Machine Translation of the german version of "Sexual energy und Yoga" by Elisabeth Haich Machine translation program used: "@promt Professional Translator (English-German) 7.0" Elisabeth Haich - Einweihung 1954.pdf 9 scanned and proofread by M.T. Of this E-Book is not determined for the sales! PREFACE THE SO-CALLED MODERN AGE DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY is with theirs to theoretical researches and by the practical exercise of her Psychotherapy completely by itself with the mythology and the religion come in touch. Legends and fairy tales become under deep-psychological To points of view understood seen and. Also them Mysticism and the alchemy of the Middle Ages become in the deep-psychological Research included. Also have themselves with the eastern ones Philosophy and religions often touch points proves. The respect between yoga and depth psychology is especially clear. Indeed, the deep-psychological researchers from the fact move of the manifold touches between depth psychology and yoga different ends. Depth psychology and yoga are equated each other more or less, experiences by yoga and meditation become as deep-psychological Symbolism understood, or the yoga becomes done by the depth psychology tries to explain. 10 J. H. Schultz puts many common characteristics firmly between the upper stage of the autogenous training and the Raja yoga. He also holds for the work of the autogenous training the comparison with the technology of the Hatha yoga for especially instructive. Then they correspond passive couch practise and seat practise postures of the autogenous one Trainings two Asanas of the Hatha yoga, namely of the basic seat posture and the dead person's posture. To the Hatha yoga exercises, with Movements are connected, and to the yoga respiration the autogenous one has Training in the opinion of Schultz no respect. Schultz hopes by the autogenous training the real continuance of the yoga just to be able to conquer, how according to his view the real continuance mystic magnetism by the rational Hypnotherapie conquers became. However, the autogenous training is no method, in reality the being Hatha-or Raja yoga academically ascertained and has evaluated, but it is not really understood yet, a half-understood yoga. The conquest of the real continuance of the Hatha yoga and Raja yoga can by the autogenous training take place only so that the autogenous training becomes the yoga. Besides, is to be followed, that it, indeed, different yoga ways, calls different yoga forms, but only one purpose with the yoga gives. Today also as a half-understood yoga the autogenous training is certainly one of the most beneficial methods of the psychotherapy. How then beneficially only a really understood yoga could for them Be depth psychology and the psychotherapy! Last keeps up the highest states of consciousness, which Yoga exercises and meditation can be reached, for forms the hypnosis. The fact, that yoga and meditation carefully in the area of the deep-psychological research included become, hold 11 we for absolutely right. Only this research may not in him Attempt pass, the phenomena of the yoga and the meditation with to the present state of our deep-psychological knowledge explain to want. This leads to fallacies. The researchers must go rather at first once even some years of yoga exercises do and meditate and then try to describe what she experiences have. Then after such researches the depth psychologists would become in be of the position, states of enlarged consciousness of states decreased To be able to make a distinction of consciousness. Also about this Beings of the phenomena which they assign today everything of the hypnosis, if they won then more clearness. At the beginning of the deep-psychological era became the available being of the unconscious of many psychiatrists on grounds of theirs of theoretical knowledge rejected. Who at that time already by deep-psychological Work on itself and to patient the power Unconscious had found out practically, could about this refusal only smile. Now similarly it goes for us, if we the deep-psychological Treatises about yoga and meditation read. Who practices yoga and meditation longer time, experiences clearly him Difference between the today's state of the depth psychology and to the yoga. The highest steps of the yoga exercises and her A meditation are since no hypnotic states with reduced one or restricted consciousness, but it are states topmost consciousness with a big heightening of awareness. Jung calls the deep-psychological analysis the today's one Form of the inauguration, the initiation. The internal-mental processes, 12 itself in the analysis pass the ball, become from him with the development compared which a person goes through before and by the inauguration. Jung holds the big eastern philosophers for symbolic ones Psychologists. The "diamond body" of the east, the " resurrection body « of the Christians, Jung sees as strange psychological ones Facts in. He also holds the whole medieval alchemy for psychological symbolism. Jung speaks from and from the way to Even, he speaks of Christ as an archetype. Jung is right certainly if he demands, that the so-called metaphysical psychically must be learnable, because it, otherwise, not at all on the people could work. Jung wants about the metaphysical no statements do, but describe the form, in this Metaphysical is learnable psychologically. This form is for him the symbol. Therefore, it stays open with Jung, whether this, from which he speaks, the same one is like Even of the yoga. It stays open, whether the " archetype of Christ « to " living Christ « corresponds. Jung compares religious and philosophical mind property from him The east and width under the point of view more psychologically Besides, symbolism and ascertains big differences. He compares to Example » sorry-weighted hero Christ « with the " golden flower « of the east or puts to the " historical personal one Christ « the word of the eastern wise moment Ming King towards: » Without forming, without offense, without past, without Future. « However, these confrontations are skew, because Jung, besides, forms of expression passed away of high knowledge steps with each other compares. If is already compared, the comparisons must go in The east and west at the same level of the knowledge carried out become. With right comparison stands to the "golden flower" of the east in 13 The west the "rose cross" towards. The counterpart of the words Then wow Ming Kings is the word of Christ: » Before then Abraham was, if I am. « We are of the view, that with such really hired comparisons no difference between him exists, what the east and The west want to express. The essential difference between the view Jungs and of our view lies to believe, that the border of the metaphysical, is learnable psychologically, for the person, Yoga practices and meditates, has moved substantially further than for one People, to itself under deep-psychological points of view brings near to the metaphysical. Yoga and meditation or the exercises of the rose cruisers open in the metaphysical an area of experience, which of the depth psychology even today is closed. The descriptions, the eastern way of her experiences in Yoga and meditation give, no symbols are for psychological ones Experience, but are these experiences themselves. The " diamond body « of the east, the "resurrection body" of the Christian west, if symbol is finely for a psychological fact, but this is Fact. And the alchemy does not wear itself out in that Description of deep-psychological events, but they describes a process of development, in the person on body and Soul proceeds and him really, and not symbolically, to Realization of the mind in the resurrection body leads. The depth psychology owes them to Jung endlessly a lot, while he on the way to the eastern wisdom, to the yoga and to the meditation has pointed. Only this way from the depth psychologists must go also become really gone. 14 Not to be misunderstood, we would like to stress, that we do not set possibly the yoga of the today's depth psychology want. It should only that one to the other in a right one Relation are brought. Yoga is same in reality of her Depth psychology higher. Not the yoga is in the depth psychology, but the depth psychology is included in the yoga. The yoga must go a signpost his for the future research of her Depth psychology. Yoga contains since everything, what about subconscious, Deliberate and Überbewußtes can be stated. Indeed, none may with the investigation of these statements to theoretical considerations are done, but the researchers if experiences must collect by own exercises. Regular, longer time carried out yoga exercises are not possibly without discussion with itself for the purposes of the today's depth psychology. The yoga followers who believe, they could go the yoga way, without himself with her own to have to put apart personal unconscious, are very much in Mistake. The yoga exercises are good for the people, they become thereby gesünder, more vividly and more efficiently. But once comes with every person who practices yoga and meditates, the internal one Development of a point, in without fail also them Discussion begin with the personal unconscious must go. If then this discussion does not occur, originates also with the yoga-practicing neurosis. On the other hand, everybody becomes, with perseverance and logic after deep-psychological methods works on himself, one day Experiences do which confessed about the area to us Depth psychology go out and only in the yoga are described. It is the sense of the yoga and the sense of the depth psychology, To extend consciousness. With the deep-psychological treatment 15 from neuroses unconscious, becomes, actually, to the living conditions after should be already aware, high in the consciousness. With of the healing of neuroses by psychotherapy this becomes Consciousness of the person on the state normal for him brought. Also while practicing the yoga unconscious is made deliberate. By yoga exercises and by meditation the human one can Consciousness, however, after the normal state to a higher one Consciousness are extended. Who has learned now in deep-psychological work, unconscious to do consciously, thereby knows also already around the method, with he extends the normal consciousness to a higher consciousness can become. Who by psychotherapy of a neurosis cured became, can develop his consciousness lighter higher than one The average person to whom realization is quite foreign. Experiences, while overcoming the grievous neurosis must be done, can bring along the person, that he the process of the gradual human consciousness development learns to understand and then this development consciously promotes. Here probably lies for the person the deeper sense of the psychological ones Verknotung which we call neurosis. And here also lies of her deeper sense of the work of the psychotherapist, the assistance with gives to the consciousness development. Elisabeth Haich shows in this book, what the sexual strength is real and how this strength by yoga to the highest consciousness it can be converted. Sexuality and the highest consciousness are two different forms of expression him a creative one divine strength, the logo. Sexual strength as a niederste form Logos can in the person to the highest form of the logo, to divine consciousness become. 16 With the description of this change of the forces becomes whole clearly that the yoga also encloses the mental processes, which we today when call depth psychology. However, besides, it also becomes apparently, how far the yoga about the today's depth psychology stretches beyond. Elisabeth Haich warns the people about it, consciousness steps to want to leap over. She explains, how the power of the sexual ones By virtue of crosses recognized and the sexuality crosses must be lived, before it can be converted. The author of the book points also, which false postures and disturbances with the person originate if he wants to carry out a consciousness development, to he is not ripe yet. Here the whole modern one meets us Psychology of the unconscious. Then steps of the consciousness development are described, which does not know the depth psychology yet. Also the magic ones The forces which the person attains by an enlarged consciousness, are discussed, and the nature of these forces is indicated. While reading the book kicks to us in the consciousness, that Freud this real beings of the sexuality intuitively has properly felt. Be whole life long he has struggled for the concept of the "libido" and him over and over again anew formulates. He wanted the libido not only in to narrow senses of the sexuality, but in a lot of other, enclosing one Senses understood know. Freud has also seen the fact, that sexuality in spiritual-creative By virtue of it can be converted, and has this process Sublimation called. Sublimation and the process, which Elisabeth Haich as a change of the sexual strength describes, however, are not the same one. Sublimation is understood by Freud as a possibility, without displacement to be able to finish sensibly with the sexuality. 17 by yoga converted sexual strength against it should the person lead to the highest consciousness. However, Freud has in brilliant way in the "libido" the forces and in the "sublimation" the possibilities recognized, for the human one Consciousness development are essential and necessary. Increasing realization is the sense of the human one Of life, and the highest consciousness is the purpose of the human ones Development. This development goes step by step from the unaware one Propelling people to the deliberate God-man. The today's depth psychology can help us, this developing way to go far a piece, can only lead to the purpose us Yoga and meditation. Helmut Speer 18 [This side is unprinted] 19 INTRODUCTION This book was written about a person, his thoughts with easy words may express and therefore, maintains the old, not yet spent words, without for concepts, in the oldest books of the humanity already have been named, new, academically sounding words to apply. Thus becomes in this book the primary sources all life, can be explained by no scientist, with old word "God" named. If we occur to ourselves new words leave to prevent, that the people her old mistakes in connection with the contents of this word furthermore maintained, then the people become her wrong ones Images on the contents of the new words transfer. To fight against ignorance is vain. Those but, under the so-called modern names one right God's concept anticipate, also become him under the old one Word "God" understand. Why we should the words do change? We may be contented, if we in the deepest ones Depth of our soul a modest, andachts20 full notion of GOD can have. With according to mind one One cannot reach knowledge GOD. Knowledge, can recognize one compare only by - by the tree of the knowledge We can do good and bad persons-, but GOD with nothing, with purely nothing at all compare. Therefore we never can also do GOD recognize, we can never know what GOD is, we can Only be a God. Scientists give way to this concept and word "God" with embarrassing care from. One feels the fear, that it at the end could not sound scientific enough, if they the easy one Word "God" use. But only those have this Fear which real, real scientists are not. Since if, for example, Spinoza, Newton or Einstein by them Science of mathematics have reached there, GOD as to find the last origin all being to understand and his To recognize existence as proven, then can also in this Book with good conscience the ancient biblical word "GOD" as Name are maintained for the origin all origin. This word does not become here in religious-sentimental Senses, but for the purposes of Spinozas, Newton and Einsteins uses. We are contented, if the reader the same deep one Devotion, reverence and humility before this word experiences, how they these biggest scholars of the older and new time felt. In these feelings the easy person meets him really big scientist, how to itself in the portrayal the Bible the easy shepherds with on the highest step of the knowledge to standing magicians have dripped. We have tries to express the things so, that they of the easy ones "Shepherds" up to the "magician" equally well are understood. 