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                              SPRING EQUINOX CEREMONY   

          A wheel symbol stands on the altar; it may be anything that feels 
     suitable a cut out disc painted yellow or gold and decorated with 
     spring  flowers, a circular mirror, around brass  tray.   The High Priest's
     robe,  if any, and accessories should be symbolic  of the Sun; any metal he
     wears should be gold, gilt,brass or bronze.   The altar, if indoors, should
     be decorated  with  springflowers  particularly the  yellow  ones  such  as
     daffodils,primroses, gorse, or  forsythia. One banquet should  be ready for
     handing to the Spring Queen, and a chaplet of flowers for her crowning. The
     Spring Queen is one of the younger women in the Coven.    

          The cauldron is placed in the center of the circle, with an unlit 
     candle in it. If outside, and conditions permit, a bonfire is made ready to
     light. A taper is placed ready on the altar for the Maiden to carry fire to
     the High Priest.

          A phallic wand is on the altar.

          Half as many cords as there are people present are ready on the 
          altar, tied together at their center point in a single knot. If 
          there is an odd number of people, add one before dividing by two.

          As part of the feasting and offering to the Gods, you can use hard 
          boiled eggs with painted shells. These symbolize the World Egg, 
          laid by the Goddess and hatched by the heat of the Sun of the God.

     The High Priest moves to  stands in the East, and the High Priestess in the
     West, facing each other over the unlit bonfire. The High  Priestess carries
     the  phallic wand  in her  right  hand. The  rest of  the Coven  distribute
     themselves around the rest of the perimeter of the Circle.

     The High Priestess says:
            "We kindle this fire today
          In presence of the Holy Ones,
          Without malice, without jealousy, without envy,
          Without fear of aught beneath the Sun
          But the High Gods.
          Thee we invoke, O Light of Life,
          Be Thou a bright flame before us,
          Be Thou a guiding star above us,
          Be Thou a smooth path beneath us;
          Kindle Thou within our hearts
          A flame of love for our neighbors,
          To our foes, to our friends, to our kindred all,
          To all men on the broad earth.
          O merciful Son of Cerridwen,
          From the lowliest thing that liveth
          To the Name which is highest of all."


             The High Priestess holds the phallic wand  on high and walks slowly
     deosil around the bonfire or cauldron to stand in front of the High Priest.
     She says:

          "O Sun, be Thou ready to conquer the Dark!"

             The High Priestess presents thephallic wand the High Priest andthen
     steps to one side.
             The High Priest holds up the wand in  salute and replaces it on the
             The Maidenlights the taper fromone of the altarcandles and presents
          it to the High Priest. The Maiden then steps to one side.
             The High  Priest carries the taper to the bonfire and lights it. He
     gives the taper back to the Maiden, who blows it out and replaces it on the
     altar. She then picks up the cords and gives them to the High Priest.

            The High  Priestess arranges  everyone around  the fire, man  facing
     woman as far as  possible. The High Priest hands out the  ends of the cords
     in  accordance with  her instructions,retaining  on end  of the  final cord
     himself  and handing the other end of it to the High Priestess. If there is
     an odd number of people, with more men then women, he holds on to  two cord
     ends himself, or if more women then men, the High Priestess does the  same.
     Either  way, both of them  must be linked with  two members of the opposite

          When everyone  is holding a cord,  they all pull the  cords taut, with
     the central  knot above the  fire. They then  start circling deosil  in the
     Wheel dance,  building up speed, always keeping the cords taut and the knot
     over the fire. Any chant can be used that sounds good.

                     Thenthe Covenall sitin acircle roundthe fire.The HighPriest
     gathers up the cords, being careful not to let them get burned and replaces
     them on the altar.

          The High Priest  names one  of the women  to be  the Spring Queen  and
     stands her in front of the altar. He crowns her with the chaplet of flowers
     and gives her the Five Fold Kiss.

                     The HighPriest stepsback andcalls forward eachman inturn to
     give the Spring Queen the FiveFold Kiss. When the last man has done so, the
     High Priest presents the Spring Queen with her bouquet.
          Then,  starting with the Spring  Queen, everyone jumps  over the fire,
     singly or in couples, not forgetting to wish.

     Farrar, Janet and Stewart; "Eight Sabbats For Witches"; Robert   Hale 1983
