(Advanced Magician)

Issued by
the Order of the
Thelemic Golden Dawn
(Order of the T

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    The Zelator (Magician) who is aspiring to the grade of the Dominus Liminis (Advanced Magician) should have in his/her possession the following Order documents and rituals:

    1. The Instructions of the Dominus Liminis
    2. The Tasks of the Dominus Liminis
    3. The Oath of the Dominus Liminis
The Self-Initiation Ceremony of the Dominus Liminis
    5. The Greater Ritual of the Pentagram
    6. The Greater Thelemic Ritual of the Pentagram
    7. Instructions on the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram
    8. The Ritual of the Spirit Vision
    9. Instructions on the Ritual of the Spirit Vision

    What you are currently reading is number 1 listed above (The Instructions of the grade). The following instructions are designed to assist you in the comprehension of the preliminary steps to be taken to commence the work of the Dominus Liminis.

    In the Tasks of the Dominus Liminis there is written all that must be known concerning the actual work of the grade. Read this document and contemplate the tasks until you are sufficiently satisfied that you understand the work of the Dominus Liminis. Also read the Oath and the Rituals and then determine whether or not it is in fact your Will to become a Dominus Liminis. If so, take the Oath of the grade.

    The Oath of the Dominus Liminis (Lord of the Threshold) is the link to the Second Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold. It is designed to prepare you for the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel. After you take the Oath of the grade, you should perform some other magical act which will affirm your Will. You could, for instance, perform the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram or some other ritual which indicates the Power of Spirit acting upon the Four Elements. After taking the Oath of the Dominus Liminis, you are a participant in the Mysteries of the grade. The Oath does not entail that you are recognized as an official member of the grade, only that you are aspiring to be such.

    The grade of the Dominus Liminis is not really a grade in the true sense of the word. It is rather a stage of preparation for a Higher Grade of Spiritual Illumination. It is but the Crowning of the Elemental Self, which is then prepared for the sacramental act of self-transformation. It is but the awakening of the Higher Consciousness or Super-Conscious Self, but it is not the attainment of that actual form of inner consciousness. It is rather a simple form of internal awareness of the nature and being of the Spiritual Self, but it is not really the direct experience of that Solar Self. It is but a glimpse in the mind of man of the nature and being of the Inner Self, a mere reflection of something greater, and not the actual experience of Union with that True Self. The so-called grade of the Dominus Liminis is linked in a certain manner to the Sephira of Yesod on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, which is Lunar in kind, and therefore purely reflective in nature. It is an Astral Experience of the Solar Consciousness, a mere reflection of the Great Illumination.

    The Greater Ritual of the Pentagram and the Ritual of the Spirit Vision are the suggested rituals for Zelators aspiring to the so-called grade of the Dominus Liminis. Proper knowledge and application of the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram initiates the magical process of the Pentagrammaton, that is, Spirit descending upon and transforming the Four Elements into Spiritual Links with the Holy Guardian Angel. It is the transformation of the Elemental Self into the Spiritual Nature of the Microcosm. The Ritual of the Spirit Vision is a Portal Rite to the World of Spirit, permitting for the Magician to advance in consciousness to a higher grade of awareness through the astral experience and acquired knowledge of the so-called Plane of Spirit. It is the Culmination Rite of the Ritual of the Tattwas, which is an Official Zelator Ritual pertaining to the Four Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

    Now has come the time for you, as a Magician of Thelema, to progress upon the Great Ladder of the Stars. May the Spirit of Horus descend upon you and duly prepare you for the attainment of the Great Illumination, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness. And may you attain to become an Advanced Magician of the Outer Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn. In the Name of the Lord of Initiation, Sic sit vobis!

Love is the law, love under will.

Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn