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George Raffalovich's forthcoming works.


                            THE HISTORY OF A SOUL.
"                  "                 Edition strictly limited."


                              THE DEUCE AND ALL.

                        A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES



                   Through THE EQUINOX and all booksellers.


                      MR. NEUBURG'S NEW VOLUME OF POEMS.
"                           ""Imperial "16"mo, pp." 200.

"             "Ready immediately.  Order through" The Equinox, "or of"
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                             THE TRIUMPH OF PAN.

                         POEMS BY VICTOR B. NEUBURG.

   this volume, containing many poems --- nearly all of them hitherto
unpublished --- besides THE TRIUMPH OF PAN, includes THE ROMANCE OF OLIVIA
  The First Edition will be limited to Two Hundred and Fifty copies:  Two
Hundred and Twenty on ordinary paper, whereof less than Two Hundred are for
sale; and Thirty on Japanese vellum, of which Twenty-five are for sale.  These
latter copies will be numbered, and signed by the Author.  The binding will be
half-parchment with crimson sides; the ordinary copies will be bound in
crimson cloth.


To the readers of "The Equinox." --- All who are interested in Occult and
  Masonic Lore should write to FRANK HOLLINGS for his Catalogue of over 1,000
  volumes.  Sent post free on receipt of name and address, and all future
  issues.  A few selected items below.
THE KEY OF SOLOMON THE KING: (Clavicula Salomonis), translated and edited from
  Ancient MSS. in the British Museum, by S. LIDDELL MACGREGOR MATHERS, author
  of "The Kabbalah Unveiled," The Tarot," etc., "With plates."  Crown 4to,
"  "cloth."     21"s." "net."
     The Key of Solomon gives full, clear, and concise instructions for
  Talismanic and ceremonial Magic, as well as for the practical part of
     Besides Seals, Sigils, and Magical Diagrams, nearly 50 Pantacles or
  Talismans are given in the plates.
     Among other authors both Eliphas L‚vi and Christian mention the "Key of
  Solomon" as a work of high authority, and the former especially refers to it
JENNINGS (Hargrave).  The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries, fourth
  edition, revised, Demy 8vo. "with hundreds of illustrations.  Half morocco."
  7"s." 6"d."
     Some of the Contents: Critics of the Rosicrucians Criticized --- The
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  Talismans --- The Rosy Cross in Indian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and
  Mediaeval Monuments --- The Great Pyramid --- Connexion between the Templars
  and Gnosticism --- Astro-Theosophical System of the Rosicrucians --- Robt.
  Fludd --- The Holy Greale -- The Round Table --- Alchemy --- The Outline of
  the Kabbalah, etc., etc.
THE KABBALAH UNVEILED, containing the following books of the Zohar: (1) The
  Book of Concealed Mystery; (2) The Greater Holy Assembly, (3) The Lesser
  Holy Assembly,  Translated into English from the Latin Version of Knorr Von
  Rosenroth, and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew text, by S. L.
  MACGREGOR MATHERS.  New and cheaper edition.  Demy 8vo.    7"s." 6"d. net."
     The Bible, which has been probably more misconstrued than any other book
  ever written, contains numberless obscure and mysterious passages which are
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"  "That Key is given in theKabbalah."
LUCIFER: A Theosophical Magazine, intended to bring to light the Hidden Things
  of Darkness.  Edited by H. P. BLAVATSKY, MABEL COLLINS, and ANNIE BESANT.
  vols. I to XVII inclusive.  SCARCE SET, 1877 to 1896.  With symbolical
  bookplates of E. D. BACON.  17 vols. 8vo, half calf "net"     "œ"7 15"s."
  the Jew unto his Son Lamech, A.D. 1458.  Translated from the Original Hebrew
  into French, and now rendered into English.  From a unique and valuable MS,
  in the "BibliothŠ de l'Arsenal" at Paris; with copious Notes and Magical
  Squares of Letters.  By L. S. MACGREGOR-MATHERS.  4to, black cloth, Magical
  Square on side in gold.  1900.  (Published at 21s.)  Postage free  10s. 6p.
     The Original work, of which this is a translation, is unique, no other
  copy being known, although both Bylwer Lytton and Eliphas Levi were well
  aware of its existence; the former having based part of his description on
  the sage Rosicrucian, Mejnour, on that of Abra-Melin, while the account of
  the so-called Observatory of Sir Philip Derval in the "Strange Story" was, to
  some extent, copied from that of the Magical Oratory and Terrace given in
  the present work.  There are also other interesting points too numerous to
  be given here in detail.  It is felt therefore that by its publication a
  service is rendered to lovers of rare and curious Books, and to Students of
  Occultism, by placing within their reach a magical work of so much
  importance, and one so interestingly associated with the respective authors
  of "Zanoni" and of the "Dogma and Ritual of Transcendental Magie."  The Magical
  Squares or combination of letters, placed in a certain manner, are said to
  possess a peculiar species of automatic intelligent vitality, apart from any
  of the methods given for their use; and students are recommended to make no
  use of these whatever unless this higher Divine Knowledge is approached in a
  frame of mind worthy of it.
TRANSCENDENTAL MAGIC: Its Doctrine and Ritual.  By ELIPHAS LVI (a complete
  Translation of "Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie"), with a Biographical
  Preface by ARTHUR E. WAITE, author of "Devil Worship in France," etc. etc.
  Portrait of the Author, and all the original engravings.  8vo, 406 pp.,
  cloth, 1896.  Published 15s            Offered at 7s. 6p.
     The Pillars of the Temple, Triangle of Solomon, The Tetragram, The
  Pentagram, Magical Equilibrium, The Fiery Sword, Realisation, Imitation, The
  Kabbalah, The Magic Chain, Necromancy, Transmutations, Black Magic,
  Bewitchments, Astrology, Charms and Philtres, The Stone of the Philosophers,
  The Universal Medicine, Divination, The Triangle of Pantacles, The
  Conjuration of the Four, The Blazing Pentagram,. Medium and Mediator, The
  Septenary of Talismans, A Warning to the Imprudent, The Ceremonial of
  Initiates, The Key of Occultism, The Sabbath of the Sorcerers, Witchcraft
  and Spells, The Writing of the Stars, Philtres and Magnetism, The Mastery of
  the Sun, The Thaumaturge, The Science of the Prophets, The Book of Hermes,
     "Occult Philosophy seems to have been the Nurse, or godmother of all
  intellectual forces, the key of all divine obscurities, and the absolute
  queen of society in those ages when it was reserved exclusively for the
  education of priests and of kings.  It reigned in Persia with Magi, who at
  length perished, as perish all masters of the world, because they abused
  their power; it endowed India with the most wonderful traditions, and with
  an incredible wealth of poesy, grace, and terror in its emblems; it
  civilized Greece to the music of Orpheus; it concealed the principles of all
  the sciences and of all human intellectual progress in the bold calculations
  of Pythagoras; fable abounded in its miracles, and history, attempting to
  appreciate this unknown power, became confused with fable; it shook or
  strengthened empires by its oracles, caused tyrants to tremble on their
  thrones, and governed all minds, either by curiosity, or by fear.'

