By Aleister Crowley


A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Books quoted or referred to


A∴ A∴ xvii, xxiii, xxvii, 46, 47, 48, 53, 60, 70, 83, 146, 151, 167, 202, 210, 212, 214, 217, 237, 276, 322, 323, 324, 349, 354
Abano, Pietro di, 98, 379
Abrahadabra, 81
Abbey of Cefalú, 128, 180 (see also Cefalú)
Abramelin, xxvi, 132, 193, 198, 379;
    --- demons, 263
    --- scorns astrologers, 100
    --- Sacred Magic of, 98, 198, 242, 374
Ab-ul-Diz, 48, 226, 234, 235, 236
Abyss, xxiv, 48, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 120, 194, 214, 342, 379
    --- Oath of, 215
Achad, 18, 180, 219
Adam Qadmon, 93, 94
Adept, 48, 227, 266
Adept Minor, 47, 61, 193
Adeptus Exemptus, 60, 228, 229
Adler, Dr. Alfred, 117
Adonai, 132
Adonis, xviii, 351
Advaitism, 21, 25
Advaitist, 21, 23
Advent, Second, 177
Adytum, 67
Aenead, First Book of, 47
Aeon, 49, 216, 228, 346, 365,
    --- of Isis, Osiris, Horus, 216
Aesopus Island, 161; Hermit of, 166
Agrippa, Cornelius, 98, 379
Aha! 201
Ahamkara, 191, 192, 284
Ahaz, 146
Aheba, 18
Ahriman, 21
Aiwass, 48, 218, 237, 351
A ka dua, 109
Akasha, 116
Alchemy, 40
Alder, 53
Aleph, 65
Alexandria, 36
Alexandrines, xviii
Alkali, deposit in S. Africa, 270
Allah, 311
Alphabets --- see Ch. LXVIII, pp. 307, 312, 326
    --- Greek, xxiii, xxvii
Amalantrah, 48, 161
Amennti, xxii, xxiii, 346
American Tourists, 255
    --- officer story, 333
A.M.O.R.C., 55
Amoun-Ra, 352
Amrit, 37
Ananda, 283, 284
Ananga Ranga, 48, 83
Angels, 18, 196, 264, 266, 300, 307, 351
Anima, 127
Animal Automatism, 301
Animism, 34
Animus, 127
Ankh, 155, 286
Ankh-f-n-khonsu, xvi, xxvi, 170, 179, 189, 238
Antichrist, 35, 211, 316
Antinomianism, 39
Aphrodite, 97, 197
Apocalypse, 17, 29, 163
Apollo and the Fates, (Browning) 36;
    --- Invocation of, 193
    --- (as God of Music), 287
Apollonius of Tyana, 115, 116, 130
Apophis, 63
Apostles, 327
Apuleius, 83, 338
Arabian Nights, 338, 339
Arabs, xxiii, 344, 351
Arahat, 129
Archangels, 18, 351, 352
Archetypes (Plato), 56, 57
Ark, 67
Armada, 98
Armadale, 233
Arnold, 111
Arnold, Mathew, 199
Asana, 92, 121, 213
Asar, 311
Asankyas, 192
Ascendent, 103
Asi, 37, 311
Asiatic God, 36
Assyrian, 48
Astroth, 197, 311
Astarte, 197, 311
Astral Body, xxiii, 167, 324, 378,
Astral Plane, xxii, xxvi, 19, 110, 231, 260, 263, 264, 272, 287, 300, 377
Astral Projection, 123, 167
Astral Travel, xxiii, xxv, 273, 276, 287, 310
Astrology, 326
Asuras, 21
Athanasian Creed, 358, 359
Athanasius, 358
Athanor, 64
Athene, 193
Atma, 127, 192
Atmadarshana, 22, 23, 62
Atman, 23
Atonement, 315
Attila, 30
Attis, xviii, 351
Atziluth, 57
Aucassin et Nicolette, 247
Augoeides, 132, 193, 352
Augustus Caesar, 36
Aumont, Gérard, 9, 28, 44
Auphanim, 196
Auto-Hagiography, 122
Autolycus, 204
Ayin, 18


