.T.O. and further elucidated in the VIIth degree. 9 '... the Sun,' (possibly '... the Son,' by Dee's orthography '... the Sonne,' vide note # 5 & 18. 10 Mammon = Gk. mu alpha mu omega nu alpha . (40+1+40+800+50 = 931) 11 This may be an arch. sp. for 'virtuous'. 12 Mammon: 'No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.' Mt.VI:24 'And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. And I say unto you. Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.' Lk.XVI:8-13. Vide illus. p.93 F. King, "Witchcraft and Demonology" (Exeter Books:NY), 1987 for a medieval representation of Mamon as daemon king. 13 Vide illus. op.cit. King. p. 103. 14 For some curious examples of similar phenomena see King op.cit. p. 63, where Papus is shown in a like situation. Also an almost identical parallel in H.P. Lovecraft's 'From Beyond' in: "The Doom That Came To Sarnath" (Del Rey/Ballantine:N.Y.NY,1983) pp.86-94. 15 Op.cit. Thelema (OTO:3/88ev) 16 The character of OCH: 17 'The Table Of Practice' or 'Tabvla Sancta' (The Holy Table) op.cit. Thelema (OTO:8/88ev) 18 '... in the Sun' given by Dee as '... in the Sonne' note the progression of meaning son = Sonne = Sun, wherein though the orthography is identical the first and last meanings would not normally be considered cognate, and the second citation though certainly ambiguous, it is also quite leading. No puns intended. 19 "Thus Och, the prime of solar things, presides over the preparation of gold naturally in the veins of the Earth - that is to say, he is the Mineralogist in Chief of Nature; he presides also over the quicker preparation of the same metal by means of the chemical art - that is, he is the Prince of Alchemists; and, finally, he makes gold in a moment by Magick" ...,also bestows gold and a purse quaintly described by the English translator of the "Arbatel" as "springing with gold." He causes the possessor of this charachter to be worshipped as a god by the kings of the whole world." A.E. Waite, "The Book Of Black Magick"...(L.W. de Laurence:Chicago IL,1940) pp.28,32. 20 Op.cit. Thelema (OTO:3/88ev) 21 It is interesting to note any survey of medieval grimiores will demonstrate the the degree to which this form of magikal literature is dependent on the authority and legends of Solomon. Of which Mathers' translations of the Greater and Lesser Keys are probably the most familiar. 22 SOLOMON. The historical and mythological aspects of Solomon are far too immense to cover in this limited space, but the interested will find a considerable begining, if they examine those sources cited in our previous articles with attention to all Solomonic references. 23 Dee renders this name throughout as both SALAMAIN and SALOMON. 24 This information was eventually compiled by Dee into: "Libri" "Quinti Appendice" or included in his "Heptarchia Mystica". A complete exegesis of the equipment and primary methods of practice set forth, in this Dee's "First Book of Mystical" "Exercises"; will begin following the conclusion of that book, in next month's article. 25 The remaining portion of "Liber Primus" is fragmentary as noted in Ashmole's introduction. The footer of this page indicates by the abr. '[F.D.]' that "Fortitudo Dei" is the next speaker, and as the material directly following this page is wanting its header it is only by surmise that we can draw any conclusions as to what is actually missing. As noted above the remaining fragments and Ashmole's post script will bring the body of Doctor John Dee's "Liber Mysteriorum Primus" to a conclusion in next months Thelema Lodge Calender. 26 R. Turner(trans.) ..."Fourth Book Of Occult Philosophy"...(Askin, London:1978) p..89. 27 Dee has 'Mamon'. 28 "Och" governeth solar things; he giveth 600 yeares, with perfect health; he bestoweth great wisdom, giveth the most excellent Spirits, teacheth perfect Medicines: he converteth all things into most pure gold and precious stones: he giveth gold, and a purse springing with gold. He that is dignified with his Charachter, he maketh him to be worshipped as a Diety, by the Kings of the Whole World." Op.cit. R. Turner, p.190. 29 "Prayer and Fasting" op.cit. Thelema (OTO:6/88ev) 30 Op.cit. R. Turner. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for December 1988 e.v. (In the following, the footnotes are marked by "[#number]" in text.) Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, No. 10: "Conclusion of Liber Mysteriorum Primus" --- first part lost in MS?) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...[#1] i. ... Blessed be God, Who revealest all Mysteries + etc. ... I am strength,[#2] in need.[#3] ... And Lo, here is Medicine[#4] for the sore.[#5] ... We bless the Lord. We govern the earth,[#6] by the society of Gabriel:[#7] ... Whose power is with us, but not here.[#8} ... Use Patience. ... Uriel:[#9] I lived with Esdras:[#10] I lived in him; in the Lord,[#11] who liveth forever. Raphael: I lived with Tobias,[#12] Tobias the younger. Dee- This was the white creature that spake this.[#13] "Fortitudo Dei":[#14] We Live in the Lord, who be praised forever. Dee- I stood silent a good while. "Fortitudo Dei": What wilt thou? Dee: I did attend, what you would say. "Fortitudo Dei": I have said. Dee: I have been long at this time, in my dealing with you.[#15] I trust, I do not offend you therewith. But, for my part, I could find in my heart to continue whole days and nights in this manner of doing; even till my body should be ready to sink down for weariness, before I would give over. But I fear, I have caused weariness to my friend here. "Fortitudo Dei": In virtue is no weariness. Dee- Now he stood up out of his chair; and he, and they all jointly blessed us, stretching their hands toward us, Crossingly. And so they went away. The Table and the chair remained, and the glittering sparkles, or drops of streaming little lights were off the chair immediately. Dee- Glory,thanks, and honor be to the Almighty Trinity Amen. .oOo. ---------------------------------------------------------------- John Dee's marginalia i. + ...venged upon Saul; for he hath abused his names in his Creatures ...nd against kind his punishment is great; and so I end.[#16] ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Postscript Of Elias Ashmole "Mysteriorum Liber Primus", book ending here (as I conceive) ii. after which follows "Mysteriorum +Liber Secundus", but the beginning thereof is utterly perished.[#17] ii. + So it appears to be by diverse Quotations in the following Books.[#18] 1 This fragment of text is probably the continuation of Dee's Action dated March 15 MDLXXXII anno domini; being the conclusion to his "Liber Mysteriorvm Primvs", internal evidence indicates the close relationship between this leaf and the previously given action. Approximately 30% of the top of this page was lost to damage (cf. "Thelema Lodge O.T.O." (Berkeley CA: Feb.1988 e.v.); the placement of 'Sequential periods i.e. ...' indicates where damage either abuts or intrudes into written text. 2 "Fortitudo Dei aut Michaelem"? op.cit. Mar. 1988 ev. 3 "Est id 'Misericors'" ? ibid. 4 "Medicina Dei sive Raphaelem:" ibid. 5 "Afflicta:" ibid. 6 "Angeli illis estis toti Mundo praedominantes:" ibid. 7 "Angeli cvm Gabrieli sunt: Prevalescentia sive praepotentia," "sive fortitudo et praevalescens Dei." Ibid. 8 "In Caeli." Ibid. 9 3d Ezra: L. Vulg. Vriel. Citations in antiq. of the non extant Gk. version give [ Upsilon rho iota lambda : 400 + 200 + 10 + 30 = 640], reconstruction from Aramaic fragments and various Gk. transliterated Gk. commentaries would give the Heb. as [Ayin-Heh-Resh-Yod-Aleph-Lamed : 70 + 5 + 200 + 10 + 1 + 30 = 316] 10 Serious study should be given II Esdras: III - XIV, if possible in the arch. versions, of this most strange scripture (cf. infra 3d Ezra). Special note and meditation should be devoted, by those with wit to understand, to those passages which provide practical instruction in the sciences of Thaumaturgy, and Theurgy: Compare also III: 1-14. with references given to Uriel and Adam in the conclusion of Abramelin's Sacred Magick. 11 The Apocryphal book of II Esdras is a strange compound book from a number of original texts with similar origins, but somewhat varying chronology, and make up the different books of Ezra (& pts of Neh.), Esdras (I & II), 3d Ezra, as well as Visions, Testaments, and Apocalypses of Ezra/Esdras etc. The original core was apparently Hebrew; and contained primary material now completely lost; preceding what is in modern ref. 3d Ezra or trad. II Esdras cap. iii. The book was then translated into Greek, but both the Gk. and Heb. versions are now lost; though Quotations from both, in original tongues, do exist from antiquity. Some time in the Early Christian Era a new beginning and end in Gk. were added for theological reasons of the Ante-Nicene church. The text then translated into Latin; was included by Jerome in the Vulgate. This is the source for most modern translations, though many exist in strange tongues that were obviously drawn directly from the earlier Gk. or Heb. 12 Raphael gives a strange Magical formula: whereby a fish is used to manufacture what in hermetic terms would be referred as the "svmmon bonvm." A startlingly similar formula is given in libers: CDXV, "Opvs Lvtetianvm", and C, "Agape Azoth." 13 Undetermined personage? cf. II Esdras ii:39-40; I Enoch lxxi:1; Rev. iii:5, vii:13. 14 Vide # 2; L. "Fortitudo Dei" = Eng. The Strength of God. "Est hic" "Michael"? 15 This note supports the probability that this fragment is the continuation of the March 15th Action vide op.cit. "Thelema Lodge", Nov.1988ev. & # 1. above. 