

   WILLIAM RIDER and SON have moved from Aldersgate Street to Paternoster Row, but unless they are very careful they will find themselves in Carey Street.  What can have come over the firm that it publishes a book written by a man who knows his subject?
   For "Science and the Infinite" forms the most admirable sketch of what should surely be a great and important work.  Mr. Klein shows clearly and simply the nature of what we call the Infinite, and proves that the great step to be taken is for the soul to recognize its oneness with that.  But in Book 4 this conclusion is given as the result of definite experience.  "See" pp. 80 and 87. Mr. Klein however, seems to prefer a sacramental solution of the problem, and advocates in almost too unveiled a manner the cult of the Phallus, which he understands, evidently enough, in its best form.
   We could have wished that he had given us twenty diagrams instead of one.  We could have wished that his English were less latinized and his sentences shorter, and --- most of all --- we could have wished that his book had been published in a more important form.  The world is deluged with cheaply-got-up books of this kind, and it is difficult for the outsider to distinguish the corner-stone from that which should be "heaved over among the rubbish."  Now a book should be a very holy thing.  If it be truth, it is that which we most reverence, and it is impossible to expend too much care and loving kindness in its worthy presentation.  Considerations of the cost of production are the death of literature.  Publishers are so ignorant of the value of books that they issue any quantity of worthless stuff.  They have no idea of what will catch on with the public.  They produce things as cheaply as possible, with the American philosophy, "It's a good bet if I lose!"  Such a book as Mr. Klein's loses immensely by this vulgar presentation.  Rising as it does to heights of sublime poetry, it is a shock to be constantly brought back to the twentieth-century illusion, which is the very sham he is trying to expose with its rage for hurry and cheapness, by the inferior paper and inferior printing.  A book  of this sort should have been produced, if not quite like the Medieval Books of Hours, yet in {309} a form which represents the highest developments of the particular art used in its production.  These things do not seem to matter now.  They will matter enormously in a hundred years, and it should be for that part of the Now which we stupidly call the Future that books should be produced.
   This is particularly the case with a book which deals with science.  It is the common idea that science is practical.  It does not occur to the average man that science is holy.  He does not see that the microscope is a magical instrument in the truest sense of the word, as it assuredly is when its use leads one to such results as Mr. Klein has attained.  Science has appeared principally practical.  People say, "Look, it has given us the telephone and the motor-car!"  They have not understood that science may be a religion.  To most people, especially so-called religious people, God means one in their own image, the shadow of themselves thrown, enlarged and distorted, upon the background of their own ignorance --- not the image of themselves as they really are, but the image of those vile insects which they think themselves to be.  The evangelical Christian asserts God to be mean, revengeful, cruel, huckstering --- a small tradesman in a provincial town.  A single blade of grass is sufficient contradiction of the existence of such a monster.  Even where the people have had no God their Great Man was fashioned in the same way.  Buddha is only a magnified Buddhist.  In their fierce life calm seems the only good, and so their Buddha sits eternally smiling on a lotus.  Even the most elevated thinkers seem to cling to the idea of a personal God.  This is because they are themselves enmeshed in the illusion personality.  It is the personal and temporary self to which they cling.  They have perhaps got rid of the idea that the body is real, but the highest ideas in their mind still appeal to them.  They say (in the best cases) that God is Light, Love, Life, Liberty, but they still suppose him to be a person possessing these attributes.  Hardly ever, save by virtue of spiritual experience of a high order, is that conception transcended.  Personality is a limitation.  As long as one thing is distinguished from another there are two things; and there is only one thing.  Such a conclusion Mr. Klein faintly foreshadows.  I am not certain whether it is his reticence or his ignorance which prevents him from adumbrating the further conception which we have set forth in Book 4 and elsewhere.
   It is very well that these conclusions, such as they are, should be restated.  There is, of course, nothing new in them.  They were stated by myself in almost the same language in a good deal of the poetry which I wrote when I was nineteen years old.  Such perception is the birthright of the poet.  But even immediate intuition of such truth is of less value than the knowledge obtained by conscious experience.  The rediscovery of these truths much later in life had for me all the force of a new creation.  {310}
   We wish that Mr. Klein had gone deeply into the means of attainment.  He seems to be of that school which holds that such attainment is the result of miracle, perhaps of accident.  He does not seem to realize that there is a perfectly simple and straightforward method of arriving where he has arrived --- a method which is good enough for all, and about which there is no doubt and no difficulty beyond the essential one of sticking to it.  I hope that the perusal of Book 4 will enlighten him on this point, and enable him to write a Second Part to his book which shall detail this method in language which may reach those minds to which Book 4 does not appeal.         A. C.

   IT is monstrous and iniquitous that a person, however bearded, however resembling Bernard Shaw in name and form, should purport to translate a Rune Stone dealing with the Phrygian Mysteries --- and scan Pandion wrong.  The masterpiece of this anonymous author is full of false quantities, but I don't care if it is, for he has some very beautiful lines and a sense of the musical value of words.  He writes:

               "The lovers of a night appear
                In the unravell'd atmosphere.
                Phantasmagoria crisp to gold
                Under Apollo. .."

And again:
               "Caduceator for thy knees'
                Ophidian caryatides."

