As noted before, there is a lot of room for debate in those areas where Dee's notes are inconclusive or contradictory. This guide is my own interpretation (and occasionally, I admit, extrapolation) of Dee's pronunciation. Another, that of Donald Laycock, is in the Appendix to this paper. It is my opinion that often the differences between these variations are more of emphasis rather than any fundamental discord: between "ee" and "ih" for instance.
In the version of the Calls that follows, the first line is that of the Calls as printed in Causabon (except where noted), the second and third are my phonetic version with possible variations.
A - as in "father", except "ag" rhymes with "nag"
C - as k before a, o, u (some exceptions)
- as s before i, e (some exceptions)
E - stressed: as in "obey"
- unstressed: as in "beg" (some exceptions)
G - as (hard) g before a, o, u
- usually as j before i, e, and word-final, occasionally in other places, some exceptions
H - usually as h, except in combinations (ch, ph, sh, th); either silent or slightly aspirated in certain locations (eg: Comselh). This last does not apply to the phonetic notation that follows: duh-loo-gah (dluga) does not end with an aspirated sound.
I - stressed: as in "machine"
- unstressed: as in "pill"
I,J - as y or jh ("ge" as in "garage") in initial position and before a vowel
O - stressed: as in "go"
- unstressed: as in "go" or as in "pot", especially in -och- (rhymes with "botch")
Q,QU - as "kuh", or "kwuh" (as in "quick")
U - usually as in "rule", but occasionally as in "mug"
- in initial position may be pronounced as "yew"
X - as in "fox"
Y - usually as under key for I and I,J
Z - as in "zoo"; in a very few words, as zod
CH - as k in most positions, but -"och" rhymes with "botch"
PH - as f
SH - as sh
TH - as th
Double vowels should be pronounced only partly separately, with an elided pause between them: QAA becomes Kuh-ah-ah, with only the barest hesitation.
Ol sonf vorsg, goho iad balt,
lansh calz vonpho: sobra zol ror I
Ol sonf vors-juh, goho
yad balt, lonsh calz vonfo: sobra zol ror ee
ta nazpsad graa ta malprg: ds
holq qaa
ta naz-puh-sad grah-ah ta
malpurj: des hol-kwuh-uh kuh-ah-ah
(hol-kuh-uh, kwuh-ah-ah)
nothoa zimz, od commah ta
nobloh zien: soba thil gnonp
no-tho-ah zeemz, od
com-mah ta no-blo zee-en: soba theel guh-non-puh
(zimz, thil, guh-nomp)
prge aldi, ds urbs oboleh
grsam. Casarm ohorela caba pir
purj aldee, des yoorbs
o-bo-lay gursam. Kasarm oho-ray-la kaba peer
ds zonrensg cab erm iadnah.
Pilah farzm znrza adna
des zon-rens-juh kab erm
yad-nah. Puh-ee-lah far-zum znur-zah adna
gono iadpil ds hom toh, soba
ipam, lu ipamis, ds loholo
gono ee-ad-peel
des hom toh, soba ee-pam, yool ee-pamis, des loholo
vep zomdv poamal od bogpa aai
ta piap piamo l od
vep zom po-ah-mal od
bogpa ah-ah-ee ta pee-ap pee-ah-ma el od
vooan. Zacar(e) ca, od
zamran; odo cicle qaa; zorge,
va-oh-an. Zakar(-ay)
kuh-ah, od zamran; odo kee-klay kuh-ah-ah; zorj,
lap zirdo noco mad, hoath
lap zeer-do noko mad,
ho-ath Yah-ee-dah.
Adgt vpaah zong om faaip
sald, viiv L, sobam
Ad-get vuh-pah-ah zong om
fah-ah-eep sald, vi-eev el, sobam
(A-jet, zonj)
ialpurg izazaz piadph; casarma abramg ta
talho paracleda,
yal-poorj ee-za-zaz
pee-adf; kasarma abram-guh ta talho paraklayda,
qta lorslq tvrbs ooge baltoh. Giui chis lusd
kuh-ta lor-sel-kwah
toorbs oh-oh-gay baltoh. Gee-oo-ee kis loosd
(Jee-oo-ee, loos-duh)
orri, od micalp chis bia ozongon, lap noan
trof cors tage
orree, od mee-kalp kees
bee-ah oh-zong-on, lap noan trof kors tah-jeh
(oh-zonj-on, tah-gay)
oq manin iaidon. Torzu gohel: zacar ca
oh-kwah manin yah-ee-don.
Tor-zoo go-hel: zakar kah kuh-no-kwod,
(ca = sah)
zamran micalzo od ozazm vrelp, lap zir ioiad.
zamran mee-kal-zo od
oh-zaz-muh vrelp, lap zeer yo-ee-ad.
(mih-kal-zo, vuh-relp)
Micma goho piad, zir comselh azien biab os
Mik-ma goho pee-ad, zeer
kom-saylh a-zee-en bee-ab os lon-doh;
norz chis othil gigipah; vndl chis tapvin
norz kis oh-theel
jih-jih-pah; vindl kis ta-poo-in kwuh-mos-play(h)
(oh-thil, gee-gee-pah)
teloch, qviin toltorg chis i chisge m ozien
dst brgda od
telotch, kwee-in
toltorj kis ee kisjeh em o-zee-en dest burjda od
(kwee-een, kisgay)
torzul Ili eol balzarg od aala thilnos
netaab, dluga
torzool eelee ay-ol
balzarj od ah-al-ah thil-nos ne-ta-ab, duh-loo-gah
vomsarg lonsa capmiali vors CLA homil cocasb;
vomsarj lonsa
kap-mee-ah-lee vors kla homeel ko-kas-buh; fafen
izizop od miinoag de gnetaab vaun nanaeel,
ee-zee-zop od
mee-ee-no-ag day guh-neh-tah-ab va-oon na-na-ay-el,
panpir malpirgi caosg pild; noan unalah balt
od vooan.
panpeer malpeergee
kah-os-guh peeld; no-an oonalah balt od voh-oh-an.
(malpeerjee ka-os-juh)
Dooiap mad, goholor gohus amiran. Micma
Doh-oh-ee-ap mad, goholor
gohoos ah-mih-ran. Mik-ma yay-hoo-soz
(Meek-ma jhayhoo-soz)
cacacom od dooain noar micaolz aaiom.
kakakom od-do-oh-ah-een
no-ar mee-kah-olz ah-ah-ee-om.
(od-do-oh-ah-in mi-kah-olz)
Casarmg gohia: zacar uniglag od imuamar, pugo
Ka-sarm-juh go-hee-ah:
zod-a-kar oo-neeg-lag od eem-wah-mar, poogo
(oo-nig-lag, im-oo-ah-mar)
plapli ananael qaan.
plah-plee ah-nah-nah-el
Othil lasdi babage od dorpha, gohol, g chisge
O-theel las-dee ba-ba-jeh
od dor-fa, gohol, guh-kis-jeh avavago
(O-thil, ba-ba-gay, guh-kis-gay)
cormp PD dsonf vivdiv? Casarmi oali MAPM
kormp payday duh-sonf
vee-vuh-dee-vuh? Kasarmee oh-ah-lee map-em
sobam ag cormpo crpl, casarmg croodzi chis od
sobam ag kormpo kur-pul,
ka-sarm-juh kro-od-zee kis od vuh-gej,
dst capimali chis capimaon, od lonshin chis
talo CLA.
dest ka-pee-ma-lee kis
ka-pee-ma-on, od lon-shin kis talo kla.
(ka-pih-ma-lee, ka-pih-ma-on)
Torgv norquasahi od fgaosga; bagle zirenaiad
Torgoo nor-kwah-sah-hee
od f-gah-os-gah; bah-glay zee-ray-nye-ad
dsi od apila. Dooaip qaal, zacar od zamran
des-ee od ah-pee-la.
