[IT is claimed for this game that it is simpler and more exciting than baccarat, and the author conceives that by its invention he confers a boon on humanity not less than that of the steam-engine.]

   The game of Crowley is played by any number of players, one acting as banker.
   An ordinary pack of cards is used, their value being as in Bridge.  Ace of hearts highest, deuce of spades lowest (thus deuce of clubs beats ace of spades, deuce of diamonds ace of clubs, and so on).
   The cards are shuffled by any player who claims the right to do so, and cut to the banker by the player on his right.
   Every player except the banker stakes a sovereign (or other unit agreed upon).
   The banker deals a card <<A "shoe" may be used.>> in rotation to each player, face upwards.  The pool goes to the player with the highest card.
   The player with the lowest card has the privilege of "challenging," by putting up the amount of the pool.  He and the winner then each draw a card. Highest card (of the four) again wins.  Any pair, however, beats any other combination, and in the case of equal pairs, the pair containing a heart wins. {199}
   The loser has again the right to challenge by putting up the amount of the increased pool, a third card being drawn and the hands finally decided on the above principle.

    [Example: Deuce of Hearts, Deuce of Spades and Three of Spades beat Deuce
      of Diamonds, Deuce of Clubs and Ace of Hearts.]

   The banker's advantage is in getting the first card free, but if he challenge he must put up the amount of the pool.
   If the player with the lowest card fail to challenge, his right passes to the player with the next lowest card, and so on, till every one has had his opportunity.  This rule applies even to the second challenge, the new challenger taking two cards on putting up the pool.