Ba, 127, 132
Babalon, 30, 66, 67, 237
Babe of the Abyss, 61
Babylon, 68
Bach, Joh. Se., (Vision), 90
Bacchae of Euripides, 70
Bacchus, xviii
Bacon, Francis, 225
Baghdad, xxix
Bagh-i-Muattar, 83, 372
Balfour, Jabez, 105
Baltis, 245
Balzac, 83, 338
Banishings, 110
Baphomet, xix
Barbey d' Aurevilly, 193
Barrett, Elizabeth, 117
Bartzabel, 180, 226
Basilisk, (Egg), 63
Baudelaire, 163, 361
Beachy Head, dangerous, 243
Beast, 216
Beatific Vision, 64
Beer, 223
Beerbohm, Max, 199
Bees, 355
Belsen, 347
Beni Elohim, 351
Bennett, Allan, 122, 129, 157, 190, 261, 262, 307
Berashith (Crowley, Coll. Works) 20, 24
Berkeley, Bishop, 23, 301
Besant, Annie, 42, 55
Bethlehem, 30
Bhagavad-Gita, 22
Bhikkhu, xiv, 191
Bhikkhu Ananda Metteya: see Bennett, Allan
Big Business, 344, 350
Binah, 77, 78, 91, 222, 358
Black Brothers, xvi, xvii, 33, 60, 63, 66, 67, 82, 133, 151, 191, 193, 230, 342
Black Dragon, 40
Black Lodges, 74, 201
Black Magician, 60, 71
Black Mass, 358
Black Prince, 168
Black School of Magic, 29 sqq.;
    --- defined, 33 sqq., 42
Black Star, 224
Blake, William, 305, 352
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 41, 42, 43, 52, 192, 212, 228, 262
Blitz (London) episode, 85, 283
Blougram, Bishop, 359
Bodleian Library, Oxford, 231
Boccaccio, 83
Bodhisattva, 148
Body of Light, 203, 374
Bog, 134, 307
Boleskine, 108, 231
Book of the Dead, xxiii
Book 4, details on, 226, 234
Book 4, Part I, 23, 84, 380, 92
    --- II, 97, 107, 108
    --- III, see "Magick"
    --- IV, see "The Equinox of the Gods"
Book of Thoth, v, xxvii, 20, 134, 153, 155, 219, 311, 373
Book of the Law, xi, xii, xxi, 17, 44, 48, 80, 87, 89, 111, 147, 150, 152, 159, 173, 178, 180, 189, 194, 208, 209, 227, 248, 251, 258, 286, 305, 331;
     difficulties of, 216, 218
Book of Lies, xxiv, 88, 113, 138, 172, 282, 286, 304, 305, 314
Book of Heart Girt with Serpent, (LXV), 347 with quotations
Boulak Museum, 179
Brahma, 192
Brahmacharya, 242
Brahma Lokas, 167, 192
Brahman, 22, 23, 192
Brahmin (caste), 242, 243, 317
Bralduh, 110
Brewer's, Dr., Guide, v
Brocken, 304
Brontë, Emily, 153
Browning, Robert, 36, 97, 117, 139, 144, 202, 177, 256, 312
Brunton, 55
Buchari-siddhi, 121
Buchenwald, 347
Buckmaster, Professor, 355, 368
Buddha, 33, 34, 38, 52, 122, 129, 191, 192, 359
Buddhahood, xxiv
Buddhi, xxii, 127, 192
Buddhism, connected with Black School of Magick, 33, 35, 37, 111, 113, 129, 228, 361
Buddhist, 112, 128, 135, 155, 159, 165, 284, 285
Buer, 262, 263
Bunyan, John, 342
Buridan's Ass, 174
Burin, 63
Burma, 299, 368
Business, 344, 345
Byzantium, 36


Cabell, James Branch, 73, 342
Cadiz, 288
Caesar, Julius, 30, 168
Cairo, 36, 232, 236, 238
Cairo Working, xi, 189, 234, 345
Caithness, Lady, 168
Cakravarti-Rajah, 286
Caldarazzo, Villa, 236
Cambridge, 177, 186
Capri, 221
Carthage, 93
Catholic Church, 31
    --- Mysticism, 39
Cato, xxvii
Cato, Scipio, 93
Catullus, 6, 79, 83, 153, 191, 284
Caucasians (don't believe in Vedas), 243
Cefal, 128, 130, 178, 253, 326
    --- Diaries from, 166
Centaur, 299
Centuries of Nostradamus, 117
Ceres, 65
Chamelion, Path of, 47
Chaldea, School of, 38
Chaldean Square system (Astrology), 104
Chant, Mrs. Ormiston, 199
Chaos, 63
Charybdis, 151, 338
Chaucer, 342
Chéron, Jane, 238
Chesterton, G.K., 307
Chiah, 172, 212, 222, 358
Chimaera, 90
China, walk across, 157, 214, 290, 368
Chinese system of thought, 25, 26, 33, 157, 158
Chokmah, 46, 77, 78, 358
Choronzon, 66, 67, 68, 322
Christ, 21, 119, 241, 260
Christian - attitude, xv
    --- path, xvi, 84, 317, 347
    --- Home, 249
Christian Science, 35, 36, 233
Christian Scientist, 23
Christianity, xviii, 34, 35-42, 312
Church of Rome, 275
Churchill, Winston, (reference to), 75
Chymical Marriage of C.R., 338
City of the Pyramids, 68, 71, 224, 245
Cleopatra, 6, 168
Cloud upon the Sanctuary (von Eckarsthausen), 205
Clymer, 55
Collected Works of Aleister Crowley, 24
Collins, Mabel, 338
Collins, Wilkie, 223
Collon, Mont, 261
Communism, 289, 368
    --- Jewish, 35, 327
Co-Masonry, xvi, xvii
Combes, 317
Comment/Commentary, 227
Concentration Camps, 84, 218
Confucius, xx
Conrad, 342
Consols, 356
Contes Cruels, 193
Coriolanus, 249
Cotytto, 197, 309
Couéism, 95
Courtier, Jules, 239
Crawford, F. Marion, 255
Creative Dyad, 18
Crippen, 134
Crucifixion, 39
Crux Ansata, 155
Cumaean Sybil, 47
Cup, 109
Curie (s) The, 218
Curtius, 313
Curzon, George Nathaniel, 135
Czechoslovakia, rape by Hitler, 183


Daäth, 62, 66, 77, 229
Daleth, 77
Damascus, 36; Burden of, 177
Dante, 6, 116
Daphnis and Chloe, 247
Darshana, 192
Davy, Sir Humphrey, illumination, 16
Death, Fear of, 281
Dee, Dr. John, 98, 231, 379
Demiurge, 21
Democracy, 336
Demon, Demons, 163, 194, 196;
    --- Mercurial, 263
Denikin, General, 243
Descartes, 225
Desdemona, 120
Destiny, xxiv, 11
Devachan, 167, 212
Devas, 21
Devil(s), 21, 22, 120, 145, 197
Dhamma, Three Baskets of, 283
Dhammapada, 35, 157
Dharana, xxvi, 92, 131
Dhyana, 92, 152
Diabolism, 30
Dialogue before eating, xii
Diana, 60
Diary, Magical, xii, 203, 281, 372, 373
Diary of a Drug Fiend (Crowley), 154
Diez, 73
Dionysus, 36, 193, 223
Disks (Tarot), 97, 109
Dittany of Crete, 262
Divine Pymander, 139
Dobson, Austin, 247
Dogme et Rituel (Lévi), 115
Dolphin, 67
Domodossola, 352
Donne, 83
Doodle-Bug, 145
Dostoievsky, 35
Doubt, 303
Doughty, Dr., 248
Dover (Browning story), 313
Draco, 222
Dracula, 298, 300
Dragon, 287
Drake, 352
Dreams, analysis of, 189, 190
Drugs, 358, 359, 360, 361
Dryads, 197
Dualism, Dualists, 22, 23
Dumas, 338
Duns Scotus, 56
Duranty, Walter, 116
Dweller of the Threshold, 191
Dyad, Creative, 18
Dying God, xviii, 21


Eblis, 286
Ecclesiastes, 35
Eckenstein, Oscar, 157
Ecstasy, xxv
Eden (and the Fall), 210
Ederle, Gertrud, 318
Egyptian Theogony, xxvi; School, 38
Eight Lectures on Yoga (Crowley), xi, xxii, 84, 112, 219, 227, 316, 373, 380
Eight Limbs of Yoga, xxii
Einstein, Albert, 42
Eire, 61
Elementals, 163, 262
Elemental Tablets (Watch Towers), 231, 232
Elephant, 163
Elias, 211
Elixir of Life, 36
Elizabethan period, 367
Elohim, xx
Eloi, eloi, lama, sabacthani, 69
Empire State Building, 176
Empress (Tarot Card), 171
Encyclopaedists, 30
End (justifies the means), 221, 225
Endor, Witch of, 116
Engergized Enthusiasm, 42, 83
England, General Election, 348, 449
Enochian Tablets, see Elemental Tablets
Epicurus, 21
Equinox, The, general, why begun, 346
Equinox of the Gods, reporter's story quoted, 228
Erdmann, 117
Ethics of Thelema, 208, 209, 218, 228, 318
Ethyl Oxide, 266
Euclid, 226
Euripides, 70
Evangelical (cults), 35
Everest (mystery), 185
Evolution and Ethics (Huxley), 33
Exaltation, xxiii
Excalibur, 43
Exempt Adept, see Adept


Fabre, 42
Fabre d'Olivet, 308
Fama Fraternitatis, 62
Family system, 250
Farrèrre, Claude, 302
Fascism, 334
Fate, xxiv
Faubourg St. Germain Aristocracy, 61
Ferranti (stove), 108
Fielding, Henry, 184
Fifth Dimension, 53
Fountainebleau (Morˆt), 237
Forth Bridge, 219
Fourth Dimension, 155
France, Anatole, 127
Franco, 117
Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. (C.S. Jones), 29
Frazer, Sir William, 28, 36, 146
Freemasonry, 74
Free Will, xxiv, 11
Freud, Sigmund, xxv, 11, 30, 117, 132
Freudian Forgetfulness, 165
Frobisher, 352
Fugue, 91
Fu-Hsi-Trigrams, 270
Fuller, J.F.C., 256, 323
Fundamentalists, 34


Gabriel, 6, 48, 351
Gale, Norman, 247
Galileo, 141, 168
Gallio, 146
Gamiani, 83
Ganges, 289
Garret, Garet, 344
Gaulle, Général de, 117
Gebhardi, Otto, 217
Geburah, 46, 229
Gematria, xxiii, 19
Genius, 82, 192, 315, 348, 352, 368
Geomancy, 268
Gertrude, Nun, 359
Gestapo, 19, 345
Gethsemane, 69
Gilbert, William Schwenk, 150, 200, 281
Gillette, William, 196
Gimel, xx, 222
Gnomes, 261
Gnostics, 36, 308
Goat of Mendez, 35
Gobineau, de, 217
Goclenian Sorites, xxviii
God, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, 5, 14, 19, 21, 27, 52, 70, 112, 127, 132, 134-136, 144, 145, 155, 163, 176, 193, 222, 238, 259, 264, 266, 286, 347, 358
    --- Asiatic Dying, xviii
God-form, 90, 95
Gods, 95, 115, 163, 193, 196-198, 206, 231, 237, 264, 287, 309-311, 336, 347, 351-353, 356, 358, 371, 377
Goetia, 73, 262
Golden Bough (Fraser), 351
Golden Dawn, Order of The,(G.'.D.'.), 280, 323, 343
Golden Hawk, 123, 124
Good and Evil, 21
Gordian Knot, 132
Grant, Gregor, 261
Great Work, xi, xii, xiv, xv, xxv, 77, 80-82, 86-89, 148, 149, 151, 204, 212, 223, 229, 241-243, 256, 276, 288, 290, 325, 333, 337, 356, 366, 372, 379
    --- not a tea party, xv
Greene, Grahame, 210
Guernica, 218
Gunas, xix
Guru, xxv, xxvii, 204, 222, 289


