"Soror S.S.D.D. altered Frater I.A.'s ritual, making the operation to" "form a link between Thoth and the Magus. This is absurd; the correct way" "is as here given, in which the link is formed between the Spirit and the" "Magus." {170}
CONSIDERATIONS. To be performed on the day and in the hour of Mercury: the Evocation itself commencing in the magical hour of Tafrac, under the dominion of the Great Angel of Mercury HB:Lamed HB:Aleph HB:Peh HB:Resh . On Wednesday, May 13, 1896, this hour Tafrac occurs between 8h. 32' P.M. and 9h. 16', when Mercury is in 17ø Gemini on the cusp of seventh house slightly to South of due West. Moon going to Mars {sic should be Ù} with Mercury 14ø Gemini Mercury to Ù Neptune, Mercury 150ø Saturn.1 " "OF THE FORM OF THE CIRCLE TO BE EMPLOYED." {Illustration on page 171 described: "DIAGRAM 59. The Circle of Art." 1 WEH NOTE: This data contains typographic errors from the first edition. This is a duodecagram (twelve sided regular figure). It is oriented with a vertex to top and all diagonal chords are drawn, except those which would cross the exact center of the figure. Each vertex surmounts a small ring-bordered disk, such that the portion under the doudecagram is not visible. The small ring at top has "S", that at bottom "N", that at right "W" and that at left "E" ___ these letters are oriented so that they would be read correctly from the perspective of a person standing at the center of the figure and looking to each vertex in turn. There are several letters marking positions within the figure, all oriented with top parallel to the E-SE line and bottom toward the W-NW line. In a rectangle depending from the center of the E-SE chord, the letter "C"; in a rectangle depending from the center of the N-SW chord, the letter "D"; in two circles at the intersections of the S-NE chord with the W-SE and E-NW chords, "E"; symmetrically to either side of the N-SE and E-SW chord intersection, parallel to the S-NE chord, two circles with "G"; in the center of the figure, a circumscribed equilateral triangle, base parallel to the N-SW chord, with "F" inside. There is a tangent, large ringed circle outside at the NE vertex, point of tangency obscured by the smaller ringed circle of that vertex. There is an equilateral triangle circumscribed within, base parallel to the tangent afore mentioned. There is an "A" within the apex of this triangle, top to apex direction. Below the "A", within the triangle, is the sigil from page 170, oriented as the "A".} The Magical figures of Mercury are to be drawn in yellow-orange chalk upon the Ground as shown. At the quarter where the Spirit is to appear is drawn a triangle within a circle: at its points are to be placed three vessels burning on charcoal the Incense of Mercury. About the great circle are disposed lamps burning olive oil impregnated with snake-fat. C is the chair of the chief Operator. D is the altar, E E are the pillars, and G G handy and convenient tables whereon are set writing materials, the ingredients for the Hell-broth, charcoal, incense, &c., all as may be needed for this work. At F is placed a small brazen cauldron, heated over a lamp burning with spirit in which a snake has been preserved.2 {171} " "OPERATIONIS PERSONAE." V.H. Sor: S.S.D.D. addressed Mighty Magus of Art. V.H. Fra: I.A. " Assistant Magus of Art. V.H. Fra: AE.A. " Magus of the Fires. V.H. Fra: D.P.A.L. " Magus of the Waters. The duties of the Magus of Art will be to perform the actual processes of Invocation: to rule the Assistants and command them all. The Assistant Magus of Art shall act as Kerux in the circumambulations; he shall preside over the Brewing of the Hell-broth in the midst of the Circle: he shall repeat such Invocations as may be necessary at the command of the Magus of Art: and he shall prepare beforehand the place of the working. The Magus of Fires shall preside over all magical lights, fires, candles, incense, &c: he shall perform the invoking and consecrating rituals at the command of the Magus, and he shall consecrate the temple by Fire, and shall consecrate all Fire used in due form. The Magus of Waters shall preside over all the fluids used in the operation; over the Water and the Wine, the Oil and the Milk: he shall perform all banishing rituals at the opening of the ceremony: he shall 2 WEH NOTE: In other words, the more difficult ingredients were probably obtained by buying a snake preserved in alcohol ___ moderns be careful, other fluids are sometimes used these days! purify the Temple by Water: he shall consecrate all watery things used in due form. " ""OF THE ROBES AND INSIGNIA." The Mighty Magus of Art shall wear a white robe, yellow sash, red overmantle, indigo nemys, upon her breast shall she bear a great Tablet whereon is the magic seal of Mercury; and over this the lamen bearing the signature of Taphthartharath, on its obverse the Lamen of a Hierophant. She shall wear also a dagger in her sash, and a red rose on her heart: and she shall carry in her left hand the Ankh of Thoth, and in her right the Ibis Wand. The Assistant Magus of Art shall wear a white robe, with a girdle of snake-skin; a black head-dress and a Lamen of the Spirit, on its obverse the Lamen of the Hiereus. And he shall bear in his right hand a sword; and in his left hand the Magical Candle; and a black chain about his neck. The Magus of the Fires shall wear a white robe and yellow sash; and the rose upon his breast; in his right hand is a sword and in his left a red lamp. The Magus of the Waters shall wear a white robe and yellow sash and rose cross: he shall bear in his right hand a sword and in his left a cup of water. " "OPENING" The Chamber of Art shall be duly prepared by the Assistant Magus of Art as aforementioned. {172} He shall draw upon the ground the lineal figures; and shall trace over them with a magic sword: he shall place the furniture of the Temple in order. The