Curriculum vitae




Dr. Laura Balbiani


Via Lorenteggio 141

Italy - 20146 Milano

Tel. 02 42 23 181






1. Personal



Born in Milan, 26.6.1966

Nationality: Italian


2. Education






June 1994











Graduation with full marks (60/60) in a language-oriented High School (German, English, French, Latin)

“Certificate of Proficiency in English” (University of Michigan)

“Certificat de Français” of the ICC (International Certificate Conference - marks: 117/120)


Studies in “Modern Languages and Literatures” at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, specialisation: History of language, linguistics, lexicography.

University degree (summa cum laude); degree thesis about foreign terminology in scientific texts of the 17th century.


3. Professional experience













Consultant and personnel trainee by SIME (Information Technologies Montedison) providing software training to employees.


Import manager of a trading company, SANITAL S.r.l. (full-time employment).


Several occasional experiences as interpreter and translator.



4. Academic and scientific


since 1992

















since 1998
















Assistant in research for History of the German Language and German Linguistics


Working at the research project of the Grimmelshausen-Dictionary in Milan;

teaching History of the German Language together with prof. Barbara Stein-Molinelli at the Università Cattolica (Milan)


PhD in “Language Sciences and Philology”; tutor of the project were prof. B. Stein-Molinelli (Milan) and prof. dr. Oskar Reichmann (Heidelberg). Dissertation title: “La traduzione tedesca della Magia Naturalis (1558) di G.B. Della Porta. Lingua, scienza e cultura all’inizio dell’età moderna”.

Passed final examination (summa cum laude) receiving the PhD-title (“dottore di ricerca”).


teaching History of the German Language together with prof. Barbara Stein-Molinelli at the Università Cattolica (Milan)


Experience as school-teacher for English (with adults), German (High School) and Italian (for foreigners in Italy and for students of the University of Heidelberg).


Member of IVG (Internationale Vereinigung für germanische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft); “Knorr-von-Rosenroth-Gesellschaft” and “Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreis für Barockforschung”.


Present employment: two-years grant for a research project in Linguistics at the Università Cattolica, Milan.




Milan, 14.12.1999





“Wolfgang Hildebrand e la fortuna editoriale della Magia Naturalis” in: «L’analisi linguistica e letteraria» V (1997), 1, pp. 153-186.


“La ricezione della Magia Naturalis di Giovan Battista Della Porta. Cultura e scienza dall’Italia all’Europa”, in: «Bruniana & Campanelliana» V (1999), 2, pp. 277-303.


“Le traduzioni della Magia Naturalis di G. B. Della Porta. Lingua, scienza e cultura all’inizio dell’età moderna” (PhD thesis).


“Methoden und Ziele der lexikographischen Erschließung von Fachtexten der frühen Neuzeit, am Beispiel der Magia Naturalis von Giovan Battista Della Porta”, in: Wörterbücher in der Diskussion IV. Edited by von H.E. Wiegand. Tübingen, Niemeyer 2000.


Damit hierinnen kein confusion oder Verwirrung zugelassen werde. Das Übersetzen von Fachwörtern in der ersten deutschen Fassung der Magia Naturalis von G.B. Della Porta”, in: «Morgen-Glantz» X (2000).


“Alchemische Bild- und Lehrgedichte aus Handschriften des 16./17. Jahrhunderts”. Einführung, Textausgabe und Kommentare von Joachim Telle und Laura Balbiani. [In preparation, to be printed in 2000]


Translations (from German into Italian):

Hermann Hesse, Demian. Milano, SugarCo 1992.

Gerhart Hauptmann, L’eretico. Milano, SugarCo 1992.





Milan, 14.12.1999

1558 "MAGIAE NATURALIS"  By John Baptista Porta(Giambattista della Porta)

(As Transcribed by Dr. Laura Balbiani)