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Center for Enochian Studies, Volume I, Appendix i.



This month the Center For Enochian Studies begins a series of extracts from Doctor John Dee's Libri Qvinti Appendice. These articles cover matters discussed and cited in Liber Mysteriorvm Primvs; particularly those that bear directly on the construction and use of the magikal paraphernalia described therein.




1583. Aprilis 28. Sunday after Dinner about 4 of the Clock1.


Dee - As I and Edward Kelly2 had diverse talks and discourses of
Transposition of Letters3; and I had declared him my rule for to
know certainly how many ways, any number of Letters (propounded)
might be transposed or altered in place or order. Behold suddenly
appeared the spiritual Creature IL4, and said:


Il: Here is a goodly disputation of transposition of Letters.
Choose whether you will dispute with me of Transposition or I
shall learn you.


Dee: I had rather learn than dispute. And first I think that
those letters of our Adamical Alphabet have a due peculiar
unchangeable proportion of their forms and likewise that their
order is also Mystical5.


Il: These letters represent the Creation of Man6: and therefore
i.        they must be in proportion. They represent the workmanship
wherewithal the Soul of man was made like unto his Creator7.
          But I understand you shall have a painter shortly.


Dee: I pray you. What painter might best serve for the purpose?
Can Master Lyne serve the turn well?


Il: Dost thou think that God can be glorified in Hell, or can
Devils dishonor him? Can Wickedness of a painter deface the
Mysteries of God?
         The truth is I am come to advertise you, lest with a small
Error, you be led far aside.
ii.                Let me see the form of your Table.
Dee - I shewed him the Characters and Words which were to be
painted round about in the border of the Table.


Il: How do you like those Letters?


Dee: I know not well what I may say. For perhaps that which I
should like were not to be liked, and contrarywise, what I should
think well of, might be nothing worth.


Il: Thou sayest well.
         Behold, great is the favor and mercy of God towards those,
whom he favoreth. All things are perfect but only that. Neither
was that shewed or delivered by any good and perfect Messenger from
iii.     God. A wicked power did intrude himself, not only into your
Society, but also into the Workmanship of God's mysteries8.
         Satan9 dare presume to speak of the Almighty. These
characters are devilish: and a secret bond of the Devil.
         But, this saith the Lord, I will raise them up, whom he hath
overthrown: and blot out his footsteps, where they resist my
glory. Neither will I suffer the faithful to be led utterly awry:
nor finally permit darkness to enhem them forever. He saith,
iv.      I AM, and they* are most Untrue. But behold, I have brought thee
the truth; that the Prince of reason, God of understanding, may be
apparent in every part of his Celestial monstration10.
                 Therefore as thou saidst unto me once,
                     So say I now to thee; Serve god.
v.                          Make a square*, of 6 inches every way.
         The border thereof let it be (here) but half an Inch: but on
vi.      the Table itself, let it be an Inch broad.


Vide post foliam, et etiam in tabula Cordis carnis et cutis nam in
lineo defiendentibus ibidem habet hanc Tabulam hic incipiendo sed
in primo omittendo L et acccipiendo O11.


See page following, and likewise in the tablet of the Heart, flesh
and skin, for in the defended line itself that table has as its
beginning the omission of L in the first place and acceptance of




In Fronte Tabulae13
Before the Table

A Sinistris
On the Left hand

Juxta Pectus
At the Breast

A Dextris
On the Right hand


         Every one of those sides must have 21 Characters14. But,
First, at every Corner make a great B15.
         Prayer is the key all good things:


Dee - After our prayers made, Edward Kelly had sight (in the
Stone)16 of innumerable Letters: and after a little while, they
were brought into a lesser square fewer Letters.
         First appeared in the border opposite to our standing places;
(which I used to call (in Fronte Tabulae) these Letters17
following, beginning at the right hand, and proceeding toward the





Il: What have you in the middle of your Table?


Dee: Nothing.

iix.     Il: Sigillvm AEmeth is to be set there19: The rest after



Dee. Soli Deo Omnipotenti sit laus perennis.
To God, Who is Alone Almighty, is praise made forever.




John Dee his marginal notation.
i.    The Mystical Alphabet20.
ii.   The Table of Practice21.
iii.  Illuding Spirits thrusting in themselves22.
iv.   * I understand that the Characters are most untrue.
v.    Dee* The Inner square of 6 inches.
vi.   Dee Make thy perfect square, of 12 places.
vii.  - with a prick23
iix.  Sigillum AEmeth24.