Hadit, 74, 169, 171, 212
Haeckel, Ernst, 22, 129, 130, 169
Haldane, J.B.S., 282
Hamilton, Sir William, 265
Hammurabi, 20
Hanuman, xxvi, xvi, 352
Hardy, Thomas, 247, 342
Harpocrates, 90, 95
Harte, Bret, 369
Haseltine, Philip, 98
Hashish, 349, 359
Hatha Yoga, 121, 222
Hathor, 197
Hawk, Golden, 123, 124
Hebrew, Alphabet, 308, 309;
    --- Gods, 311
Heindl, Max, 55
Heinzelmänner, 261
Henley, W.E., 14, 148
Henry VIII, 168
Heraclitus, 159
Herbert, A.P., 83, 201
Hereward the Wake, 224
Hermaphrodite of Panormita, 20
Hermes, xxiv, xxvi, 65, 140, 352
Hermes Eimi, xxi, 48
Hermit, 217
Herod, 347
Herrick, 83
Hertz, 4, 6, 30; rays, 239
Heru-pa-kraath, 171
Hesinger, 355
Hexagram, Unicursal, 109;
Hexagram, of Yi King, 26, 270, 286
Hezekiah, 146
Hierophant, 171
Higher Manas, 127, 192
Higher Self, 132, 192, xxix
Hill, Raven, 199
Hilton, James P., 151
Himalayan Sheep, 300
Hindu, xxi, 52, 92, 144, 159, 192, 285, 308, 317, 361, 373, 380;
    --- Orders, xiv, xxi, 39;
    ---Proverb about women, 258
Hinton, P., 155
Hismael, 117
Hitler, Adolf, 60, 77, 104, 259, 288, 331, 336, 347;
    --- magical child of I.W.E., 217
Hitler Speaks (Rauschning), 217
Hod, xx, 18
Hodos Camelionis, 47
Holy Deadlock, 201
Holy Ghost, 359, 360
Holy Guardian Angel, xxiii, 22, 132, 193, 196, 222, 348, 252, 375, 378 (see also Knowledge and Conversation of H.G.A.)
Holy Man, 316, 317, 318
Home, D. D., 117, 184
Homer, 180
Hong Kong, 123
Hood, 352
Hoor-paar-kraat, 182, 351
H.P.B. --- see Blavatsky
Horoscope, xii
Horus, 174, 180, 216, 250, 318
Hume, David, 35
Huxley, Aldous, 248, 368
    --- Thomas Henry, 33, 35, 146, 299, 301
Huysmans, Jois-Karl 338
Hybris, 95


I, 26
Iacchus, 59, 65
IAO, xxvi, xvi, xix
Ibsen, Henrik, 336, 337
Iddhi, 290
Iehi Aour, see Bennett, Allan
"If" (Kipling), 84
Incarnations, past, xiii, xiv, 281
Incubi, 300
India, xxii, 163
Indifference, 284
Indra, 352
Inertia (Formula of Nature), 250
Initiates, xxii, xxiii, 342
Initiation, xxii, 133, 136, 141, 223, 224, 241, 324, 330, 348
Inquisitor, 193
Instinct, 222, 223
Interlaken, 233
Invocation, 86, 110, 193, 194, 311, 324
Iophiel, 117
Ipsissimus, 70
Ireland, 102; Irish, 336
Iroquois, 20
Isaacs, Mr., 255
Isis, 35, 174, 204, 219, 250, 344, 347
Islam, 39, 311, 317, 361; parable from, 282
Italians, 336
Itzatccihuatl, 300
Ivan the Terrible, 368
I.W.E., Soror (Martha Küntzel), 217


Jacobs, Indian Rothschild, 255
Jeans, Sir James, 16
Jechidah --- see Yechidah
Jehannum, 286
Jehovah, xix
Jerusalem, 36
Jesuits, 94, 221
Jesus, xviii, 22, 177, 311, 347
Jesus Christ, xv, 115
Jew, 289, 344
Jewish Communism, early Christianity as, 327
Jewish Theology, xxvi
Jinn, 91, 351
Johannesburg, 268
John (the Baptist), 311
Joshua, 146, 310
Judaism, 34, 35, 38
Judas, 347
Jung, Carl Gustav, 117, 139, 249
Jupiter, xix, 198, 352
Juvenal, 83


Ka, 127
Kama Loka, 167, 212
Kama Shastra, 83
Kama Sutra, 83
Kandy, 92, 122, 157
Kant, Immanuel, 35, 222
Kaph, xix
Karma, xv, xxiv, 88, 211, 212, 224, 228, 244, 245, 346;
    --- Lords of, 245
Kelly, Edward, 98, 231, 379
Kephra, xv
Kether, 108, 222
Khabs, 132, 171
Khamsin, 61
Khen, 35
Khu, 127, 141
Kiblah, 308
Kidneys, defective, 280
King, The, quoted from AL, II, 171, 208, 209
King Kang _K_hang, 153
Kingsford, Anna, 41
King's Scale, 18, 57, 87, 98
Kinks in Time, 124
Kipling, Rudyard, 84, 104, 179, 335
Kiriloff, 35
Knowledge and Conversation of Holy Guardian Angel, xxiii, 61, 193, 219, 229, 375, 376, 379
Konx Om Pax (Crowley), 323
Krishna, xviii
Krishnamurti, 42
Kwa, 26