And again:
               "And the red ibis in thy grove
                Feeds poison to the sucking dove."

And again:
               "Under the brown sea-furbelow
                Anguilla slimes; . . . ."

He tells us:
               ". . . Crassicornis seeks to grab
                The streamers of the coral-crab.'

He says:
               "I hear the triton-music swell
                Love-laden in the vulva-shell.'

And speaks of:
               ". . . Corybantes o' the storm
                Leaping coruscant-capriform."  {311}

   I could hardly have done better myself, and Shelley would have been put to it to do it as well.
   If the ingenious though fatuous author of "The Blue Grotto" will get a big idea and work it largely out, he will indubitably produce a worthy contribution to the language whose poverty he now enriches with so many admirable new words.                                    A. C.


               ". . .  equal purged of Soul and Sense.
                Beneficent high-thinking, just,
                Beyond the appeal of Violence,
                Incapable of common lust,
                In 'mental Marriage' still prevail
                  (God in the garden hid his face)" ---

   AND well He might!
   It is on these lines that Bertha and Leonard Hammersley agree to lead their married life.  The husband is a delicate, refined, over-sensitive, under-vitalized creature, and the arrangement suits him admirably.  For a time Bertha is content, her intellect is satisfied, her senses are slumbering.  She is not only content; when she looks around at the married lives of her more carnally-minded friends she feels immensely superior, and prides herself on the purity of the relationship existing between Leonard and herself.  She wilfully closes her eyes, and if an inner consciousness whispers to her that this vaunted happiness is incomplete, she refuses to listen.  The whisper becomes loud --- insistent.  Mrs. George very cleverly shows us Bertha's slow, almost shocked, awakening.  Starved Nature revengefully, triumphantly asserts herself.  After three years of the Higher Life Bertha changes the joys of the Intellect and Spiritual Love for the joys of the Flesh and Human Passion.
   But it is to the Man as Father, not as Lover, she at first yields.
   When, in due course, the Man returns to West Africa, she sees him go without a pang.  He has fulfilled his purpose, and she has no further use for him.
   It is only later, after the birth of the child, that she desires him as a Lover.
   This change in her attitude is depicted with masterly strength and skill.
   He returns after two years' absence.
   Her first feeling is one of annoyance and faint fear rather than rapture.
   He takes it for granted their old relationship will be renewed, and so she drifts back and changes from the passive Mother-Woman, submitting to the Man's love only as a means to her own and Nature's end --- to a passionate {312} exacting woman, demanding Love for love's sake and love's sake alone, and putting the plan before the child.
   How the child dies, and how the Lover in terror and revolt flies from his too-exacting mistress, we leave it for Mrs. George to tell in her own vivid and unflinching way.                                  E. G. O.

     3 fr. 50 c.  Dorbon, Paris.
   NEVER before has the androgynous male been treated with such cold, cynical, non-moral impartiality.
   The "hero" is an empty-headed young fop, and concerned only with the fit of his clothes and the colour of his necktie.  "We cannot steal, to work we are ashamed"; but though he stops short of actual stealing, he slips through life in luxurious sleekness --- living by his "wits" and a kind of spurious system of blackmail.  When he is not concerned in getting money, this mannikin of straw trips from one tea-party to another, lisping the latest scandal and wafting the newest scent.  Sydney Place leads us a fantastic dance with these mincing demi-reps.  He deals with flimsy people, but his study is neither flimsy nor wanting in interest.  It is, we say it with regret, painfully true to life, and represents a sex which is largely on the increase in London Society of to-day.                                     E. G. O.

                        RICHARD CLAY & SONS, LIMITED,
                             AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK.


                           SIR PALAMEDE THE SARACEN

                             By ALEISTER CROWLEY

                          "REPRINTED FROM EQUINOX IV"

                                  PRICE 5/-

   "Much vigorous imagination." --- "Times."
   "...his genius, be its origin celestial or infernal, is considerably to our liking; he can write angelic poetry and devilish good prose, a cloud of exotic scholarship trailing over the whole, and suffused now and then by lightning-like gleams of mirth and snappiness." --- "English Review."
   "The poet's impassioned imagination and fancy move untrammelled throughout this metrical romance." --- "Publishers' Circular."




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HAIL MARY!                     BY ALEISTER

   The "Daily Mail" says --- this is a garland of some fifty or sixty devotional hymns to the Virgin, in which the author, while not exceeding the bounds of Catholic orthodoxy, fills his verses with quaint and charming conceits, very much in the style of the 'metaphysical' poets of the seventeenth century.  Indeed, in turning over the pages of 'Amphora,' as the little volume was entitled when published anonymously two years ago, by Burns & Oates, we feel them to be the work of a recipient of the tradition of Vaughan the Silurist, George Herbert, and Crashaw, although Mr. Crowley is smooth where they are rugged, plain where they are perplexing.
   "These poems indicate a mind full of earnest aspiration towards his spiritual Queen, a mind of an engaging naivete, untroubled by the religious and philosophical problems which weary more complex intelligences.  This little work can be cordially recommended to Catholic readers."
   Father Kent writes in "The Tablet" --- "Among the many books which benevolent publishers are preparing as appropriate Christmas presents we notice many new editions of favourite poetic classics.  But few, we fancy, can be more appropriate for the purpose than a little volume of original verses, entitled 'Amphora,' which Messrs. Burns & Oates are on the point of publishing.  The following stanzas from a poem on the Nativity will surely be a better recommendation of the book than any words of critical appreciation:

           "The Virgin lies at Bethlehem.
              (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)
            The root of David shoots a stem.
              (O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)

           "She lies alone amid the kine.
              (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)
            The straw is fragrant as with wine.
              (O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)"

   Lieut.-Col. Gormley writes --- "The hymns ordinarily used in churches for devotional purposes are no doubt excellent in their way, but it can scarcely be said, in the case of many of them, that they are of much literary merit, and some of them indeed are little above the familiar nursery rhymes of our childhood; it is therefore somewhat of a relief and a pleasure to read the volume of hymns to the Virgin Mary which has just been published by Messrs. Burns & Oates.  These hymns to the Virgin Mary are in the best style, they are devotional in the highest degree, and to Roman Catholics, for whom devotion to the Virgin Mary forms so important a part of their religious belief, these poems should indeed be welcome; personally I have found them just what I desired, and I have no doubt other Catholics will be equally pleased with them."
   "Vanity Fair" says --- "To the ordinary mind passion has no relation to penitence, and carnal desire is the very antithesis of spiritual fervour.  But close observers of human nature are accustomed to discover an intimate connection between the forces of the body and the soul; and the student of psychology is continually being reminded of the kinship between saint and sinner.  Now and then we find the extremes of self and selflessness in the same soul.  Dante tells us how the lover kissed the trembling mouth, and with the same thrill describes his own passionate abandonment before the mystic Rose.  In our own day, the greatest of French lyric poets, Verlaine, has given us volumes of the most passionate love songs, and side by side with them a book of religious poetry more sublimely credulous and ecstatic than anything that has come down to us from the Ages of faith.  We are all, as Sainte-Beuve said, 'children of a sensual literature,' and perhaps for that reason we should expect from our singers fervent religious hymns.
   "There is one of London's favourites almost unrivalled to express by her art the delights of the body with a pagan simplicity and directness.  Now she sends us a book, 'Amphora,' a volume of religious verse: it contains song after song in praise of Mary," etc. etc. etc.
   The "Scotsman" says --- "Outside the Latin Church conflicting views are held about the worship of the Virgin, but there can be no doubt that this motive of religion has given birth to many beautiful pieces of literature, and the poets have never tired of singing variations on the theme of 'Hail Mary.' This little book is best described here as a collection of such variations.  They are written with an engaging simplicity and fervour of feeling, and with a graceful, refined literary art that cannot but interest and attract many readers beyond the circles of such as must feel it religiously impossible not to admire them."
   The "Daily Telegraph" says --- "In this slight volume we have the utterances of a devout anonymous Roman Catholic singer, in a number of songs or hymns addressed to the Virgin Mary.  The author, who has evidently a decided gift for sacred verse and has mastered varied metres suitable to her high themes, divides her poems into four series of thirteen each --- thus providing a song for each week of the year.  The songs are all of praise or prayer addressed to the Virgin, and though many have a touch of mysticism, most have a simplicity of expression and earnestness of devotion that will commend them to the author's co-religionists."
   The "Catholic Herald" says --- "This anonymous volume of religious verse reaches a very high level of poetic imagery.  It is a series of hymns in honour of Our Lady, invariably expressed in melodious verse.  The pitfalls of religious verse are bathos and platitude, but these the sincerity of the writer and a certain mastery over poetic expression have enabled him --- or her --- to avoid.  The writer of such verse as the following may be complimented on a very high standard of poetic expression:

             "The shadows fall about the way;
                Strange faces glimmer in the gloom;
              The soul clings feebly to the clay,
                For that, the void; for this, the tomb!

             "But Mary sheds a blessed light;
                Her perfect face dispels the fears.
              She charms Her melancholy knight
                Up to the glad and gracious spheres.

             "O Mary, like a pure perfume
                Do thou receive this falling breath,
              And with Thy starry lamp illume
                The darkling corridors of death!"

   The "Catholic Times" says --- "The 'Amphora' is a collection of poems in honour of our Blessed Lady.  They are arranged in four books, each of which contains thirteen pieces.  Thus with the prologue there are fifty-three poems in all.  Needless to say they breathe a spirit of deep piety and filial love towards our Heavenly Mother.  Many beautiful and touching thoughts are embodied in the various verses, which cannot but do good to the pious soul."
   The "Staffordshire Chronicle" says --- "Under this title there has appeared an anonymous volume of verses breathing the same exotic fragrance of Rossetti's poem on Our Lady that begins 'Mother of the fair delight.'  There is the same intense pre-Raphaelite atmosphere, the same aesthetic revelling in Catholic mysticism, the same rich imagery and gorgeous word-colouring that pervade the poetic works of that nineteenth-century artist.  A valuable addition to the poetic literature on the Mother of our Lord."
   The "Guardian" says --- "The devotional fervour of 'Amphora' will make them acceptable to those who address their worship to the Blessed Mother of the Christ.  The meaning of the title of the book is not very obvious.  It cannot surely have anything to do with the lines in Horace, 'Amphora coepit,'" etc.
   The "Catholic Times" says --- "As far as we can gather from his other works, the author is not a Catholic, perhaps not even, strictly speaking, a Christian; but here we have page after page of most exquisite praise of Her, whom Wordsworth greeted as 'our tainted nature's solitary boast," until one marvels at the fecundity of concept, imagery, and fit expression."

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"The Trade may obtain them from"
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  These two volumes breathe the pure semi-conscious aspiration of the soul, and express the first glimmerings of the light.
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  A striking dramatic study of the origin of religions.
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    decorative wrapper, 20"s." net.
  This is the author's first most brilliant attempt to base the truths of mysticism on the truths of scepticism.  It contains also an enlarged amended edition of "Berashith," and an Essay showing the striking parallels and identities between the doctrines of Modern Science and those of Buddhism.
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                                THE WHIRLPOOL

                                 ETHEL ARCHER

              With a Cover specially designed by E. J. WIELAND;
               a Dedicatory Sonnet by VICTOR B. NEUBURG; and an
                      introduction by ALEISTER CROWLEY.

                            PRICE ONE SHILLING NET

   "This is a whirlpool, and no mistake; a witches' cauldron wherein suns and stars and souls, and Lilith and Sappho, and 'whispering hair,' and corpses and poppies, jostle one another in a heaving brew of iridescent, quasi-putrescent, ultra-modernity.  Quite good reading all the same.  Take p. 44: --- .... And we must thank the mysterious V. B. N. for a really inspired line ---
               'Thou lyric laughter of the enfranchised male.' .... The naughty new 'male' smashing our windows with this inverted commas ... unless, indeed, as Mr. Aleister Crowley authoritatively hints in his sacerdotal preface, ... But the time, we think, is hardly ripe for such disclosures, although the more intelligent among us may have seen a certain Writing upon the Wall, setting forth, in clearest language, that 1 + 1 = 3." --- "The English Review."

   "Poems by a new writer who possesses imaginative gifts of unusual quality.  Miss Archer's poems are both mystical and realistic, and they bear traces of having been to some extent influenced by the work of Mr. Aleister Crowley, but without losing an originality which is entirely their own." --- "T. P.'s Weekly."

   "This book has all the defects and none of the qualities of Mr. Crowley's work. ... Miss Ethel Archer misses everything.  There is no "elan" in the work.  She has none of the happy fluency of her master, and it requires much to carry off the cumbrous apparatus of esoteric epithets with which she is burdened.  Miss Archer's mechanical abnormalities are ridiculous; she has mistaken jingle for music and incomprehensibility for passion.  ... The world will not willingly let it die." --- "Vanity Fair."

   "On the cover a naked woman is riding a bat over a whirlpool; craggy white mountains are behind her and a red sky behind all.  There is a fine fierceness of movement in the design; it is certainly good.  Mr. Aleister Crowley introduces Miss Archer briefly but splendidly, with phrases of this sort: 'We find such rime-webs as abaaab-babbba ..., more exquisite than all the arabesques of the Alhambra." ... It is all very splendid. ... We feel drearily sensible of our outer darkness.  Coming to Miss Archer's poetry we are obliged to notice her debt to Swinburne, yet we find it, on the whole, good. ... The colour is very strong; the shades of thought are clear, and often subtle. ...  The uninitiated may certainly recognise great strength of conviction in Miss Archer, even if they cannot or do not wish to appreciate it." --- "The Poetry Review."

   "Several of these unpleasant phantasies are reprinted from the "Equinox," and there is an introduction by Aleister Crowley, in which he says this book is the hell of sterile passion glowing in the heart of the hell of desolation." --- "Times Literary Supplement."

   "There is a resemblance in much of Miss Archer's verse to the sensuous school of English poetry, and it has the same lyrical power.  Love in its various forms is the theme of her songs, and she expresses her thoughts in vivid words.  The portrayal of the intensity of personal feeling with an unguarded freedom, is that which a student of pre-Raphaelite poetry would naturally acquire.  (Our reviewer's guarded remarks lead us to suppose he means that The Whirlpool' is rather 'hot water.' --- ED.) --- "Publishers' Circular."

   "Moralists with no pretensions to severity will frown at the sentiments conveyed in the poem 'To Lilith. ...' 'Reverie,' 'Midsummer Morn,' and 'Sleep,' are really beautiful poems. ..." --- "Westminster Review."

   "Full, at any rate, of high artistic endeavour is Miss Ethel Archer's 'The Whirlpool.'  There is a strong sense of classical beauty and of form in these passionate and exotic verses.  'The Felon Flower' is an extraordinary rhapsody, and the 'Song to Leila' is delicate and highly wrought." --- "The Commentator."

   "The verse is musical and the ideas profound. ..." --- "Light."

                      MR. NEUBURG'S NEW VOLUME OF POEMS.

                            "Imperial" 16mo, pp. 200


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   The First Edition is limited to Two Hundred and Fifty copies: Two Hundred and Twenty on ordinary paper, whereof less than Two Hundred are for sale; and thirty on Japanese vellum, of which Twenty-five are for sale.  These latter copies are numbered, and signed by the Author.  The binding is half-parchment with crimson sides; the ordinary copies are bound in crimson boards, half holland.
   The price of ordinary copies is Five Shillings net; of the special copies, One Guinea net.

