LDP 34-7
Face the direction of the planet Saturn (or, if unknown, as for Earth). Give the sign of Set Triumphant. Knock.
"Let us adore the aged and venerable God! Thou art like a goat's horn from Astor, O Thou God of mine, gnarl'd and crook'd and devilish strong! AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagram of Saturn, with "KRONOS."
"O all ye toads and cats, rejoice! Ye slimy things, come hither! In the name of SEBEK, spirits of Saturn, adore your master!"
With the sickle, describe the glyph of Saturn, "In the name of ARATHRON, spirits of Saturn, adore your master!"
Take on the form of a power with a face of flaming fire: "In the name of SABBATAIOS, spirits of Saturn, adore your master! Behold! I am he, holding the seven stars in my right hand, walking in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks!"
Raise the sickle, "In the name of the Son of Light BEIGIA, and of his own Son HAGONEL, Spirits of Saturn, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the sickle, "In the names of the Angelic King BNAPSEN and his Prince BRORGES, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Saturn, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Saturn have been duly invoked."
Knock 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the planet Jupiter. (Or, if unknown, as for Air.) Give the sign Vir. Knock.
"Let us adore the jocund and ruddy God! I pluck Thee, O my God, like a purple plum upon a sunny tree. How Thou dost melt in my mouth, Thou consecrated sugar of the Stars! AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagram of Jupiter, with "ZEUS."
"Strange and mystic, like a yellow priest invoking mighty flights of great grey birds from the North, so do I stand and invoke Thee! In the name of AMUN, spirits of Jupiter, adore your master!"
With the sceptre, describe the glyph of Jupiter, "In the name of BETHOR, spirits of Jupiter, adore your master!"
Take the form of a power with the face of an ape: "In the name of ADONIN, spirits of Jupiter, adore your master! Behold! I am the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive."
Raise the sceptre, "In the name of the Son of Light HECOA, and of his own Son ROCLE, Spirits of Jupiter, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the sceptre, "In the names of the Angelic King BYNEPOR and his Prince BUTMONO, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Jupiter, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Jupiter have been duly invoked."
Knock 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the planet Mars (or, if unknown, as for Fire). Give the sign Puer. Knock.
"Let us adore the warrior God! Thou art harder than tempered steel; there is no diamond beside Thee. AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagram of Mars, with "ARES!"
"Let the spout of blood quench Thy blood-thirst, O my God! In the name of HOOR, spirits of Mars, adore your master!"
With the sword, describe the glyph of Mars, "In the name of PHALEG, spirits of Mars, adore your Master!"
Take on the form of a power with the face of a dragon: "In the name of SABAOTH, spirits of Mars, adore your Master! Behold! I am he, having the sharp sword with two edges!"
Raise the sword. "In the name of the Son of Light DMAL, and of his own Son LIBA, Spirits of Mars, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the sword. "In the names of the Angelic King BABALEL and his Prince BEFAFES, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Mars, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Mars have been duly invoked."
Knock 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the Sun. Give the signs of Osiris Slain and Risen. Knock.
"Let us adore the young and brilliant God! Excellent is Thy love, O Lord! Thou art revealed by the darkness, and he who gropeth in the horror of the groves shall haply catch Thee, even as a snake that seizeth on a little singing-bird. AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagrams of Sol, with "HELIOS."
"Shall not mine incantations bring around me the wonderful company of the wood-gods, their bodies glistening with the ointment of moonlight and honey and myrrh? In the name of RA, spirits of Sol, adore your master!"
Trace the glyph of Sol upon the lamen, "In the name of OCH, spirits of Sol, adore your master!"
Take on the form of a power with the face of a snake with seven heads: "In the name of IAO, spirits of Sol, adore your master! Behold, I am the Son of God, having eyes like unto a flame of fire, and my feet are like fine brass."
Touch the thumb to the lamen. "In the name of the Son of Light ISR, and of his own Son AVE, Spirits of Sol, adore your Master!"
Touch the index and medius to the lamen. "In the names of the Angelic King BOBOGEL and his Prince BORNOGO, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Sol, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Sol have been duly invoked."
Battery 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the planet Venus. (Or, if unknown, the direction of the Sun.) Give the sign of Isis Mourning. Knock.
"Let us adore the Goddess of extreme love! In the silence of Things, in the Night of Forces, beyond the accursed domain of the Three, let us enjoy our love! AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagram of Venus, with "APHRODITE."
"Come to me, mix the fire and the water, all shall dissolve. In the name of HATHOOR, spirits of Venus, adore your master!"
With the lamp, describe the glyph of Venus, "In the name of HAGITH, spirits of Venus, adore your master!"
Take on the form of a power with the face of a hyena: "In the name of ASTAPHAIOS, spirits of Venus, adore your master! Behold! I am he, having the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars."
Raise the lamp. "In the name of the Son of Light I, and of his own Son EL, Spirits of Venus, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the lamp. "In the names of the Angelic King BALIGON and his Prince BAGENOL, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Venus, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Venus have been duly invoked."
Battery 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the planet Mercury. (Or, if unknown, the direction of the Sun.) Give the sign of Apophis and Typhon. Knock.
"Let us adore the young boy, mischievous and lovely! The cone is cut with an infinite ray; the curve of hyperbolic life springs into being. AUMGN!"
Make Invoking Hexagram of Mercury, with "HERMES."
"I leap from pool to pool in my joy; I am goodly with brown and gold and silver. In the name of TAHUTI, spirits of Mercury, adore your master!"
With the dagger, describe the glyph of Mercury, "In the name of OPHIEL, spirits of Mercury, adore your master!"
Take on the form of a power with the face of a donkey: "In the name of ELOAIOS, spirits of Mercury, adore your master! Behold! I am he, being holy, being true, having the Key of David: I open, and no man shutteth; I shut, and no man openeth."
Raise the dagger. "In the name of the Son of Light IH, and of his own Son AN, Spirits of Mercury, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the dagger. "In the names of the Angelic King BNASPOL and his Prince BLISDON, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Mercury, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Mercury have been duly invoked."
Battery 333-55555-333.
Face the direction of the Moon. (Or, if unknown, as for Water.) Give the signs Puella and Mulier. Knock.
"Let us adore the Goddess virginal chaste! Thou art like a moon upon the ice-world. AUMGN!" Make Invoking Hexagram of Luna, with "CELENE."
"Let the invisible inform all the devouring Light of its disruptive vigour! In the name of KHONSU, spirits of Luna, adore your master!"
With the bow, describe the glyph of Luna, "In the name of PHUL, spirits of Luna, adore your master!"
Take on the form of a power with the face of a sheep: "In the name of ATHOTH, spirits of Luna, adore your master! Behold! I am the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God."
Raise the bow. "In the name of the Son of Light STIMCUL, and of his own Son ILEMESE, Spirits of Luna, adore your Master!"
Lower and raise the bow. "In the names of the Angelic King BLUMAZA and his Prince BRALGES, and in the names and letters of their forty-two ministers, spirits of Luna, adore your master!"
"In the name of RA-HOOR-KHUIT the Lord of the Aeon, I declare that the spirits of Luna have been duly invoked."
Battery 333-55555-333.