Members shall be assembled and robed. The Chief Magus rises, holding the Ibis wand by its black end, and proclaims: " "HEKAS, HEKAS ESTE BEBELOI!"3 Fratres of the Order of the rosy Cross, we are this day assembled together for the purpose of evoking unto visible appearance the spirit Taphthartharath. And before we can proceed further in an operation of so great danger, it is necessary that we should invoke that divine Aid and Assistance, without which would our work indeed be futile and of no avail. Wherefore being met thus together let us all kneel down and pray: [All kneel at the four points.] From Thy Hands O Lord cometh all good! From Thy Hands flow down all Grace and Blessing: the Characters of Nature with Thy Fingers hast thou traced, but none can read them unless he hath been taught in thy school. Therefore, even as servants look unto the hands of their Masters, and handmaidens unto the hands of their Mistresses, even so our eyes look unto thee! For Thou alone art our help, O Lord our God. Who should not extol Thee, who should not praise Thee, O Lord of the Universe! All is from Thee, all belongeth unto Thee! Either Thy Love or Thine Anger, all must again re-enter; for nothing canst Thou lose; all must tend unto Thy Honour and Majesty. Thou art Lord alone, and there is none beside Thee! Thou dost what thou wilt with Thy Mighty Arm, and none can escape from Thee! Thou alone helpest in their necessity the humble, the meek-hearted and the poor, who 3 WEH NOTE: This is the cry of the Dionysian mysteries. It was shouted to warn the uninitiated that the new candidates were about to run amuck. Rough translation: "Look out! Look out! Here come the Drunks!" submit themselves unto Thee; and whosoever humbleth himself in dust and ashes before Thee, to such an one art Thou propitious! Who would not praise Thee then, Lord of the Universe! Who would not extol Thee! Unto whom there is no like, whose dwelling is in Heaven, and in every virtuous and God-fearing heart. O God the Vast One ___ Thou are in all things. O Nature, Thou Self from Nothing: for what else shall I call Thee! In myself I am nothing, in Thee I am all self, and live in Thy Selfhood from Nothing! Live Thou in me, and bring me unto that Self which is in Thee! Amen! [All rise ___ a pause.] "Magus of Art:" Fratres of the Order of the Rosy Cross, let us purify and consecrate this place as the Hall of Dual Truth. Magus of the Waters, I command Thee to perform the lesser banishing ritual of the Pentagram,4 to consecrate the Water of purification, {173} the wine, the oil, and the milk; and afterwards to purify the place of working with the Consecrated Water! "Magus of Waters:" Mighty Magus of Art! All thy commands shall be fulfilled, and thy desires accomplished. [He passes to the North, where are collected in open vessels, the water, the wine, the oil, and the milk; and makes with his sword over them the banishing pentagram of water, saying:] I exorcise ye impure, unclean and evil spirits that dwell in these creatures of water, oil, wine, and milk, in the name of EL strong and mighty, and in the name of Gabriel, great Angel of Water, I command ye to depart and no longer to pollute with your presence the Hall of Twofold Truth! [Drawing over them the equilibrating Pentagram of Passives, and the invoking Pentagram of water, he says:] In the name of HCOMA,5 and by the names Empeh Arsel Gaiol,6 I consecrate ye to the service of the Magic of Light! He places the Wine upon the Altar, the Water he leaves at the North, the oil towards the South, and the brazen vessel of milk on the tripod in the midst of the circle. The Magus of Art silently recites to herself the exhortation of the Lords of the Key Tablet of Union,7 afterwards saying silently: I invoke ye, Lords of the Key Tablet of Union, to infuse into these elements of Water and Fire your mystic powers, and to cast into the midst of these opposing elements the holy powers of the great letter Shin: to gleam and shine in the midst of the Balance, even in the Cauldron of Art wherein alike is fire and moisture. [After the consecration of the Water, the Magus of Waters takes up the cup of water, and scatters water all round the edge of the circle, saying:] So first the priest who governeth the works of Fire, must sprinkle with the lustral waters of the loud-resounding sea. [He then passes to the centre of the circle and scatters the water in the four quarters, saying:] I purify with water. [He resumes his place in the North.] "Magus of Art:" Magus of the Fires, I command you to consecrate this place by the banishing ritual of the Hexagram,8 to consecrate the Magic fire and lights; to illumine the lamps and place them about the circle in orderly 4 See "Liber O," THE EQUINOX, vol. i. No. 2. 5 See Spirit Table, and the Elemental Calls of Dr. Dee, as preserved in the Sloane MSS. in the British Museum: also Diagram 67, which is imperfect. 6 See Tablet of Water, and the Elemental Calls of Dr. Dee. 7 The Spirit Tablet. 8 See "Liber O," THE EQUINOX, vol. i. No. 2. disposition; and afterwards to consecrate this place with the holy fire. {174} "Magus of the Fires:" Mighty Magus of Art! all thy commands shall be obeyed and all thy desires shall be accomplished. [He collects together at the South the incense, oil, charcoal, and magic candle, and performs the lesser banishing ritual of the Hexagram at the four quarters; then, extinguishing all lights save one, he performs over these the banishing ritual of the Pentagram of fire, saying:] I exorcise ye, evil and opposing spirits dwelling in this creature of Fire, by the holy and tremendous name of God the Vast One, Elohim: and in the name of Michael, great Archangel of Fire, that ye depart hence, no longer polluting with your presence the Hall of Twofold Truth. [He lights from that one flame the Magical candle, and drawing over it the invoking pentagram of spirit active, he cries:] BITOM!9 [And then, drawing the invoking pentagram of Fire, he says:] I, in the names of BITOM and by the names Oip Teaa Pedoce,10 I consecrate thee, O creature of fire, to the service of the works of the Magic of Light! [He lights from the magical candle the eight lamps, and the charcoal for the incense-burners, after which he casts incense on the coals in the censer and passes round the circle censing, saying:] And, when after all the phantasms are vanished, thou shalt see that holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of the Fire. [He passes to the centre of the circle and censes towards the four quarters, saying:] I consecrate with fire. [He resumes his place in the South.] [Chief Magus takes fan, and fanning air says:] I exorcise thee, creature of Air, by these Names, that all evil and impure spirits now immediately depart. [Circumambulates, saying:] Such a fire existeth extending through the rushing of the air, or even a fire formless whence cometh the image of a voice, or even a flashing light abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud. [Makes banishing air pentagram:] Creature of Air, in the names EXARP11 Oro Ibah Aozpi,12 I consecrate thee to the works of the Magic of Light! [Making invoking Pentagrams in air. All face West.] [Assistant Magus then casts salt to all four quarters, all over the circle, and passes {175} to West, faces East, and describes with his chain the Banishing pentagram of Earth, saying:] I exorcise thee, creature of Earth, by and in the Divine Names Adonai Ha Aretz, Adonai Melekh Namen, and in the name of Aurial, Great Archangel of Earth, that every evil and impure spirit now depart hence immediately. [Circumambulates, saying:] Stoop not down unto the darkly splendid world, wherein lieth continually a faithless depth, and Hades wrapt in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding, a black ever-rolling abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless and void. [Making invoking pentagram.] 9 See Tablet of Spirit. 10 See Tablet of Fire. 11 See Tablet of Spirit. 12 See Tablet of Air. Creature of Earth, in the names of NANTA Emor Dial Hectega,13 I consecrate thee to the service of the Magic of Light! "Chief Magus:" We invoke ye, great lords of the Watch-towers of the Universe!14 guard ye our Magic Circle, and let no evil or impure spirit enter therein: strengthen and inspire us in this our operation of the Magic of Light. Let the Mystic Circumambulation take place in the Path of Light. [Assistant Magus of Art goes first, holding in his left the Magic Candle, and in his right the Sword of Art, with which latter he traces in the air the outer limits of the Magic Circle. All circumambulate thrice. He then, standing at East and facing East, says: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe! Holy art Thou, whom Nature hath not formed! Holy art thou, the Vast and the Mighty One! Lord of the Light and of the Darkness! "Chief Magus of Art:" Magus of the Fires, I command you to perform at the four quarters of the Universe the invocation of the forces of Mercury by Solomon's Seal. "Magus of Fire:" Mighty Magus of Art, all thy commands shall be obeyed, and all thy desires shall be accomplished! [He does it.15] [The Magus now advances to the centre of the circle, by the Magical Cauldron, wherein is the milk becoming heated, turns himself towards the Fire of the spirit, and recites:] " "THE INVOCATION TO THE HIGHER." Majesty of the Godhead, Wisdom-crowned Thoth, Lord of the Gates of the Universe: Thee! Thee we invoke! Thou that manifesteth in Thy symbolic Form as an Ibis-headed one: Thee, Thee we invoke! Thou, who holdest in Thy hand the magic wand of Double Power: Thee, Thee we invoke! Thou who bearest in thy left hand the Rose and Cross of Light and Life: Thee, Thee we invoke! Thou whose {176} head is of green, whose Nemys is of night sky- blue; whose skin of of flaming orange, as though it burned in a furnace: Thee, Thee we invoke! Behold, I am Yesterday, To-day, and the brother of the Morrow! For I am born again and again. Mine is the unseen force which created the Gods, and giveth life unto the dwellers in the watch-towers of the Universe. I am the charioteer in the East, Lord of the Past and the Future, He who seeth by the Light that is within Him. I am the Lord of Resurrection, who cometh forth from the dusk, and whose birth is from the House of Death. O ye two divine hawks upon your pinnacles, who are keeping Watch over the Universe! Ye who accompany the bier unto its resting-place, and who pilot the Ship of R, advancing onwards unto the heights of Heaven! Lord of the Shrine which standeth in the centre of the Earth! Behold He is in me and I in Him! Mine is the radiance in which Ptah floateth over his firmament. I travel upon high. I tread upon the firmament of Nu. I raise a flame with the flashing lightning of mine eye, ever rushing forward in the splendour of the daily glorified R, giving life to every creature that treadeth upon the Earth. If I say come up upon the mountains, The Celestial waters shall flow at my word; 13 See Tablet of Earth. 14 The Four Elemental Tablets. 15 Se "Liber O," THE EQUINOX, vol. i. No. 2. For I am R incarnate, Khephra created in the flesh! I am the living image of my Father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun! The God who commands in in my mouth: The God of Wisdom is in my heart: My tongue is the sanctuary of Truth: And a God sitteth upon my lips! My Word is accomplished each day, and the desire of my heart realises itself like that of Ptah when he creates his works. Since I am Eternal everything acts according to my designs, and everything obeys my words. Therefore do Thou come forth unto Me from thine abode in the Silence, Unutterable Wisdom, All-light, All-power. Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Odin, by whatever name I call Thee, Thou art still Un-named and nameless for Eternity! Come thou forth, I say, and aid and guard me in this Work of Art. {177} Thou, Star of the East that didst conduct the Magi. Thou art the same, all present in Heaven and in Hell. Thou that vibratest betwixt the Light and the Darkness Rising, descending, changing for ever, yet for ever the same! The Sun is Thy Father! Thy Mother the Moon! The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom: And Earth hath ever nourished the changeless Godhead of Thy Youth. Come Thou forth I say, come Thou forth, And make all spirits subject unto me! So that every spirit of the firmament, And of the Ether of the Earth, And under the Earth, On dry land, And in the Water, Of whirling Air, And of rushing Fire, And every spell and scourge of God, may be obedient unto Me! [She binds a black cord thrice round the sigil of the Spirit and veils it in black silk, saying:] Hear me, ye Lords of Truth in the Hall of Themis, hear ye my words, for I am made as ye! I now purpose with the divine aid, to call forth this day and hour the Spirit of Mercury, Taphthartharath, whose magical sigil I now bind with this triple cord of Bondage, and shroud in the black concealing darkness and in death! Even as I knot about this sigil the triple cord of Bondage, so let the Magic power of my will and words penetrate unto him, and bind him that he cannot move; but is presently forced by the Mastery and the Majesty of the rites of power to manifest here before us without this Circle of Art, in the magical triangle which I have provided for his apparition. And even as I shroud from the Light of Day this signature of that Spirit Taphthartharath, so do I render him in his place blind, deaf and dumb. That he may in no wise move his place or call for aid upon his Gods; or hear another voice save mine or my companions', or see another path before him than the one unto this place. [Sigil is placed outside the circle by the assistant Magus of Art.] And the reason of this my working is, that I seek to obtain from that spirit Taphthartharath the knowledge of the realm of Kokab, and to this end I implore the divine assistance in the names of Elohim Tzebaoth, Thoth, Metatron, Raphael, Michael, Beni Elohim, Tiriel. [Chief resumes her seat. The three others pass to the West and point their swords {178} in menace at the veiled and corded sigil. The Assistant Magus then lifts the sigil on to the edge of the circle, and says:] Who gives permission to admit to the Hall of Dual Truth this creature of sigils? "Magus of Art:" I, S.S.D.D., Soror of the Order of the Golden Dawn, Theorica Adepta Minora of the Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold! "I.A.:" Creature of Sigils, impure and unconsecrate! thou canst not enter our Magic Circle! "D.P.A.L.:" Creature of Sigils, I purify thee with Water. "AE.A.:" Creature of Sigils, I consecrate thee by Fire. [Magus of Art in a loud voice cries "seven times" the name of the Spirit, vibrating strongly, and then says:] Assistant Magus of Art, I command thee to place the sigil at the foot of the Altar. "I.A.:" Mighty Magus of Art, all your commands shall be obeyed and all your desires shall be fulfilled. [He does so. The Magus of Art, standing on the throne of the East, then proclaims:] " "THE INVOCATION." O Thou mighty and powerful spirit Taphthartharath, I bind and conjure Thee very potently, that Thou do appear in visible form before us in the magical triangle without this Circle of Art. I demand that Thou shalt speedily come hither from Thy dark abodes and retreats, in the sphere of Kokab, and that Thou do presently appear before us in pleasing form, not seeking to terrify us by vain apparitions, for we are armed with words of double power, and therefore without fear! and I moreover demand, binding and conjuring Thee by the Mighty Name of Elohim Tzebaoth, that Thou teach us how we may acquire the power to know all things that appertain unto the knowledge of Thoth who ruleth the occult wisdom and power. And I am about to invocate Thee in the Magical hour of TAFRAC, on this day, for that in this day and hour the great angel of Kokab, Raphael, reigneth ___ beneath whose dominion art Thou ___ and I swear to Thee, here in the hall of the twofold manifestation of Truth, that, as liveth and ruleth for evermore the Lord of the Universe; that even as I and my companions are of the Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold; that even as in us is the knowledge of the rites of power ineffable: Thou SHALT this day become manifest unto visible appearance before us, in the magical triangle without this Circle of Art: [It should now have arrived at the Magical Hour Tafrac, commencing at 8h. 32' P.M. If not, then the Adepti seat themselves, and await that time. When it is fulfilled, the Assistant Magus places the sigil on the Altar in the right quarter: the Magus advances {179} to the East of the Altar, lays her left hand upon it, in her right holding the sword with its point upon the centre of the sigil. The Associate Magus holds the Magical Candle for her to read by: and the Magus of the Fires the Book of Invocations, turning the pages that she may read continually. She recites:] Hear ye, ye lords of Truth, hear ye, ye invoked powers of the sphere of Kokab, that all is now ready for the commencement of this Evocation! " ""THE POTENT EXORCISM." [To be said, assuming the mask or form of the Spirit Taphthartharath.] HB:Taw O Thou Mighty Spirit of Mercury, Taphthartharath! I bind, command and very potently do conjure Thee: HB:Peh By the Majesty of the terrible Name of HB:Taw HB:Vau HB:Aleph HB:Bet HB:Tzaddi HB:Mem-final HB:Yod HB:Heh HB:Lamed HB:Aleph The Gods of the Armies of the HB:Mem-final HB:Yod HB:Heh HB:Lamed HB:Aleph HB:Yod HB:Nun HB:Bet By and in the name of: HB:Lamed HB:Aleph HB:Koph HB:Yod HB:Mem Great Archangel of God, that ruleth in the Sphere of Kokab, by and in the name of: HB:Lamed HB:Aleph HB:Peh HB:Resh Great Angel of Mercury; by and in the Name of: HB:Lamed HB:Aleph HB:Yod HB:Resh HB:Yod HB:Tet The Mighty Intelligence of Kokab; By and in the Name of the Sephira Hod And in the name of that thy sphere KOKAB That Thou come forth here now, in this present day and hour, and appear in visible form before us; in the great magic triangle without this Circle of Art. HB:Taw I bind and conjure Thee anew: By the magical figures which are traced upon the ground: By the Magic Seal of Mercury I bear upon my breast: By the Eight Magic Lamps that flame around me: By Thy seal and sigil which I bear upon my heart: that Thou come forth, here, now, in this present day and hour, and appear in visible and material form before us, in the great magic triangle without this Circle of Art. HB:Resh I bind and conjure thee anew: By the Wisdom of Thoth the Mighty God: By the Light of the Magic Fire: By the Unutterable Glory of the Godhead within me: By all powerful names and rites: that Thou come forth, here, {180} now, in this present day and hour, and appear in visible and material form before us, in the great magical triangle without this Circle of Art. HB:Taw I bind and conjure Thee anew: By the powers of Word and of Will: By the Powers of Number and Name: By the Powers of Colour and Form: By the Powers of Sigil and Seal: That Thou come forth, here, now, in this present day and hour, and appear in visible and material form before us in the great magical triangle without this Circle of Art. HB:Resh I bind and conjure thee anew: By all the Magic of Light: By the Ruby Rose on the Cross of Gold: By the Glory of the Sun and Moon: By the flashing radiance of the Magic Telesmata: By the Names of God that make Thee tremble every day! That Thou come forth, here, now, in this present day and hour, and appear in visible and material form before us in the great Magic triangle without this Circle of Art! HB:Taw But if thou art disobedient and unwilling to come: Then will I curse Thee by the Mighty Names of God! And I will cast Thee down from Thy Power and Place! And I will torment Thee with new and terrible names! And I will blot out Thy place from the Universe; And Thou shalt "never" rise again! So come Thou forth quickly, Thou Mighty Spirit Taphthartharath, come Thou forth quickly from thy abodes and retreats! Come unto us, and appear before us in visible and material form within the great Magical triangle without this Circle of Art, courteously answering all our demands, and see Thou that Thou deceive us in no wise ___ lest ___ [Take up the veiled sigil and strike it thrice with the blade of the Magic sword, then hold it in the left aloft in the air, at the same time stamping thrice with the Right Foot. Assistant Magus now takes sigil and places it in the North: S.S.D.D. returns to her seat, takes lotus wand (or Ibis sceptre) and says:] The voice of the Exorcist said unto me, let me shroud myself in Darkness, peradventure thus may I manifest in Light. I am an only Being in an abyss of Darkness, from the Darkness came I forth ere my birth, from the silence of a primal sleep. And the Voice of Ages answered unto my soul: "Creature of Mercury, who art called Taphthartharath! The Light shineth in Thy darkness, but thy darkness comprehendeth it not!" Let the Mystic Circumambulation take place in the Path of Darkness, with the Magic Light of Occult science to guide our way! [I.A. takes up sigil in left and candle in right. Starting at North they circumambulate once. S.S.D.D. rises, and passes round the Temple before them, halting at the Gate of the West. Sigil bared by I.A., purified and consecrated: S.S.D.D., as Hiereus, assuming the mask of the Spirit, strikes the sigil (now partly bared) "once" with the Magic Sword, and says:] {181} Thou canst not pass from concealment unto manifestation save by the virtue of the name Elohim! Before all things are the Chaos and the Darkness, and the Gates of the Land of Night. I am he whose name is Darkness; I am the Great One of the Paths of the Shades! I am the Exorcist in the midst of the exorcism: appear thou therefore without fear before me, for I am He in whom Fear is not! Thou hast known me, so pass thou on! [Magus of Art passes round to the Throne of the East, Assistant Magus re-veils the sigil and carries it round once more. They halt, bare, purify and consecrate sigil as before: they approach the Gate of the East. Sigil unveiled: S.S.D.D. smiting sigil once with lotus wand.] Thou canst not pass from concealment unto manifestation save by virtue of the name of I.H.V.H. After the formless and the void and the Darkness cometh the knowledge of the Light. I am that Light which riseth in the Darkness: I am the Exorcist in the midst of the exorcism: appear Thou therefore in Visible Form before me, for I am the wielder of the forces of the Balance. Thou hast known me now, so pass Thou on unto the Cubical Altar of the Universe! [Sigil re-veiled, and conducted to altar, placed on West of triangle; S.S.D.D. passes to Altar holding sigil and sword as before. On her right hand is AE.A. with the Magic Candle: on her left is D.P.A.L. with the ritual. Behind her to the East of the Magica{l} Cauldron is I.A. casting into the milk at each appropriate moment the right ingredient. Afterwards, as S.S.D.D. names each Magical Name, I.A. draws in the perfected Hellbroth the sigils, &c., appropriate thereunto: at which time S.S.D.D. recites the:] " ""STRONGER AND MORE POTENT" " ""CONJURATION." Come forth! Come forth! Come forth unto us, Spirit of Kokab Taphthartharath, I conjure Thee! Come! Accept of us these magical sacrifices, prepared to give Thee body and form. Herein are blended the magical elements of Thy body, the symbols of Thy mighty being. For the sweet scent of the mace is that which shall purify Thee finally from the Bondage of Evil. And the heat of the magical fire is my will which volatilises the gross matter of Thy