                      EXTRACTS FROM FIRST NOTICES.

   "Not everyone will care for Mr. Neuburg's tone in all the pieces, but he is undoubtedly a poet to be reckoned with, and a volume so original as this is should create no small stir.  It is superbly produced by the publishers." --- "Sussex Daily News."
   "When one comes to the poems ... it is evident that they are written in English.... In a certain oblique and sub-sensible sense, eloquent and musical....Distinctly Wagnerian in their effects...." --- "Scotsman."
   "It is full of 'the murmurous monotones of whispering lust,' 'the song of young desire,' and that kind of poppycock." --- "London Opinion."
   "A competent master of words and rhythms. ... His esoteric style is unreasonably obscure from an intelligent plain poetry-lover's standpoint." --- "Morning Leader."
   "A charming volume of poems... Pagan glamour ... passion and vigour. ... 'Sigurd's Songs' are commendable for dealing with the all too largely neglected Scandinavian theology. ... A scholarly disciple. ... The entire volume is eminently recommendable." --- "Jewish Chronicle."
   "A gorgeous rhapsody. ... Fortunately, there are the police. ... On the whole, we cannot help regretting that such splendid powers of imagination and expression are flung away in such literary rioting." --- "Light."
   "Sometimes of much beauty of rhythm and phrase. ..." ---"Times."
   "Poets who have any originality deserve to be judged by their own standard. ... A Neo-mystic or semi-astrological pantheist. ..." --- "Liverpool Echo."
   "Love-making appears to have an added halo in his eyes if it is associated with delirium or bloodshed. ... Mr. Neuburg has a 'careless rapture' all his own; the carelessness, indeed, is just the trouble.  His versification is remarkable, and there is something impressive in its mere fluency. ... So luxurious, so rampant, a decadence quickly palls. ... On the whole, this book must be pronounced a quite grievous exhibition of recklessness and folly." --- "Manchester Guardian."
   "...We began to be suspicious of him. ... Hardly the sort of person we should care to meet on a dark night with a knobby stick in his hand. ... This clever book." --- "Academy."
   "A vivid imagination fostered by a keen and loving insight of nature, and this allied to a command of richly adorned language ... have already assured for the author a prominent place amongst present-day poets. ... An enthusiastic devotion to classic song ... sustained metrical charm.  From first to last the poet's work is an important contribution to the century's literature." --- "Publishers' Circular."
   "This [book] contains the answer to a very well-known riddle propounded by the late Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  You remember she asked in one of her poems, 'What was he doing to Great God Pan: Down in the reeds by the River?' Well, Mr. Victor Neuburg has discovered the answer, for he was obviously wandering near the river if he was not hidden in the reeds. ..." --- "ROBERT ROSS in "The Bystander."
   "There is no question about the poetic quality of much of Mr. Neuburg's verse. ... We are given visions of love which open new amorous possibilities." --- "Daily Chronicle."
   "Sheer ennui is apt to say 'morbid,' and have done with it. ... But here is Mr. Neuburg, with real literary and temperamental gifts ... but it is not honest to deny that he is actually straying here and there upon the borders of a definite region of consciousness; that the evil and power he acclaims and fears have a phantom existence. ..." --- "Westminster Gazette."

              EXTRACTS FROM PRESS NOTICES --- "Continued"

