Service Celebrating the Feast for
the Supreme Ritual
T Polyphilus Ep. Gn.
Based on the Great Invocation of the Equinox of the Gods 1904 ev.
First performed 2005 e.v. at Scarlet Woman Lodge
The following ceremony is intended for the purpose of congregational celebration of the feast decreed in Liber Legis II:40. It is to be held on March 20, preferably at midday. The officers are designated as the MINISTER, BEAST and SEER, and since the ritual is not a cardinal sacrament of the Church, no clergy status is required in order to preside at it. The officers should wear simple white robes. The MINISTER adds a black cincture and a white and gold turban. The SEER adds a black mantle, with a silver crescent thereon. The BEAST adds a black mantle, with a gold sunblaze. All three officers are barefoot.There must be a simple double-cube altar, centrally placed. On the central altar are a bell and an upright Stele of Revealing. The covering of the altar should be bright green. There is a dais in the West on which the BEAST and SEER can stand.
The BEAST and SEER stand in the West, BEAST to the south, with an unconsecrated sword; SEER to the north, with a string of 44 pearls.MINISTER: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I proclaim the Law of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty, in the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT.The MINISTER admits the congregation to the temple, locks the door behind them, and stands in the East.
PEOPLE: Love is the law, love under will.
The MINISTER goes to the west of the altar, faces East, and gives the step and sign of a Man and a Brother. All imitate him.MINISTER: A ka dua tuf ur biu bi a’a chefu dudu nur af an nuteru.
ALL repeat: A ka dua tuf ur biu bi a’a chefu dudu nur af an nuteru.
The People sit.MINSTER: We are met to commemorate the Feast of the Supreme Ritual, being the Invocation of Horus, which brought about the opening of the New Aeon.
The MINSTER sounds eleven upon the bell: 1-333-333-333-1.
SEER: Above the gemmed azure shines
The naked splendour of Nuit;
She bends in ecstasy to kiss
The secret ardours of Hadit.
The winged globe, the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
BEAST: I am the Lord of Thebes, and I
The inspired forth-speaker of Mentu;
For me unveils the veiled sky,
The self-slain Ankh-af-na-khonsu,
Whose words are truth. I invoke, I greet
Thy presence, O Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee: --
I, I adore thee!
Appear on the throne of Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum! let it fill me!
The light is mine; its rays consume
Me: I have made a secret door
Into the House of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.
I am thy Theban, O Mentu,
The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;
By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.
Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit!
Bid me within thine House to dwell,
O winged snake of light, Hadit!
Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!
The MINISTER sounds eleven upon the bell: 22-22-333-22-22.The People rise.
MINISTER: Unprepared and uninvoking Thee, we, this congregation of the Gnostic and Catholic Church, are here in Thy Presence--for Thou art Everywhere, O Lord Horus!
How shall we humble ourselves enough before Thee? Thou art the mighty and unconquered Lord of the Universe: we are sparks of Thine unutterable Radiance.
How should we approach Thee? but Thou art Everywhere.
But Thou hast graciously deigned to call us unto Thee, to this Exorcism of Art, that we may be Thy Servants, Thine Adepts, O Bright One, O Sun of Glory! Thou hast called us --should we not then hasten to Thy Presence?
With unwashen hands therefore we come unto Thee, and we lament our wandering from Thee --but Thou knowest!
Yea, we have done evil!
If one blasphemed Thee, why should we therefore forsake Thee? But Thou art the Avenger; all is with Thee.
We bow our necks before Thee (done); and we are in Thy hands. Strike if Thou wilt: spare if Thou wilt: but accept us as we are.
Our trust is in Thee: shall we be confounded? This Ritual of Art; this Forty and Fourfold Invocation; this Sacrifice of Blood--these we do not comprehend.
It is enough if we obey Thy decree; did Thy fiat go forth for our eternal misery, were it not our joy to execute Thy Sentence on ourselves?
For why? For that All is in Thee and of Thee; it is enough if we burn up in the intolerable glory of Thy presence.
Enough! We turn toward Thy Promise.
Doubtful are the Words: Dark are the Ways: but in Thy Words and Ways is Light. Thus then now as ever, we enter the Path of Darkness, if haply so we may attain the Light.
ALL: Strike, strike the master chord!
Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!
Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,
Horus, avenger!
MINISTER: O Thou of the Head of the Hawk!
ALL (making the sign of the trident on all such responses): Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: Thou only-begotten child of Osiris Thy Father, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain; She that bore Thee in Her womb flying from the Terror of the Water.
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: O Thou whose Apron is of flashing white, whiter than the Forehead of the Morning!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: O Thou who hast formulated Thy Father and made fertile Thy Mother!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: O Thou whose garment is of golden glory with the azure bars of sky!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: Thou, who didst avenge the Horror of Death; Thou the slayer of Typhon! Thou who didst lift Thine arms, and the Dragons of Death were as dust: Thou who didst raise Thine Head, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before Thee!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: O Thou whose Nemyss hideth the Universe with night, the impermeable Blue!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: Thou who travellest in the Boat of Ra, abiding at the Helm of the Aftet boat and of the Sektet boat!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: Thou who bearest the Wand of Double Power!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: Thou about whose presence is shed the darkness of Blue Light, the unfathomable glory of the outmost Ether, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity of Space. Thou who concentratest all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling sphere of Fire!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
MINISTER: O Thou who bearest the Rose and Cross of Life and Light!
ALL: Thee, Thee we invoke!
SEER: The Voice of the Five.
The Voice of the Six.
Eleven are the Voices.
ALL: Strike, strike the master chord!
Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!
Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,
Horus, avenger!
MINISTER: By Thy name of RA, we invoke Thee, Hawk of the Sun, the glorious one!
ALL: Hail RA!
MINISTER: By Thy name of HARMACHIS, youth of the Brilliant Morning, we invoke Thee!
MINISTER: By Thy name MAU, we invoke Thee, Lion of the Midday Sun!
ALL: Hail MAU!
MINISTER: By Thy name TUM, Hawk of Even, crimson splendour of the Sunset, we invoke Thee!
ALL: Hail TUM!
MINISTER: By Thy name KHEP-RA we invoke Thee, O Beetle of the hidden Mastery of Midnight!
MINISTER: By thy name HERU-PA-KRAAT, Lord of Silence, Beautiful Child that standest on the Dragons of the Deep, we invoke Thee!
MINISTER: By Thy name APOLLO, we invoke Thee, O man of Strength and splendour, O poet, O father!
MINISTER: By Thy name of PHOEBUS, that drivest thy chariot through the Heaven of Zeus, we invoke Thee!
MINISTER: By Thy name of ODIN we invoke Thee, O warrior of the North, O Renown of the Sagas!
MINISTER: By Thy name of JEHESHUA, O child of the Flaming Star, we invoke Thee!
MINISTER: By Thine own, Thy secret name HOORI, Thee we invoke!
SEER: The Names are Five.
The Names are Six.
Eleven are the Names!
MINISTER moves to the east of the altar and faces west.
BEAST (addressing the congregation): Behold! You all stand in the midst. Yours is the symbol of Osiris; to Horus are your eyes ever turned. Unto the splendour of Geburah, the Magnificence of Chesed, the mystery of Daath, lift up your eyes! This have you sought, and you have sought the Unity: Horus hearkens unto you!
MINISTER: We have human heads with the keen insight of the Hawk. By our heads we invoke Him!
We are the only-begotten children of our Father and Mother. By our bodies we invoke Him!
About us shine the Diamonds of Radiance white and pure. By their brightness we invoke Him!
Ours is the Red Triangle Reversed, the Sign given of none, save it be of Him, the Lord! By the Lamen we invoke Him!
Ours are the pure and rich garments! By our robes we invoke Him!