Chaos, enabling thee to manifest Thyself in pleasing form before us. And the flesh of the serpent is the symbol of Thy body, which we destroy by water and fire, that it may be renewed before us. And the Blood of the Serpent is the Symbol of the Magic of the Word Messiah, whereby we triumph over Nahash. And the all-binding Milk is the magical water of Thy purification. {182} And the Fire which flames over all [assistant lights Hell-broth] is the utter power of our sacred rites! Come forth! Come forth! Come forth unto us, Spirit of Mercury, O Taphthartharath. I bind and conjure Thee by Him that sitteth for ever on the Throne of Thy Planet, the Knower, the Master, the All-Dominating by Wisdom, Thoth the Great King, Lord of the Upper and the Lower Crowns! I bind and conjure Thee by the Great Name IAHDONHI Whose power is set flaming above Thy Palaces, and ruleth over Thee in the midst of Thy gloomy Habitations. And by the powers of the mighty letter Beth: which is the house of our God, and the Crown of our Understanding and Knowledge. And by the great Magic Word StiBeTTChePhMeFShiSS which calleth Thee from Thy place as Thou fleest before the presence of the Spirit of Light and the Crown! And by the name ZBaTh, which symbolises Thy passage from Mercury in Gemini unto us in Malkuth: Come forth, come forth, come forth! Taphthartharath! In the name of IAHDONHI: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the name of Elohim Tzebaoth! I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the Name of Mikhel: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the Name of Raphael: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the Name of Tiriel: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the Name of Asboga: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! {183} In the Name of Din and Doni: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! Taphthartharath! In the Name of Taphthartharath: I invoke Thee: appear! appear! O Thou Mighty Angel who art Lord of the 17th Degree of Gemini, wherein now Mercury takes refuge, send thou unto me that powerful but blind force in the form of Taphthartharath. I conjure thee by the Names of Mahiel and Onuel, they who rejoice. Come forth unto us therefore, O Taphthartharath, Taphthartharath, and appear thou in visible and material form before us in the great Magical triangle without this Circle of Art! And if any other Magus of Art, or any other school than ours, is now invoking Thee by potent spells; or if Thou art bound by Thy vow, or Thy duties, or the terrible bonds of the Magic of Hell; then I let shine upon Thee the glory of the symbol of the Rose and the Cross; and I tell Thee by that symbol that Thou art free of all vows, of all bonds, for what time Thou comest hither to obey my will! Or if any other Master or Masters of the Magic of Light of the Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold is now binding and invoking Thee by the supreme, absolute and fearful power of this our Art: then I command and conjure Thee by every name and rite already rehearsed that Thou send unto us an ambassador to declare unto us the reason of Thy disobedience. But if Thou art yet disobedient and unwilling to come, then will I curse Thee by the Mighty Names of God, and I will cast Thee forth from Thy Power and Place. And I will torment Thee by horrible and terrible rites. And I will blot out Thy place from the Universe and Thou shalt NEVER rise again! So come Thou forth, Thou Spirit of Mercury, Taphthartharath, come Thou forth quickly, I advise and command Thee. Come Thou forth from Thy abodes and retreats. Come Thou forth unto us, and appear before us in this Magical triangle without this Circle of Art: in fair and human form, courteously answering in an audible voice all of our demands. As is written: "Kiss the Son lest He be angry! If His anger be kindled, yea, but a little ___ Blessed are they that put their trust in Him!" [The Mighty Magus of Art lifts up the sigil towards Heaven, tears off from it the Black Veil, and cries:] Creature of Kokab, long hast Thou dwelt in Darkness! Quit the Night and seek the Day! [Sigil is replaced to West of the triangle; Magus holds the Sword erect (point upwards) over its centre, and lays her left hand upon it, saying:] {184} By all the names, powers and rites already rehearsed, I conjure Thee thus unto visible apparition: KHABS AM PEKHT. KONX OM PAX. LIGHT IN EXTENSION. [Saith the Magus of Art:] As the Light hidden in Darkness can manifest therefrom, SO SHALT THOU become manifest from concealment unto manifestation! [The Magus of Art takes up the sigil, stands at East of Altar facing West, and says:] " "THE CONJURATION OF THE INTELLIGENCE TIRIEL." Tiriel, Angel of God, in the name of IAHDONHI I conjure thee send thou unto us this spirit TAPHTHARTHARATH. Do thou force him to manifest before us without this Circle of Art. Tiriel, in the name of Elohim Tzebaoth, send to us in form material this spirit Taphthartharath. Tiriel, in the name of Beni Elohim, send to us in form material this spirit Taphthartharath. Tiriel, in the name of Michael, send to us in form material this spirit Taphthartharath. Tiriel, in the name of Raphael, send to us in visible form this spirit Taphthartharath. Tiriel, in the name of Hod, send to us in visible form this spirit Taphthartharath. O Tiriel, Tiriel: in all the mighty signs, and seals, and symbols here gathered together, I conjure thee in the Name of the Highest to force this Spirit Taphthartharath unto visible manifestation before us, in the great triangle without this Circle of Art. [The Magus now places the sigil between the mystic pillars, and attacks it as Enterer, directing upon it her whole will: following this projection by the sign of silence. If he does not yet appear, then repeat the invocation to Tiriel from the throne of the East. This process may be repeated thrice. But if not even then the