   "A volume of no ordinary ability ... real beauty." --- "Advocate of India."
   "... His poems are a mystery beyond the comprehension of the uninitiate.  But we can appreciate the beauty of their sound, and envy those lovers in distant countries who will apparently enjoy the meaning. ..." ---"English Review."
   "By a big Pot, no doubt." --- "John Bull."
   "'The Triumph of Pan' contains poems alive with music and rich in thought.  Mr. Neubrug writes with distinction, and the book, from first to last, is one which lovers of poetry will appreciate." --- "Standard."
   "... full of the throbbing fever of life which one cannot confine into measure on all occasions.
   "'The Triumph of Pan' is full of sonorous lines, with wonderful word pictures and poetic imagery which has seldom been excelled. ..." --- "American Register."
   "... Many beautiful passages in the volume ... strange allusions to unpleasant gods, and the imagery is occasionally repellent.
   "The tremendous conception of that 'world so wide' ... at his best in some of the shorter poems ... stirring rhythm.
   ... we linger with delight over the splendid line ---
      "'The murmurous song of the morning star, aflame o'er the birth of day.'
   "... Melodious and plaintive with a haunting rhythm ... vivid and pictorial ... a painter's vision as well as a poet's ear ... a fine simile in 'Osiris' is all his own." --- "Co-Mason."
   "... a delirious music ... the majority of them [the poems] trouble the reader by giving the impression that a deep meaning lies behind the embroidered veil of words to which he is unable to penetrate; others again seem to suggest events of too intimate and personal a nature to have a general application or interest ...  mixed metaphors --- erratic visualisation. ..." --- "Theosophy in Scotland."
   "Passion and pain, 'red desire' and 'red roses' are frequent "motifs" in Mr. V. B. Neuburg's 'Triumph of Pan' ('The Equinox' Office), much of which merits the ambiguous distinction of being unusual.  Though by no means deficient in originality, vigour or imaginative power, his verse is too often cumbered with the fantastic symbols of a species of erotic mysticism, into which we feel no desire to probe; while the lack of reticence consistently displayed constitutes an artistic blemish not lightly to be excused.  The author's serene confidence in the immortality of his lays would be better justified were he to make some attempt to discriminate between the gold and the rubbish, and, incidentally, refraining from penning such grotesqueness as is contained, for example, in 'The Sunflower,' where we are informed how, among other portents ---
                                         "'a greater god arose,
                 And stole the earth by standing on his toes
                 And blowing through the air.'
   "It is difficult to believe that the persons to whom certain poems are inscribed will experience any very lively gratification at the compliment." --- "Athenaeum."
   "... really notable fluency and fecundity of expression. ... He gives us little of that boring stuff that is usually termed 'strong meat.' ... his dedicatory poem is the one that fascinates me most.  It is a tender little lyric, delicate, iridescent, fragrant as a summer dawn.  I take the liberty of quoting it in full. ..." --- "New Age."
   "Fie, Mr. Neuburg! ... a most regrettable collection of songs that deal with unrestrained affection. ... There's no denying they are first-rate verse." --- PERCY FLAGE in "The Equinox."
   "... We are dizzied and dazzled by a foaming rainbow-hued torrent of impassioned words.  We are struck by the wealth and boldness of the imagery, and the facility of mechanical execution. ... It is brilliant work ... one is bound to admire the cleverness of it all." --- "Literary Guide."
   "... In the author of the present collection of poems ... we have a veritable twentieth-century mystic and apostle of ecstasy who, according to his dedication, gives his songs ---
                  "'By the sign that is black and forbidden,
                     By the word that is uttered no more.'
   "'The Triumph of Pan,' from which the book borrows its title, is a remarkable sequence of some forty 'philosophic and ecstatic' stanzas ... he would also seem to 'hold opinion with Pythagoras' although we question if even Nietzsche himself could quite fathom the undercurrent of the lay. ... Despite occasional extravagances in thought and in diction his work is that of a cultured scholar, his verbal artistry undeniably inspired with the true spirit of poetry.  Whether he sings of 'Violet skies all rimmed in tune,' of red ravens, of purple kisses, of silver stars 'crested with amber melody,' or of the 'rhythmic sway of the idle moon,' he is always musical albeit, like Wagner, whose effects he now and then distinctly recalls, often utterly unintelligible. ... In striking contrast to the chaste and serenely beautiful 'Diana Rides; ... are no less that twenty-two audaciously passionate love-lyrics inscribed not only to one Olivia Vane, but also, curiously enough to her 'other' lover." ---"The Gambolier."
   "He has arrived. ...
   "Mr. Neuburg's work is partly mystical and partly of the flesh. ... Quite frankly, some of his work we do not at all understand.  This applies notably to his 'Music-Pictures,' which 'were obtained under the direct influence of music.'  'This,' the poet naively tells us, 'may explain their apparent inconsequence.' ... he is much more than a minor poet.  He can and will yet accomplish great work. ... His ingenious rhyming capacity sometimes almost startles one.  In the choice of some of this subjects he is daring --- greatly daring. ... His genius is undoubted; and the world has a lot yet to hear of and from this gifted singer." --- "Greater London Illustrated."
   "If he rejects this mask, Mr. Neuburg may become a poet." --- "Rhythm."

                       The Star in the West


                     CAPTAIN J. F. C. FULLER



                        SIX SHILLINGS NET


              A highly original study of morals and
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              our emotions are weary of bad baronets
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              In these fields Captain Fuller is a master


                                 KONX OM PAX


Contains an Introduction and Four Essays; the first an account of the progress of the soul to perfect illumination, under the guise of a charming fairy tale;
   The second, an Essay on Truth, under the guise of a Christmas pantomime;
   The third, an Essay on Magical Ethics, under the guise of the story of a Chinese philosopher;
   The fourth, a Treatise on many Magical Subjects of the profoundest importance, under the guise of a symposium, interspersed with beautiful lyrics.
   No serious student can afford to be without this delightful volume.  The second edition is printed on hand-made paper, and bound in white buckram, with cover-design in gold.
                       PRICE TEN SHILLINGS
                             Some Press Opinions

Dr. M. D. EDER in "The New Age"
   "Yours also is the Reincarnation and the Life, O laughing lion that is to be!
   "Here you have distilled for our delight the inner spirit of the Tulip's form, the sweet secret mystery of the Rose's perfume: you have set them free from all that is material whilst preserving all that is sensual.  'So also the old mystics were right who saw in every phenomenon a dog-faced demon apt only to seduce the soul from the sacred mystery.'  Yes, but the phenomenon shall it not be as another sacred mystery; the force of attraction still to be interpreted in terms of God and the Psyche?  We shall reward you by befoulment, by cant, by misunderstanding, and by understanding.  This to you who wear the Phrygian cap, not as symbol of Liberty, O ribald ones, but of sacrifice and victory, of Inmost Enlightenment, of the soul's deliverance from the fetters of the very soul itself --- fear not; you are not 'replacing truth of thought by mere expertness of mechanical skill.'
   "You who hold more skill and more power than your great English predecessor, Robertus de Fluctibus, you have not feared to reveal 'the Arcana which are in the Adytum of God-nourished Silence' to those who, abandoning nothing, will sail in the company of the Brethren of the Rosy Cross towards the Limbus, that outer, unknown world encircling so many a universe."

