Hermeneutic Interpretation

To the Reader

The Translator offers no apology for the peculiarities or eccentricities of the literary construction of the Author, and after many months of conscious work and faithful research decided to adhere strictly to the subject-matter contained in this volume of Fabre d’Olivet and translated it without separating or re-arranging the Author’s plan. (Referring here to the division of the various books, parts, explanatory notes, foot-notes, or any obsolete form of spelling of foreign words.)

The Translator cannot ask the reader’ indulgence in more fitting words than in those in which the Author craves their leniency: “If, after mature reflections, they judge that I have been in error, I shall stil rely upon the equity of their judgment that they will at least believe in my sincerity which makes it impossible for me to wish to deceive any one.”

N. L. R.