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1. Tarot Lecture
2. The 22 atus of tarot
3.Tarot trumps = Hebrew letters
4.Yetziratic paths
5. Learn now O Practicus of our
6. ancient order the true meaning
7. of . Thirty & two are the paths
8. 22 = letters & the 10 sephiroth
9. Cards of each suit
10. The 4 suits are the 4 worlds
11. the 16 cards are the lower fold
12. Tetragrammaton
13. the 22 leters are the 22
14. atus or mansions of Thoth
15. the 22 letters are divided
16. into 3 Mothers
17.7 Doubles
18.12 Singles or Simples
19. = 3 elements, 7 planets, 12 signs
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