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The Cipher Manuscript

1.1 to 2 knowledge
2. 4 worlds of the qabbalists
3. are Atzaluth in Hebrew = Pure deity
4.Briah in Hebrew = Creative. Archangels
5.Yetzirah in Hebrew = Angels
6.Assiah in Hebrew = Shells. Man. Demons

7. Tarot Suits
8. wands or batons = diamonds
9. cups = hearts
10. swords = spades
11. pentacles or coins = clubs
12. of these there are 10
13. for this purpose also
14. Matt = Aquarius Man water triangle
15. Mark = Leo Lion fire triangle
16. Luke = Taurus Earth earth triangle
17. John = Scorpio = Air air triangle

18. 4 sorts of elemental are
19. Gnomes = earth triangle. Undines = earth triangle
20. Sylphs = air triangle. Salamanders = fire triangle

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