21 A problem also signified the word "love" to me. Because they Hungarian language for the different dear revelations different expressions has, we have Hungary no understanding for it, how one GOD, the parents, a child, the native country, Lovers, the next one, but also a dog or a horse with the same word can "love". The Hungarian language has for all these different kinds of love different expressions, they show unambiguously how and whom we love. For this Understand of this book, however, it is very important, that we them to different feelings of the love understand properly. Thus must go I to avoid misunderstandings, the different ones Kinds of "love" with paraphrases make clear. Thereby if the text often became slower than I wanted it. But I if no other choice had. Also, otherwise, the speech will be in this book of things, for the words suitable into no western language available are. If we think with which difficulties we fight must go if we want to describe only one dream properly. In the depth there are no dimensions, no time concept, often also no personal feeling. How one can do them The experiences which happen in the depth of the soul and which we when pure being states experience in us, describe, if none to suitable words exist for it? It prepared to me big difficulties, about concepts none speaks, for in the German good and suitable upper settlement is to be found, still bigger difficulty but to make clear, concepts, for here in the west generally no words exist. This is why it is, for example impossibly, Sanskrit, Chinese, tibetanische or Hungarian ones 22 To translate texts into western languages. One tries it thus with paraphrases. But in spite of all strain, being states with words to make comprehensible, these descriptions remain only exterior representations of the events. It if no being states, as long as become from it the reader himself these descriptions in itself, in his inside, not, ah, one Being state is able to experience. What is said here, counts in the same way to both genders. In the text I still have in general only from Man spoken, because it would have been too laborious, every time to repeat the same for the woman. In the German if it is not possible, about the sexual problems of the person to speak in neutral form. For example, one must go either the name "partner or female "partner" uses, or one must speak about "his" or "her" love. Around him Not to make text unbearably slow, I have them » Crown of the creation «, the man, electively, the problems of her To discuss sexuality. So that no misunderstanding originates, if I liked to stress, however, that everything, what in this book about them Sexuality and about the development of the consciousness said has become, just refers to the woman like on the man. This book, like every book about yoga, has only one deep-active value, if one that, what here written down became into which practise transfers and tries out in itself. One can to a starving and coveting person still in such a way nice descriptions of the best and most nutritious ones Food and most refreshing drinks gives; if he them still reads so keenly, but just only reads, is never fed he. He becomes 23 after the reading of the nicest books still hungry and is thirsty and a searching for food and drink remain. - We must practice yoga and not only about that read! - That counts to the contents of this book in special one Mass, nevertheless, it intends the deepest secrets of the higher ones To reveal step of the yoga. This secret of the higher ones Step of the yoga is the Anheizung and the use of the latent ones Nerve center and cerebral centers, the seat of the mental centers, in the yoga philosophy "Tschakras" are called, and them Application in addition solely absolutely to necessary ones Of heating material - the sexual strength. Aforesaid secret, however, in to transfer the practise and his truth in itself to try out to get to know and extensive use from it to move, we leave to the searching, that the last Springs of the life longs to find. The starving and Coveting one must eat just itself and drink! As a last and maybe most important I would like to note, that this book only such person a right signpost can be, they the precipitous way to the kingdom of heaven from one unextinguishable thirst for GOD want to enter. People, smash therefore this way, because they to the fight of the worldly one and the internal life own no courage, can no use from my instructions pull. But also for those, which a life in the world - them, actually, about everything wish - for any reason cannot reach, thus for people, the worldly life not yet behind themselves have and only because of fear or helplessness search GOD, can do this book at best a strange reading, maybe signify even an experiment. Only for the real Gott24 to searching ones it does not have the highest meaning, because as long as we Sinners could be, we cannot become adults. non-lived out childhood pulls back us! I carry an Asian original language as a mother tongue in myself, this is why many words lacking into German were, as said, to circumscribe. These difficulties helped to bridge Angel's patience my dear friends and female friends, which I says for it also at this point tender thanks. It is to me one real concern, these thanks in special litre of beer on man To expand Dr. Helmut Speer, that the book by a preface moreover, a row of valuable tips enriched and to me gave. Elisabeth Haich 25 WHAT IS A SEXUALITY? In GOD two poles rest in a perfect unity, in an absolute balance and rest state into each other. In this state there is no tension, but also none Creation. The creation begins with the fact, that the negative pole from the unity hinausgeschleudert becomes, two poles thereby of each other distinguish and each other as a strength and opposition face. The unity still hears between him both Poland, they may go away of each other still so far, on, they belong never together in all eternity; they can never separate of each other completely, the unity exists between the both further than one extensively strong ones, magic tension, two poles incessantly, without Respite, to each other moves back, around the Urzustand To reach Ineinanderruhens again. The whole creation is built up on this tension. Without them no creation, no life is possibly, because this Tension itself is the life. Every living being carries them but it could do both Poles in itself, as his own life, 26 at all do not live. The person has the seat of the positive pole in to his skull, the negative pole in the coccyx, and the tension between the both is the life. The