Issued by
the Order of the
Thelemic Golden Dawn
(Order of the T

This Ritual is to be performed
by the Dominus Liminis of the
Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn
in order to obtain the Spirit Vision.

    1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

    2. Perform the Greater Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram to invoke the Higher Element of Spirit.

    3. In the Center of the Temple, seat yourself in a comfortable posture and face East.

    4. Gaze upon the Spirit Tattwa symbol in the Center of the Temple, fixing your complete attention on it, wavering not in your concentration upon this holy symbol.

    5. Vibrate the name of the Spirit Tattwa. This may be repeated several times, to assist your concentration on the Tattwa.

    6. Transfer the image of the Spirit Tattwa symbol to a white surface, and you will see, by reflex optical action, the Spirit Tattwa symbol in its complementary color.

    7. Close your eyes and visualize the Spirit Tattwa symbol as standing before you, and enlarge the Spirit Tattwa symbol to the size of a door.

    8. Visualize yourself rising out of your physical body, and in your imagination enter the Plane of Spirit through the door, giving the Sign of the Enterer on passing through it. In this you should be robed in the color that is appropriate to the Element of Spirit.

    9. Once you are in the Plane of Spirit, remain still and trace the Invoking Pentagrams of Spirit, vibrating the Divine Names AHIH and AGLA, until a guide answering to the nature of the Spirit Element approaches you. When this guide appears, test him by tracing the Spirit Pentagrams and by giving to him the Signs of the Dominus Liminis, and if he is true to the Spirit Element he will answer you with the same Pentagrams and Spirit Signs. If not, you must banish him with the appropriate Spirit Pentagrams, then retrace the Invoking Spirit Pentagrams, and continue to vibrate the Divine Names till a guide true to the Spirit Element appears, who will then properly guide you through the vision.

    10. When the vision of the Spirit Tattwa is complete, the guide of the Element will lead you back to the door from where you commenced the vision. You should then give thanks to the guide, return as you entered through the door, and withdraw back into your physical body with the Sign of Silence.

    11. Open your eyes, stand up in the Sign of Silence, and stamp your right foot or clap your hands, bringing your awareness back to your physical body.

    12. Perform the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram; and duly record and analyze your vision in your Magickal Diary, yea, duly record and analyze your vision in your Magickal Diary.

Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn