Sacristy Prayers

T Polyphilus

These prayers are intended for the reflective preparation of the Priest prior to the Mass. Any of them may, in fact, be recited in the Tomb rather than the sacristy. The first is entirely original. The second is based on the prayer Anima Christi, and the third is a revision (and largely a reversal) of the “Prayer of St Ambrose” used by Roman Catholic priests in preparation for Mass since the eleventh century c.e. The fourth is from Crowley's play The Ship.

PRIEST: O Thou Lord of Energy and Endurance, Mystery of Mystery,
Thou hast charged me as an officer of Thy conquering army.
With the Light in my eyes, the Law in my heart, and the Lance in my hand,
I am ready and willing to fight in the cause of Our Lady.
On Her fields let my body be broken and my blood poured.
With Thy force may I administer the virtues unto the brethren
in the fulfillment of my Will, which is Thine.

PRIEST: Soul of the Beast, sanctify me.
Body of the Beast, nourish me.
Blood of the Beast, inebriate me.
Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, O Therion, and I shall be clean;
Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Inflame in us Therion the fire of your love and the flame of eternal devotion.
To Mega Therion, hear me:
Turn thine heads towards me;
On thine horns exalt me;
Grant the death forbidden unto me,
And bid me shine forever.
Blessing and worship to the prophet of the lovely star.

PRIEST: Thou highest and only One, in Thy Holy Name Mystery of Mystery:
be mighty within me, a man among men:
a magician whose art and craft are but glamour;
strengthen the servant priest by whose hand and tongue the sacrifices are made:
grant O Lord the manifestation of my will, which is Thine:
vouchsafe the hiding of Thy love, which is mine,
for the knowledge of me is the knowledge of death.
May I be devoured by the light and eaten up with blindness:
O Lord, the desires and energies of our flesh
record Thy memory, reflect Thine understanding, and execute Thy will.
Yea, though we perceive not the heaven through which we move,
Thy Prophet has given us a Law by which our righteousness may be esteemed.
O Holy Child, accept my adoration.
O Thou whose will is light, life, love, and liberty:
grant majesty and might unto us whom Thou hast established in the spirit,
so that by virtue we may redeem the earth
as Thy perfect Kingdom throughout the Aeon.

PRIEST: I am that I am, the flame
Hidden in the sacred ark.
I am the unspoken name
I the unbegotten spark.

I am He that ever goeth,
Being in myself the Way;
Known, that yet no mortal knoweth,
Shewn, that yet no mortal sheweth,
I, the child of night and day.
I am never-dying youth.
I am Love, and I am Truth.

I am the creating Word,
I the author of the aeon;
None but I have ever heard
Echo in the empyrean
Plectron of the primal paean!
I am the eternal one
Winged and white, the flowering rod,
I the fountain of the sun,
Very God of very God!

I am he that lifteth up
Life, and flingeth it afar;
I have filled the crystal cup;
I have sealed the silver star.
I the wingless God that flieth
Through my firmamental fane,
I am he that daily dieth,
And is daily born again.

In the sea my father lieth,
Wept by waters, lost for ever
Where the waste of woe replieth:
"Naught and nowhere!" "Naught and never!"
I that serve as once he served,
I that shine as once he shone,
I must swerve as he has swerved,
I must go as he has gone.

He begat me; in my season
I must such a son beget,
Suffer too the triple treason,
Setting as my father set.
These my witnesses and women --
These shall dare the dark again,
Find the sacred ark to swim in
The remorseless realm of rain.

Flowers and fruits I bring to bless you,
Cakes of corn, and wealth of wine;
With my crown will I caress you,
With my music make you mine.
Though I perish, I preserve you;
Through my fall, ye rise above:
Ruling you, your priest, I serve you,
Being life, and being love.

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