(The Magician)

Issued by
the Order of the
Thelemic Golden Dawn
(Order of the T

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    For those of you who are seeking to initiate yourselves into the grade of the Zelator, you should have in your possession the following material:

    1. The Instructions of the Zelator
    2. The Tasks of the Zelator
    3. The Oath of the Zelator
The Self-Initiation Ceremony of the Zelator
    5. Instructions on the Elemental Pentagram
    6. The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
    7. The Lesser Thelemic Ritual of the Pentagram
    8. Instructions on the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
    9. The Ritual of the Sphinx
    10. Instructions on the Ritual of the Sphinx
    11. The Ritual of the Tattwas
    12. Instructions on the Ritual of the Tattwas

    What you are currently reading is number 1 listed above (The Instructions of the Zelator). The following instructions are designed to help you comprehend the preliminary steps to be taken to commence the self-initiation work of the Zelator.

    In the Tasks of the Zelator there is written all that must be known concerning the actual work of the grade. Read this document carefully and contemplate the tasks until you are sufficiently satisfied that you understand the work of the Zelator. Also read the Ceremony, Oath and Rituals of the grade and then determine whether or not it is in fact your will to become a Zelator. If so, determine a new magical Motto for yourself and take the Oath of the grade. The Magical Motto should reflect your current knowledge of your own True Will.

    The Oath of the Zelator is designed to assist you in the sacramental act of doing your True Will, whereas the Oath of the Neophyte was designed to assist in the discovery of your True Will. After taking the Oath of the Zelator, you are a participant in the Mysteries of the grade. The Oath does not entail that you are recognized as an official member or initiate of the grade, only that you are aspiring to be such.

    After you take the Oath of the grade, you should then study, rehearse, and eventually perform the Self-Initiation Ceremony of the Zelator. There should be a waiting period of twelve months after performing the Self-Initiation Ceremony of the Zelator before you conduct the Self-Initiation Ceremony of the Dominus Liminis.

    Now has come the time for you to prepare yourself to take your first real step toward freedom, to become a Magician, or a genuine practitioner of the Magick Art, and to become a true initiate of the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn. May you aspire to be the highest in yourself; and may you attain the Great Work, the SUMMUM BONUM, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. In the Name of the Lord of Initiation, Sic sit vobis!

Love is the law, love under will.

Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn