A "Lesser" Pentagram Ritual
LDP 34-25
Based on Perdurabo's ritual of the Star Ruby
Facing East in the center of the chamber, the ritualist draws a deep breath, pressing the right forefinger against the lower lip of his closed mouth, then dashes down the hand with a great sweep back and out, crying:RITUALIST: Apo pantos kakodaimonos!
The ritualist touches the same forefinger to hisforehead.RITUALIST: Soi
The ritualist touches the same finger to his member.RITUALIST: O Phalle
The ritualist touches the same finger to his right shoulder.RITUALIST: Ischuros
To his left shoulder.RITUALIST: Eucharistos
Then he clasps his hands, locking the fingers.RITUALIST: IAO.
He advances to the East. He imagines an orange pentagram, aright, in his forehead. Drawing his hands to his eyes, he flings it forth.The RITUALIST roars: CHAOS
He retires his hand in the Sign of Silence. He goes round to the North. He flings forth a crimson pentagram in the same manner.The RITUALIST screams: BABALON
He retires his hand in the Sign of Silence.The RITUALIST says: EROSHe goes round to the West. He flings forth a blue pentagram in the same manner.
He retires his hand in the Sign of Silence.The RITUALIST bellows: PSYCHEHe goes round to the South. He flings forth a yellowish green pentagram in the same manner.
He retires his hand in the Sign of Silence.RITUALIST: P.A.N.He completes the circle widdershins and returns to the center, facing East.
He assumes the posture of the god Mentu, indicating pillars of arm and member.RITUALIST: N. The sign of the youth, fair and godly.
He takes the attitude of horned Bacchus, the averse pentagram.RITUALIST: O. The sign of the lord, dark and beastly.
He stands in the attitude of the Capitoline Venus.RITUALIST: The sign of the maiden, modest in desire.
He takes the stance of Babalon, alluding to Tiamat and Scorpio.RITUALIST: X. The sign of the lady, brazen in fulfillment.
He stands in the posture of Isis Rejoicing, the triumphant mother.RITUALIST: N.O.X. NOX, the Night of Pan! IO PAN!
He extends his arms in the form of a Tau.RITUALIST: Pro mou iungges opiso mou teletarchai epi dexia synoches eparistera daimones phlegei gar peri mou o aster ton pente kai en tei stelei o aster ton hex esteche.
He repeats the Cross Qabalistic, with the gestures as before.RITUALIST: Soi O Phalle Ischuros Eucharistos IAO.
He repeats the original apotropaic gesture and injunction.RITUALIST: Apo pantos kakodaimonos!