--------------------------------------------------------- 37 A true Relation of Dr. Dees Actions, with spirits. --------------------------------------------------------- Nomen Domini asserri legitime, in illegitima Nationale, illegitima facia, quia dereliquerunt statuta <1> Altissimi......Hoc dicit Dominus; Ego sum Deus Justitiae: & juravi & non est unus inter illos qui vivet, immo usa anima. Quomodo Bestiae esse devenerunt? de quibus scriptum est. Abses(?) notitia Dei: Homo ille factus est pecus. Vita illorum, qui devorantur, & talium quos ignis con- sumpsit sedebit in judico contra istam Nationem. Blessed and Sanctified, and for evermore praised art thou...... Judge, which hast said. and Raigneth for ever. D. Si multiplicati sunt inimici nostri, &c. E.K. He is gone. D. Si multiplicati sunt inimici nostri propter peccata nostra, ut(?) difficilior nobis incum- bat lucta, Misericordiam Dei imploramus ut ipse nostram etiam multiplicet fortitudinem, &c. Gab......Pluck up your hearts, bow your knees, & audite quae dicit Dominus. Thus saith the Lord, If you will prevaile against the wicked, and rejoice among the sanctified, you must observe and keep such commandments, as are ordained by the God of Truth, unto those that are partakers of his Covenant. Ask counsel of God; Remember it. Be milde. Fast and pray. Be charitable. Use true friendship in the service of God. Persevere unto the end. Are not these commandments neccesary to be kept of all Christian men? D. They are undoubtedly. Gab......And must of necessity be kept of those that are unfaithful. [E.K. He standeth as though he stood behind a Desk, and preached or taught.] Gab.......Well thou sayest; Lo our enemies are multiplied, multiply thou therefore our strength O God. Nature is subject unto you for the name of the Lord, not as unto Kings, but as unto the Ministers of his eternal will, whereby your justification is settled above the works of Nature already; For, behold, you participate the mercies of God through his Son Christ Jesus, in us: in that we open unto you those things that have been sealed; even from the Just, for the which we are become slaves unto corruption; shewing ourselves in divers shapes, to the dishonour of our creation: Yet are we quickened and revived, because we are become the finger of God: and you are sanctified, and withal justified, because you are touched with the finger of him that reviveth all things. Therefore, Rejoyce, Rejoyce, be Joyful and sing Praises unto God, and faint not: saying, Our enemies are risen up against us, yea, they are multiplied; for thus saith the lord, and it is already spoken by the Holy Ghost. [E.K. He maketh now great obedience or reverence.] Foelices sunt, quibus Deus spes est. [E.K. He looketh now up unto a thing like a Throne.] Et omne opus operatio Dei. [E.K. Now there cometh a beam down into his head, and he is co- vered with a great thing like a white cloud.] E.K. Now the stone is all on fire. Now the fire ascendeth upward, the streaming beam stretcheth into his head still. E.K. There appeareth a little woman a far off, and she is so clear and transparent, that there appeareth a child in her; she hath a Coat as though it were Crimsom, and hath a long little face, and hath a strange silk attire about her head. ....as...Videtur esse uxor mea. Gab. ...... Go woman, thy grief shall be lesse than it hath been. E.K. Habet multos tanquam parvos nigros canes post se. Now goeth one and tyeth their mouths with packthred. Gab...... So God useth to give a snaffle to the wicked. E.K. A great wind bloweth on Gabriel. D. De Anglia & meo privato statu oupio aliquid audire: tum ex pietate erga pattiam, tum propter famae meae rationem. Gab. ...... Quiescite paululum, & iteram venero. My Lord saith, let my servants sit up, <2> and take their rest, I will visit them forthwith in peace. D. After Marginalia: 1. These words were much worn out 2. D. All this while we had kneeled. --------------------------- 11:50 14JULY98 Frater Adsum Iterum