Do-oh-ah-eep kah-al, zakar od zamran
obelisong restil aaf normolap.
oh-bel-ee-song rest-el
ah-af normolap.
Sapah zimii duiv od noas taqanis adroch,
Sa-pah zee-mee-ee
doo-eev od no-as tah-kwah-nis ad-rotch, dor-fal
caosg od faonts piripsol tablior. Casarm
ka-os-juh od
fa-onts pee-reep-sol ta-blee-or. Kasarm ah-meep-zee
(ka-os-guh, pir-eep-sol,
nazarth af od dlugar zizop zlida caosgi
na-zarth af od
duh-loo-gar zee-zop zod-lee-dah ka-os-jee tol-tor-jee
(ka-os-gee, tol-tor-gee)
od zizop zchis esiasch l tauiu od iaod thild
od zee-zop zod-kis
ay-see-ak el ta-wee-oo od ee-ah-od theeld des
(eh-see-ak, yah-od)
hubar peoal soba cormfa chista la vls od
hoo-bar pay-oh-al soba
kormfa kis-ta la yulz od kuh-ko-kas-buh.
(kwuh-ko-kas-buh )
Ca niis od darbs qaas; fetharzi od bliora;
Sa nee-ees od darbz kah-as;
feth-ar-zee od blee-oh-rah; ya-ee-al
(nih-ees, kuh-ah-as,
ednas cicles; ba-gle? Ge-jad il.
ednas kee-klayz; ba-glay?
Gay-yad eel.
(kih-klayz, Gay-jhad)
Gah sdiu chis em, micalzo pilzin; sobam el
harg mir
Gah es-dee-oo kis
em, mee-kal-zo pilzen; sobam el harj meer
babalon od obloc samvelg; dlugar malpurg
arcaosgi od
babalon od ob-lok
sam-velj; duh-loo-gar mal-poorj ar-ka-os-jee od
(sam-velg, ar-ka-os-gee)
acam canal sobolzar F bliard caosgi od chif
anetab od
akam sanal
sobolzar ef-blee-ard ka-os-jee od kif ah-nay-tab od
miam taviv odd. Darsar solpeth bien; brita od
mee-am ta-veev od-duh.
Darsar sol-peth bee-en; bree-tah od
zacam gmicalzo; sobhaath trian luiahe odecrin
za-kam guh-mee-kal-zo;
sob-ha-ath tree-an loo-ee-ah-hay oh-deh-kreen
mad qaaon.
mad kuh-ah-ah-on.
Raas i salman paradiz oecri-mi aao ialpirgah
Rah-as ee salman
pa-ra-dee-zod oh-ay-kree-mee ah-ah-oh yal-peer-gah
quiin enay butmon; od inoas ni paradial
kwee-in en-ah-ee
boot-mon; od in-oh-as nee pa-ra-dee-al ka-sarm-juh
(kwee-een, en-ai)
vgear chirlan od zonac luciftian corsta
vuh-gay-ar keerlan
od zonak loo-kif-tee-an korsta vah-ool-zirn
(kir-lan, loo-sif-tee-an)
tolhami. Soba londoh od miam chistad odes
vmadea od
tol-ha-mee. Soba
lon-doh od mee-am kis-tad o-des vuh-ma-day-ah
pibliar othilrit od miam cnoquol rit; zacar,
pib-lee-ar oh-thil-reet
od mee-am kuh-no-kol reet; zakar, zamran;
oecrimi qadah od omicaolz aaiom. Bagle
kuh-ah-dah od oh-mi-kah-ol-zod ah-ah-ee-om. Ba-glay
papnor idlugam lonshi od umplif vgegi
papnor id-loo-gam
lon-shee od oom-pleef vuh-gay-jee big-lee-ad.
(vuh-gah-gee, bee-glee-ad.)
Bazmelo ita piripson oln nazavabh ox; casarmg
Baz-may-lo ee-ta pih-reep-son
oln na-za-vabh oks; ka-sarm-juh
vran chis vgeg dsabramg baltoha gohoiad;
vuh-ran kis
vuh-gej duh-sa-bram-guh bal-to-ha go-ho-ee-ad;
solamian trian talolcis abaiuonin od aziagier
tree-an ta-lol-sis a-ba-ee-wo-nin od a-zee-ah-jee-er
rior. Irgilchisda dspaaox busd caosgo, ds
ree-or. Eer-gil-kees-da
duh-spa-ah-oks boosd ka-os-go, des kis
odipuran teloah, cacrg oisalman loncho od
o-dee-poo-ran tay-lo-ah,
ka-koorj o-ee-sal-man lon-ko od vo-wee-na
(ka-koorg, vo-vee-na)
carbaf? Niiso, bagle auauago gohon; niiso
kar-baf? Nee-ee-so,
ba-glay ah-wah-wah-go go-hon; nee-ee-so
momao siaion od mabza iadoiasmomar, poilp.
mo-ma-oh see-ah-ee-on od
mab-za yad-oh-ee-as-mo-mar, po-eelp. Nih-ees
(po-ilp, Nih-is)
zamran ciaofi caosgo od bliors od corsi ta
zam-ran kee-ah-oh-fee
ka-os-go od blee-ors od kor-see ta a-bra-mig.
Micaoli bransg purgel napta ialpor dsbrin
Mee-ka-oh-lee brans-guh
poor-gel nap-ta yal-por des-breen
(Mih-ka-oh-lee, brans-juh,
poor-jel, des-brin)
efafafe p vonpho olani od obza; sobca vpaah
ay-fah-fah-fay puh von-fo
oh-la-nee od ob-za; sob-ka vuh-pah-ah kis
tatan od tranan balye alar lusda soboln od
ta-tan od tra-nan
ba-lee-ay a-lar loos-da so-boln od kis-hol-kwah
cnoquodi cial. Vnal aldon mom caosgo ta
kuh-no-kwo-dee see-al.
Vuh-nal al-don mom ka-os-go ta las-ol-lor
gnay limlal; amma chiis sobca madrid zchis;
guh-nay lil-lal; am-ma
kee-ees sob-ka ma-drid zod-kis; oh-oh-ah-no-an
(guh-nah-ee, kih-ees)
chis aviny drilpi caosgin od butmoni parm
kis ah-vee-nee dril-pee
ka-os-jin od boot-mo-nee parm zoom-vee
(ah-vih-nee, ka-os-gin)
cnila; dazis ethamz achildao, od mirk ozol
kuh-nee-la; daz-ees
ay-tham-zod ah-kil-da-oh, od mirk oh-zol kis
pidiai collal ulci-nin asobam ucim. Bagle?
pee-dee-ah-ee kol-lal
ool-see-nin a-so-bam oo-seem. Ba-glay?
ool-see-neen oo-kim
Iadbaltoh chirlan par! Niiso od ip ofafafe,
Yad-bal-toh kir-lan par!
Nee-ee-so od eep oh-fa-fa-fay, ba-glay
acocasb icorsca vnig blior.
ah-ko-kasb ee-kors-ka
vuh-nig blee-or.
Coraxo chis cormp od blans lucal aziazor
paeb, soba
Ko-rak-so kis kormp od
blanz loo-kal ah-zee-ah-zor pa-eb, so-ba
lilonon chis op virq eophan od raclir maasi
lee-lo-non kis op
veer-kwuh ay-oh-fan od ra-kleer ma-ah-see ba-glay
caosgi, ds ialpon dosig od basgim; od oxex
ka-os-jee, des yal-pon
do-sig od bas-geem; od oks-ayks dah-zees
(ka-os-gee, jhal-pon,
bas-gim, okx-eks )
siatris od salbrox cynxir faboan. Unalchis
see-ah-trees od
sal-broks sinks-eer fa-bo-an. Yoon-al-kis konst
ds daox cocasg ol oanio yor vohim ol gizyax
des da-oks ko-kas-juh ol
oh-ah-nee-oh yor vo-heem ol giz-ee-aks od
(vo-him, jiz-ee-aks)
eors cocasg plosi molni ds pageip larag om
ay-orz ko-kas-juh
plo-see mol-nee des pa-gay-eep la-rag om drol-nuh
matorb cocasb emna. L patralx yolci nomig
ma-torb ko-kas-buh em-na.
