In the absence of musicians who are educated on the particular demands of the ritual, however, it can be tempting to use recorded music. In fact, it can also be very effective to use recorded music. But I do not recommend just turning the music on and letting it play throughout the Mass. Such an approach assumes that the music should be ambient and continuous, and the instructions in Liber XV directly contradict that assumption. Instead, a program or playlist should be carefully constructed, and playback should be entrusted to an assistant who can adjust the volume as needed, and who will make sure that each track begins and ends according to its proper use in the ceremonies.
I have constructed many such scores in the past. Rather than rehearsing the details of any particular playlist, the following table shows the standard sequence of tracks that I use in putting together a Gnostic Mass accompaniment recording, along with the cues for each track.
1 | Entry and seating of people Cue before admission of people; End when all people are seated. |
2 | Entry of Priestess Cue after final AUMGN of Creed; End after Priestess adores in shrine. |
3 | Priestess' Circumambulations |
4 | Penitential (Priest emerging) Cue after Priestess' " the Brethren" End when Priestess goes to font. |
5 | Triumphant Cue on Priest's "...of the lifted Lance!" End when Priest kisses Book. |
6 | Priest's Circumambulations MUST end when all kneel. |
7 | Consecration of Elements Cue when all sit after collects; End when Priestess kisses Lance. |
8 | Fractio Cue when Priest kisses paten; End during Greek invocation of Trinity. |
9 | Popular Communion Cue after Priest proclaims "not of the gods"; End when Priest closes veil. |
10 | Exeunt Omnes Cue after closing benediction. |
Cardinal Sacraments: The Eucharist of the Gnostic Mass
Vigorous Food & Divine Madness