Lafayette, 61
Lakhs, 142
Lamb, 67
Lamen, xxii
Lao Tse, 11, 135, 153, 158, 160, 172
Lapis Lazuli, 37
La Poule aux Rats, 364
Laughter, Trance of, 285
Law of Thelema, 43
Laylah, 234
Leech, 366
Left-hand Path, 60, 61, 63, 191
Legge, 161, 162
Lehrjahre, 278
Lenin, 346
Leo, Alan, 225
Leonardo da Vinci, 2
Lethe, River of, 167
Levant, 36
Lévi, Eliphas, xii, 115-119, 168, 212, 298, 300, 374
Leviathan, 66
Levitation, 289
Liber AL; see Book of the Law, Liber Legis
Liber Aleph, 113, 284, 327-330
Liber Legis, xxiii, 76, 80; Finding of MS, 212; see also Book of the Law
Liber OZ, 333
Liber Resh vel Helios, xii, 92, 281
Liber Thisarb, xii, 129, 165, 211, 213, 214, 215, 372
Liber LII, xvii
Liber LXV, xvii
Liber VII, xvii
Liber LXVI, 83
Liber CCCLXX, 83
Liber DCCCXXXI, 83
Liber CLXXV, 83
Liber CLVI, 83
Liber 418 = The Vision and The Voice, 29
Liber III vel Jugorum, 92
Lidice, 218
Lilith, 60, 299
Lingam, xix, 287
Little Essays toward Truth, xiv, xxii, 166, 211, 284
Lion Serpent, xxvi
Litton, 299
Logic, xv, 24
Logos, 358
Loki, 352
London, Jack, 51
Longfellow, 324
Longus, 247
Lorraine, 61
Lost Horizon, 151
Love under will, xv
Lovers, The, 222
Lower Manas, 192
Ludlow, 361
Lunn, Colin, 185
Lupin, Arsène, 224
Luxor, 189
Lycanthropy, 289
Lynch Law, 335, 337
Lytton (Edward Bulwer-Lytton), 338


MacCarthy, Desmond, 334
Machen, Arthur, 338
Macroprosopus, 17
Magical Child, 217
Magical Formula, 218, 219
Magical Link, 288
Magical Memory, 372
Magical Power, 256, 289
Magical Theory, 275, 288
Magick, v, xi, xii, xxii, xxiii, xxvii, 20, 27, 28, 76, 77, 84, 85, 165, 200, 209, 226, 262, 289, 301, 302, 322, 330, 373, 374, sqq.
    --- Defined, 28
    --- History, 288
Magick Wand, xxviii
Magick in Theory and Practice (Crowley), 20, 211, 219, 266, 373;
    --- genesis, 180
Magician, 66, 368
Magus, Magi, 46, 65, 238, 319
Maha Brahma, 135
Mahaparinibbana Sutta, 52
Mahasatipathana, 41, 58, 155
Mahatmas, xxix
Maitland, Edward, 41
Malaria, 366
Maliel, 57
Malkuth, xx, 166, 195
Manas, xxii, 127, 192
Mandrake, 65
Manifesto (of O.T.O.), 70
Mansoul, 41
Mantra, 73
Mantra Yoga, 311
Manu, 222
Maremma, 93
Marie Antoinette, 168
Marlow, Louis, 334
Mars, xx, 352
Marsyas, 351
Martial, 83
Marx, Karl, 30, 343
Marxism, 35
Mary, blasphemy against Babalon, 66;
    --- Inviolate, 82
Mary, Queen of Scots, 168
Masoch, Leopold von Sacher-, 83
Mason, xv
Masonry, xi
Mass (Christian), 39
Master, (opposed to Slave), 217
Master of the Temple, xvii, 46, 64, 66, 88, 89, 141, 142, 148, 208, 228, 229, 319, 343, 379
Masters, xxi, 243, 244, 245, 259, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 351, 356
    --- Who are not magicians, 99
    --- "Hidden", xxix
Masturbation, 194
Masucci, 83
Mathematics, 330
Matriarchy, 216
Matterhorn, 352
Maya, 22
Means (is it justified by the end?), 221, 225
Medici, Catherine de, 105
Medicine Man, 34
Meinhold, 338
Mein Kampf, 331
Melander's Millions, 185
Melcarth, xviii, 22, 351
Mendez, Goat of, 35
Mercury, xix, xxvi, 98
Meru, 163
Messiach, 210
Messiah, 42, 210
Michelet, 352
Mikado, 347
Milinda, Questions of King, 135
Mill, John Stuart, 222
Minerval, xxvii
Ministry of Fear, 210
Minutum Mundum, 97
Mirabeau, 61
Mithras, xviii, 22, 351
Mohammed, 6, 289, 351
Mohammedan Orders, xiv
Molinos, Miguel de, 130
Money, xv, 251, 252, 253
Monist, Monism, 21, 22, 23
Mont Cervin, 352
Monte Carlo, 187
Monte Silvio, 352
Montgomery, General, 117
Moon, salutation, 92; Vision, 90; Tarot Card, xx
Morêt, 237
Morningstar, Otto, 272
Morte d'Arthur, 338
Moses, 52, 127
Moslem, 37
Motte Fouqué, de la, 338
Motto, xviii
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 256
Müller, Max, 158
Music Halls, described, 199
Musset, Alfred de, 83
Mussolini, Benito, 347
Mystic, 26, 89
    --- danger of the path, 193
Mysticism, xi, 39, 87


Nagasena, Arahat, 135
Naples, 255
Naples Arrangement, 20
Napoleon (Bonaparte) 8, 30, 104, 239, 259, 352
Nats, 197
"Nazi School", 35;
Naziparty, 289 (see also Hitler)
Nechesch, Serpent, 210
Necromancy, 289
Nelson, Horatio (Lord) 352
Nemo, 66
Nemyss, 109
Neophyte, xxi, 64, 70, 231, 323
    --- ceremony of Golden Dawn, 280
Nephesch, 127, 166, 222, 223, 224
Nerciat, André de, 83
Neroda-Sammapatti, 23, 159
Neschamah, 103, 113, 127, 135, 136, 142, 155, 172, 192, 212, 222, 223, 224, 330
Neschamic, 63, 142
Nettles (boyhood exper.), 260
Neuberg, Victor B. 231, 232
New Aeon, 180
Newman, Cardinal, 338
Newman, John Henry, 298
New Orleans, xx, 48
Newton's Third Law of Motion, 211
New York Times, 299
New York World, 180
Nibbana, 11, 33, 52
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 16, 36, 316
    --- Prophet of Thelema, 217
Nihilist, 21
Nineveh, Burden of, 177
Nirmanakaya, 51
Nirvana, 33, 51, 52, 111
Noah, 29
Nominalists, 56
Northcliffe, Lord, 104
Nostradamus, 117
Nous, 127
Nu, Nuit, 62, 142, 165, 169, 172, 222, 238
Nymph, 197


