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The Seven Tables from which the names of the
49 "Good Angels" are derived.


The arrangement of the Seven Tables.

Note that each angel's name forms an outward spiral in this arrangement. The circle surrounding the tables was described as "very bright, with nothing in it."

Thirty letters in the second and third tables below are missing in the originals, due to damage. The versions shown are reconstructed from information contained elsewhere in the records, and probably are not identical to the originals in all respects.

The First Table
Letters in this table give "Wit and Wisdom"


The Second Table
Letters in this table are "Powerful in the Exaltation of Princes"


The Third Table
Letters in this table give power in counseling, and in
influencing the nobility.


The Fourth Table
Letters from this table give power in works of Trade,
or in things relating to Water.


The Fifth Table
Letters from this table give power over things of Earth


The Sixth Table
Letter from this table give power over things of the Air


The Seventh Table
Letters from this table give power over things of Fire.

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