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                               ON THE NATURE OF THE AETHER 
                                     by: Anthra Andromda 
            [1]  The Anahat Shabd, the "soundless sound", is the subtlest element of  all.  It
            is the etheric essence, finer than earth, air, water, or fire,  beyond the speed of
            light... all pervasive, the source of cohesion, of electricity, of magnetism and
            gravitation, of all that exists.  
            The modern physicist E.C.G. Sudarshan has described the etheric essence of the
            Anahat Shabd in scientific terms as follows:  
                      "The ether as superfluid is consistent with relativity and quantum theory. 
            It is the support of all light, in it all bodies exist,it is attached to none, it is
            ever present beyond the limitations of time and space.  It has no inertial
            qualities, no interactions, yet it is the very substance of illumination." 
                           E.C.G. Sudarshan (preprint, University of Texas, 1974) 
            Such is the Eastern view of the aether, in the west it has been given the following
            1. An imaginary substance regarded by ancients as filling all space and making up
            the stars, etc.  
            2. In physics, as a hypothetical, invisible substance, postulated as 
            pervading space and serving as the medium for the transmission of light and other
            This Aether has been theorized and expounded upon by metaphysists for hundreds,
            perhaps thousands of years (I have so far been unable to find the true source of the
            idea). Back in the 1600 there were several Aethers, but around 1638, Rene' Descartes
            postulated a single Aether that was "all-pervasive". 
            As recently as a hundred years ago this idea was quite popular, though now it is
            dismised by science, or at least most of science. There are now several physists who
            are beginning to develop theories about the universe that look for all the world
            like theories of the Aether, though, they are using different names for the very
            ideas that the ancient metaphysists proposed. 
            Consider these two exerpts from papers written by modern physists. They are  
            going to describe two "fields" that exist in their theories, and are in all  
            likelyhood what the ancients called; the Aether. 
            [2]    Space is filled  with  an  energy field, the energy concentration of which is
            extremely large (for the  layman,  the energy field in this lecture room could
            correspond to the energy of several bombs.) 


                 This energy field  has  little  to  do with light  energy  or  solar energy,
            and instead  is  called the GRAVITON FIELD, TACHYON FIELD or NEUTRINO FIELD. 
                   There are two essential models of imagination for this field and the tachyon. 
            We are either dealing with  EXTREMELY  SHORT  WAVES  which possess VERY HIGH  ENERGY 
            electromagnetic  radiation,   or  we  are dealing with very  small  energy  units 
            which  display  a PULSATING BEHAVIOR which, in turn, determines their energy. 
                   The majority of  them  (tachyons)  may  remain relatively stationary (these
            are called  BRADYONS)  and   because   of  their  OSCILLATORY BEHAVIOR (Prof. Seike
            calls it "trembling motion"        [Zitterbewegung]), they HAVE A GREAT AMOUNT OF
                   This means that  ALL MATTER is immersed in an EXTREMELY DENSE ENERGY FIELD
            which we cannot percieve. 
                   Vangard note... 
                       Think of the Bradyon field in  its continuous jiggle as having a
            composition similar to syrup.  Rapidly moving Tachyons can  be thought of as water
            or gas. 
                       Comparison of  the  flow  speed  of the two fields shows how the Bradyon
            field could "sustain" the holographic (3d) image of the universe in a matrix of
            living energy. 
                       This opens up very interesting concepts relating  to Sheldrake's
            Morphogenetic Fields and Burrs' Electrodynamic Fields of Life. 
            [3]                       QUANTUM MAGIC 
            In quantum mechanics, reality is described by waves defining the 
            probabilities of different outcomes from the same interactions. These waves manifest
            as what we have been taught to call matter, energy, particles, and/or waves when
            These probability waves overlap and continue forever.  The interactions between
            different entities constitute a single structure of linked wave patterns, so that
            the entire universe can be thought of as an unbroken whole. The waves form a matrix,
            with all parts of the system affecting all other parts.  Non-local relationships
            exist between parts of the system that are distant from each other.  It is
            impossible to distinguish two particles of the same type in a region of space in
            which they may be found simultaneously. Particles loose their individual identity in
            such regions.  Thus, the physical universe is fundamentally unified. 