Spirit come, then an error hath been committed, in which case replace Sigil on altar, holding sword as usual, and say:] " ""THE PRAYER UNTO THE GREAT GOD OF HEAVEN." O ye great Lords of the Hall of the Twofold Manifestation of Truth, who preside over the weighing of the Souls in the Place of Judgment before AESHOORI, {185} Give me your hands, for I am made as ye! Give me your hands, give me your magic powers, that I may have given unto me the force and the Power and the Might irresistible, which shall compel this disobedient and malignant spirit, Taphthartharath, to appear before me, that I may accomplish this evocation of arts according to all my works and all my desires. In myself I am nothing: in ye I am all self, and exist in the selfhood of the Mighty to Eternity! O Thoth, who makest victorious the word of AESHOORI against his adversaries, make thou my word, who am Osiris, triumphant and victorious over this spirit: Taphthartharath Amen. [Return to place of the Hierophant, and repeat, charging. He now will certainly appear. But so soon as he appears, again let the sigil be purified and censed by the Magus of Art. Then removing from the middle of the sigil the Cord of Bondage, and holding that sigil in her left hand, she will smite with the flat blade of her magic sword, saying:] By and in the Names of IAHDONHI, Elohim Tzebaoth, Michael, Raphael and Tiriel: I invoke upon thee the power of perfect manifestation unto visible appearance! [I.A. now takes up the sigil in his right hand and circumambulates thrice. He places sigil on the ground at the place of the spirit. S.S.D.D., from the place of the Hierophant, now recites (I.A. with sword guarding the place of the spirit, D.P.A.L. holding the Book; and AE.A. holding the magical candle for her to read by)] " ""AN EXTREMELY POWERFUL CONJURATION." Behold! Thou Great Powerful Prince and Spirit, Taphthartharath, we have conjured Thee hither in this day and hour to demand of Thee certain matters relative to the secret magical knowledge which may be conveyed to us from Thy great master Thoth through Thee. But, before we can proceed further, it is necessary that Thou do assume a shape and form more distinctly material and visible. Therefore, in order that Thou mayest appear more fully visible, and in order that Thou mayest know that we are possessed of the means, rites, powers and privileges of binding and compelling Thee unto obedience, do we rehearse before Thee yet again the mighty words; the Names, the Sigils, and the Powers of the conjurations of fearful efficacy: and learn that if Thou wert under any bond or spell, or in distant lands or elsehow employed, yet nothing should enable Thee to resist the power of our terrible conjuration; for if Thou art disobedient and unwilling to come, we shall curse and imprecate Thee most horribly by the Fearful Names of God the Vast One; and we shall tear from Thee Thy rank and Thy {186} power, and we shall cast Thee down unto the fearful abode of the chained ones and shells, and Thou shalt never rise again! Wherefore make haste, O Thou mighty spirit Taphthartharath, and appear very visibly before us, in the magical triangle without this Circle of Art. I bind and conjure Thee unto very visible appearance in the Divine and Terrible Name IAHDONHI, By the Name IAHDONHI, And in the Name IAHDONHI, I command Thee to assume before us a very visible and material Form. By and in the Mighty Name of God the Vast One. ELOHIM TZEBAOTH, And in the Name ELOHIM TZEBAOTH, And by the Name ELOHIM TZEBAOTH, I bind and conjure Thee to come forth very visibly before us. I bind and conjure Thee unto more manifest appearance, O thou Spirit, Taphthartharath. By the Name of MICHAEL, And in the Name of MICHAEL, By and in that Name of MICHAEL, I bind and conjure Thee that Thou stand forth very visibly, endowed with an audible voice, speaking Truth in the Language wherein I have called Thee forth. Let IAHDONHI, ELOHIM TZEBAOTH, MICHAEL, RAPHAEL, BENI ELOHIM, TIRIEL, ASBOGA, DIN, DONI, HOD, KOKAB and every name and spell and scourge of God the Vast One bind Thee to obey my words and will. Behold the standards, symbols and seals and ensigns of our God: obey and fear them, O Thou mighty and potent Spirit, Taphthartharath! Behold our robes, ornaments, insignia and weapons: and say, are not these the things Thou fearest? Behold the magic fire, the mystic lamps, the blinding radiance of the Flashing Tablets! Behold the Magical Liquids of the Material Basis; it is these that have given Thee Form! Hear thou the Magical Spells and Names and chants which bind Thee! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Taphthartharath! Arise! Move! Appear! {187} Zodcar Eca od Zodamerahnu odo kikal Imayah piap piamoel od VAOAN! [If at this time that spirit be duly and rightly materialized, then pass on to the request of the Mighty Magus of Art; but if not, then doth the Magus of Art assume the God form of Thoth, and say:] Thou comest not! Then will I work and work again. I will destroy Thee and uproot Thee out of Heaven and Earth and Hell. Thy place shall be come empty; and the horror of horrors shall abide in Thy heart, and I will overwhelm Thee with fear and trembling, for "SOUL mastering Terror" is my Name. [If at this point he manifest, then pass on to the final Request of the Mighty Magus of Art; if not, continue holding the arms in the sign of Apophis.] Brother Assistant Magus! Thou wilt write me the name of this evil serpent, this spirit Taphthartharath, on a piece of pure vellum, and thou shalt place thereon also His seal and character; that I may curse, condemn and utterly destroy Him for His disobedience and mockery of the Divine and Terrible Names of God the Vast One. [Assistant Magus does this.] Hear ye my curse, O Lords of the Twofold Manifestation of Thmaist. I have evoked the Spirit Taphthartharath in due form by the formulae of Thoth. But He obeys not, He