FRANK HOLLINGS, 7 GREAT TURNSTILE, HOLBORN (near the Inns of Court Hotel).


   To be had of THE EQUINOX.  Price Ten Shillings each.  Neatly framed in
gold.  The original panel Photographs:

THE STUDENT.  (A reproduction faces "Aha!" in No. III.)

THE INTERPRETER.  (Reproduced on p. 279 of No. IV.)



   No student of the mysteries should be without one at least of these
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                          Essay of Prentice Mulford
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   "The Essays of Prentice Mulford embody a peculiar philosophy, and represent
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   Under the title "Your Forces and How to Use Them," the Essays ofPrentice
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THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING.  A further Selection from the Works of PRENTICE
     MULFORD.  Reprinted from the "White Cross Library."  With an Introduction
CONTENTS. ___ Introduction.  Force, and How to Get it.  The Source of your
Strength.  About Economising our Forces.  The Law of Marriage.  Marriage and
Resurrection.  Your Two Memories.  The Drawing Power of Mind.  Consider the
Lilies.  Cultivate Repose.  Look Forward.  The Necessity of Riches.  Love
Thyself.  What is Justice?  How Thoughts are born.  Positive and Negative
Thought.  The Art of Forgetting.  The Attraction of Aspiration.  God's
Commands are Man's Demands.
   "This further selection has been prepared in consequence of the great
popularity attained by the first series of Prentice Mulford's Essays,
published under the title of "the Gift of the Spirit."
   CONTENTS. ___ the Law of Success.  How to Keep Your Strength.  The Art of
Study.  Profit and Loss in Associates.  The Slavery of Fear.  Some Laws of
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Religion of Dress.  Use your Riches.  The Healing and Renewing force of
Spring.  The Practical Use of Reverie.  Self-Teaching: or the Art of Learning
How to Learn.  How to Push your Business.  The Religion of the Drama.  The
Uses of Sickness.  Who are our Relations?  The Use of a Room.  Husband and
   The third and fourth series of Prentice Mulford's Essays have been prepared
in response to a large demand for the complete works of the "White Cross
Library" at a more reasonable price than that of the American edition in six
ESSAYS OF PRENTICE MULFORD.  FOURTH SERIES.  Completing the entire set of
     Essays published in America under the title of "Your Forces and How to
     Use Them."
   CONTENTS. ___ The Use of Sunday.  A Cure for Alcoholic Intemperance through
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Strength for.  One Way to Cultivate Courage.  Some Practical Mental Recipes.
The Use and Necessity of Recreation.  Mental Tyranny: or, How We Mesmerise
Each Other.  thought Currents.  Uses of Diversion.  "Lies breed Disease;
Truths being Health."  Woman's Real Power.  Good and Ill Effects of Thought.
Buried Talents.  The Power of Honesty.  Confession.  The Accession of New
   These four volumes constitute the cheapest and best edition of the Essays
of Prentice Mulford published in the English language.  Special care has been
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MR. GEORGE RAFFLOVICH'S charming volume of Essays and Sketches

                                ON THE LOOSE:

"                      ""A new popular edition."
"                             "Crown "8"vo.  Pp. "164.
                     May be obtained through THE EQUINOX.

"                       "The Photograph in this number of"
                           """The Equinox" is by the"

                            DOVER STREET STUDIOS,

                                 KONX OM PAX


Contains an Introduction and Four Essays; the first an account of the progress
of the soul to perfect illumination, under the guise of a charming fairy tale;
   The second, an Essay on Truth, under the guise of a Christmas pantomime;
   The third, an Essay on Magical Ethics, under the guise of the story of a
Chinese philosopher;
   The fourth, a Treatise on many Magical Subjects of the profoundest
importance, under the guise of a symposium, interspersed with beautiful
   No serious student can afford to be without this delightful volume.  The
second edition is printed on hand-made paper, and bound in white buckram, with
cover-design in gold.
                       PRICE TEN SHILLINGS
                          *          *
                             Some Press Opinions

"Dr. M. D. EDER in "The New Age"
   "Yours also is the Reincarnation and the Life, O laughing lion that is to
   "Here you have distilled for our delight the inner spirit of the Tulip's
form, the sweet secret mystery of the Rose's perfume: you have set them free
from all that is material whilst preserving all that is sensual.  'So also the
old mystics were right who saw in every phenomenon a dog-faced demon apt only
to seduce the soul from the sacred mystery.'  Yes, but the phenomenon shall it
not be as another sacred mystery; the force of attraction still to be
interpreted in terms of God and the Psyche?  We shall reward you by
befoulment, by cant, but misunderstanding, and by understanding.  This to you
who wear the Phrygian cap, not as symbol of Liberty, O ribald ones, but of
sacrifice and victory, of Inmost Enlightenment, of the soul's deliverance from
the fetters of the very soul itself --- fear not; you are not 'replacing truth
of thought by mere expertness of mechanical skill.'
   "You who hold more skill and more power than your great English
predecessor, Robertus de Fluctibus, you have not feared to reveal 'the Arcana
which are in he Adytum of God-nourished Silence' to those who, abandoning
nothing, will sail in the company of the Brethren of the Rosy Cross towards
the Limbus, that outer, unknown world encircling so many a universe."
":John Bull," in the course of a long review by Mr. HERBERT VIVIAN"
   "The author is evidently that rare combination of genius, a humorist and a
philosopher.  For pages he will bewilder the mind with abstruse esoteric
pronouncements, and then, all of a sudden, he will reduce his readers to
hysterics with some surprisingly quaint conceit.  I was unlucky to begin
reading him at breakfast and I was moved to so much laughter that I watered my
bread with my tears and barely escaped a convulsion."
"The Times"
   "The Light wherein he writes is the .V.X., of that which, first mastering
and then transcending the reason, illumines all the darkness cause by the
interference of the opposite waves of thought. ... It is one of the most
suggestive definitions of KONX --- the LVX of the Brethren of the Rosy Cross
--- that it transcends all the possible pairs of opposites.  Nor does this
sound nonsensical to those who are acquainted with that LVX.  But to those who
do not it must remain as obscure and ridiculous as spherical trigonometry to
the inhabitants of Flatland."
"The Literary Guide"
   "He is a lofty idealist.  He sings like a lark at the gates of heaven.
'Konx Om Pax' is the apotheosis of extravagance. the last word in
eccentricity.  A prettily told fairy-story 'for babes and sucklings' has
'explanatory notes in Hebrew and Latin for the wise and prudent --- --- which
notes, as far as we can see, explain nothing --- together with a weird preface
in scraps of twelve or fifteen languages.  The best poetry in the book is
contained in the last section --- 'The Stone of the Philosophers.'  Here is
some fine work."