Oath (of Abyss), 244
Occult (Sciences), 126
O.H.O. = Outer Head of O.T.O., xxi
Olcott, Colonel (Theosophist), 224
Olympus, 163
Ommeya, xxix
Onanism, opposed to sexual intercourse, 193
One Star in Sight, xvi, xvii, xxiv, 70, 322
Ontology, 126
Ophidian Vibrations, 47
Oppenheimer, E. Philips, 187
Opus Lutetianum (Paris Working), 212
Oradour-sur-Glane, 218
Orders, Christian, Monkhood, xiv
    --- Hindu, xiv
    --- Mohammedan, xiv
    --- A.'.A.'. xiv
Orgasm (s), 78, 152
Ormzd, 21
Osiris, xviii, xxii, xxiii, 21, 36, 59, 174, 175, 319, 344, 347, 351; in Amennti, xxiii
    --- Aeon of, 250
Othello, 120
O.T.O., xi, xii, xv, xvi, xvii, xxi, xxiii, 47, 124, 125, 203, 217, 300, 322
    --- Grand Treasurer of, xii
    --- Rituals, xxiii, 323
    --- System of, 70 sqq.
Ottilia (vision), 90
Ouarda (Rose Edith Crowley née Kelly), 234, 345
Ouspensky, 55
Owen, Professor, 299


Paccheka-Budhha, 167
Padmasana, 122
Paganism, 38
Pairs of Opposites, 21
Pan, 287
Pantheism, 36, 39
Parabrahm, 34
Paramahamsa, 148
Parananda, Shri, 157
Parinibbana, 52
Paris Working, 212
Parsimony, Law of, 265
Partouse, 355
Passover, 67
Pasteur, 366
Pastos, 62
Patanjali, 157
Path of Ayin, 18
Path of Gimel, 222
Path of Samekh, 18
Patriarchy, 216
Paul, Saint, 222, 305, 327
Peer Gynt, 249
Pentagram, 18, 63, 286
Pentagram Ritual, xxiii
Perdurabo (Crowley's Neophyte motto), xxiii, 49, 84, 121, 181, 184
Persian, 48
Petronius Arbiter, 83, 338
Petuchio, 146
Phallos, xx
Phallus, xix, 119
Phidias, 256
Phoenicians, xxiii
Phren, 127
Phryne, 33
Picasso, 62
Pickwickianism, 31
Plato, 30, 159, 222, 286
Platonic concepts, 160
Plymouth Brethren, 94, 260
Poe, Edgar Allen, 361
Poincaré, Henrie, 42, 378
Point Event, 11, 14, 155, 173
Poirot, 142
Poland, 102
Politics, 259
Polymnia, 287
Pope, 275
Posilippo, 235
Possessed, The, 35
"Potted Sex Appeal," 120
Poulain, Father, S.J., 120
Prana, 115
Pranayama, 121, 122, 152
Praxiteles, 204
Price, Harry, 303
Priestess, The, 222
Prince, 98
Princess Scale, 98
Probation, xxii
Probationer, 109, 231, 322
Propitiation, 39
Protestant Mysticism, 39
Protestants, 39
Psyche, 127
Psychoanalysis, 281
Psychology of Hashish (Crowley), 359
Ptolemy, 101
Purana, 157
Purusha, 127, 192
Pylon, 67, 68
Pymander, Divine, 139
Pyramid (s), 64, 67, 68, 189, 287;
    --- City of, 214
    --- Ritual of, 214
Pyramis, xviii, xix, xx
Pythagoras, 31


Qabalah, xi, xix, xx, xxiii, xxvi, xxvii, 13, 14, 17, 57, 58, 66, 87, 90, 120, 121, 150, 155, 160, 166, 219, 222, 226, 291, 309, 323, 339, 351, 356, 361
     --- Arabic, xxi, 219
    --- Greek, 219
Qabalistic Zero, 153, 192
Qedemel, 196
Qliphoth, 116, 117, 166
Qoph, xx
Queen Scale, 57, 98
Quincey, 361


Rabelais, Francois, 83, 113, 138
Raffles, 224
Ra Hoor, xv
Ra Hoor Khuit, 79
Rajas, xix
Raleigh, 352
Rameses I, 189
Raphael, 104
Rats (story Le Poule aux), 363
Ratziel, Archangel, 196
Reformation, 39
Re-incarnamtion, xxviii, 168
Religion, 358, 361, 362
Religious Experience, 23
Remus, 352
Renaissance, 344, 346
Reuss, Dr. Theodor, xxi, 71, 124
Rhys-Davids, 158, 283
Riddle of the Universe, The, 21, 22, 26
Riemann, 141
Riemann-Christoffel, 179
Right-Hand Path, 60
Rig-Veda, 127
Robbery, breach of Thelema, 224
Robin Hood, 224
Rodney, 352
Rome, 235;
    --- Church of, 275
Romulus, 352
Rontgen, Professor, 4, 218
Rosebery, Lord, 352
Rosencreutz, Christian, 62, 338
Rosetta Stone, Equinox to be, 346
Rosetti, 153
Rosicrucians, xxi, 42, 55, 108, 284
    --- system of, 243
    --- custom of, 278
Rosicrucianism, 40
Ross, 366
Rosy Cross, 109, 155
Rotterdam, 218
Rousseau, 313
RR et AC, 47, 343
Ruach, xxi, 77, 101, 115, 116, 118, 135, 136, 140, 166, 192, 195, 212, 221, 330
Rupert of Hentzau, 185
Russell, Bertrand, xxviii, 42, 51, 57, 129, 266, 344
Russia, 116, 368
Ruysbroek, 130


Sacrament, 45
Sade, Marguis de, 83
Sagittarius, 18
Sahara, 158
Saint Augustine, 359
Saint Elmo's Fire, 299
Saint Germain, Comte de, 120
Saint John, 133
Saint Moritz, 233, 234
Saint Peter's in Rome, 226
Saint Teresa, 359
Salamander, 375
Salt, xix
Salvation Army, 34
Samadhi, 23, 79, 121, 193, 281, 283
Samekh, 18
Sammasati, 129, 130, 131, 191, 198, 232, 245, 372
Samuel, 116
San Luis Potosi, story of confidence trick, 306
Sand, Georges, 83
Sangha, 157
Sankhara (tendency), 58, 168, 359
Sankhya, 157
Sanna (perception), 58, 359
Sannyasi, 242, 255
Sanskrit, 307, 310
Santa Barbara, 180
Sat, 92
Satan, 65, 94, 179, 233
Sattvas, xix
Saturn, 90, 91, 233
Saviour, 243
Saul, King, 116, 176
Scarlet Pimpernel, 224
Scarlet Woman, 216
Scented Garden of the Sheikh Nefzawi, 83
Schopehauer, 35, 36, 169
Science, method of, 10, 85, 151
Scipio, 93
Scott, Sir Walter, 260
Scylla, 151, 338
Sebek, 90
Secret Chiefs, 231, 233, 234, 237, 239, 324
Seele, 127
Sepher Sephiroth, 18, 19, 91
Sephira, 229; Sephiroth, 166
Set, 21, 179, 311
Sex, 358, 360, 361
Sex and Character, 173
Sexual Intercourse and Onanism, 193
Shaivite, 157
Shakespeare, 168
Shaman, 116
Shavasana, 283
Shaw, George Bernard, 179, 256, 366
Sheikh of Mish, 317
Shelley, 153
Shiva, 153
Shivadarshana, 23, 62
Shri Parananda, 157
Siberia, 116, 135
Sibylline Books, 206
Sicily, 123
Siddhi, 165, 290
Sierras (Spain), 158
Simpson, Mrs., 117
Skeat, xxvii, 119, 127, 132, 134, 146, 191, 313
Skooshocks, 167
Sludge, Mr., the Medium (Browning), 117, 144, 177
Socialism, 334, 336
Socialists, 348, 349, 366
Society for Psych. Research, 239
Socrates, 193, 352
Solar System, xxiii
Soldier and the Hunchback, 21, 129, 139, 381
Solomon, xxvii, 36
    --- The King, Greater and Lesser Keys (Grimoires), 98, 379
Solon, 222
Soviets, 336
Spain, walk through, 252, 253
Spedalieri, Baron, xii
Spelling Bee, 331, 332
Spencer, Herbert, 14
Sphinx, 73, 109;
    --- Four Powers of, 155; fully explained, 25
Spinoza, 36
Spinthria, 355
Spiritist, Spiritism, 115, 117, 176
Stalag, 218
Stalin, Joseph, 224, 259, 336
Star, The, 222
Steiner, Rudolph, xvii
Stélé of Revealing, 108, 179, 238
Stern, 83
Sterne, Laurence, 342
Stingaree, 224
Stoker, Bram, 298
Straus, Ralph, 334
Succubi, 300
Sufis, 39, 157, 159
Sukshma-Khumbakam, 121
Sullivan, J.W.N., 193, 355
Sulphur, xix
Sun, Spirit of the, xvi
Sunday, Billy, 34
Supernal Triad, 62, 115, 140, 166, 195, 197, 211
Swami, 204
Swastika, 289
Swift, 83
Swinburne, Algernon, 6, 300
Sword, 109
Sword of Song, 24


Tahuti, xv, xxvi, 81, 352
Talisman (s), xxii, 71, 98, 178, 226, 286, 287
Tamas, xix
Tantras, 34, 157
Tao, 25, 88, 135, 136, 149, 155, 156, 229, 286, 287
Taoism, 31
Taoist doctrine; sectaries, 11;
    aspect, 148, 149, 154
Tao Teh King, 231, 41, 121, 153, 154, 157, 158, 160, 161, 166
Taphthartharath, xvi, xxvi
Tarot, 97, 98, 109
Tarquin, 206
Tat, 92, 153
Tau, path of, xxii
Tau Cross, xxii, 109
Tcheka, 345
Teh, 172
Telekinesis, 239
Telepylus, 180
Telesmata, 97
Templar (position), 283
Temurah, 19
Temurah Thash Raq, 119
Tengyueh, 140, 299
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 324, 335
Termite, 352, 355, 365
Tests, magical, 340, 341
Tetragrammaton, xxvi, 27, 77, 222, 255
Thai Yang, 26; Thai Yin, 26
Thebes, 189
Theism, 27
Thelema, Law of, 43, 44, 174, 221, 316
Theognis, 338
Theoricus, 323
Theurgy, 38
Thomas, J.H., 345
Thomson, James, 111, 342
Thor, Hammer of, 289
Thora, 91
Thoth, xvi, xxvi, 307, 326, 352
Three Baskets of the Dhamma, 283
Tibet, 91, 221
Tiger, 149
Tiphareth, 18, 57, 78, 108, 195, 212, 222, 229
Titanic, 102
Titian, 256
Tohu Bohu, 119
Tom Jones, 184
Tories, 349
Totalitarianism, 250
Trance, 23
Trance of Wonder, 130
Transits, 101
Transmutations, 123
Tree of Life, xxiv, 16, 57, 76, 291
Treves, Sir Frederic, 335, 336
Trimurti, 192
Trinc, 113
Tripitika, 34, 283
Trismegistus, Hermes, 140
Trotsky, Leon, 243, 244
True Will, xv, 77, 80, 95, 96, 154, 175, 221, 250, 263, 288, 289, 313, 319, 337, 348, 350, 358
Trusts, 348
Truth, of All Truth, 140, 141, 142, 330
Tsar, 116
Twain, Mark, 336
Tyndall, 4
Typhon, 63