16 This marginal notation, which apparently refers to the difficulties of Saul Barnabas (ibid: Jun-Aug/88ev.), is peculiarly arranged in vertical columns reading from the top of the page; and suffered therefore from significant fragmentation. Reference notation: i.e. +; indicate that this marginalia may refer obliquely to the heading line of surviving text. 17 "Mysteriorvm Liber Secvndvs" deals with the construction, arrangement, and operation of the "Sigilvm Dei AEmeth." The beginning pages; of which, follow this text in SL.MS. 3188. Several are severely damaged and an unknown number of leaves may have been lost irrevocably; yet technical examination shows that nothing essential to the Seal itself is missing. The next dated entry is March 20, 1582 a.d., but it is preceded by a long Action to which the date has been lost. That book will appear in this place beginning in March of next year. 18 This concludes the main text of: "Liber Mysteriorvm Primvs" or: Dr. John Dee His First Book Of Mystical Exercises. Next month we will present the first of three parts devoted to appending the materials covered in "Liber Primvs Mysteriorvm." ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for January 1989 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, Appendix A. Analytical Contents This month the Center for Enochian Studies presents a analysis of the contents of Doctor John Dee's "Mysteriorum Liber Primus". The Table of Contents is adapted and expanded from a partial listing, in an unknown hand, made toward the end of "Libri Quinti Appendix," and is in substance what appears under the title "'Index Lib. Primus'" on folio 113 of Sloane MS.3188. This has been elaborated, and is followed by the assignment of pagenation, to the articles which have appeared in our serialization. Concluding this article is an index to the texts of Ashmole and Dee as they appear in the given text of SL. MS. 3188. Table Of Contents Preface Elias Ashmole's preface in which he explains the strange story of how many of Dr. Dee's manuscripts remained hidden for a number of years, escaped several fires, and ultimately came into his possesion. [Febuary 1988ev. Page #'s 1-4] Mysteriorum Liber Primus: Mortlaci Dr. Dee's title page to the book containing his Actions from the years 1581 & 1582. [March 1988ev. pg. 5] John Dee his note A table giving the principal Archangels, with some analysis of their relationships, and etymologies. [cont. 3/88. pp. 6-8] A Preliminary Prayer A supplication written by Dee, in Latin for Angelic presence and wisdom. [April 1988ev. pp. 9-11] A Testimony and Memorial In which Dr. Dee sets forth the premises and expectations of his Actions with spirits. [May 1988ev. pp. 12-15] 1581. December 22. [here begins the "'Index Lib. Primus'"] 'Saul skryed, & heard. Annael appeared. Great Crystalline Globe. Stone in the frame (given him of a friend) Dee inquires "de Thesauro abscondito", and if he might see Michael. Dee quotes his book of Famous & Rich Discoveries.' [June 1988ev pp. 16-21] 1582. Saturday March 10. 11:15am. 'Edward Talbot (i.e. Kelly) enters into Action with him. A skryer formerly willed Dee to call for Anchor into his stone in the frame, which he now used. Uriel appeared. A strange Seal or "Characterismus" of an illuding spirit, as Dee was given to understand.' [July 1988ev. pp. 22-25] The Same Saturday Afternoon. 5pm. 'A rich chair, and square Table appeared; which were to remain in the stone, to the sight of all undefiled creatures. "Sigillum Dei" to be made, and four lesser seals to be set under the tables feet. Lundrumguffa, a wicked spirit, an enemy to Dee to be discharged (driven away) with Brimstone. Maherion, a spirit Saul dealt with, who would have carried him away quick.' [August 1988ev. pp. 26-29] Sunday March 11. 3am. '(Lundrumguffa) seemed to be beaten by the other Spirit for Dee's sake.' [this concludes the table given in Libri Quinti Appendice] [September 1988ev. pp. 30-33] Wednesday March 14. 9am. An Action had by Dee & Talbot with the angels Uriel & Michael, in which Dee meets the Angel of his proffesion. Later they are shown the ring of Solomon, and are given further details concerning the "Sigillum Dei"" ""AEmeth". [October 1988ev. pp. 34-39] Thursday March 15. 1:15am. Wherein Dee and Talbot meet mighty king Solomon through the introduction of Raphael; and some confusion occurs over the identity of Michael & Gabriel. Also Edward Talbot is privily disclosed details concerning various items of requisite paraphanalia. [November 1988ev. pp. 40-43] Concluding Fragment Uriel, Raphael, & "Fortitudo Dei" set forth some history of their existance, as told in the Apocrypha. And Elias Ashmole concludes this book with a postscript. [December 1988ev. pp,44-45] Index A 17 Abraham 12 Actions with Spirits 3, 14, 18, 22, 24, 28, 34, 41 Adam 22 Adle Street (London) 3 Adonai 9, 40 AGLA 26 Agrippa, Cornelius 6, 35, 37, 41, 42 aire 13, 40 aleph (Heb) 6 Anchor/Anachor/Anilos 22, 23 Anna/Annah (Heb. ANA/HNA) 6 Annael (Anael) 6, 14, 16, 17, 18, 42 Arbatel 42 Ashmole, Elias 1, 2, 3, 44 Asmodeus 28 asses 12 Baalzebub 14 Bacon, Roger 13 Befafes 18 black 2, 34 Black Cross 2 black hood 34 breast 24 brimstone 28 Broadstreet (London) 2 Casaubon, Dr. Meric 2 cedarwood 3 chair 26, 30, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44 chaplet 3 charachters see 'sigils' Charles II 3 Christ, Jesus 8, 12, 16, 22, 40 circle 27 colours 26 compass 27, 36 cross 2, 3, 26 crystalline globe 13, 16 cup 41 Daniel 12 David 26 De Arte Cabalistica 37 De Heptarchia Mystica 2 De Miribili Potestate Artis et Naturae 13 De Verbo Mirifico 37 Devil 13 dog 16 ear 42 earth 9, 40, 41, 44 Ekron 14 English 9 Elementis Magicis 42 Elohim 9 Esdras 12, 44 etymology 6 eyes 30 face 35 Famous & Rich Discoveries 18 fasting 18 feathers 30 feet 27 fire 3, 16, 35, 40 Fire of London 3 Fortitudo Dei 6, 41, 42, 44 48 Claves Angelicae 2 Gabriel 6, 9, 34, 37, 41, 44 George 28 Gideon 12 gilt 2 gold 16, 23, 30, 36, 40, 42 globe 16 hands 16, 26, 30, 34, 36, 37, 44 head 30, 34, 35, 40 heart 26 heaven 6, 9, 37, 40 Hebrew 16 Hersham (Surrey) 2 High Priests 12 Hilton, Robert 28 The Institution Lawes & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter 2 iron 3 invisible 31, 34 Isaac 12 Israel 14 Jacob 12 St. James 12 Jehovah Zebaoth 9 Jesus Christ see Christ Jones, Mr. & Mrs. 2 Joshua 12 II Kings 14 lamen 42 lanuage 9, 12 Latin 9 laurel 34 left hand 30 legs 30 Liber Scientia Terrestris-Auxilij et Victoria 2 Libri Quinti Appendice 24, 28 Lilly, William 2 London (England) 2, 3 Lumbardstreet (London) 2 Lundrumguffa 22, 23, 24, 28, 30, 31 Magick 22 Maherion 28 Mammon 40, 42 Michael 6, 9, 17, 22, 23, 26, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41 Mortlack (Surrey) 3 Moorefields (London) 3 Mysteriorum Liber Primus 2, 3, 5, 18, 44 Mysteriorum Liber Secundus 44 NA 34, 35, 37 Nariel 34 Obelison see Befafes Och 41, 42 oil 27 olive 3 oratory 22, 42 Paradise 22 PELE 36, 37 pen 31, 36 Petri de Abano 42 POLIPOS 41 philosophy 9, 22, 36, 37 Psalms 13, 26, 40 purple 30 Raphael 6, 9, 22, 28, 42, 44 red 27, 40 red silk 27 Reuchlin, Joannis 37 right arm 35 right hand 30, 34 ring 35, 36, 37, 42 robe 30 round 26, 27, 34, 36 Sabbath 18 Samuel 12 Saul 12 Saul (Barnabas) 13, 16, 26, 28, 44 sceptre 40 scourge 30, 31 secrets 9, 12, 18 seals 23, 26, 27, 36, 42 seers 12, 13 shewstone 12, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 37, 40, 41, 42 shoulder 28, 30 Sigillum Dei AEmeth 26, 27, 36, 37 sigils 23, 26, 27, 28, 30 silk 27, 34 six pence 34 skryer 16, 22, 30, 35, 36, 40 skulls 16 Solomon 12, 35, 40, 41, 42 Soyga 22, 23, 26 square 2, 26, 27, 30 star 16 the stone see 'shewstone' Story, Samuel 2 sun 18, 30, 40, 41, 42 Surrey (England) 2 sweetwood 3, 26 sword 30, 34, 35, 36 table 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44 Tables of Soyga see 'Soyga' Talbot, Edward 22, 26, 30, 34, 35, 40, 42 Tobias 12, 28, 44 Tower of London 2 treasure 16 A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for many years between Dr. Dee & Some Spirits 2 Uriel 6, 9, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 36, 41, 44 Venus 18 Wale, Thomas 2, 3 wax 26 whip 30 white 16, 41, 44 wings 30 Woodall, John & Thomas 3 yellow 16, 27 ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for February 1989 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, appendix i (footnotes indicated by [#?]. Some charts and Enochian lettering only available in the printed edition.) Preface This month the Center For Enochian Studies begins a series of extracts from Doctor John Dee's "Libri Qvinti Appendice". These articles cover matters discussed and cited in "Liber Mysteriorvm" "Primvs"; particularly those that bear directly on the construction and use of the magikal paraphernalia described therein. ================================================================ 1583. "Aprilis" 28. Sunday after Dinner about 4 of the Clock[#1]. Dee - As I and Edward Kelly[#2] had diverse talks and discourses of Transposition of Letters[#3]; and I had declared him my rule for to know certainly how many ways, any number of Letters (propounded) might be transposed or altered in place or order. Behold suddenly appeared the spiritual Creature IL[#4], and said: Il: Here is a goodly disputation of transposition of Letters. Choose whether you will dispute with me of Transposition or I shall learn you. Dee: I had rather learn than dispute. And first I think that those letters of our Adamical Alphabet have a due peculiar unchangeable proportion of their forms and likewise that their order is also Mystical[#5]. Il: These letters represent the Creation of Man[#6]: and therefore i. they must be in proportion. They represent the workmanship wherewithal the Soul of man was made like unto his Creator[#7]. But I understand you shall have a painter shortly. Dee: I pray you. What painter might best