                              A. CROWLEY'S WORKS

   The volumes here listed are all of definite occult and mystical interest
and importance.
"The trade may obtain them from"
   "The Equinox," 124 Victoria Street, S. W.  Tel.: 3210 Victoria;
   and Messrs. Simpklin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co.,
   23 Paternoster Row, E.C.
"The Public may obtain them from"
   "The Equinox," 124 Victoria Street, S. W.
   Mr. Elkin Matthews, Vigo Street, W.
   The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Paternoster Square, E.C.
   Mr. F., Hollings, Grat Trunstile, Holborn.
                  And through all Booksellers.
ACELDAMA.  Crown 8vo, 29 pp., œ2 2s. net.  Of this rare pamplet less than 10
  copies remain.  It is Mr. Crowley's earliest and in some ways most striking
  mystical work.
  xxii. + 223, 7s. 6d. net.
SONGS OF THE SPIRIT. Pp. x. + 109.  A new edition. 3s. 6d. net.
  These two volumes breathe the pure semi-conscious aspiration of the soul,
  and express the first glimmerings of the light.
THE SOUL OF OSIRIS.  Medium 8vo, pp. ix. + 129, 5s. net.
  A collection of lyrics, illustrating the progress of the soul from corporeal
  to celestial beatitude.
TANNHAUSER.  Demy 4to, pp. 142, 15s. net.
  The progress of the soul in dramatic form.
BERASHITH.  4to, china paper, pp. 24, 5s. net.  Only a few copies remain.  An
  illuminating essay on the universe, reconciling the conflicting systems of
THE GOD-EATER.  Crown 4to, pp. 32, 2s. 6d. net.
  A striking dramatic study of the origin of religions.
THE SWORD OF SONG.  Post 4to, pp. ix + 194, printed in red and black,
  decorative wrapper, 20s. net.
  this is the author's first most brilliant attempt to base the truths of
  mysticism on the truths of scepticism.  It contains also an enlarged amended
  edition of "Berashith," and an Essay showing the striking parallels and
  identities between the doctrines of Modern Science and those of Buddhism.
GARGOYLES.  Pott 8vo, pp. vi. + 113, 5s. net.
ORACLES.  Demy 8vo, pp. viii. + 176, 5s. net.
  Some of Mr. Crowley's finest mystical lyrics are in these collections.
KNOX OM PAX.  See advt.
Collected Works (Travellers' Edition).  Extra crown 8vo, India paper, 3 vols.
  in one, pp. 808 + Appendices.  Vellum, green ties, with protraits, œ3 3s.;
  white buckram, without portraits, œ2 2s.  This edition contains "Qabalistic
  Dogma," "Time," "The Excluded Middle," "Eleusis," and other matter of the
  highest occult importance which are not printed elsewhere.
AMBERGRIS.  Medium 8vo, pp. 200, 3s 6d.  (Elkin Mathews.)
  A selection of lyrics, containing some of great mystical beauty.