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HOW TO KEEP FIT,  By C.T.SCHOFIELD, M.D.  W. Rider and Sons. 1"s." net.
   There is a deal of sound sense in this little manual.  The author
castigates faddists, though to my mind not severely enough.  However, I
suppose that in this mealy-mouthed age the truth is not printable.
   It is a little amusing, though, to see how he tries to make his commonsense
fit into Christianity.
   It is the Puritan theory that theological sin, which means everything you
like, is bad for you, that is responsible, according to statistics, for
79.403% of all the misery in England.
   I suppose the bulk of the rest is due to having to review the outfall of
the R.P.A.                                              A.C.

THE LITERARY GUIDE.  March-September, 1910.
   We regret that the R.P.A. disliked our reviews of their sewerage.  The said
reviews were, however, written by one of the most prominent members of their
own body.  Rather like Epaminondas and the Cretans!
   Anyhow, the "Guide" has wittily retorted on us that our reviews are
"valueless."  What a sparkler!  What a crusher!              A.C.

BHAKTI-YOGA.  (Udvodhan Series.)  By SWAMI VIVEKANANDA.  12 Gopal Chandra
     Neogi's Lane, Baghbazar, Calcutta.  8 annas.
   If Swami Vivekƒnanda was not a great Yogi he was at least a very great
expounder of Yoga doctrines.  It is impossible here to convey to the reader a
just estimate of the extreme value of this book.  But we can say that this is
the best work on the Bhakti-Yoga yet written.  Union through devotion is
Bhakti-Yoga, and union with Isvara or the Higher Self is the highest form this
union can take --- "man will be seen no more as man, but only as God; the
animal will be seen no more as an animal, but as God; even the tiger will no
more be seen a tiger, but as a manifestation of God" ... "love knows no
bargaining ... love knows no reward ... love knows no fear ... love knows no
rival ..." for "there are no men in this world but that One Man, and that is
He, the Beloved."
   In this excellent series can also be obtained Raja Yoga, one rupee; Karma
Yoga, twelve annas; and Jnana Yoga, one rupee, which is worth knowing
considering that the English edition of this last-mentioned work is priced at
eleven shillings.                                      J. F. C. F.
   [Yet we find Vivekƒnanda, at the end of his life, complaining, in a private
letter to a friend, that his reputation for holiness prevented him from going
"on the bust."  Poor silly devil! --- ED.]           {24}