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                                       SEEKING THE SIGN TO DRAGONHEIM 
                Mighty wings once carved the cumulus 
                 sowing storm filled clouds and reaping rain. 
                Soaring, we bounded the radius 
                 of the peak crowned heights of our domain. 
                    How long is the road to Dragonheim? 
                    The length of a dreamer's call. 
                    How number the miles to Dragonheim? 
                    It is none, I say, and all. 
                And the sky roared when touched by our flames 
                 it sang to words wrought in fume and smoke. 
                Firey visions dwelt within the names 
                 of numberless tribes of dragon folk. 
                    Where winds the path to Dragonheim? 
                    Hidden in a name; a secret sound. 
                    Where stands the entrance to Dragonheim? 
                    In the place never lost, though seldom found. 
                Majestic mountains once housed our young 
                 born from crystal eggs that caught the light. 
                In strong shadowed heights our dwellings hung 
                 ne'er crossed by the foes who feared our might. 

                  What shapes the trail to Dragonheim? 
                    A maze of dreams, pointing streight. 
                    How travels the way to Dragonheim? 
                    On paths of heart, devoid of hate. 
                Now the lands are gone, scourged by the ire 
                 of the modern day people's decree. 
                But spirits live on, look to the fires. 
                 You must catch our souls to set us free. 
                    In what age stands the halls of Dragonheim? 
                    Time beyond time, between the worlds. 
                    Where dwell the inhabitants of Dragonheim? 
                    They smile as your spirits soar and curl. 
              **   -  J.A. Bordeaux (Steorra Rokraven) ,  17 Feb 89 
            InterVisioN "The ParaNormal Connection" 603-547-6485 HST 