There is a secret door that I shall make to establish thy way in all the quarters, (these are the adorations, as thou hast written)...
This text is a paraphrase of Corpus Hermeticum XIII:17-20 in forty-four lines of verse. In its original context, it was an invocation to be addressed to the sun by initiated aspirants at dawn and sunset. It is suitable for use as an adoration in solar devotions along the lines of Liber Helios.
Attend to me, all spirits, as I sing:
Reveal the secrets and the springs of earth
In nature's stillness. Far beyond all things
Is the almighty One who brought to birth
The world. You heavens shine in gentle air!
Immortals, hearken to my praise for One
Who fixed the earth in place, hung the skies where
They soar, made rivers where the waters run,
And ordered fire to warm and lighten life!
Come join with me to laud the One on high
Who beams all brilliance from His mighty Eye!My Powers all together harmonize
Within me to the One. It is my Will.
My mind has welcomed Knowledge, and my eyes
Alight with Joy; my senses fill
With song. In Continence I sing.
My Perseverance raises still the hymn.
My Justice through me praises everything
That answers to the just. My Liberality
Sings through me unto all. Truth hymns the True.
Good hymns the Good. O Life in rhapsody
Of Light adored! Supreme One, unto you
I give my thanks. Lord of my Powers, please
Accept my thanks. My energies arise
From Your own being echoed in me. Seize
The Word I give to You in sacrifice!The Powers in me shout, "Thy will is done!"
In keeping with Your great command to all,
The universe exults to You as One,
Vibrating sacred offerings. I call
To Life: Preserve the universe in us!
To Light: Illuminate with purest rays!
To God: From conscious love engender trust!
O demiurge, o psychopomp, o mind,
You gather and You guide, Your Word is kind.For You are God, and my humanity
Proclaims Your work through fire, through earth, through air,
Through water, and through spirits bound and free.
From Your eternity I have won fair
Expressions of celestial praise. Your high
And perfect counsel brought me to the still,
Sublime and heavenly repose, as I
Desired. I am a witness to Your Will.
Traditions Antecedent to New Aeon Gnosticism
Vigorous Food & Divine Madness