El-pa-tralks yol-see no-mig
monons olora gnay angelard. Ohio, ohio, ohio,
mo-nons oh-lo-ra guh-nay
an-gay-lard. O-hee-o, o-hee-o, o-hee-o,
ohio, ohio, ohio, noib ohio caosgon! Bagle
O-hee-o, o-hee-o,
o-hee-o, no-eeb, o-hee-o ka-os-gon! Ba-glay
madrid i zirop chiso drilpa. Niiso: crip ip
ma-drid ee zee-rop
kee-so dril-pa. Nee-ee-so: kreep eep nee-da-lee.
(dreel-pa, krip, nih-da-lee)
Oxiayal holdo od zirom o coraxo ds zildar
hol-do od zeer-om oh ko-raks-oh des zeel-dar
raasy; od vabzir camliax od bahal, niiso
ra-ah-see; od vab-zeer
kam-lee-aks od ba-hal, nee-ee-so sal-man
teloch casarman holq od ti ta zchis, soba
cormf iga
tay-lotch ka-sar-man
hol-kwah od tee tah zod-kis, so-ba kormf ee-gah
niisa bagle abramg noncp. Zacar e ca, od
zamran, odo
nee-ee-sa ba-glay
ah-bram-guh nonsp. Zakar ay ka, od zamran, odo
cicle qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad, hoath
kee-klay kuh-ah-ah, zorj,
lap zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
Nonci dsonf babage od chis ob hubaio tibibp,
Non-see duh-son-fuh
ba-ba-jeh od kis ob hoo-ba-ee-oh tee-beeb-puh,
allar atraah od ef. Drix fafen mian ar enay
ovof, soba
al-lar a-tra-ah od ef.
Driks fa-fen mee-an ar en-ay oh-vof, so-ba
(Dreeks, ay-nah-ee)
dooain aai ivonph. Zacar e ca, od zamran, odo
ah-ah-ee ee-vonf. Zakar ay ka, od zamran, odo kee-klay
qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad, hoath Iaida.
kuh-ah-ah, zorj, lap
zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
Napeai babagen ds brin ux ooana lring vonph
Na-pay-ah-ee ba-ba-jen
des breen yooks oh-oh-ah-na el-ring vonf
doalim, eolis ollog orsba ds chis affa. Micma
do-ah-leem ay-oh-lees
ol-log orz-ba des kis af-fa. Mik-ma ees-ro
(do-ah-lim, ay-oh-lis, Meek-ma)
mad od lonshitox ds jumbd. Zacar e ca, od
zamran, odo
mad od lon-shee-toks des
juh-oomd. Zakar ay ka, od zamran, odo
cicle qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad, hoath
kee-klay kuh-ah-ah, zorj,
lap zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
[No record of this call in Causabon. This version based on the Aurum Solis text.]
Noromi bagie pasbs oiad, ds trint mirc ol
No-ro-mee ba-jee-ay
pas-biz oh-ee-ad, des treen-tuh meer-kuh ol
(ba-gee-ay, mirk)
thil, dods tolham caosgo homin, ds brin oroch
theel, dods tol-ham
ka-os-go ho-meen, des breen orok koo-ar;
(thil, ho-min, brin, kwar)
micma bial oiad, aisro tox dsium aai
mik-ma bee-al oh-ee-ad,
ah-ees-ro toks des-yoom ah-ah-ee
(meek-ma, des-ee-oom)
baltim. Zacar od zamran, odo cicle qaa,
jorge, lap
bal-teem. Zakar od
zamran, odo kee-klay kuh-ah-ah, zorj, lap
(bal-tim, kah-ah)
zirdo noco mad, hoath Iaida.
zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath
[No record of this call in Causabon. This version based on the Aurum Solis text.]
Ils tabaan lialprt casarman upaahi chis darg
Yils ta-ba-an lee-al-purt
kasarman oo-pa-ah-hee kis darjuh des
okido caosgi orscor; ds omax monasci baeouib
oh-kee-do ka-os-jee
ors-kor; des oh-maks mo-nas-kee bye-oh-oo-eeb od
(ka-os-gee, mo-nas-see,
emetgis iaiadix. Zacar od zamran, odo cicle
yah-ee-ah-diks. Zakar od zamran, odo kee-klay kuh-ah-ah
zorge, lap zirdo noco mad, hoath Iaida.
zorj, lap zeer-do noko
mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
[Beginning of this call not recorded in Causabon. Missing text based on the Aurum Solis text.]
Ils viuialprt salman balt, ds brin acroodzi
busd od
Yils veev-yal-purt
sal-man balt, des breen a-kroh-od-zee boosd od
bliorax balit; dsinsi caosg lusdan emod dsom
blee-oh-raks baleet;
des-in-see kaos-juh loos-dan ay-mod duh-som od
(bal-tuh, koas-guh)
tliob; drilpa geh yls Madzilodarp. Zacar e
ca, od zamran,
tuh-lee-ob; dreel-pa jeh
yils mad-zee-lo-darp. Zakar ay ka, od zamran,
odo cicle qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad,
hoath Iaida.
odo kee-klay kuh-ah-ah,
zorj, lap zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
(kah-ah, Jha-ee-dah)
Ils dial pert soba vpaah chis nanba zixlay
Yils dee-al pert so-ba
vuh-pa-ah kis nan-ba zeeks-la-ee dod-seeh
od brint taxs Hubaro tastax ylsi, sobaiad
od breent faksiz
hoo-ba-ro tas-taks yil-see, so-ba-ee-ad
(brint, so-ba-yad)
ivonpounph, aldon daxil od toatar. Zacar e
ca, od zamran,
ee-von-po-oonf, al-don
daks-il od to-a-tar. Zakar ay ka, od zamran,
odo cicle qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad,
hoath Iaida.
odo kee-klay kuh-ah-ah,
zorj, lap zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
(kah-ah, Jha-ee-dah)
Ils micaolz olpirt yalpurg bliors ds odo
Yils mee-ka-ol-zod
ol-peert yal-poorj blee-ors des odo boos-deer
(mih-ka-ol-zod, buh-lee-rs)
oiad ovoars caosgo casarmg laiad eran brints
oh-ee-ad oh-vo-arz
ka-os-go ka-sarm-juh la-ee-ad ay-ran breents
(eh-ran, brints)
cafafam, ds iumd aquulo adohi moz od maoffas
ka-fa-fam, des yoomd
ah-kwuh-oo-lo a-do-hee moz od ma-of-as bolp
comobliort pambt. Zacar e ca, od zamran, odo
ko-mo-blee-ort pam-but.
Zakar ay ka, od zamran, odo kee-klay
qaa, zorge, lap zirdo noco mad, hoath Iaida.
kuh-ah-ah, jorj, lap
zeer-do noko mad, ho-ath Ya-ee-dah.