          Mr. Walker's ideas and equations would only be hypotheses if it weren't for the fact
            that they have been tested experimentally and found to predict the results of
            experiments with reasonable accuracy [4].  The evidence meets the usual rules of
            proof for scientific theory, and this makes Walker's equations legitimate scientific
            The non-local underlying wave patterns beneath manifestations of matter and energy
            that we hold in common with our surroundings allow us to influence reality and to
            obtain information about it using the power of the mind.  This underlying
            interconnecting pattern is the very stuff of consciousness  and manifests, not only
            as matter & energy, but also as psychokinesis, precognition and other phenomenon
            that are only now beginning to be recognized and embraced by some theories of modern
            Whatever the subtle level of reality underlying matter and energy, we are that
            (including our consciousness).  If hidden variables exist, we are the hidden
            variables.  It has been theorized that consciousness is an inseparable aspect of
            this underlying reality.  When our awareness connects with the deepest layer of
            reality interconnecting everything, we may experience the level of consciousness
            beyond time and form reported by many mystics.  It is this non local structure that
            we share with nature that makes it possible to "attune to nature," to psychically
            participate in nature, and to live in accordance with 
            What we are usually aware of (normal waking consciousness) is a relatively
            superficial movement in the order of things.  Behind the things we are aware of in
            waking consciousness are a vast array of less strongly linked phenomena.  This
            latter realm is commonly called the unconscious (and parts of it the subconscious). 
            The unconscious is not very accurate, since it forms a kind of ground of conscious-
            ness.  Our awareness can link with this ground of consciousness to gain information
            and to influence events. 
            As may be seen from the two quotations above modern science is developing theories
            that are harmonious with the Thelemic concept of the Universe. True they are using
            different names for the particles and fields, but they are none the less the same. 
            It should be noticed in the above that one writer talks about a particle field,
            while the other writes about probability waves. These should not be confused -- it
            is entirely likely that these are one in the same -- much like the photon, which is
            alternately thought of as a particle and a wave -- yet it is still our mundane
            This Tachyon field is in all likely-hood a field of Hadits -- after all Hadit is
            omnipresent. At any rate this does seem to fit into the current Thelemic and
            Enochian theories of that which underlies reality, and even in the worst case
            science is describing a field of RA-HOOR-KHUITs. This goes a long way to explaining,
            in modern scientific terms, why and how Magick works. 
            It is Descartes' "All-pervasive Aether" or field of infinitely small particles that
            is becoming known as the Tachyon or neutrino field by modern science. 


          In the Enochian theories, the universe is filled with a virtually infinite number of
            'infinitely small' points of consciousness, these are known as the 'Monad'. These
            Monads are the very stuff of which all things are made, and are in all likelyhood
            the 'fundimental particle' of modern science. These monads then would also be the
            'unit' particles which make up what the ancients called the aether, since at this
            level they would be indistinguishable from energy. They would also form a great
            'matrix' which would fill the material universe. 
            Since these particles are not only infinitely small, but are infinitely close
            together, any action on one given particle would have an effect on ALL others.  As
            was noted above; these particles are 'points' of consciousness. This brings to mind
            statements made by Hermes; The ALL is MIND (or something to that effect). If these
            infinitely small particles are indeed consciousness, then it would follow that the
            All or the Universe is mind. The universe would indeed be a living 'thinking'
            creature in itself -- this idea is consistant with the theories of Enochian Physics. 
            But I think I digress. As is pointed out above, modern physics is beginning to
            formulate theories that there is an 'all-pervasive' field or structure that includes
            and penetrates all things. This idea is harmonious with the ancient idea of the
            aether. Science postulates that this 'field' underlies all manifestion, the two
            exerpts above seem to agree on this point, as do the ideas of the aether. It seem to
            follow that the 'waves' that Mr. Cornett speaks of are what 'cause' what we call
            "physical manifestation", and that these waves are caused by mind (did the universe
            litterally 'think' itself into existance?). These waves could also be caused by
            aggreates of monads acting as a unit (the manifestation of an intelligent creature). 
                    The possibilities are endless, and all equally valid. So what does all this
            have to do with the price of tea in China? Just this; 
            1. It goes a long way in proving the Thelemic Cosmology, though we Thelemites would
            use different nomenclature. The Ideas of Nuit (infinite space) and Hadit (the
            infinitely small particle which fills and manifests Nuit) are beginning to be
            accepted by modern physics. The conjunction of these infinites, Ra-Hoor-Khuit, any
            and all events occuring within Nuit and Hadit, is therefore a 'given'. 
            2. It shows the mechanics of Magick. Since it can be observed that one consciousness
            affects another, it follows that one may affect the entire universe by simply
            'fixing' an idea in their consciousness. This may seem a bit
            is! The process is not an easy one, however, the rituals and processes that have
            been given us by the ancients do begin to make some sense in the light of modern
            physics. It is these ancient mechanisms that allow us to put our mundane minds into
            the proper 'frame' and therefore 'excite' our consciousness, thus allowing us to
            have a 'physical' effect on 
            or enviroment. 
            1.      S.S. Guruka Singh Khalsa, Research Associate 
                    Department of High Energy Physics 
                    Ohio State University 
                    Columbus, Ohio 
                    December 13, 1987 
            2.      The Symposium on Energy Technology in Hannover 
                    November 27 and 28, 1980 
                    Topic of the Symposium (Tachyon Field) 
                    Dr. Hans A. Nieper 


          3.      AMARANTH  Vol. E.1.1: QUANTUM MAGIC 
                    An Electronic zine by  Larry Cornett   8/22/88 
            4.      Evan Harris Walker...Scientst and author. Worked for US Army 
                       Ballistic Research Labs. at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. He is the author
            on several papers and book concerning psychic              and other para-normal