serve for the purpose? Can Master Lyne serve the turn well? Il: Dost thou think that God can be glorified in Hell, or can Devils dishonor him? Can Wickedness of a painter deface the Mysteries of God? The truth is I am come to advertise you, lest with a small Error, you be led far aside. ii. Let me see the form of your Table. Dee - I shewed him the Characters and Words which were to be painted round about in the border of the Table. Il: How do you like those Letters? Dee: I know not well what I may say. For perhaps that which I should like were not to be liked, and contrarywise, what I should think well of, might be nothing worth. Il: Thou sayest well. Behold, great is the favor and mercy of God towards those, whom he favoreth. All things are perfect but only that. Neither was that shewed or delivered by any good and perfect Messenger from iii. God. A wicked power did intrude himself, not only into your Society, but also into the Workmanship of God's mysteries[#8]. Satan[#9] dare presume to speak of the Almighty. These characters are devilish: and a secret bond of the Devil. But, this saith the Lord, I will raise them up, whom he hath overthrown: and blot out his footsteps, where they resist my glory. Neither will I suffer the faithful to be led utterly awry: nor finally permit darkness to enhem them forever. He saith, iv. I AM, and they* are most Untrue. But behold, I have brought thee the truth; that the Prince of reason, God of understanding, may be apparent in every part of his Celestial monstration[#10]. Therefore as thou saidst unto me once, So say I now to thee; Serve god. v. Make a square*, of 6 inches every way. The border thereof let it be (here) but half an Inch: but on vi. the Table itself, let it be an Inch broad. "Vide post foliam, et etiam in tabula Cordis carnis et cutis nam in" "lineo defiendentibus ibidem habet hanc Tabulam hic incipiendo sed" "in primo omittendo "L "et acccipiendo" O[#11]. See page following, and likewise in the tablet of the Heart, flesh and skin, for in the defended line itself that table has as its beginning the omission of L in the first place and acceptance of O[#12]. In Fronte Tabulae o s o n s s l g e n o e e o o f o d g g n A Sinistris n a m s r l e r f t i o a g o e u l r r a Juxta Pectus n l l r l n a o e e o o e z g g l p p s a A Dextris i o a e s p m l b b n a a u a o a y n n l Gisg Gon Med Van Ur Don Ur Don Ur graph med med "In Fronte Tabulae"[#13] Before the Table "A Sinistris " On the Left hand "Juxta Pectus" At the Breast "A Dextris" On the Right hand Every one of those sides must have 21 Characters[#14]. But, First, at every Corner make a great B[#15]. Prayer is the key all good things: Dee - After our prayers made, Edward Kelly had sight (in the Stone)[#16] of innumerable Letters: and after a little while, they were brought into a lesser square fewer Letters. First appeared in the border opposite to our standing places; (which I used to call ("in Fronte Tabulae") these Letters[#17] following, beginning at the right hand, and proceeding toward the left. [The isolated lowercase letters in the next chart represent Enochian letters] 1 2 3 4 __________________________________________________________ Med o drux n drux n gon j fam s un a ur l med o med o tal m ur l un a drux n fam s don r graph e fam s don r ur l fam s fam s ur l drux n mals p ur l graph e un a tal m ged g don r med o ur l graph e or f graph e pa b drux n gisg t graph e pa b med o gon j med o drux n graph e med o med o un a graph e un a graph a un a med o ged g ceph z van u med o med o ged g un a or f graph e ged g med o -[#18] med o van u ur l un a gal d ur l mals p gon j - vii ged g don r mals p drux n ged g don r fama s drux n drux n un a un a ur l ___________________________________________________________ In Fronte Tabulae A Sinistris Juxta Pectus A Dextris Il: What have you in the middle of your Table? Dee: Nothing. iix. Il: "Sigillvm AEmeth" is to be set there[#19]: The rest after Supper. Dee. "Soli Deo Omnipotenti sit laus perennis." " Amen." To God, Who is Alone Almighty, is praise made forever. Amen. .oOo. ----------------------------------------------------------- John Dee his marginal notation. i. The Mystical Alphabet[#20]. ii. The Table of Practice[#21]. iii. Illuding Spirits thrusting in themselves[#22]. iv. * I understand that the Characters are most untrue. v. Dee* The Inner square of 6 inches. vi. Dee Make thy perfect square, of 12 places. vii. - with a prick[#23] iix. "Sigillum AEmeth"[#24]. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 MDLXXXIII "anno domini" Sunday April 28th 4 o'clock (notat. o'clock is a contraction for the arch. 'of the clock'). This action occurs in the year following the concluding article of "Liber Mysteriorvm Primvs", some material therefore makes reference to intermediate events; as the specifics of these matters will be taken up in the due course of our chronological presentation, some issues will not be dealt with in complete detail. We have inspite of this shortcoming attempted to give fairly full citation, both to printed works and related MS. entries, where questions of major difficulty arise. 2 Referred to previously as Edward Talbot: Kelly was an Alchemist of some note; the interested reader is referred to "The Alchemical" "Writings of Edward Kelly", edt. A. E. Waite facs. (NY: Samuel Weiser, 1970) 3 It is over this argument even now that disputes of some importance exist. And it is to resolving these questions that this exposition of these appendices is directed. It is perversely reassuring that, contemporary to the primary source material, these disputes were far from clear. 4 Company of The "Filivs Filiorvm Lvcis" (The Sons of the Sons of Light) whose name is drawn from the lower left hand corner of the 2nd 49 fold table there given as '21/8.', this table also referred to as containing 'The Seven Names of God That not even the Angels Know' is used in the composition of the "Sigillvm Dei" "AEmeth", wherein the name is also drawn out, being located on the upper and innermost heptagon as a ligatured EL. According to Laycock 'il' means thee, or thou (2nd person singular of the personal pronoun) in the Angelic tongue. "The Complete Enochian" "Dictionary", Donald C. Laycock (London: Askin, 1978) 5 Reading from right to left, this order is as given following the text above(cf. note 20.) 6 Genesis II:7 7 Gen. I:26,27 8 Vide Thelema Lodge (Berkeley CA: O.T.O., July, Aug. & Sept. 1988e.v.) for the perpetration of the object of Il's complaint. 9 Dee gives 'Sathan'. 10 'Coelestial monstration' (from Latin coeli/ monstro, -are) lit. heavenly showing; comprehending the conceptualizations of Astronomy, Astrology, Cosmology, Theology etc. Dee's own complex views on the topics may be see in his "Propaedeumata Aphoristica" (London: 1558) available in translation by W. Schumaker Ph.D. (Berkeley CA: Univ. of Calif. Press) 11 This reference is to the proper plan for the Lamen, soon to be discussed of the angels, wherein are the letters the same but the arrangement different from those given here for the Holy Table. 12 The illustration given here for the correct arrangement of the characters on the "Tabvla Sancta" is the crux of modern disputes, concerning the proper execution of this particular piece of furniture. The argument first put forward by R. Turner in his edition of "The Heparchia Mystica" is, that the arrangement of the given by Dr. Casaubon in his "True & Faithful Relation" is apparently in incorrect, as it seems to erroneously reverse the arrangement given here. The interested reader is advised to compare both these sources in this rather complex controversy; having extensively examined the question, including what I believe is all of the pertinent MS., I am of the opinion that the original correctness of Meric Casaubon's can be proven to reasonable level of precision and accuracy. The demonstration of this proof requires the completion of this series of appended texts to syllogize its evidence, therefore will this resolution be given in due course of time. 13 Cognate with English 'In Front of', generally used Eccl. Lat. to indicate 'before the altar'. cf. Thelema Lodge op.cit. Aug.88 note 15. 14 The same as the number of characters in the 'Adamical Alphabet' referred to herein. 15 This B is the key to the tables use in deriving the rulership for the Mystical Heptarchy, and The Forty-nine Good Angels. Cf. G.James and R.Turner. 16 A good photograph can be seen on pg.103 F. King, "Witchcraft And" "Demonology" (NY: Exeter Books, 1987) 17 In the tabulation following this note we have added, the appropriate characters from the variously called Angelic Alphabet. The studious will note that these do not agree completely with those traditionally assigned by the Golden Dawn, and related systems. 18 This was originally given as tal and a marginal correction given as 'med' forte. We have adopted Ashmoles inclusion of the correction from SL.MS.3788 within the text, for purposes of clarity. 19 Op.cit. Thelema Lodge (Aug. 1988) 20 [This note gave a correspondence chart for English to Enochian. It cannot be reproduced in the electronic edition] 21 Op.cit. note 13. 22 Op.cit. notes 8. 23 Apparently taken as a final, and thus rendered by Dee as a 'y'. 24 The "Sigillum Dei AEmeth" is a complex planetary talisman, encompassing a wide spectrum of magikal formulae. It has touched on with limited depth and varied accuracy in the majority of books related to Dee and Kelly's magikal systems. The details of its operation are given in Dee's "Liber Mysteriorvm Secvndvs" (SL.MSS. 3188, 3677) which will be given at the conclusion of this series of appendices to "The First Book Of Mystical" "Exercises". An excellent photograph of the "Sigillum" may be seen, op.cit F.King, "Witchcraft & Demonology", pg.102. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for March-April 1989 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, appendix ii (footnotes indicated by [#?]. Enochian lettering only available in the printed edition.) After supper[1], returning to our business; I first doubted of the heads of the Letters in the border, to be written, which way they ought to be turned, to the Centerward of the Table[2], or from the Centerward. i IL[3]: The heads of the letters must be next or toward the center of the Square Table or Figure. Divide that within, by 12 and 7.[4] Dee - I divided it. IL[5]: Grace, mercy and peace be unto the Lively branches of his flourishing kingdom. And strong art thou in thy glory, which dost unknit the secret parts of thy Lively Workmanship; and that, before the weak understanding of man. Herein is thy power and Magnificence opened unto man. And why? Because thy divinity and secret power is here shut up in ii Numero Ternario et Quaternario: adquiro[6] principium et fundamentum omne huius est tui sanctissimi operis. I count the Third and Fourth; from which I obtain this, the first and fundamental of all your most holy works.[7] For, if thou (O God) be wonderful and incomprehensible in thine own substance, it must needs follow, that thy works are likewise incomprehensible[8]. But Lo, they shall now believe, because they see, which heretofore could scarcely believe. Strong is the Influence of thy Super celestial power,[9] and mighty is the force of that army,[10] which overcometh all things. Let all power therefore rest in thee: Amen.[11] Dee [12] - The Spiritual Creature seemed to eat fire, like balls of fire; having his face towards me, and his back towards Edward Kelly.[13] IL:[14] Leave out the Bees[15] of the 7 names of the Seven Kings, iii and 7 Princes: and place them in a table divided by 12 and 7 : the 7 Spaces being Uppermost: and therein Write, in the Upper Line, the Letters of the King, with the Letters of his Prince following next after his name: and so of the six other, and their Princes: And read them on the right hand from the Upper Part to the Lowest, and thou shalt find; then, the Composition of this Table.[16] Therein they are all Comprehended, Saving Certain Letters, iv Which are not to be put in[17] here:[18] By reason that the Kings and Princes do spring from God; and not God from the Kings and Princes. Which excellency is comprehended, and is also manifest, in that Third and Fourth member.[19] Round about the sides [of this Square] is every Letter of the 14 names, of the seven Kings and Princes. v Hereafter shall you perceive that the Glory of this Table surmounteth the glory of the Sun. All things else appertaining unto it, are already prescribed by your former instruction.[20] vi I have no more to say, but God transpose your minds,[21] according to his Own Will[22] and pleasure. You talked of Transposition. Tomorrow I will be with you again. But Call not for me, Least vii you incur the danger of the former Curse.[23] Plate I. l o n e g a n o g i l a o g o n r o l e g o b o s e f a f e l e l a b a o n o m t u r o p e n y n o d s i l l o p s a n forte' 'firm sp' s e g r o r n e p y a n SP transl. s p s e g l a r a z a m u l oO0Ooo.ooO0Oo o0o O ; ------------------------------------------------- The Marginalia of Doctor John Dee: i. Note of the square within. ii. Ternarius et Quaternarius. 'of the Trinity and the Quadripartite.' transl. iii. (12 & 7) iv. Note of these Kings and Princes.[24] v. The dignity of the Table of Practice. vi. He alludeth to our Talk had of Transposition of Letters.[25] vii. Note danger of violating precepts of Doctrine. ================================================================= Plate II. Baligon Bagenol Bobogel Bornogo Babalel Befafes Bynepor Butmono Bnapsol Blisdon Blumaza Bralges =========================================================================== --- footnotes --- 1 Sunday April 28th 1583. 'CES I.i.,' Thelema Lodge (Berkeley CA: Feb. 1989) 2 Ibidem, Aug.88. Feb.89. This article is the second in a series extracted from SL.3188 "libri Qvinti Appendice" explaining the details of the "Tabvla Sancta". 3 Dee's notation to IL as given in the Mystical Heptarchy (vide notat. 5. infra): i. IL the first of the 7 Sons of Sons of light. ii. IL, the living and "semper" ('always' transl.) adherent to King Baligon, and his name is expressed in his character: vide Nov. 21 Anno 1582. iii. IL or E-L (a ligated E+L). 4 This statement can only be clearly comprehended by understanding the relationship between the mysteries of both the Magikal Square here concluding and the central arrangement of the Tabula Sancta (ibid. notat. 3). These kabbalistic formulae are expressed in the 1st place whereby the four primary elements are by a units increase formed of, the "prima materia" of the alchemists, the fundamental trinity (1+3=4). Therewith by the additive operation of arithmetic (3+4) is derived the sum 7, which is the key to the arrangements of the planets as known to the ancients. Further, from the multiplicative property of mathematics (3x4) cometh the sum 12, by which the constellations of the Zodiac are noted. This is elucidated, and should be studied in Dr. John Dee's "Monas Heiroglyphica" (op.cit. Thelema Lodge, Mar.89.) in particular aphorisms VIII & XVIII. 5 Here begins a passage extracted by Dee for inclusion in his "De Heptarchia Mystica: Collectanarum Lib. primvs," the Grimoire he himself composed from the bulk of Angelic Conferences recorded in Mysteriorvm Libri Qvinti." The interested student is strongly recommended to read this document, as it concerns specifics of this Holy Table, the Lamen, and the peculiarities of the various Angelic personages variously discussed; without which understanding comprehension of the seemingly, at times, contradictory aspects of this system will prove impossible. Vide: G. James, "The Enochian Evocation Of Dr John Dee" (Heptangle, Gillete NJ:1984) pp.33-34, and R. Turner, "The Heptarchia Mystica" of John Dee (Aquarian Wellingborough, Northamptonshire Eng.:1986) pp.44-45. 6 SL.MS.3188 gives L.abbr.: " ' o " a. q SL.MS.3677 i.e. Ashmole renders this "'ac quo'". 7 This passage poses difficult ambiguities of Latin and has been variously translated: Turner (transl. "...the number three and four, from which is beginning and all the foundation of this, your most holy work." James "...the third and fourth number; from the first and fundamental is of all your holy works." 8 Almost but not quite. The editors. 9 'super celestial' L.cognate "svpercoelestial", lit.: above, or beyond the heavens, or skies. Vide Dee, "Propaedeumata Aphoristica" (op.cit. Thelema Lodge Feb.89. notat 10.), of which the modern interpretation would be astrophysical cosmogenesis. 10 SL.3188 'arme' arch. Eng. for army (vide OED); here probab. as in 'the armies of the Lord' an aspect of Jehovah Zebaoth. Erroneously rendered though cognate with 'arm'(cf.OED). 11 This ends the first passage herein cited in the "Heptarchia Mystica". 12 This paragraph of description is lacking in Dee's "Heptarchia". 13 'E.K.' SL.3188. 14 Here begins the second passage cited in "The Heptarchia". 15 Preferred rendering given in the OED for the pl. of the letter B. 16 Vide Plate II. where these names are set out in comparison directionally, and in the Adamical Alphabet. 17 'put in' herein underlined in archaic hyphenation style, for which see prepositional usage OED. 18 I.e. the 'Bees' 19 Dee corrects 'member' to 'number' in his "Heptarchia Mystica". 20 Op.cit. Thelema Lodge Feb.89. 21 For an interesting literary exposition of this rather occult conception see H.P.Lovecraft's "The Thing on the Doorstep," 'The Best of H.P.Lovecraft', (Del Rey N.Y. NY:1982). This entirety of this story covers this subject in some depth, but Chapter IV. paragraph 21. bears, in an arcanely peculiar manner, on note vide post. 22 "Vide Pater Noster" Matt. VI:9-13 = Gk. Theta-eta-lambda-epsilon- mu-alpha sigma-omicron-upsilon . 23 Probably in reference to 'Lundrumguffa' (op.cit. Thelema Lodge Aug. & Sept. 89.) 24 Reading from right to left and top to bottom cf. Plates I. & II. 25 It is interesting to note here that by the use of the stone attributed to King Baligon (op.cit. notat 3.), optically applied to the Magick Squares herein referred to, this perplexing issue of transposition becomes somewhat more crystal clear. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for April-May 1989 e.v. The Center for Enochian Studies is on vacation this month. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for May-June 1989 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, appendix iia Prefatio This month The Center For Enochian Studies presents a compilation of the various tables of magical squares that bear directly upon the construction of the Holy Table and its relationship to the Sacred Lamen. It is our hope that by placing these varied diagrams in comparison to each other, that the reader will find the explanations; both those that have preceded, and those several remaining to follow, more lucid. The Student may thereby find fewer difficulties in unraveling the variety of complexities and controversies involved. These tables are presented, as far as is known, for the first time anywhere as the angels instructed, id est, in both the Angelic alphabet and in Roman characters (true for the printed edition only --- unless you contact Bill Heidrick for the graphic symbols and alphabet tables that are used to print from XYWrite on IBM. Dave Jones is the editor of the Enochiana section of the TLC). Plate i. l o n e g a n o g i l a o g o n r o l e g o b o s e f a f e l e l a b a o n o m t u r o p e n y n o d i s l l o p s a n s e g r o r n e s p a n s e g l a r a z a m u l April 28 1583 Plate ii. o g o n r o l o g o b o s e f a f e l e l a b a o n o m t u r o p e n y n o d s i l l o p s a n s e g r o r n e s p a n s e g l a r a z a m u l l o n e g a n o g i l a April 29 1583 Plate iii. o r i a n l e a e h a o r i a n s l e a s a o r i a n s l e a h a a r h i a n s l e a h a r n a p o d a p a o p a l a g a n s a h o n a p a p h a r l o April 29 1583 Plate iv. o o e o i t l r l u l r r l u l r l o i t e o o Plate v. a l i g o n o r n o g o o b o g e l e f a f e s a b a l e l u t m o n o y n e p o r l i s d o n n a s p o l r o r g e s n a p s e n r a l g e s l u m a z a a g e n o l May 5 1583 Plate vi. L H I M E A F D G K B T S V Z R O X N Q P May 6 1583 -finis- ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for June-July 1989 e.v. Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, appendix iii (In this electronic edition, the footnotes are marked by: [#] "Aprilis 29." Monday; "a meridie".[#1] Dee - As Edward Kelly[#2] and I were talking of my book Soyga;[#3] i or Aldaraia: and I at length said that, (as far as I did remember) ii Zadzaczadlin, was Adam by the Alphabet thereof, suddenly appeared the spiritual creature, which said yesterday that he would come again, this day, uncalled: and at his first coming he said: Then, "a' primo". Firstly. Dee: "Qui primus est et novissimus," "Alpha et Omega, misereatur nostri." Who is the first and the last, The Alpha and the Omega, Our commiserator. Il: Amen. Glory be to thee, Which art one, and comprehending all. Marvelous is thy wisdom, in those, of whom, thou wilt be comprehended. A short prayer, but appliable to my purpose. Every praise with us is a prayer. iii Dee - He taketh off his pied coat,[#4] and threw it upon the corner of my desk, and then he seemed clothed in an ancient doctorly apparel: and on his head he had a wreath of white silk of three braids. Il: Well, I will give you my Lesson, and so bid you farewell. First, I am to persuade you to put away wavering minds. Secondly, for your instruction in those necessary occasions, thus it is: iv The Outside or Skin must be the Center. There is one foundation. The Flesh must be the Outside. The Center itself must be dissevered into 4 equal parts. There is your Lesson. Dee: We understand not this dark Lesson. Il: The heart must be the fourth part of the body; and yet the body perfect and sound. The Skin must occupy the place of the heart and yet without deformity. God is the beginning of all things: The farthest part of all things, is in the hands of God. v The like shall be found amongst the number of his One most holy name. The Earth is a foundation to every thing: and differeth but only in form. In the form of his own application whereunto it is applied. God is the beginning of all things, but not after one sort, nor to everyone alike. But it is three manner of Works, with his name. vi The One in respect of his Dignification: The Second in respect of Conciliation: The Third, in respect of an end and determined Operation. Now Sir, to what end, would you wear your Character? Dee: At our two first dealings together,[#5] it was answered, by a Spiritual Creature (Whom we took to be Uriel.) vii Plate I. "Sigillum hoc in auro sculpendum," "ad defensionem corporis" "omni loco, tempore et occasione," (this plate may be "et in pectus gestandum." seen in the printed edition) This Seal is to be carved in gold. as a defense for the body in all places, times & circumstances, and is to be worn on the breast. Il: But how do I teach? The Character is an Instrument, applicable only to Dignification. viii But there is no Dignification (here) but that which doth proceed, and hath his perfect Composition, Centrally in the square Number of 3 and 4. The Center Whereof shall be equal to the greatest. Dee: We understand not. Il: Hereby you may gather, not only, to what end, the blessed ix Character (wherewith thou shalt be dignified) is prepared, but also the nature of all other Characters. To the second ---- Dee: Conciliation you mean. x Il: The Table is an Instrument of Conciliation. And so are the other 7 Characters: which you call by the name of Tables, squared out into the form of Armies: which are xi proper to every King and Prince according to their order: Now to the last: Dee: As concerning the end and determined Operation. Il: It only consisteth in the mercy of God, and the Character of xii these books. For Behold, As there is nothing that cometh or springeth from God, but it is as God, and hath Secret Majestical; and inexplicable xiii Operation in it: So every Letter here bringeth forth the Names of God: But (indeed), they are but One Name: But according to the Local and former being, to (do) comprehend the universal xiv generation, corruptible and incorruptible of every thing.[#6] It followeth then, it must needs comprehend the end of all things. xv This much hitherto. The Character is false and devilish. He that dwelleth in thee, hath told thee so, Long ago. The former Devil, did not only insinuate himself, but these things. Dee: I do marvel, that we had no warning hereof, ere now; and that I was often times called on, to prepare those things (Characters and Tables) and yet they were false. xvi Il: If it should have been gone about to be made, it should not have been suffered to pass under the form of Wickedness. The Truth is to be gathered upon the first Demonstration. xvii (my Demonstration and* yours are not all one: you will not be offended with me; Sir.) I gave thee a certain principle, Which in itself is a sufficient demonstration: I told thee the placing of the Centre, the form of it, with a lineal placing and ordering of that xviii which thou lookest* for. Dee: But truly I understand not. Il: I teach. Take clean Paper. It must be made 4 Inches square: Pray. Dee - We prayed. Il: These Letters, which I shall speak now, thou shalt afterword, xix put them in their proper Characters. Write: Never since the beginning of the World, was this Secret delivered; nor this holy mystery set open, before the Weaklings of this World. Write in the uppermost prick O, and b on the right hand, and g on the left, etc. The two extreme pricks; one on the right hand, a and the other on the left o etc. There is the whole. Dee - We prayed (unbidden) in respect of the mystery revealed. Edward Kelly was scarce able to abide or endure the Voice of the Spiritual Creature, when he spake of these things now: the sound was so forcible to his head; that it made it ache vehemently. .......................................... .o n r o l e g o. .f a f e l e l a. . . . .............................. . . .r l e o. . . . o . . . .n o. . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . g . b . . . . . . . . . . . o m . ................. . p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . b . a . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . n . o . n . n . y . s . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ......................... a . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . s . e . a . n . n . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . a . s . e . u . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . . . . o . e . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . l . . . . ............................. . Plate II. bis (This plate may be seen in the printed edition) Il: Set down the Kings, and their Princes, in a Table (as thou Knowest them; with their Letters backward: excepting their Bees, from the right hand to the left. Let Bobogel be first, Bornogo is his Prince. Plate III. o g o n r o l e g o b o s e f a f e l e l a b a o n o m t u r o p e n y n o d s i l l o p s a n s e g r o r n e s p a n s e g l a r a z a m u l l o n e g a n o g i l a Dee - Note here the 3 diverse manners how the Letters are composed. The middle is called the 1. Heart or Center; those also enclosing the heart, are 2. called the flesh. And two outside pillars (of two in a row) is counted 3. the Skin. Plate III. bis (This plate may be seen in the printed edition) Il: Here is the Skin turned into the Centre; and the Centre turned into 4 parts of the Body. Dee: I see now also, how the flesh, is become the outside: o g e l o r n o Il: I have done till Son. Dee: "Deo nostro Omnipotenti perennis laus sit et immensa gloria." Amen To our Almighty God be the everlasting praise and immense glory. Amen oOXOOOOxOOOXOOOOooo..x..oooOOOOXOOOxOOOOXOo oOOooo...oooOOo O o ; ___________________________________________________________________ The Marginalia of Dee with the Angelic language transliterated into the Adamical alphabet i. aIaradla ii. ADAM = nIldazcazdaz iii. Apparel changed. iv. An Enigmatical Lesson.[#7] v. Note. vi. Three manner of works with God his Name. vii. "vide Inscriptiones suo loco anno 1592. Marty die 10." See the writing joined to this place for the day of March 10, 1582. viii. Note here of the 7 Tables of Creation, how they appertain to the 7 Kings and Princes.[#8] ix. The Nature of all Characters. x. Instrument of Conciliation. xi. NOTE order. xii. This Book of 48 Tables.[#9] xiii. Note of the Names of God. Corruptible xiv. Generation À Incorruptible xv. The Character also was a false tradition. xvi. Note. xvii. * "Lepide', Mathematicas meas demonstrationes denotat." Agreement! As my Mathematical demonstration notes. xviii. *he meaneth my proper Character truly made. xiv. Note, These to Be put in proper Characters. 1 Monday morning April 29th 1583. 2 Dee abbreviates "E.K." 3 "Book Soyga or Aldaraia": For a more detailed discussion of this Mysterious text see our notes vide 'Thelema Lodge', July 1988ev footnotes 6 & 7 and the text. 4 "Pied Coat" of mixed colours, sometimes patches as in the 'Pied Piper'. 