                 Enochian L Enochian H Enochian J Enochian M Enochian E Enochian A Enochian F Enochian D Enochian G Enochian C Enochian B


                   Enochian T Enochian S Enochian U Enochian Z Enochian R Enochian O Enochian X Enochian N Enochian Q Enochian P



1.       MDLXXXIII anno domini Sunday April 28th 4 o'clock (notat.

o'clock is a contraction for the arch. 'of the clock').
   This action occurs in the year following the concluding
article of Liber Mysteriorvm Primvs, some material therefore
makes reference to intermediate events; as the specifics of these
matters will be taken up in the due course of our chronological
presentation, some issues will not be dealt with in complete
detail. We have inspite of this shortcoming attempted to give
fairly full citation, both to printed works and related MS.
entries, where questions of major difficulty arise.
2.       Referred to previously as Edward Talbot: Kelly was an Alchemist
of some note; the interested reader is referred to The Alchemical
Writings of Edward Kelly, edt. A. E. Waite facs. (NY: Samuel
Weiser, 1970)
3.       It is over this argument even now that disputes of some
importance exist. And it is to resolving these questions that
this exposition of these appendices is directed. It is
perversely reassuring that, contemporary to the primary source
material, these disputes were far from clear.
4.  Company of The Filivs Filiorvm Lvcis (The Sons of the Sons of
Light) whose name is drawn from the lower left hand corner of the
2nd 49 fold table there given as '21/8.', this table also
referred to as containing 'The Seven Names of God That not even
the Angels Know' is used in the composition of the Sigillvm Dei
AEmeth, wherein the name is also drawn out, being located on the
upper and innermost heptagon as a ligatured EL. According to
Laycock 'il' means thee, or thou (2nd person singular of the
personal pronoun) in the Angelic tongue. The Complete Enochian
Dictionary, Donald C. Laycock (London: Askin, 1978)
5.       Reading from right to left, this order is as given following the
text above(cf. note 20.)
6.       Genesis II:7
7.       Gen. I:26,27
8.       Vide Thelema Lodge (Berkeley CA: O.T.O., July, Aug. & Sept.
1988e.v.) for the perpetration of the object of Il's complaint.
9.       Dee gives 'Sathan'.
10.     'Coelestial monstration' (from Latin coeli/ monstro, -are) lit.
heavenly showing; comprehending the conceptualizations of
Astronomy, Astrology, Cosmology, Theology etc. Dee's own complex
views on the topics may be see in his Propaedeumata Aphoristica
(London: 1558) available in translation by W. Schumaker Ph.D.
(Berkeley CA: Univ. of Calif. Press)
11.     This reference is to the proper plan for the Lamen, soon to be
discussed of the angels, wherein are the letters the same but the
arrangement different from those given here for the Holy Table.
12.     The illustration given here for the correct arrangement of the
characters on the Tabvla Sancta is the crux of modern disputes,
concerning the proper execution of this particular piece of
furniture. The argument first put forward by R. Turner in his
edition of The Heparchia Mystica is, that the arrangement of the
given by Dr. Casaubon in his True & Faithful Relation is
apparently in incorrect, as it seems to erroneously reverse the
arrangement given here. The interested reader is advised to
compare both these sources in this rather complex controversy;
having extensively examined the question, including what I
believe is all of the pertinent MS., I am of the opinion that the
original correctness of Meric Casaubon's can be proven to
reasonable level of precision and accuracy. The demonstration
of this proof requires the completion of this series of appended
texts to syllogize its evidence, therefore will this resolution
be given in due course of time.
13.     Cognate with English 'In Front of', generally used Eccl. Lat. to
indicate 'before the altar'.
    cf. Thelema Lodge op.cit. Aug.88 note 15.
14.     The same as the number of characters in the 'Adamical Alphabet'
referred to herein.
15.     This B is the key to the tables use in deriving the rulership
for the Mystical Heptarchy, and The Forty-nine Good Angels.
   Cf. G.James and R.Turner.
16.     A good photograph can be seen on pg.103 F. King, Witchcraft And
Demonology (NY: Exeter Books, 1987)
17.     In the tabulation following this note we have added, the
appropriate characters from the variously called Angelic
Alphabet. The studious will note that these do not agree
completely with those traditionally assigned by the Golden Dawn,
and related systems.
18.     This was originally given as tal and a marginal correction given
as 'med' forte. We have adopted Ashmoles inclusion of the
correction from SL.MS.3788 within the text, for purposes of
19.     Op.cit. Thelema Lodge (Aug. 1988)
20.     a = Enochian A  b = Enochian B  c,k = Enochian C  d = Enochian D  e = Enochian E  f = Enochian F  g = Enochian G  h = Enochian H  i,j,y = Enochian J  l = Enochian L
m = Enochian M  n = Enochian N  o = Enochian O  p = Enochian P  q = Enochian Q  r = Enochian R  s = Enochian S  t = Enochian T  u,v = Enochian U  x = Enochian X  z = Enochian Z
21.     Op.cit. note 13.
22.     Op.cit. notes 8.
23.     Apparently taken as a final, and thus rendered by Dee as a 'y'.
24.     The Sigillum Dei AEmeth is a complex planetary talisman,
encompassing a wide spectrum of magikal formulae. It has touched
on with limited depth and varied accuracy in the majority of
books related to Dee and Kelly's magikal systems. The details of
its operation are given in Dee's Liber Mysteriorvm Secvndvs
(SL.MSS. 3188, 3677) which will be given at the conclusion of
this series of appendices to The First Book Of Mystical
    An excellent photograph of the Sigillum may be seen, op.cit
F.King, Witchcraft & Demonology, pg.102.


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