Latrant Deity Project 34-71
The Furnace of Ecstasy
An Exercise in Dyadic Mysticism
- There is a quiet place prepared.
- A woman and a man sit facing one another, their spines straight.
The posture should be one in which both are comfortable.
- He looks into her anahata, she looks into his ajna.
There is no direct eye contact between the two.
- They synchronize their breaths in complement, so that she exhales as he inhales, and vice versa.
To arrange this pattern, each may touch the knee of the other while exhaling.
- Once the breathing pattern is established, they add images: he exhales flame from his anahata into hers; she exhales starlight from her ajna into his.
C.f. CCXX I:16.
- Once the images are established, they add words--vibrated silently: she vibrates ON as she exhales; he vibrates IAO as he exhales.
"ON is an Arcanum of Arcana; its significance is taught, gradually, in the O.T.O." --Liber Samekh
"I.A.O. ... is essentially the formula of Yoga or Meditiation. ...this formula of I.A.O. is a formula of Tiphareth." --Liber ABA, Part III, Chapter V
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