Issued by
the Order of the
Thelemic Golden Dawn
(Order of the T\G\D\)
1. Touching the forehead say Atah.
2. Touching the breast say Aiwaz or IAO.
3. Touching the genitals say Malkuth.
4. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah.
5. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah.
6. Clasping the hands on the breast, say le-Olahm,
7. Advance to the East, trace the Active Spirit
Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate AHIH.
8. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the
Rending and Closing of the Veil).
9. Trace the Air Pentagram with the Sigil of
Aquarius in its Center, and vibrate IHVH.
10. Give the Sign of Air (Sign of the God Shu
supporting the Sky).
11. Turn to the South, trace the Active Spirit
Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate AHIH.
12. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the
Rending and Closing of the Veil).
13. Trace the Fire Pentagram with the Sigil of Leo
in its Center, and vibrate ALHIM.
14. Give the Sign of Fire (Sign of the Goddess
15. Turn to the West, trace the Passive Spirit
Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate AGLA.
16. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the
Rending and Closing of the Veil).
17. Trace the Water Pentagram with the Sigil of
Scorpio in its Center, and vibrate AL.
18. Give the Sign of Water (Sign of the Goddess
19. Turn to the North, trace the Passive Spirit
Pentagram with the Sigil of Spirit in its Center, and vibrate AGLA.
20. Give the Portal Signs (Signs of Spirit: the Rending and Closing of the
21. Trace the Earth Pentagram with the Sigil of
Taurus in its Center, and vibrate ADNI.
22. Give the Sign of Earth (Sign of the God Set
23. Return to the East, completing the Circle,
extend the arms in the form of a Cross, and say:
24. Before me Raphael;
25. Behind me Gabriel;
26. On my right hand, Michael;
27. On my left hand, Auriel;
28. For about me flames the Pentagram,
29. And in the column shines the Six-rayed Star.
30-35. Repeat 1 through 6, the Qabalistic Cross.