"John Bull," in the course of a long review by Mr. HERBERT VIVIAN
   "The author is evidently that rare combination of genius, a humorist and a philosopher.  For pages he will bewilder the mind with abstruse esoteric pronouncements, and then, all of a sudden, he will reduce his readers to hysterics with some surprisingly quaint conceit.  I was unlucky to begin reading him at breakfast and I was moved to so much laughter that I watered my bread with my tears and barely escaped a convulsion."

"The Times"
   "The Light wherein he writes is the L.V.X., of that which, first mastering and then transcending the reason, illumines all the darkness caused by the interference of the opposite waves of thought. ... It is one of the most suggestive definitions of KONX --- the LVX of the Brethren of the Rosy Cross --- that it transcends all the possible pairs of opposites.  Nor does this sound nonsensical to those who are acquainted with that LVX.  But to those who do not it must remain as obscure and ridiculous as spherical trigonometry to the inhabitants of Flatland."

"The Literary Guide"
   "He is a lofty idealist.  He sings like a lark at the gates of heaven. 'Konx Om Pax' is the apotheosis of extravagance, the last word in eccentricity.  A prettily told fairy-story 'for babes and sucklings' has 'explanatory notes in Hebrew and Latin for the wise and prudent' --- which notes, as far as we can see, explain nothing --- together with a weird preface in scraps of twelve or fifteen languages.  The best poetry in the book is contained in the last section --- 'The Stone of the Philosophers.'  Here is some fine work."

                               Household  Gods
                                   A COMEDY
                             By ALEISTER CROWLEY
                   Privately Printed by the Chiswick Press
                and bound in White Buckram with Gold Lettering

                             PRICE HALF A GUINEA

             Copies may be obtained on application to the Author
                       at the offices of "The Equinox"


                    Thirty copies of the Sketch of
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                    TUS JOHN have been pulled on
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                    framed, at the Price of One Guinea
                    Net.  Application should be made
                    at once to the Offices of this

                              "To be obtained of"
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                                TELEPHONE 8987

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                                PRICE 10s. net

      Less than 100 copies remain.  The price will shortly be raised to
                               one guinea net.

                       A ∴ A ∴ PUBLICATION IN CLASS B.

THIS book contains in concise tabulated form a comparative view of all the symbols of the great religions of the world; the perfect attributions of the Taro, so long kept secret by the Rosicrucians, are now for the first time published; also the complete secret magical correspondence of the G.'. D.'. and R. R. et A. C.  It forms, in short, a complete magical and philosophical dictionary; a key to all religions and to all practical occult working.
    For the first time Western and Qabalistic symbols have been harmonized with those of Hinduism, Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Taoism, etc.  By a glance at Tables, anybody conversant with any one system can understand perfectly all others.
The "Occult Review" says:
   "Despite its cumbrous sub-title and high price per page, this work has only to come under the notice of the right people to be sure of a ready sale.  In its author's words, it represents 'an attempt to systematise alike the data of mysticism and the results of comparative religion,' and so far as any book can succeed in such an attempt, this book does succeed; that is to say, it condenses in some sixty pages as much information as many an intelligent reader at the Museum has been able to collect in years.  The book proper consists of a Table of 'Correspondences,' and is, in fact, an attempt to reduce to a common denominator the symbolism of as many religious and magical systems as the author is acquainted with.  The denominator chosen is necessarily a large one, as the author's object is to reconcile systems which divide all things into 3, 7, 10, 12, as the case may be.  Since our expression 'common denominator' is used in a figurative and not in a strictly mathematical sense, the task is less complex than appears at first sight, and the 32 Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation of the Qabalah, provide a convenient scale.  These 32 Paths are attributed by the Qabalists to the 10 Sephiroth, or Emanations of Deity, and to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are again subdivided into 3 mother letters, 7 double letters, and 12 simple letters.  On this basis, that of the Qabalistic 'Tree of Life,' as a certain arrangement of the Sephiroth and 22 remaining Paths connecting them is termed, the author has constructed no less than 183 tables.
   "The Qabalistic information is very full, and there are tables of Egyptian and Hindu deities, as well as of colours, perfumes, plants, stones, and animals.  The information concerning the tarot and geomancy exceeds that to be found in some treatises devoted exclusively to those subjects.  The author appears to be acquainted with Chinese, Arabic, and other classic texts.  Here your reviewer is unable to follow him, but his Hebrew does credit alike to him and to his printer.  Among several hundred words, mostly proper names, we found and marked a few misprints, but subsequently discovered each one of them in a printed table of errata, which we had overlooked.  When one remembers the misprints in 'Agrippa' and the fact that the ordinary Hebrew compositor and reader is no more fitted for this task than a boy cognisant of no more than the shapes of the Hebrew letters, one wonders how many proofs there were and what the printer's bill was.  A knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet and the Qabalistic Tree of Life is all that is needed to lay open to the reader the enormous mass of information contained in this book.  The 'Alphabet of Mysticism,' as the author says --- several alphabets we should prefer to say --- is here.  Much that has been jealously and foolishly kept secret in the past is here, but though our author has secured for his work the "imprimatur" of some body with the mysterious title of the A.'.A.'., and though he remains himself anonymous, he appears to be no mystery-monger.  Obviously he is widely read, but he makes no pretence that he has secrets to reveal.  On the contrary, he says, 'an indicible arcanum is an arcanum which "cannot" be revealed.'  The writer of that sentence has learned at least one fact not to be learned from books.

