Main Index
Mayan Deities
From Sekhet Bast Ra Lodge
The contents of this file is derived from the research
resources from within our lodge and is the sole property of
Sekhet Bast Ra Lodge. Copyright 1987.
Column XXV
Mayan Deities
Key Scale - Mayan Deities - Explanation
0 - Itzam Na - This diety encompasses all deities yet this
Diety is beyond all comprehension.
1 - Itzam Na - "one" or "unique" He is the greatest of
the Gods.
Hunab Ku - "All powerful God of no Image" I listed
this diety although information shows
this diety did not exist until after the
Spanish Conquest. It probabily came
about due to christian influence.
2 - Ohoroxtotil - Father of the Sun.
Ben Ich - "He of the Starry Sky" He is a
great infinite Jaguar (his spots are
thought to be stars and planets).
3 - Ix Chebel Yax - Mother of the Sun.
Ix Hun Zipit - Lady of the Sea.
4 - Kunku Chacs - 'Kun' means "kindly" or "tender"
'Ku' means "God".
5 - Ah Hadz'en Caan Chacs - "Lash" The Sky God.
6 - Ah Kin - "He of the Sun".
7 - Ix Ahau - "Mistress" She is the Mistress of
Creative Arts and the Master of Weaving
(she like Athene, in the Greek myths,
worked her magick on the loom).
8 - Ah Kin - as the Patron of Knowledge and Power.
9 - XAhau - "Lady Ahau" Moon Goddess Wife of Ah Kin
(the Sun God).
10 - Cobel Cab - Mistress of the Earth.
Ix Tan Dz'onot - The Child of She who Sits in the
Mud, the Child of She who emerges
from the Sand.
11 - Acan - God of Wine (Actually he rules over
intoxicating drinks such as beer, wine,
Kola, etc.) He is known for his loud
"bellowing" and his foolish behavior
He is Cacoch's aid (Cacoch is a God of
12 - Ah Kin Xoc - 'Ah kin' means "Priest". 'Xoc' means
"to count or read". He is a great
singer, musician, and poet. He won
the respect of the Sun God when he
took the guise of a Hummingbird and
wooed the Moon Goddess. Husband of
the Plumeria, the sacred flower of
Itzam Na (this flower rules Divine
Sexuality, its colors are red and
white). This Flower contained the
secret of Truth and Immortality.
13 - Ix Chel - Moon Goddess She rules over Pro-
creation, birth, medicine, and wisdom.
She is a Virgin but she had a secret
cult which she is regarded as a Sacred
Mistress to Itzam Na.
14 - Ix Ahau Na - "Palace-Lady".
15 - Canan Chul Chan - Guardian of Holy Sky. "Big
16 - Itzam Na Kinch Ahau - Old Sun God of balanced
judgement. Ruler of the
Bacabs (Elements).
17 - Xbalanque & Hunahpu - Twin Heros Brothers who
heard the Divine Call of
Itzam Na which lead them to
destroy the False Ones who
had exalted themselves and
deceived some Mayas to
worship them; and defeated
the Lords of Death.
18 - Nucuch Chacob - "The Great Chacs" Four horsemen
who are the Rain Gods. They
bring Water of Life from the
Gods to the Maya.
19 - Balanke - "Jaguar-Sun" This aspect of the Sun is
the essence of Strenght (warrior-type
strenght). He is considered a Great
Breast. All His Priests and Priestesses
are His harlots.
20 - Xob - Mother of Maize. All Maize Deities sprang
from Her seed (literally corn seed).
21 - Ek Chuah - He is the Merchant Diety, but most im-
portantly is ruled the cacao which was
the Mayan's biggest trade commodity.
22 - Itzam Na - as Great God who oversees Justice
between the Gods and the Mayan who
worships the Gods.
23 - Ku Kulcan - The Aztecs called Him "Quetzalcoatl".
He is the God of Self-sacrifice which
was done so the Maya could survive
and gain acknowledgement of Itzam Na.
Some myths place Him as the Judge of
the dead (but I would take this with
a gain of salt).
24 - Yum Cimil - "Lord of Death".
25 - Zip - Protector of the Deer (according to myth
the Deer created the Vagina of the Moon
Goddess by stepping on Her abdomen and then
she was able to bear children of the Sun
God. Note the sole of deer's foot looks like
a Vagina). Zip would deceive hunters to
believe he was shooting a deer when in fact
it was a iguana (a sacred animal of Itzam
Na; to kill one incites the Death penalty).
To those who gained Zip's Favor meant a
successful hunt.
26 - Ah Ahaah Cab - "Awakener" He is associated with
the Morning Star (Venus).
27 - Cit Chac Coh - "Father Red Great Puma" The Lord
God of War.
Buluc Chabtan - The God of Human Sacrifice and War.
28 - Bolon Tzcab - The Ruling-Lineage Diety. He kept the
Line of Itzam Na pure and made sure the
Nobility of the Maya was strong.
29 - XAhau - as Moon Goddess.
30 - Kinich Ahau - "Sun-Eyed Lord" It is said He had
a golden Sun eye (some say it was
almond eye) at the place of His
Ajna Chakra.
31 - Hun Kak - "Unique Fire" The Divine Fire that
consumes all what ever remains is
prepared for Divinity.
32 - Ben Ich - "He of the Starry Sky"