5 op.cit. Thelema Lodge 7/89ev. 6 "But according to the Local and former being" would seem to be a direct reference to pre-christian Pagan god forms "to comprehend the Universal Generation, corruptible and incorruptible of everything" would support the essentially sexual and generative nature of nearly all pre-christian theology; compare Aleister Crowley 'De Natvra Deorvm' (Book 28) caps. I.-IV. where this mystery is set forth in a rather straightforward manner. 7 The enigma of this lesson is related to two similar tables and their interrelation to one another; these being the Holy Table (vide 'Thelema Lodge' Aug. & Sept. 1988ev) and the Lamen (discussed herein). By placing a crystal ball as instructed on the previously mentioned Table of Practice the exact conditions described here in are met; i.e. "The outside or skin" is "the Center", and "the center itself" is "dissevered in to 4 equal parts". Only visual experiment on the part of the reader can possibly demonstrate this fully, and those interested are recommended to use Casaubons 'A True and Faithful Relation7, as it affords a size suitable for such tests. As there are a number of further mysteries herein given that this simple optical demonstration will resolve; including the erroneously set forth dilemmas of R. Turner, and details regarding the construction of the Lamen, both herein and still to be set forth in subsequent 'Actions', we shall now conclude this rather lengthy note. 8 "The Seven Tables of Creation" are discussed in Dee's 'Liber Mysteriorum Tertius' and may be seen in previously mentioned representation of the Holy Table in Casaubon. "The Seven Kings & Princes" are taken from 'Liber Mysteriorum Tertius' and discussed at depth in our previously cited 'De Heptarchia Mystica'. 9 'The Book of 49 Tables' is commonly referred to as 'Liber Logaeth'; it is a singularly peculiar book, and directly follows these Five Books of Mystery in sequence and preceding those texts presented in 'A True and Faithful Relation'. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for July-August 1989 e.v. The Center for Enochian Studies appendix iv. o r i a n l e a e s a o r i a n s l s a s a o r i a n s l e a l a a r h i a n s l e a h a r n a p o d a p o p a l g a n s a h o n a p a p h a r o ............................. :a l n g a d a p: : : :n o p c p a l g: : ................. : : :o p a u: : : :a o r: : : : h a : : :a r : b r a h : t a: : : a m o f t h : : : :m o: : :n o : u n t e t h : g r: : : a r b a : : :a l : i e : a r: : :a a l: : : :l p a p: : : ................. : :a b r n o t o p: : : :a h a p a a l g: .............................[#1] Dee: Belmagel his counterfeiting of our instruction received from God, and to Edward Kelly his hands as likely as could be. Herein I have followed the Character exactly; by which it appears, that the Book of Enoch[#2]. in Sir John Cotton's Library+, was written by Edward Kelly's hand. The Characters in that, being made after the fashion of these. [#3] + Now "MS. Sloane 3189." F.M. [#4] NOTE [#5] After that these things were finished, Edward Kelly rose up from the Table, and went to the west windows to read a Letter which was even then brought him, from his wife: which being done, he took a little Prayer* Book (in english meter made by one William Hunnis which Mr. Adrian Gilbert[#6] had left[#7] here, and it lay on the Table by us all the while of this first action) and with this Book he went into his bed chamber intending to pray on it a certain Prayer which he liked; and as he opened the Book his eye espied Strange Writing in the spare white paper at the book's end. And beholding it, judged it verily to be his own Letters, and the thing of his own doing; but being assured that he never saw the like of this Character [for Conciliation] and that other, notified by the Heart or Center Skin and Flesh[#8] before this present hour, he became astonished, and in great wrath; and behold suddenly One appeared to him and said: "Lo this is as good as the other;" meaning that which we had received, and is here before set down on the former page.[#9] With this news came Edward Kelly to me, and I was writing down fair this last Action, and said: "I have strange matter to impart unto you." Then said I; "What is that?", and at the first (being yet tossed in his mind, with this great injury of this subtle supplanter of man, ambitiously intruding himself to rob God of his glory) he said: "you shall know," and at length shewed me this little paper here by, being the one of the white leaves in the end of the foresaid little prayer book. And I, viewing it, found it to be meant to be the Counterfeit of ours; but with all imperfect diverse ways, after the order of our method; yea though the words, out of which it had sprung, had been good and sufficient: and there at laughed at, and derided the Wicked enemy for his envy, his ass-headed foolish ambition, and indeed mere blindness to do anything well. To Conclude, we found that with an incredible speed this Devilish figure was written down by some Wicked Spirit, to bring our perfect doings in doubt with us; to utter undue speeches of god's good Creatures, or to wavering minds of the worthiness and goodness of the same things received, and so either to leave off, or with faint hearted wavering to proceed. But I by God's grace, (contrary to such inconveniency) was armed with constancy, and confident good hope, that God would not suffer me (putting my trust in his goodness and mercy, to receive wisdom from him) to be so Unjustly dealt withal, or Unkindly or Unfatherly used at his hands etc., and intended after supper to make my earnest complaint to the divine Majesty against this Wicked intrusion and temptation of Illuding Devil, and so we went to Supper. * The title of the Book was: 'Seven Sobs of an sorrowful Soul for sin.' 1 Similarity between the forms of various different letters make these 'false' tables exceedingly difficult to set down with absolute accuracy. 2 "Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus" (i.e. "The Holy and Sixth Book of the Mysteries"), or "The Book of Enoch" revealed to John Dee by the Angels. 3 This note is in Elias Ashmole's hand. 4 This note circa 1854, from the hand of the archivist who prefaced this volume ("SL. MS. 3188."). His scholia appears on "folio 2. recto." 5 "Notat post scriptvm Monday Aprilis xxix Anno MDLXXXIII domine." 6 1583 Feb. 18th, the Lady Walsingham cam suddenly into my howse very freely, and shortly after that she was gone. Cam Syr Francys+ himself and Mr. Dyer Feb. 24th, Jane churched. Feb. 26th, I delivered my boke to the Lord Threasorer for the correction of the Calender.* March 6th, I, and Mr. Adrian Gilbert. and John Davis, did mete with Mr. Alderman Barnes, Mr. Townson and Mr. Yong and Mr. Hudson, abowt the N.W. voyage. + Sir Francis Drake. * "British Museum Additional MS. 19065." 7 Dee has "left" struck out. 8 cf. "Thelema Lodge O.T.O." (Berkeley CA: "June 1989ev") 9 "Ibid. et May 1989ev." ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for August-September 1989 e.v. The Center for Enochian Studies appendix v. 1583. "Aprilis" 29. Monday, after supper: "hora" 8a.[#1] i. Dee - I went into my Oratory[#2], and made a fervent prayer against the Spiritual enemy: specially meaning the wicked one who had so suddenly, so subtilty, and so lively counterfeited the hand and letters of Edward Kelly[#3] as is here before declared[#4]; and by the thing itself may appear here. Likewise Edward Kelly on his ii. knees (at the green chair standing before the chimney) did pray: after which prayers ended; [#5] yea, rather, before they were ended, on my behalf, Edward Kelly espied a spiritual creature; come to my Table: Whom he took to be IL[#6]., and so, aloud, said. "He is here." and thereupon I came to my desk, to Write as occasion should serve:[#7] And before I began to do anything I rehearsed part of my intent, uttered to god by prayer, and half turned my speech to God himself, as the cause did seem to require. Thereupon that Spiritual Creature. Who as yet had said nothing, suddenly used these words: _____ "I give place to my better." Edward Kelly: There seemeth to me Uriel[#8] to be come, and IL to be gone away. .- : Dee - : Then began that new come Creature to say thus: : Uriel: : Most abundant and plentiful are the great mercies of God : unto them which truly and unfeignedly fear, honor and be- : lieve him. The Lord hath heard thy prayers and, I am iii. -+- URIEL, and I have brought the peace of God, : Which shall from henceforth visit you. .- If I had not made this action perfect (saith the Lord) and wrought some perfection in you, to the end you might perform; yea, if I had not had mercies (saith the Lord) over the infinite number iv. and multitude of Souls, which are yet to put on the vileness and corruption of the flesh. Or if it were not time to look down, and behold the sorrow of my Temple. Yet would I, for my promise sake, and the establishing of my kingdom, Verify my mercies upon the sons v. of men. Whereunto I have Chosen three of you, as the mouths and Instruments of my determined purpose[#9]. Therefore (sayeth the vi. Lord), Be of stout and courageous mind in me, for me, and for my truth sake. And Fear not the assaults of temptation, For I have said: "I am with you." But as mercy is necessary for those that vii. repent, and faithfully forget their offenses. So is Temptation requisite and must ordinarily follow those, whom it pleaseth him to illuminate with the beams of triumphant Sanctification. If Temptations were not, how should the Sons of men (sayeth the Lord) know me to be merciful? But I am honored in hell, and worshipped with the blasphemers: "Pugna erit, vobis autem victoria" Even the victory was thine, of the Battle which was. Yet, albeit, (thus sayeth my message) I will defend you from the cruelty of these days to come and will make you perfect: viii. that perfectly you may begin in the works of my perfection: But What? and dost thou (Satan)[#10] think to triumph? Behold (sayeth the God of Justice) I will banish thy servants from this place and region, and will set stumbling blocks before the feet of thy ministers. Therefore, be it unto thee, as thou hast deserved. And be it to this people, and holy place, (as it is, the Will of God; ix. Which I do pronounce) light without darkness. Truth without falsehood, righteousness without the works of wickedness. I have pronounced it, and it is done. x. But thou, o youngling* (but old sinner), Why dost thou suffer thy blindness thus to increase; or why dost thou not yield thy Limbs[#11] to the service and fulfilling of an eternal verity? Pluck up thy heart. Let it not be hardened. Follow the way that leadeth to the knowledge of the end; the open sight of god his word Verified, for his kingdoms sake. You began in Tables[#12], and that of small account. But be faithful; for you shall be written within Tables of perfect and everlasting remembrance. Considering the truth; Which is the message of him Which is the fountain and Life of the true, perfect, and most glorious life to come: Follow, Love, and diligently Contemplate the mysteries therein. He that hath done this evil, hath not only sinned against thee, but against God, and against his truth. Judgment is not of me, and therefore I can not pronounce it: But What his Judgment is, he knoweth in himself. His name is xi. BELMAGEL[#13] legamleb xii. and he is the firebrand[#14], which hath followed thy soul from the beginning: yea seeking his destruction, who can better counterfeit, than he, that in thy wickedness is chief Lord and Master[#15] of thy Spirits; or who hath been acquainted with the secrets of man's fingers, so much as he that hath been a director? xiii. My sayings are no accusation, neither is it my property to be defiled with such profession[#16]. But I counsel you generally; and advertise you through the grace, and by the spirit of unspeakable mercy. xiv. This night, if your prayers had not been; yea if they had not pierced into the seat of him which sitteth above: Thou, yea (I say) thou hadst been carried, and taken away, this night, into a wilderness, so far distant hence Northward[#17], that thy destruction had followed. Therefore Lay away thy Works of youth; and fly from fleshly Vanities, if not upon Joy and pleasure of this presence, yet for the glory of him that hath chosen you. .- : I say, be strong. Be Humble with Obedience: xv. : For All the things, that have been spoken of, : shall come to pass. And there shall not a : letter of the book of this prophesy perish. .- Finally, God hath blessed you: and will keep you from xvi. temptation,Dee and will be merciful unto you, and perfect you; for xvii. the dignity of your profession* sake. Which, World Without end, forever and ever; With us and all xviii.creatures, and in the light of his own countenance, be honored. Amen Amen Amen. Dee - Hereupon I made most humble prayer with hearty thanks to our God, for his help, comfort, and judgment against our enemy, in this case (so greatly concerning his glory). And at my standing up, I understood that Uriel was out of sight to Edward Kelly Yet I held on my purpose to thank him, and to praise god for Uriel that his so faithful. ministry unto his divine Majesty, executed to our needful comfort in so vehement a temptation. "Deo nostro Omnipotenti, sit omnis Laus, honor, et gratiarum actio, nunc et in perpetuum." Our God, All Powerful, to whom I render all praise, honor, and thanksgiving, now and forever more. Amen. o8o oOOoO0OoOOo oOo8oOo O ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dee's Marginalia: I. Dee - prayed . : II. Edward Kelly prayed . III. Vriel IV. Note Souls created before the bodies are begotten. V. Three elected. VI. "Fortitudo in deo es propter Deum." Strength in god is because of God. VII. Temptation necessary. VIII. Perfect beginning. IX. "Sententia contra istudum Malignum Sapientum qui nobis inpenere vobuit." It is this sentence against Evil Wisdom which is the means wherewith our burden is to be uplifted. X. He spake to Edward Kelly. XI. "Angelus malus proprius pius." The proper piety of evil angels. XII. Edward Kelly: XIII. Dee Devils are accusers properly. XIV. Edward had been carried in the wrath of God, if fervent prayers had not been; as may appear in the beginning of this Mighty Action. XV. The book of this Prophecy shall continue. XVI. Dee [HB:Aleph ] "a malo temptiones." Dee - Aleph: an evil temptation. XVII. * "Proffesio mea est Philosophia vera." I Profess that mine is true Philosophy. XVIII. Vide Libro Primo See Book One (wherein these professions are located [de declinatas locativium]). ------------------------------------------------------------------ .---.---.---.---.---. : U : R : I : E : L : :---+---+---+---+---: : R : I : L : U : E : :---+---+---+---+---: : I : L : I : L : I : :---+---+---+---+---: : E : U : L : I : R : :---+---+---+---+---: : L : E : I : R : U : .---.---.---.---.---. [#1] 8 o'clock in the morning, on Monday the 29th day of April, in the year of the Lord MDLXXXIII. This Action takes place three days after Dee delivered the manuscript of his book "AN ADVISE & DISCOURSE ABOUT THE REFORMATION OF THE VULGAR IULIAN YEERE" - written by her Majesties commandment and the Lords of the Privy Cousaile - anno - 1582. [prob. ref. to textual composition date?] Op. Cit. Center for Enochian Studies, "THELEMA Lodge O.T.O." (Berkeley CA:July 1989ev.) fn.#6. & Iohn Dee, "A LETTER Containing A MOST BRIEF DISCOURSE APOLOGETICALL, With A Plane DEMONSTRATION, And A Fervent PROTESTATION, for the Lawfull, Sincere, Very Faithfull And CHRISTIAN Course, Of The PHILOSOPHICAL Studies And Exercises, Of A Certain Studious GENTLEMAN: AN Ancient SERVAUNT To Her Most Excellent MAJESTY ROYALL." (Peter Short: London 1599.) item #46. [#2] Compare this to Dee and Kelly's first Action together for some startling similarities regarding both conditions and procedures. [#3] Dee abbr. this "E.K." throughout. [#4] Cf. op.cit. "THELEMA Lodge O.T.O." [#5] Lacuna: poss. stricken 'O', or prob. '[illegible vowel]. .s'. [#6] IL a spirit identified with the 49th square [file VII. rank 7] location (lower left corner): 21 on the "The Table Of The 8 Seven Names Of God That Not . Even The Angels Know"; This is synonymous with the ligature E + L vide "+++EL++++" located within the primary (topmost) side of the innermost heptagon on the "Sigillvm Dei AEmeth:" "A Son of a Son Of Light." [#7] Lacuna : ". . : or require" stricken by Dee. [#8] Note the tablet preceding these footnotes, vide "THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABBRAMELIN THE MAGE," transl. S.L.M. Mathers, facs. De Laurence (Chicago IL: 1948) pp.268 & 123-159. The wise may by their ingenium discover in these pages the most sublime mystery that, A. Crowley puts forth in his "Confessions", is herein concealed. Once unveiled the mage is able to locate and exploit the control vector connecting the so called `evil' daemonic with the 'good' angelic systems; and resolve the paradoxical mystery concerning why legend has it that the Demons built Solomon's Temple, and that the Angelic Hosts have from Sodom to the "Apocalypse" been associated with one continuous chain of the most gruesomely destructive acts of violence that the mind of man has ever conceived. Enochian scholars will note the marked similarity to the formulas Set forth in the Key Of The AEthyrs, and the central twelvefold tablet on the "Tabula Sancta." [#9] Including Albert Laski? [#10] Dee has the more accurate SATHAN: from Shin-Taw-Nun = 750 / 1400 [#11] arch. Eng. 'Lymmes'. [#12] Tables of 'Magikal Squares' form the principle topographical models wherewith Dr. Dee's Angelic System is able to attach the multidimensional coordinates to Metaphysical paradigms. [#13] Belmagel: BEL + MAGe + eL = The Angel of the Magick of the God of Heaven & Earth. Literally in the modern American dialect of The English Language cf. "THE AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE". [#14] The actual grammar; including the syllogisms derived from the use of its theorems are, in fact, upon close critical analysis, somewhat less than ambiguous and will yield, even through limited Socratic dialectic to the complicity of the spirits involved. Either "Belmagel" (and prob. "Lundrumguffa"* before him) are agents of "Uriel" (Chaldee > Heb. Angel of Light) masquerading as daemons to act as gods accuser and enforcer, Or "Lucifer" (IndoAryan > Latin: The Agency of Lumination) and his fallen Angels are posing as Angels to instigate their coming insurrection against the forces of "Yahweh". * L uN DRUM GUFFA = The poundings of the laughter of the one God? [#15] 'Lord and Master' are synonymous with "BEL" and "MAGE" both respectively and collectively, likewise "EL" with 'director'. [#16] Manipulation: possibly a token of the Masons(deriv. P.I.E. Magh- > Mage, magick, magnitude etc.) who built the Temple of Sol Om On (cf. Pike & M.P. Hall et al) these grips and signals used by secret orders of Alchemists etc. were used for recognition and admission to their self tyled Synagogues of Satan. "Pugnam Super Pugnam"." [#17] Northward, i.e. the direction attributed to Earth in both its elemental and primary planetary aspect. Earth rules both URIEL & BEL. ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for September-October 1989 e.v. The Center for Enochian Studies supplement didn't make press time this month ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for October-November 1989 e.v. (Raid disrupted the sequence. Only one more appeared (next) ************************************************************************* Thelema Lodge Calendar/Newsletter for November-December 1989 e.v. The Center for Enochian Studies special supplement Preface This month The Center for Enochian Studies in cooperation with the crew at Thelema Lodge begins it third annual Anniversary Reading of Aleister Crowley's Liber CDXVIII, known generally as The Vision and The Voice. As a supplement to what in the past has been one of our most Magikally successful celebrations, we have provided our readership with an extract from the introduction to the difficult to obtain Barstow edition. This intro, originally written by the late Israel Regardie, was heavily edited for the Sangraal edition. (Enochian character version deleted owing to impossibility of ASCII representation --- EDITOR) --------------- .oOo. ------------- The titles of the Thirty AEthyrs whose dominion extendeth in ever widening circles without and beyond the Watch Towers of the Universe (The first is Outermost) 1 LIL i 16 LEA XVI 2 ARN II 17 TAN XVII 3 ZOM III 18 ZEN XVIII 4 PAZ IV 19 POP XIX 5 LIT V 20 KHR XX 6 MAZ VI 21 ASP XXI 7 DEO VII 22 LIN XXII 8 ZID VIII 23 TOR XXIII 9 ZIP IX 24 NIA XXIV 10 ZAX X 25 VTI XXV 11 ICH XI 26 DES XXVI 12 LOE XII 27 ZAA XXVII 13 ZIM XIII 28 BAG XXVIII 14 UTA XIV 29 RII XXIX 15 OXO XV 30 TEX XXX THE CALL OR KEY OF THE THIRTY AETHYRS MADARIATZA das perifa LIL[#1] cahisa micaolazoda saanire caosago od fifisa balzodizodarasa Iaida. Nonusa gohulime: Micama adoianu MADA faoda beliorebe, soba ooaona cahisa luciftias peripesol, das aberaasasa nonusafe netaaibe caosaji od tilabe adapehaheta damepelozoda, tooata nonusafe jimicalazodoma larasada tofejilo marebe yareryo IDOIGO[#2]; od torezodulape yaodafe gohola, Caosaga, tabaoreda saanir od caharisateosa yorepoila tiobela busadire, tilabe noalanu paida oresaba, od dodaremeni zodayolana. Elazodape tilaba paremeji peripesatza, od ta qurelesata booapisa. Ianibame oucaho sayomepe, od caharisateosa ajitoltorenu, mireca qo tiobela lela. Tonu paomebeda dizodalamo asa pianu, od caharisateosa aji-la-tore- torenu paracahe a sayomepe. Coredazodizoda dodapala od fifalazoda, lasa manada, od faregita bamesa omaoasa. Conisabera od auauotza tonuji oresa; catabela noasami tabejesa leuitahemonuji. Vanucahi omepetilabe oresa! Bagile? Moooabe OL coredazodizoda. El capimao itzomatzipe, od cacocasabe gosaa. Bajilenu pii tianuta a babalanuda, od faoregita teloca uo uime. Madariiatza, torezodu!!! Oadariatza orocaha aboaperi! Tabaori periazoda aretabasa! Adarepanu coresata dobitza! Yolacame periazodi arecoazodiore, od quasabe qotinuji! Ripire paaotzata sagacore! Umela od peredazodare cacareji Aoiveae coremepeta! Torezodu! Zodacare od Zodameranu, asapeta sibesi butamona surezodasa Tia balatanu. Odo cicale Qaa, od Ozodazodama pelapeli IADANAMADA! --------------------- THE CALL OR KEY OF THE THIRTY AETHYRS O Ye Heavens which dwell in the first Aire3, ye are mighty in the parts of the Earth, and execute therein the Judgment of the Highest! Unto you it is said: Behold the Face of your God, the beginning of Comfort, whose eyes ate the brightness of the Heavens, which provided you for the Government of the Earth, and her unspeakable variety, furnishing you with the power of understanding to dispose of all things according to the Foresight of Him that Sitteth on the Holy Throne4, and rose up in the Beginning, saying: The Earth, let her be governed by her parts, and let there be Division in her, that the glory of her may be always ecstasy and imitation of orgasm. Her course, let it run with the Heavens; and as an handmaid let her serve them. One season, let it confound another, and let there be no creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities, and let there be no one Creature equal with another. The reasonable Creatures of the Earth, and Men, let them vex and weed out one another; and their dwelling-places, let them forget their Names. The work of man and his pomp, let them be defaced. His building, let it be a Cave for the Beast of the Field! Confound her understanding with darkness! For why? It repenteth me concerning the Virgin and the Man. One while let her be known, and another while a stranger: because she is the bed of an Harlot, and the dwelling-place of him that is fallen. O ye Heavens arise! The lower heavens beneath you, let them serve you! Govern those that govern! Cast down such as fall. Bring forth with those that increase, and destroy the rotten. No place let it remain in one number. Add an diminish until the stars be numbered. Arise! Move! and appear before the Covenant of His mouth, which He hath sworn unto us in His Justice. Open the Mysteries of your Creation, and make us partakers of THE UNDEFILED KNOWLEDGE. --------------------- A BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF THE CONTENTS OF THE CALLS OF THE THIRTY AIRES OR AETHYRS Aethyr 30. "Exordium of the Equinox of the Gods." 29. "The Disruption of the Aeon of Osiris." 28. "The Vision of the Dawn of the Aeon of Horus (Atu XVII)" 27. "The Vision of the Initiation of Hecate (Atu XIV) The Redemption of the Woman of Witchcraft by Love." 26. "The Slave-Gods superseded (The Vision of Atu XX, the Stele) The Vision of the Stele of Revealing, Abolishing the Aeon of the Slave-Gods." 25. "The Path of Teth (Atu XI. The Fire-Kerub in the Initiation). The Vision of the Fruit of the Great Work of the Beast - 666. The Lion." 24. "The Rose. (The Woman of Atu XIV. Minister of Babalon; The Water-Kerub in the Initiation.) The First Kiss of the Lady of Initiation." 23. "The Kerubim of Earth and Air (Minor officers in the Initiation to 8 Degree = 3 Square) The Vision of the Interplay and Identity of Earth and Air." 22. "The 49-fold Table (First appearance of the Crowned and Conquering Child to the Exempt Adept as in the Pastos) The Vision of the Rose, the Heart of BABALON and of The Birth of the Universe." 21. "Kether. (The Hierophant prepares the Candidate) The Vision of the Ineluctable Destiny." 20. "The Path of Kaph (Atu X). The Hiereus prepares the Candidate). The Vision of the Wheel of Fortune. The Three Energies of the Universe." 19. "The Path of Gimel (The Hegemone between the Pillars. Preliminary: The Vision of the Unguided Universe.)" 18. "Tiphereth. (The King's Chamber. The Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel.) The Instruction concerning the Obtaining of the Vision and the Voice of the Thirty Aethyrs. The Preparation of the Candidate." 17. "The Path of Lamed. (The combination Gimel, Lamed, Samech.) The Vision of the Justice or Balance of the Universe." 16. "Kether. (Path of Pe) The Overthrow of the Slave-Gods by The Beast 666." 15. "The Vision of the Rose of 49 Petals, and of the Holy 12-fold Table. Examination of the Candidate for M.T." 14. "The Vision of the City of the Pyramids. The Reception of the Master of the Temple." 13. "The Garden of Nemo. The Work of the Magister Templi." 12. "The Path of Cheth. The Bearer of the Sangraal. The Black Brothers." 11. "Yesod. The Frontier of the Abyss." 10. "The Abyss. Cross of MaltanoznorohcCross of Malta, his Nature." 9. "Malkuth. (The Pure Virgin.) The reward of the Magister Templi." 8. "The Holy Guardian Angel. His instruction." 7. "The Path of Daleth. The Black Brothers." 6. "The Vision of the Urn. The Magus 9 Degree = 2 Square. The Three Schools of Magick." 5. "The Vision of the Middle Pillar. (Arrow) The Mystery Of Atheism." 4. "The Marriage of Yod and He. (The common Tibetan Symbol.'.) The Seer identifies himself with it." 3. "The Magus of the Tarot. (Atu I). Mayan, the Maker of Illusion. The Seer in Illusion (Lilith)." 2. "The Marriage of the Seer with nolabab. (Atu VI)." 1. "The Vision of The Crowned and Conquering Child. The Lord Of the Aeon." --------------- .oOo. ------------- Postscript As an epilogue to this first of two installments, our readers should know that the CES itself was heavily disrupted in the, by now infamous, Thelema Lodge raid. The library facility which serves as our base was ransacked by police in a futile attempt to discover nonexistent evidence of felonious activities. Valuable books, files, and manuscript copy was thrown in a great heap on the floor and even as I write this morass has yet to be fully sorted out. Several members of our research staff were among those arrested and held on completely bogus charges. I am reminded of the treatment received by both Dee and Kelly at various times in their lives, and the destruction and looting of a great portion of Dee's library at Mortlake for frighteningly similar reasons. These and other circumstances have led to the temporary suspension of our manuscript transcription. The center itself is moving to a larger room which we hope will facilitate better research in the future, but will incur some temporary inconveniences and increased cost. To help in this and other efforts at Thelema Lodge we are offering a limited issue facsimile (156 stamped and numbered copies) of the Barstow edition Vision and Voice. These will sell for $30.00 each and be spiral bound as was the original. Checks made out to CASH should be sent with your requests c/o Thelema Lodge at the Berkeley P.O. box number found elsewhere in this publication. We thank all our supporters and hope to resume normal transmissions by the beginning of the new vulgar year. ---------------------FOOTNOTES-------------------------------------------- [#1] Or other Aire as may be willed. [#2] This name may be appropriately varied with the Aire. *************************************************************************