Ours is the Sign of Apophis and Typhon! By the sign we invoke Him!
Mine is the turban of white and gold, by the crown we invoke Him!
SEER: My fingers travel on the Beads of Pearl; so we run after Him in His car of glory. By our fingers we invoke Him!
In the voice of the Master, ABRAHADABRA! By the Word we invoke Him!
BEAST: Ours are the dark-blue waves of music flowing in the song that the Prophet made of old to invoke Him!
ALL: Strike, strike the master chord!
Draw, draw the Flaming Sword!
Crowned Child and Conquering Lord,
Horus, avenger!
BEAST: By the Song we invoke Him!
In my hand is His Sword of Revenge; let it strike at His Bidding! By the Sword we invoke Him!
SEER: The Voice of the Five.
The Voice of the Six.
Eleven are the Voices.
MINISTER: We have the Head of the Hawk!
MINISTER: We are the children of Him that was slain and She that bore us in Her womb flying from the Terror of the Water.
MINISTER: Our Aprons are of flashing white, whiter than the Forehead of the Morning!
MINISTER: We have formulated our Fathers and made fertile our Mothers!
MINISTER: Our garments are of golden glory with the azure bars of sky!
MINISTER: We have avenged the Horror of Death; we are the slayers of Typhon! We have lifted our arms, and the Dragons of Death were as dust: We have raised our Heads, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before us!
MINISTER: Our headdresses hide Universe with night, the impermeable Blue!
MINISTER: We travel in the Boat of Ra, abiding at the Helm of the Aftet boat and of the Sektet boat!
MINISTER: We bear the Wand of Double Power!
MINISTER: We shed about our presence the darkness of Blue Light, the unfathomable glory of the outmost Ether, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity of Space. We concentrate all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling sphere of Fire!
MINISTER: We bear the Rose and Cross of Life and Light!
All remain holding the sign of the trident for the following speech:BEAST: Therefore we say unto thee: Come forth and dwell in us; so that every Spirit, whether of the Firmament, or of the Ether, or of the Earth or under the Earth; on dry land or in the Water, or Whirling Air or of Rushing Fire; and every spell and scourge of God the Vast One may be THOU.
The MINISTER sounds eleven upon the bell: 333-22-1-22-333.
All join in the Horus Hymn (from Crowley’s “Orpheus”). The tune for singing is “Omni Dei.”ALL: I have risen! I have risen!
I alight in mighty splendour
MEN: I have risen! I am gathered
WOMEN: Lo! I come to face the dweller
ALL: Ah! these locks flow down, a river,
I who entered in a Fool,
SEER: Thus begins another year of the Aeon of the Crowned and Conquering Child.
BEAST: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
MINISTER and PEOPLE: Love is the law, love under will.
SEER: Fear not at all.
BEAST: Ra-hoor-khu is with thee.
MINISTER: Hoor hath a secret fourfold name: it is Do What Thou Wilt. BEAST and SEER: ABRAHADABRA!
BEAST: Go forth forth with mirth and thanksgiving.
SEER: There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
From the throned boats of light;
Companies of Spirits follow me;
Adore the Lords of Night.
Bowing low before my car,
In my ears their homage echoed
From the sunrise to the star.
As a lovely hawk of gold,
I the first-born of the Mother
In her ecstasy of old.
In the sacred snake of Khem;
Come to face the Babe and Lion,
Come to measure force with them!
As the earth's before the Sun,
As the earth's before the sunset,
And the God and I are One.
Gain the God by clean endeavour;
I am shaped as men and women,
Fair for ever and ever.
The MINISTER sounds eleven upon the bell: 333-55555-333.
Four Words: Naught-One-Many-All.
Thy Name is holy.
Thy Kingdom is come.
Thy Will is done.
Here is the Bread.
Here is the Blood.
Bring us through Temptation!
Deliver us from Good and Evil!
That ours as Thine be the Crown of the Kingdom, even now.
MINISTER leads the congregation out of the temple.