makes no strong manifestation. Wherefore bear ye witness and give ye power unto my utter condemnation of the Mocker of your Mysteries. I curse and blast Thee, O thou Spirit Taphthartharath. I curse Thy life and blast Thy being. I consign Thee unto the lowest Hell of Abaddon. By the whole power of the Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold ___ for that Thou hast failed at their behest, and hast mocked by Thy disobedience at their God-born knowledge ___ by that Order which riseth even unto the white throne of God Himself do I curse Thy life and blast Thy being; and consign Thee unto the lowermost Hell of Abaddon! In the Names of IAHDONHI, Elohim Tzebaoth, Michael, Raphael, Beni Elohim and Tiriel: I curse Thy Life And Blast Thy Being! Down! Sink down to the depths of horror. By every name, symbol, sign and rite that has this day been practised in this Magic Circle: by every power of my soul, of the Gods, of the Mighty Order to which we all belong! I curse Thy Life And Blast Thy Being! Fall, fall down to torment unspeakable! If Thou dost not appear then will I complete the fearful sentence of this curse. {188} God will not help Thee. Thou, Thou hast mocked His Name. [Taking the slip of vellum and thrusting it into the magical Fire.] I bid Thee, O sacred Fire of Art, by the Names and Powers which gave birth unto the Spirit of the Primal Fire: I bind and conjure Thee by every name of God, the Vast One, that hath rule, authority and dominion over Thee; that Thou do spiritually burn, blast, destroy and condemn this spirit Taphthartharath, whose name and seal are written herein, causing Him to be removed and destroyed out of His powers, places and privileges: and making Him endure the most horrible tortures as of an eternal and consuming Fire, so long as He shall come not at my behest! The Earth shall suffocate Him, for mine are its powers, and the Fire shall torment Him, for mine is its magic. And Air shall not fan Him, nor Water shall cool Him. But Torment unspeakable, Horror undying, Terror unaltering, Pain unendurable; the words of my curse shall be on Him for ever; God shall not hear Him, nor holpen Him never, and the curse shall be on Him for ever and ever! [So soon as he shall appear, extinguish that fire with consecrated water, and cry:] O, Thou Mighty Spirit Taphthartharath, forasmuch as Thou art come, albeit tardily, do I revoke my magic curse, and free Thee from all its bonds save only from those that bind Thee here! [He having appeared, the "Assistant Magus of Art" holds aloft his sword, saying:] Hear ye, Great Lord of the Hall of Dual Truth; Hear ye, Immortal Powers of the Magic of Light, that this Spirit Taphthartharath hath been duly and properly invoked in accordance with the sacred rites of Power Ineffable. [The "Mighty Magus of Art" now says:] O ye Great Lords of the Glory and Light of the radiant Orb of Kokab; ye in whom are vested the knowledge of the Mighty powers, the knowledge of all the hidden Arts and Sciences of Magic and of Mystery! Ye! Ye! I invoke and conjure! Cause ye this mighty Serpent Taphthartharath to perform all our demands: manifest ye through him the Majesty of your presences, the divinity of your knowledge, that we may all be led yet one step nearer unto the consummation of the Mighty Work, one step nearer unto the great white throne of the Godhead; and that, in so doing, "His" being may become more glorified and enlightened, more capable of receiving the Influx of that Divine Spirit which dwells in the heart of Man and God! [S.S.D.D. now formulates the desires as follows:] O thou Great Potent Spirit Taphthartharath, I do command and very potently conjure thee by the Majesty of Thoth, the Great God, Lord of Amena, King and Lord Eternal of the Magic of Light: That Thou teach unto us continually the Mysteries of the Art of Magic, declaring unto us now in what best manner may each of us progress towards the accomplishment of the Great Work. Teach us the Mysteries of all the Hidden Arts and Sciences which are under the Dominion of Mercury, and finally swear Thou by the Great Magic Sigil {189} that I hold in my hand, that thou wilt in future always speedily appear before us; coming whensoever Thy sigil is unveiled from its yellow silken covering: and manifesting whensoever we enable Thee by the offerings and sacrifices of Thy nature! To the end that Thou mayest be a perpetual link of communication between the Great God Thoth under his three forms and ourselves. " "THE FINAL ADMONITION." O Thou mighty and potent prince of Spirits Taphthartharath: forasmuch as Thou hast obeyed us in all our demands, I now finally bind and conjure Thee: That Thou hereafter harm me not, or these my companions, or this place, or aught pertaining unto all of us: that Thou faithfully do perform all those things even as Thou hast sworn by the great and all-powerful Names of God the Vast One; and that Thou dost deceive us in nothing, and forasmuch as Thou has been obedient unto our call, and hast sworn to obey our commands: Therefore do Thou feel and receive these grateful odours of the fine perfumes of our Art, which are agreeable unto Thee. [Magus of Fires burns much incense.] And now I say unto Thee, in the name of IHSVH, depart in peace unto Thy habitations and abodes in the invisible. I give unto Thee the blessing of God in the Name of IAHDONHI: may the influx of the Divine Light inspire Thee and lead Thee unto the ways of peace! Let there be peace betwixt us and Thee; and come Thou hastily when we invoke and call Thee: Shalom! Shalom! Shalom! [Reverse circumambulations and closing rituals of Mercury, &c. &c.] In the Order of the Golden Dawn many consecrations were made use of upon the lines laid down in Book HB:Heh , such as the Consecration of the Lotus Wand, the Rose Cross and the Magical Sword; these, however, we will omit, substituting in their place one carried out by P. himself, and called: