Issued by
the Order of the
Thelemic Golden Dawn
(Order of the T

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

1. I, ............................................... [Zelator Motto], being of sound mind and body, and having resolved on this day ................................... to prosecute the Great Work, do hereby solemnly swear:

2. To utterly devote myself to the Great Work of accomplishing my True Will.

3. To understand all things.

4. To love all things.

5. To perform all things and endure all things necessary for the accomplishment of my True Will.

6. To aspire to the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.

7. To work without lust of result.

8. To banish the illusions.

9. To rely only upon myself.

10. To obtain sufficient control of the Aspirations of my own Being for the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of my Holy Guardian Angel.

May the Order crown the work, lend me of its wisdom in the work, and enable me to understand the work!

Witness my hand [Zelator Motto] ..........................................................................

Love is the law, love under will.

Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn