Previously unpublished works by Frater Achad!
A basic primer on the Tree of Life from a Thelemic viewpoint. The appendix contains the magickal records of Achad's discovery of his "Restored" Tree of Life.
A detailed examination of Frater Achad's "Restored" Tree of Life, its justification in past cabalistic writings, and its relation to Thelemic symbolism. Contains many ideas later adopted (without credit) by other writers.
Achad's magnum opus on cabalistic geometry.
Crystal Vision Through Crystal Gazing
The good Frater's classic monograph on this traditional method of scrying and its transformation into higher forms of spiritual vision. Lots of good advice for anyone learning or using any method of scrying.
An analysis of Wagner's Parzival as it relates to the Path of Initiation and Thelema.
The magickal record of Achad's discovery of the Key of Liber AL vel Legis.
Prose "verses" to NUIT, in the style of Crowley's Book of Lies. Not great literature, but with some useful content.
Concerning the symbolism of the Rose and Cross.
Concerning Names of God.
An invocation of Binah in the Golden Dawn style, thought to be written by Frater Achad.
Comments on Chapter 1, vv. 45-48.
An astronomical metaphor.
Achad's Test Questions for the three "grades" of Liber AL.
Achad's Lamen Achad's Pantacle
Do you have copies of other works or interesting letters by Frater Achad? Let me add it to this page! Send a note to