Madriax dspraf [LIL], chis micaolz saanir
Mad-ree-aks des praf
[Leel], kis mee-ka-olz sa-ah-neer ka-os-go,
od fisis balzizras Iaida! Nonca gohulim,
od fi-sees bal-zeez-ras
Ya-ee-dah! Nonsa go-hoo-lim, meek-ma
(fee-seez, Jha-ee-dah!,
adoian mad, Iaod bliorb, sabaooaona chis
a-do-ee-an mad,
Ee-ah-od blee-orb, sa-ba-oh-oh-ah-oh-na kis
luciftias peripsol, ds abraassa noncf netaaib
loo-keef-tee-as pay-reep-sol,
des a-bra-as-sa non-suf ne-tah-ah-eeb
(loo-seef-tee-as, peh-reep-sol)
caosgi od tilb adphaht damploz, tooat noncf
ka-os-jee od teelb
ad-fa-tuh dam-ploz, to-oh-at non-suf
gmicalzoma l rasd tofglo marb yarry idoigo od
el-ras-duh tof-glo marb yar-ree eed-wee-go od
torzulp iaodaf, gohol; caosga tabaord saanir
tor-zoolp ya-oh-daf, go-hol;
ka-os-ga ta-ba-ord sa-ah-neer
od christeos yrpoil tiobl, busdir tilb noaln
od kris-tay-os
eer-po-eel tee-oh-bul, boos-deer teel-buh no-al-nuh
(yur-po-eel, til-buh)
paid orsba od dodrmni zylna. Elzap tilb
pa-eed ors-ba od
dod-rum-nee zilna. El-zap-teelb parm-gee
(zeel-na, El-zap-tilb, parm-jee)
peripsax od ta qurlst booapis. Lnibm ovcho
pay-reep-saks od ta
koorlst bo-oh-ah-pees. El-nib-um oh-vuh-ko simp,
od christeos agtoltorn mirc q tiobl lel; ton
od kris-tay-os
ag-tol-torn meerk kwah tee-oh-bel lel; ton pa-om-duh
dilzmo aspian, od christeos agltertorn parach
deelz-mo as-pee-an, od
kris-tay-os ag-ul-ter-torn pa-rach a-simp;
cordziz dodpal od fifalz lsmnad, od fargt
kord-zeez dod-pal od
fee-falz ulz-muh-nad, od far-jet bamz
omaoas; conisbra od auavox tonug, orscatbl
oh-ma-oh-as; ko-nees-bra
od ah-wah-voks to-nuj, orz-cat-bul no-as-mee
tabges levithmong. Unchi omptilb ors. Bagle?
tab-jess lay-veeth-mong.
Oonki om-puh-teelb orz. Ba-glay? Mo-oh-oh-ah
(tab-gayz, lay-vithmong,
ol cordziz. L capimao ixomaxip od ca cocasb
El-ka-pee-ma-oh eeks-oh-maks-eep od ka-ko-kas-buh
gosaa; baglen pii tianta ababalond, od faorgt
go-sa-ah; ba-glen pee-ee
tee-an-ta a-ba-ba-lon-duh, od fa-or-jet
telocvovim. Madriiax torzu; oadriax orocha
Ma-dree-yaks tor-zoo; oh-ah-dree-aks oh-ro-ka
aboapri. Tabaori priaz artabas; adrpan corsta
ah-bo-ah-pree. Ta-ba-oh-ree
pree-az ar-ta-bas; ah-dir-pan kor-sta
dobix. Yolcam priazi arcoazior, od quasb
do-biks. Yol-kam pree-ah-zee
ar-ko-ah-zee-or, od kwas-buh kwah-tinj.
Ripir paaoxt sagacor; vml od prdzar cacrg
pa-ah-oks-tuh sa-ga-kor; vum-ul od purd-zar ka-kurj
(Ri-peer, oom-ul, ka-kurg)
aoiveae cormpt. Torzu, zacar, od zamran aspt
korm-put. Tor-zoo, zakar, od zamran as-put seeb-see
korm-puh-tuh, sib-see)
butmona, ds surzas tia baltan. Odo cicle qaa;
boot-mo-na, des soor-zas
tee-ah bal-tan. Odo kee-klay kah-ah; od
ozazma plapli Iadnamad.
oh-zaz-ma pla-plee
LIL Leel |
ICH Eek |
ASP Ahs-puh |
ARN Arn |
LOE Lo-ay |
LIN Leen, Lin |
ZOM Zom |
ZIM Zeem, Zim |
TOR Tor |
PAZ Paz |
UTA Oo-tah |
NIA Nee-ah |
LIT Leet, Lit |
OXO Oh-kso |
UTI Oo-tee |
MAZ Maz |
LEA Lay-ah |
DES Dess |
DEO Day-oh |
TAN Tan |
ZAA Zah-ah |
ZID Zeed, Zid |
ZEN Zen |
BAG Bah-guh |
ZIP Zeep, Zip |
POP Poh-puh |
RII Ree-ee |
ZAX Zaks |
CHR Khar |
TEX Teks |
(from "Mysteria Magica" pg 416)
A as the first vowel sound in "father"
E as the vowel sound in "say"
I as the vowel sound in "meet"
O as the vowel sound in "hold"
U as the vowel sound in "food"
a as the vowel sound in "add"
e as the vowel sound in "yet"
i as the vowel sound in "sit"
o as the vowel sound in "hot"
u as the vowel sound in "foot"
^ represents the neutral vowel, as the first vowel sound in "parade," or the second vowel sound in "column."
Consonants are given their normal values (G invariably represents the hard sound of that letter, as in "gold."
# represents the guttural, pronounced as the "ch" in German (Woche, suchen).
As a general rule, allowing for varied inflexions of the voice in the flow of magical utterance, all the syllables in an Enochian word should be given equal weight. It will be noted that hyphens are frequently inserted in words. These only emphasise the need to give full value to a vowel, or to a syllable, and do not call for a real break in the utterance.
(from "The Complete Enochian Dictionary" pps 46-47.)
A - long (stressed), as in "lah-di-dah"
- short (unstressed), as in French "patte"
B - usually as English b, but silent between m and another consonant, or after m finally
C - as k before a, o, u (with some exceptions)
- as s before i, e (with many exceptions), and in clusters of consonants (noncf = nonsf)
CH - as k in most positions, but as ch finally
D - as d in all positions
E - when stressed, as in French "fee"
- when unstressed, as in "bed"
F - as f in all positions
G - as (hard) g before a, o, u
- as j before i, e, in final position, after d, and in clusters of consonants
H - as h in most positions (except in combinations ch, ph, sh, th); silent after a vowel, but the vowel is lengthened
I - when stressed, as in (French) "machine"
- when unstressed, as in "bit"
- in combinations: ai as in "fly"; ei as in "eight"; oi as in "boil"
- as y in word-initial position before a vowel (Iad = Yad)
K - as k in all positions
L - as l in all positions
M - as m in all positions
N - as n in all positions
O - when stressed, as in French "mot"
- when unstressed, as in "not"
- in combinations: oi as in "boil"; ou as in "bout"; oo as in "fool"
P - as p except in combination ph
PH - as f
Q,QU - as kw (qu in "quick") -- but the word q is pronounced kwa
R - as r in "right" (but may be rolled)
S - usually as s in "sit"
- sometimes z, in places where this is more natural in English (lrasd = elrazd)
SH - as sh in "ship"
T - as t except in combination th
TH - as th in "thank"
U - as oo in "boot", or u in "put"
- in initial position as "yew"
- as v or w before another vowel, and in word-final position
X - as x in "fox"
Y - as y in word-initial position before a vowel
- as the letter I before a consonant, and in word-final position
Z - as z in "zoo"; in a very few words, as zod
Causabon, Meric., D.D., A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and some Spirits, Magickal Childe, 1992, New York, NY.
Denning, Melita, and Phillips, Osborne, Mysteria Magica, Llewellyn Publications, 1992, St. Paul, MN.
James, Geoffrey, The Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee, Heptangle Books, 1989, Gillette, NJ.
Laycock, Donald C., The Complete Enochian Dictionary, Askin Publishers, 1978, London, England, UK.