U.B., 55
Udgitha, 192
Unicursal Hexagram, 109
Universe, Force of the, xviii
Universe, Riddle of the, xiv, xix, 10
Upanishads, 22, 34, 130, 157, 158
U.S.W. = German, und so weiter = and so forth, 265
Ut, 132, 192
Utopia, 367
Utopia mongers, 367


Valhalla, 37
Vallière, Louise de la, 120
Vamacharya Schools, 34
Vampirism, 249
Vannus Iacchi, 245
Vatican, 42
Veda, Vedas, 34, 130, 157, 243
Vedana (sensation), 58
Vedanta, 157
Vedantism, Vedantists, 36, 39, 135
Venus, 196, 197
Venus in Furs (Sacher Masoch), 83
Vergil, 47, 116
Victoria, Queen, 115, 356
Victorian Period, 367
Vinci, Leonardo da, 2
Vinnanam, 359
Virakam, Soror, 122, 226, 233-236
Vishnu, 22
Vishvarupadarshana, 22, 101
Vision and The Voice, xiv, 59, 61, 63, 65, 120, 229, 230, 287, 339, 373; quotations, 63-69
Vital Force, 300
Vivekananda, Swami, 157, 201, 318, 373, 380
Vladivostok, 288
Volga Famine, Duranty story, 362


Waite, A. E., 201
Wand, 109
Wanderjahre, 278
War of the Roses, 168
Ward, Kenneth, 231, 232, 237
Warren, 283
Waterloo, 352
Weiniger, 35, 173
Wells, H.G., 146, 202, 302, 333
Werewolves, 123, 300
Wesley, John, 76
Wheel of Fortune, xix
Whisky anecdote, 273, 274
White School of Magick, 29 sqq. 33 sqq., 40
Whitehall, 75
Whitehead, 42, 55
Wilde, Oscar, 104, 201
Willett, 146
Wilson, Woodrow, 104
Wolfe, Jane, 284
Wonder, Trance of, 284
Wren, 19


Yang, xix, 26
Yechidah, 4, 127, 172, 212, 222
Yellow School of Magick, 29 sqq., 33
Yesod, xx, 18
Ygdrasil, 66
Yi King, xi, xx, 26, 88, 270;
    --- divination, 237, 238, 239
Yin, 26
Yod, xix
Yoga, 73, 84, 90, 131, 157, 203, 209, 222, 226, 227, 262, 283, 323, 368, 373, 374, 377 sqq;
    --- Danger of, 381, 382
Yoga for Yellowbellies, xxv
Yogi (s), 122, 135, 289, 316, 368, 376
York, Archbishop of, 105
Yucatan, 221
Yun Nan, 158, 299


Zancig, 176, 177
Zelator, xxi
Zeno, 31
Zermatt, 352
Zero, 85, 250
Zeugnis der Suchenden, 217
Zeus, 193, 311, 352
Zola, 203, 247, 248
Zoroaster, 36, 38, 290
Zürich, 233


Raphael's Shilling Handbook on Astrology                    104
Barley's 101 "Notable Nativities"                           104
"More Nativities"                                           104
City of Dreadful Night, James Thomson                       111
Sir Palamede The Saracen, Equinox I, 4                      113
Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, Lévi                     115
I Write as I Please, Walter Duranty                          17, 116, 362
Mr. Sludge the Medium, Robert Browning                      117, 144, 177
Lost Horizon, James Hilton                                  151
Diary of a Drug Fiend, Aleister Crowley                     154, 229
Bhagavad Gita                                               157
Sex and Character, Weiniger                                 173
Tom Jones, Fielding                                         184
Rupert of Hentzau                                           185
John Chilcote, M.P.                                         185
Melander's Millions                                         185
Contes Cruels, Barbey d'Aureville                           193
Holy Deadlock, A.P.Herbert                                  201
J'Accuse, Zola                                              203
Cloud on the Sanctuary, Equinox I, 1                        205
Ministry of Fear, Grahame Greene                            210
Hitler Speaks, Herman Rauschning                            217
Armadale, Wilkie Collins                                    223
Spirit of Solitude, "Confessions", Crowley                  231
La Terre, Emile Zola                                        247
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley                              248
Mr. Isaacs, F. Marion Crawford                              255
Buddhist Psychology, Mrs, Rhys-Davies                       283
La Maison des Hommes Vivants, Claude Farrèrre               302
Antichrist, Friedrich Nietzsche                             316
Ouroboros, Garet Garrett                                    344
The Psychology of Hashish, Oliver Haddo [Crowley], Equinox I,2        359
Mr. Amberthwaite, Louis Marlow                              366
Raja Yoga, Vivekananda                                      373
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage,         374
     MacGregor Mathers

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