Two items of bad news in one issue. Firstly, Candid Crest and Black Candles have ceased publication; their Editor found the pressures insupportable. We regret the loss, but have some idea of the problems which were encountered and can understand the very hard decision which was taken.


Secondly, we have had to discontinue our exchange advertising with Abrasax and Ganymede in view of their Editors’ expressed support for the criminal activity known as paedophilia. I am not attempting to place DL in the uncomfortable position of arbiter of sexual mores, but such activity is not only illegal, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Occultism and could actually impede one’s development, as has been explained in DL and in lengthy correspondence with Abrasax and Ganymede.


It is regrettable that such drastic action as the termination of relations with other magazines has become necessary.



Taken from the Dark Lily Journal No 8, Society of Dark Lily (London 1989).