                               WILLIAM NORTHAM,
                9 Henrietta Street, Southampton Street, Strand
TELEPHONE -- 5400 Central

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   The Philosophus' robe is fitted for all rituals involving O O, and for the rites of Venus.  In the former case an Uraeus crown and azure nemmes, in the latter a green nemmes, should be worn.
   The Dominus Liminis' robe is fitted for the infernal rites of Sol, which must never be celebrated.
   The Adeptus Minor's robe is fitted for the rituals of Sol.  A golden nemmes may be worn.
   The Adeptus' robe is fitted for the particular workings of the Adeptus, and for the Postulant at the First Gate of the City of the Pyramids.
   The Adeptus Major's Robe is fitted for the Chief Magus in all Rituals and Evocations of the Inferiors, for the performance of the rites of Mars, and for the Postulant at the Second Gate of the City of the Pyramids.
   The Adeptus Exemptus' robe is fitted for the Chief Magus in all Rituals and Invocations of the Superiors, for the performance of the rites of Jupiter, and for the Postulant at the Third Gate of the City of the Pyramids.
   The Babe of the Abyss has no robe.
   For the performance of the rites of Saturn, the Magician may wear a black robe, close-cut, with narrow sleeves, trimmed with white, and the Seal and Square of Saturn marked on breast and back.  A conical black cap embroidered with the Sigils of Saturn should be worn.
   The Magister Templi Robe is fitted for the great Meditations, for the supernal rites of Luna, and for those rites of Babylon and the Graal.  But this robe should be worn by no man, because of that which is written: "Ecclesia abhorret a sanguine."
       "Any of these robes may be worn by a person of whatever grade on"
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                               A GREEN GARLAND

                                 V.B. NEUBURG
                     Green Paper Cover .  .  2s. 6d. net.

   "As far as the verse is concerned there is in this volume something more than mere promise; the performance is at times remarkable; there is beauty not only of thought and invention -- and the invention is of a positive kind -- but also of expression and rhythm.  There is a lilt in Mr. Neuburg's poems; he has the impulse to sing, and makes his readers feel that impulse." -- "The Morning Post."
   "There is a certain grim power in some of the imaginings concerning death, as 'The Dream' and 'The Recall,' and any reader with a liking for verse of an unconventional character will find several pieces after his taste." -- "The Daily Telegraph."
   "Here is a poet of promise." -- "The Daily Chronicle."
   "It is not often that energy and poetic feeling are united so happily as in this little book." -- "The Morning Leader."
   "There is promise and some fine lines in these verses." -- "The Times."
                              TO BE OBTAINED OF
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                              ALBERT CHURCHWARD

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                           MR. NEUBURG'S NEW WORKS

                                "IN PREPARATION"


                           SONNETS FROM THE SPANISH
              A Contribution to the Personal Note in Literature


                                THE NEW DIANA
             A History.  With other Poems, and some Translations


                                THE CHANGELING
                                 A Fairy Play


                                 ROSA IGNOTA
                            An Essay in Mysticism


                         HEINE'S LYRISCHES INTERMEZZO
                 A Complete Translation, with a Prose Preface


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                                  New Lyrics

LIBER CCCXXXIII                                           "NOW READY"

                               THE BOOK OF LIES
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                            At the foot of thy stones, O Sea!
                          And I would that I could utter
                            The thoughts that arise in me!"

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  3. The Oyster                         : 52. The Bull-Baiting
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  6. Caviar                             : 55. The Drooping Sunflower
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 16. The Stag-Beetle                    : 65. Sic Transeat ---
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                              THE ANGEL OF VENICE

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                               ALEISTER CROWLEY

                           PRICE TEN SHILLINGS NET

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{Illustration to this page described:

The top 1/5th of this page has a black and white rendering of the Khephra scarab beetle.  It shows a scarab beetle holding a sun disk between its hind legs at top and a smaller moon disk between its front legs at the bottom.  The body of the scarab is upside-down, even though the legs are as described.  Horizontally to left and right are two wings, very stylized, with primaries, secondaries and coverlet feathers depicted.}

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   Mr. Todd: a Morality.
   TRANSLATIONS: L'Amour et le Crane --- L'Alchimie de Douleur --- Le Vampire --- Le Balcon --- Le Gout de L'Infini --- L'Heautontimoroumenos --- Le vin de L'Assassin --- Woman --- Tout Entiere --- Le vin des Amants --- Le Revenant --- Lola de Valence --- Le Beau Navire --- L'Invitation au Voyage --- Epilogue to "Petits Poems en Prose" --- Colloque Sentimental --- En Sourdine --- The Magician.

{WEH NOTE: On the back cover in black on dark blue.   Includes text graphics as noted}

                            PART II READY SHORTLY

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