life must be continued in new living beings, and so that a new living being originates, is absolutely necessary, that two opposite poles together one new life tension form, on that the new living being it is built up. Even if every living being, also the person, the tension of the life between both Poles in his Spine carries, it reveals in his body still only one Pole, the supplement from the outside here expecting, around the life in to be able to transmit to a new living being. In his he has physical consciousness as a person no notion, that he in his mind, in his true being both poles in carries. He identifies with his body, after that today's order of the nature only one pole manifests, and if a supplement looks from the outside, from another person here which reveals the opposite pole in his body. The perfect Einswerden two Poles is in the body impossibly, because the matter in isolation, distinguishes and offers resistance. However, two poles still strive for it, in and by to become the body one, and they search a way out, around to reach the Ineinanderruhen, nevertheless, and the Urzustand to copy at least. Two poles reveal themselves in Body by two genders, by means of the gender organs, a physical Einswerden sexually, on short time, accomplish. Because the Ineinanderruhen two Poles the Urzustand of God, the being, the life is, originates from to the Wiedereinswerden two Poles - from 27 Meeting of both genders - in a suitable one in addition Cell a new tension, a new life, a new one Living beings. This carries the divine tension of the life again in itself, but in his body it reveals again only a pole - a gender-, by which the life on that Earth by means of the always recurring union of her Genders it is transmitted. This is a sexuality. The strength which reveals itself by the sexuality and this Connection between mind and matter is and the important one Ability owns, to a mind in the body hineinzuhelfen, one to generate new life in the matter, call the people » the sexual strength «. The person, however, although with his consciousness from him heavenly Urzustand, in both poles into each other rest, fallen out, feels, even if quite unconsciously, Possibility of this Urzustandes and longs from the revelation half in the entirety back, which he in his To mind, in his own life carries which it was always himself and is and will be always. He does not anticipate this, that he Urzustand, in his own his consciously a whole to will reach » still in his physical, earthly life can, and still less he anticipates, that the only means, to him helps in addition, his own sexual strength is. The sexual one By virtue of a secret helps with the carrying for the person in itself, to generating new living beings has nothing to do. How they sexual strength to him from the spiritual state in the body hineingeholfen has, she can to the person also completely consciously in his divine Urzustand in which it is a Ganges, zurückhelfen. However, this secret signifies at the same time also, that of her 28 Person by the qualities of the sexual strength - if he this life-giving and life-generating strength is not economical, but for his own body keeps - on the one hand his Bodies with new life fill, the life energy in him higher increase, him in fresh youth receive or can regenerate, on the other hand by the increased life energy his higher ones Nerve center and cerebral centers, up to now in a latent one State were, wake, light a fire and can activate. This Nervous networks and cerebral centers in the body serve for it, to purely spiritual foci, they the person in his spiritual one Being carries - she calls the Indian yoga philosophy them "Tschakras" - to carry as an opposition and to manifest them. And if by the effect of the not spent ones, but for itself, for own body withheld life-donating sexual strength these foci or Tschakras become able to manifest itself, then the person attains the rule about the forces of the nature, in his own like also by his consciously developed, suggestive-hypnotic By virtue of in every living being. He attains the divine Allbewußtsein, if becomes a whole, an enlightened, a magic person, a white magician. To the secret, how a person this step of the Allbewußtseins with the help of the controlled sexual strength reach and how he can attain the rule about the natural forces, if this book liked to be a signpost. But to none everybody! Since: There are two things people on earth. The living persons who are already "people". And they The dead people who are only only "men" and "women". The living persons like the dead people carry a body on themselves 29 - they live in a body-, and there the human body according to the today's order of the nature only one half of the whole, reveals only one pole, the living persons carry like they Dead people in the body even half of the whole, a pole, a gender. Although the living persons also a body have and maybe a healthy gender life based on love they lead, are still aware of that, that the sexuality and all problems which originate from the sexuality, come only from the body, only to the body zugehören, but not to her true being, her mind, theirs I. The mind - this protects I-, also this, called, has no gender, looks consequently one in his mind, in his to true beings realized person, a more awoken, one Living person, in all no more the half, but the whole, the absolute, no more the transient, the physical, but the everlasting, the divine. His problems come not from the sexuality of the body, but at most from the contrast between earthly-physical and to the spiritual-divine. His purpose is to become conscious in spirit and over the body and about all forces, to him in his are available to true beings, the absolute rule to attain. These people stand in her Bewußtseim about that Sexuality, about the gender and are already a "person", even if they maybe still physically her sexuality realize. Their purpose is to reach, what the highest map Tarockspiels so appropriately illustrates: big, the big one I which reveals no more gender, because it the both Genders in himself has made deliberate and consequently one Whole is, the small person, lets on his palm 30 physical being is and still belongs to a gender, how a small puppet as revelation tools dance, because her role wishes it in the earthly-material world so. The "dead people", in the mind still unconsciously and only one purely physical Existence leading which themselves do not live yet, only to her Body lives, are for the time being still separate gender beings and even think in the borders of the gender. They are still the small puppets, the small persons, on the palm of the big one I herumtanzen and her roles play. They are only half of the whole, they are only "men" and "Women". For them only sex exists, but nothing at all. Also of her other big desire, the selfpreservation desire, exists for them only as a servant of the sensuousness and the sex: they eat, drink and nibble, only for the pleasure and only around possibly to be healthy, around strength so much sexual from the body like to squeeze out possibly and to be able to be economical. Itself one Existence create, money earn, career do, contact with other people produce, everything what they think, speak, say, write and act, has only one single motive : the sexual desire. Their highest ambition and pride is on the topmost step of the sexual power and To stand conquest ability. Because they never in spirit consciously were, remains to them, as soon as by the excessive exploitation the physical abilities decrease, naturally nothing but her own infinite emptiness, and them fall with him Setting of the body in always increasing darkness and Senilität. Their mind is in the birth in the body hineingestorben, her consciousness lives and also dies with him Lives and death of the body. Christ calls this » the dead people, her dead people begra31 ben ... «, and Paulus calls them » the natural people, the language of the mind do not understand and as a folly look ... «. For this this book was not written, because they it anyway do not understand, but look as a folly would become. However, there are "people" who have already noted, that not only such people on the earth live, with the age senile and become also weak, but that at all times People were, with the age - often with very much old age- not only not senile, but every single day more and more spiritually, always more knowing, were wiser and wiser, were mightier and more potent and preserved even the beauty of her body, as for example Goethe. There are people who have already noted, that two things human beings on the earth live, we call them, as we want, living persons and dead people, awoken and sleeping, Deliberate and unconscious, the background of this difference would like to anticipate and follow these examples. For them if this book was written. For those, already would like to understand or understood, why Paulus to us said has: » What you are afraid before the death, you gate: we if everything changes us, but we fall asleep not everything! « That is we lose in the death not everything the consciousness. For everything, the way from the Sklaventum of the body in the freedom Of mind look, this book was written. We would like the crystallized and mellow results of her ancient yoga philosophy and in several decades to done own observations and accumulated experiences transmit. These experiences did not become from books taken, not by most different ausgeklügel32 to the ten scientific theses which change all ten years, influences, but they became, from every forced one Influence freely, found on own way, find out and experiences. At this point it is necessary, a little bit especially to stress. How there are not two same people, there is also not two same ways. The destinies of the people are very much, very much passed away, and thus the ways are up also, to those we everything weiterwandern to reach to the final goal, very much passed away. It is extremely rare, that two people, belong to the opposite gender, meet, in a perfect, harmonious internal togetherness the supplement of the other represent and form with each other a really making happy unity. But even more seldom it happens, that two people, this miraculous togetherness have found, them one the long life up to which deaths can maintain. If People as a destiny the unusual present of God assign became, in such an internal togetherness to be allowed to live, then they like this rare unity with all Gratitude enjoy. If they get this book in the hands, if they can be persuaded that it does not determine for them is. However, they should not forget, that it also many Gives to people, maybe a similar togetherness found, but by different events in of short time have lost again and have remained alone. And also that there still is very much, many, such Togetherness never, in her whole life never found have, but her life from beginning till the end only 33 must lead, as if GOD wanted to show to them, that they them Solution of her life not in a common characteristic, but on other way must search and found. This, and also such person, from a deep internal urge GOD look and appear want, this book can do a help and Be a signpost to the redemption. We do not have the intention, person, on the yoga Away want to make progress, from the healthy human ones Setting towards the earthly life and the earthly ones To deflect love and to lead away. Just vice versa: it is our intention to lead there everybody to her, because the starting point of our way may and can be only the health. However, yoga is gesündeste and, therefore, the shortest way of her human development up to the highest purpose, to GOD. This way, from the first awakening, from the deepest, dawning ones, still half-animal consciousness step up to perfect ones Self-knowledge and to the divine self-confidence, to the true being state in GOD, we call yoga. And because the driving force to walk on this way to the person and on him on and on to rise higher and higher helps, forces him even to it, after her manifestation in Their lowest step, in the body, where they crossing, connection between mind and matter explains which is sexual strength, in such a way if yoga and the sexual strength are not of each other apart conceivable! To enter the yoga way does not signify, that we with temperate one Lives should start. At the beginning of the yoga Of way we must learn first in every regard, how one healthy, with the nature and not against the nature, lives. In addition if belongs the healthy 34 Food and drinking and of course also a healthy erotic one Lives. Yoga teaches us, how one in spirit, in the soul, consequently also in the body first becomes healthy and how one lives healthy. How a person could give up the sexual life, if he generally yet a healthy sexual life does not know, what does signify? The other steps, on which one more and more from him Body grows out and becomes more spiritual, would become every person by the natural development of the consciousness anyhow reach, because this development lies in us, how of a flower or plant is inherent that it catches first root, then foliage agrees, flowers brings, around the climax in the end to reach: to bring out the fruit of himself, because this purpose already when it was one more seed, in her slumbered. Person also already carries in himself as a seed the ability, the highest purpose - to reach GOD - and a God-man to become. However, according to the laws of the nature lasts this way the natural development very much long, maybe millennium; he is very laborious and grievous and needs a lot of embodiment. Nevertheless, the person carries a confidential possibility in itself, in his own sexual strength, with which he this development and can reach development in much shorter time. How one can do flowers with artificial means, that they blossom much earlier when they would blossom in the nature outdoors, thus the person can do his internal way of the Bewußtwerdens with different yoga methods, they our internal development accelerate, much earlier bring to the maturity. Developing steps if one cannot leap over, but one can do that Time like an accordion crush. How the flower 35 to this process increased warmth inevitably has, so need also the people for your quickened development by the confidential fire kindled increased warmth, higher heated life energy. The heating material in addition - the confidential one Fire the rose cruiser - is, as already said, the sexual one By virtue of. Between the natural ones and with the help of the sexual ones However, by virtue of quickened development very much a big one exists Difference. He consists in it not only, that one the purpose, Allbewußtsein, reaches much faster, but also in the fact, that the person, if he in the time, in which he this possibility gets to know and in the practise transfers, still in the possession his full sexual power is, not only the spiritual development in much shorter time can stride through, but also at the same time in the sexual strength covertly lying ones life-making a donation energy, converted in divine-creative strength, in his possession take and under his yoke demand can. Hence, the name of this system: Yoga "yoke". This Forces give them often to the person as a concomitant to described magic abilities, which we from the life of big saints and yogi know - in the yoga philosophy "Siddhis" called-, as for example Hellsichtigkeit, Regeneration of own body, miracle healings, Austreibung from demons, arousal of dead people, Levitation, telepathic and prophetic abilities et cetera. In one single life reach this highest purpose only those, already from earlier lives a nervous system have brought which owns the necessary opposition the last, most difficult cycle of the way, the high frequency 36 the higher and higher increasing tension healthy, without illness to endure of the nerves. We may not forget, that the opposition of our nervous system, if it still in such a way is elastic and unexpected tension differences without illness can bridge and endure, however, a border has. If we think, that between a gorilla and a primitive one Prehistoric men a lot of lower difference is than between to the primitive prehistoric man and a God-man. How one cannot expect, that himself a gorilla in one to the only lives develops to a person, because his physical one Constitution this difference do not bridge could, we can still expect less and force, that from a primitive or also from an average person, has just "awoken", in one single life a completely deliberate, cerebral God-man becomes. The elasticity of his nerves would not be sufficient in addition. If one could say to a gorilla, however, how he his to undeveloped cerebral centers with constant practicing develop consciously could, and then he would really practice and they Letters, figures and other, him absolutely unknown things tried to learn and to practiced, then he would become significant reach faster the degree of the person, even if not in to his present gorilla's life. If we probably understand: Gorilla could not do his head form, consequently his brain in such a way far develop and change that he becomes a person, but he could do the highest degree of his possibilities as a gorilla reach, and in the next life he would already become one much entwickelteren body and a suitable nervous system bring, which he with continuous deliberate practicing again up to him 37 to his nervous system the suitable highest degree entwikkeln could. Thus he maybe could within two to three Lives at least one person become, even if still in such a way more primitively; thus a lot, much faster, as if he on the easy one Away of the nature this development, maybe about several Millennium away, crosses. The gorilla - and of her primitive person also - understand this deliberate development not, so they develop according to the laws of the nature. In that Eternity is a time enough! The person, however, from his easy, still in very much to narrow borders to deliberate average beings grown out and already so far has awoken, that he to itself on his low ones Developing step no more feels fine, just because he his a lot to bigger possibilities already feels in himself, is unlocked for instruction. One is able to come with him about talk how and to which methods he develop faster and much higher can, as if he waits on the natural way simply, until the opposition of his nerves to itself by the everyday ones Fights of the life automatically higher develops. Thus he becomes bit by bit by his more and more resistant nerves higher states of consciousness experience and endure healthy can. We speak to the people who already understand, that a quickened development by deliberate ones for spiritual and physical exercises is possible, and this not only understand, but to themselves also, by the always waxing one the internal wish done which take trouble to practice and itself to develop consciously. Admittedly, we may not forget, if we are still resolved so firmly to make progress absolutely: we can come only so far, how they 38 extreme possibility of development of our body, ours Of nervous system it reaches. We may not expect, that we in of the shortest time reach the step of a God-man. We must be contented, if we the highest possibility of our body, our being realize in this life can. It is also worth thus of the trouble to practice, because this » highest possibility « has none humanely predictable ones Border. What a person to stand and to endure it is able, one mostly does not anticipate at all. Only in him to gruesome check of a war or with physical disasters if unexpected abilities and possibilities reveal themselves and the inconceivable opposition strength of the person. These abilities and the elasticity of the body hang naturally from the power unknown to us of the available ones to mental forces from. Consequently we never may ourselves about ours to extreme possibilities - also on the yoga way - and about the fact which degree we reach or do not reach can, images do, because we can do this anyhow not vorauswissen. If we do not look at all after which Degree on the big Jacob's ladder we in this life view have to reach. If we leave the GOD! We are supposed to come too to absolute belief and trust practice in GOD, in no time to lose, but to make progress so quickly as possible. We take up the achieved degree of development all cases at the moment of our death with, and in the next We begin life with this highest degree as the deepest one Degree of our new embodiment state. Nothing goes from to our strains lost! We do not speak here about sexual-pathological illnesses. Those which are assessed so become her Zu39 stood understand if they take up the contents of this book properly and also find the way to the redemption. Here speak we only about the steps, them a person of the sexual-pathological State up to health and from the health to to the highest, divine-spiritual degree experience bit by bit and how and where from he can find in addition the strength and take. We would like the connections between the yoga way - to the way of the expansion of the consciousness - and to him extremely important, normal and healthy, but quickened progress in the control of the sexual strength point and the key for the true, healthy change and Vergeistigung of the life-making a donation sexual strength in them Hands of many yoga-practicing lay, with this question to to us, come to our yoga school, and also such, Yoga successfully at home would like to practice. A dear, older friend, to itself, however, still in the possession his to youthful forces considered, told to me: He went along once to a dear, still walk much older friend. During Of walk the older friend, that his male ones told to him Forces him, indeed, would have already left, he, however, the life however, still in full trains enjoys, because the spiritual joys are extensively big. He reads marvelous books, often goes to this Theater and in the opera-house, does nice trips, plays gulf et cetera. The friend listened to him for a while, then said he to him: » My dear friend, stops with the portrayal of the beauty of your life, because you become to me, nevertheless, none Desire to the impotence wake! « Now, this book wants by no means » desire to the impotence « wake - certainly not!-, but the opposite: It wants to him 40 To yoga-practicing show the way, to the spring of her topmost power leads. And if one on this way this Final goal, the final goal of the whole Menschentums achieved, then if one attains with it also the rule of the mind about everything Forces, in big, divine Even of the person and of all living beings always exist potentially. This rule of the mind if it is reached once one loses no more, not even with the Altwerden of the body, because the divine-creative forces do not come from him Bodies, but they just create the body. And who they in itself recognized and experiences and as a key to use qualified has, it rules consciously also over the body. The spring of the topmost power is a GOD. This book wants to show the shortest way, to GOD leads! 41 SOMETHING RECOGNIZE OR SOMETHING BE IF THE SAME IS The human development has taken a direction, in addition leads that we ourselves work less and less, the more, however, outside standing energy, as for example light, Warmth, electricity, magnetism, radioactivity or nuclear energy, for us allow to work. We find this natural. We work with this energy every single day and can do ourselves without them introduce the life today barely more. If we, however once would like to know, what this energy in reality, in to her true being are, and the books of the biggest scientists then we come up to the today's time durchstudieren, to the result, that we the different energy, how generally all things, only from the outside here observe and get to know can. Only the behavior more heated up, more electrified, of magnetized, radioactivated or ionized things can we describe. But that, what this energy and all things in Reality, in her true being are, we cannot and never know, never penetrate up to her true being, and indeed, because we ourselves this 42 Energy and all things of the world is not. That is that we with all these things not in a being state identically are. Every thing could know only solely itself and say what it is in his being, whether this a form of energy or a living being like cat or dog is, because only alone the forms of energy or the cat and the dog would know and could say, what a form of energy, a cat or one Dog is because they just are themselves what they are, but even when they could speak and, what in allerwichtigsten is if they were aware in themselves! However, this is impossible. Since everything what was created and becomes, is naturally that what it is - the different ones Forms of energy, the elements, the plants, the animals and in the end, the still unaware people are that, what they are, still they do not know about themselves what they are, because they are not aware in themselves. Solely the person is able, perfect ones To attain self-knowledge, perfect self-confidence, and only he, the awoken person, in his true being completely has not become conscious and to him the smallest one Part of his being unaware has remained, knows about itself, what he is. And if a person this completely self-confident State has reached, he will be able, from one to know the only energy in the whole creation, - but also in this case not from the outside here, but from the inside out, in a being state experiences-, what this energy in theirs to true beings is. And this is his own life energy in to all her manifestations from which lowest, materialized Form, called 43 the sexual strength, up to her highest form, up to divine-creative By virtue of, because the true being of this energy at the same time his own true being is: it itself is he! In the first person: I AM IT! This knowledge is to be attained the final goal of his way! Since the person has his career also as the unaware Living beings started, and on the deepest step of his Menschentums if he even has an outwardly directed consciousness, how the animals. And as long as his self-confidence not awakes and to long maybe Äonen of durable development with itself, in his entirety, in a being state one has become, the person can also not know- and if he also does not know-, what in his true being, what he in reality is. And in this unaware state he knows just as little, like he of the electricity, the magnetism, Radioactivity, the nuclear energy or from other forms of energy know what they are what he himself is and what the energy in her most internal being is which gave him his own life and enables him to give the life to other living beings, thus what is the sexual strength. Apostle Paulus presses the truth, that every thing only can know what it is, and nothing else, because it only with itself even in a being state can be, clearly in his in the Korinther the directed first letter from: » However, it has Us GOD reveals by his mind; since the mind investigates everything Things, also the depths of the divinity. Since which person know what is in the person, without mind of the person, in him is? Thus also nobody knows what is in GOD, without Mind of GOD. However, we do not have receive the mind of her World, but 44 the mind from GOD that we can know, what ourselves about GOD is given; which we also talk, not with words, which human wisdom can teach, but with words, of her holy mind teaches, and direct ecclesiastical things ecclesiastically. however, natural person hears nothing of the mind of GOD; it if is to him a folly, and he cannot recognize it; since it must go be directed ecclesiastically. However, the ecclesiastical one directs everything, and is directed by nobody. « (I. Chose. 2,10-15.) With today's expressions we would say it maybe so: » If we were not a person, we could not know, what in a person is. If we not the mind of God in us we are deceptive, would never also be able to know, that it generally a God gives and what God is. However, we have the mind Of God conceive and have become conscious in him; thus know we also about divine things answer. The still unaware- as Paulus calls him: however,> natural <-person still knows not what is behind his consciousness, he looks at them to spiritual truth as a folly. The realized one However, person knows, that he as a person the mind of God in himself has, and thus he stands about all earthly-worldly things. « The person, on the first, deepest step of his Menschentums, if nothing else is still than one animal plus mind. He be mistaken "I" for his consciousness. He believes, that if he says "I", he has named his whole one I. Besides, has he only this small, personal part of his I with him Word "I" named who has already become conscious in him. This is still very small. The unaware part of itself if he does not know, consequently he also does not recognize him and has none Notion, that an unaware part of his I generally 45 it exists. His unconscious plays the role more strange for him Beings; thus the concepts are like "devil" and "angel" originated. He knows on this deep step not, that this to fictive beings in reality also forces from his own Unconscious, thus he himself is. He does not know generally yet, that behind his primitive consciousness unlimitedly bigger part of his I in an absolutely unaware state, for him provisionally still unapproachable, it exists. How he could then know what he is in his whole true being? How could he know that in him GOD himself lives, that he in reality a divine being is, if he neither GOD nor itself, his true being, knows and does not know, that just GOD himself his true being is?! People, in theirs whole Even - in God - completely have become deliberate, thus Allbewußtsein have attained, were and are very rare on the earth. Still it is for us everything this the only purpose of our life, our embodiment, this to attain perfect consciousness and with in that the deepest depth of our soul living creator in one to become monistischen being state one when I AM! How the animal, unaware person can, however, consciously will reach and this purpose if he knows about that nothing? How he can from the state, in yours he on the lowest ones Step of the big Jacob's ladder of the consciousness the first time as Person was born, step climb around step higher, themselves to to the divine self-confidence, up to perfect fulfilment and raise resurrection if he does not know at all, that this purpose exists and that he owns the ability, it to do reach? What helps him what forces him, his outwardly 46 directed animal consciousness for the first time suddenly after to direct inside, "convert" to and themselves from the first one Awakening, from the first dawning self-confidence to to the Allbewußtsein, up to the divine, beaming light being, he is in his true being to raise and the redemption, to attain the freeing, the resurrection? The strength which pushes him in addition and helps to rise is his own sexual strength! In every living being lives this huge energy. They helps first the person by his parents in addition, in To become a matter, in a body hineingeboren, when he to itself in the body to a full, adult being has developed, she gives him the ability, other Wesenheiten In a body hineinzuhelfen. The unaware person has but still no notion, that the same energy to him not only they Ability gives to generate children, but that they also them the only strength which desire is which helps him in addition, even him forces, his consciousness of step to step up to the divine one To lift self-confidence, as long as he still an unaware one Being is. The sexual strength presses, the consciousness presses of the person upwards and does him higher and higher and higher. Naturally he knows, before he the highest step Of self-confidence and Selbstwerdens has not reached, also not, that he as a person only this and no other energy in to her true being can get to know. However, she can he and if he makes deliberate .auch in himself, because be this energy true being, he himself is. The sexual strength helps itself to the person, about them to raise sexual strength! If that is not endlessly points furnished? 47 If we come so far, that we this truth ourselves get to know, then we understand, why the insiders them sexual strength with the scorpion symbolized. The scorpion commits suicide itself, and thus the sexual strength itself, because commits suicide she forces the unaware person and the deliberate one People helps to convert the sexual strength into higher forces and to become conscious in this strength - this strength to be even! Then, however, it is no more sexual strength; they has committed suicide as itself. If we try to penetrate into the secret of the sexual strength, to recognize them in ourselves and they under ours To force rule, in our yoke. How? On this question if we answer in the following chapters. 48 THE CREATIVE URSCHLANGE The Johannesevangelium starts these words: » In Beginning was the word, and the word was with GOD, and GOD if was the word. The same was in the beginning with GOD. All things are done by the same, and without the same nothing is done, what is done. In him was the life, and the life if was the light of the people. And the light appear in that Darkness, and the darkness has not understood it. « How the whole creation is miraculous with these pair of to words explains! We would only properly understand these words, however, and appreciate can if we read the Bible in the Greek original text could. Since, unfortunately, the German translation not always is properly. It are absent into German the words, to the words of Greek original text correspond. To the Greek one There is word of "logo" suitable word in the German ones Language not, so Luther "logos" has translated as a "word", the sense of the word "Logos" does not return at all. Still "verb", because the birth of the first ones would have been better 49 In GOD two poles rest in a perfect unity and Harmony, in an absolute balance into each other. The Indian one Religions philosophie puts this truth in the figure of the God Shiva which combines both genders in itself. (Picture with friendly approval of the Rietbergmuseums Zurich.) 50 The Chinese representation of the Urzustandes two Poles of the creation - called yin and yang - the positive and negative ones, giving and taking one, the strength and the opposition. They rest in the Urzustand, in God, in a perfect balance, in an absolute harmony into each other. The physical-sexual union is an imitation and reflection of this divine unity. 51 Movement, the first Sich rain of the creation still better expresses. "Logos" signifies into Greek language the creative principle, the strength of GOD, the tools Of the GOD which explains the will of GOD and the creation in Movement places, as for example the hand of a person, at the same time he himself and also his executive tools is which does something. As "logos" in his still latent Urzustand was, when still nothing, not even the very first revelation Of the GOD who were created vowels, the letters, » if the word «, from letter compound also could is, do not exist yet. This is a substantially later one Stage of the creation. In addition, one more difficulty exists, to understand this text properly. Every person understands according to his lower or higher consciousness step under to many words something else. The word "God" has for every person another meaning. It is true and in to read up Greek original text, that GOD the person "on his image has created and creates up to the today's one Day, as the glove on the hand is pulled; it is as true that the person answers this and after GOD to his own, human image creates. Moreover if we use today other words, around different things to express, as a Luthers at the moment. If we after him Greek original text the sense of these sentences with contemporary ones To words try to express, then it becomes approximate thus say: » At the beginning logo, the will was to the action, the strength, it sets in motion the creation and explains, still with GOD in a latent state, as the power of GOD. GOD was and is this strength itself. In the being is GOD and his creative principle, his schöp52 ferische strength, one and the same. All things became from GOD created by logos. GOD is were, the life, and everything what exists can exist only, because the creative one Principle, the creative aspect of GOD - logos - they creates, animates and receives. GOD, everlasting were, the life, also built the person - after the original text - on himself even, on his own image. Thus is true, the most internal beings of the person, GOD. But the person, in his unaware state, is still in the darkness and if the light of GOD does not perceive in itself. He is unaware and if no notion, that GOD, thus his very own being, in has to his unconscious lives. « The life is the creative strength - logos - and everything what was created was created by logos. Everything, from the highest mind up to matter, became and becomes created, animates and receive by logos. But on that to topmost, at the seventh level, is the mind of GOD, thus GOD even in a completely well-balanced rest state. From here GOD, as his own creative principle - creates because logos GOD himself is - the whole scale of the creation. From to the infinite space, from every point of the universe, from everywhere here life flows out. First originate and look pure spiritual energy of the highest frequency, then slows down itself bit by bit the frequency, the waves becomes longer, and the revelation forms become thicker and thicker and more material, up to the deepest step, up to so-called "dead" matter, also is not dead, because we know matter nothing else, that when a form of energy is. In the atom of the matter, immediately how in him To solar system and world systems, also there circles the creative strength 53 Of GOD, there circles the life. It lives in every shoot of the Jacob's ladder, those of the sky, from the empire of GOD, up to material ones World, up to earth reaches down. We people carry all forms of energy of the creation in ourselves. We are the microcosm in the macrocosm. Our mind, ours true, is GOD, as Paulus has already ascertained. Then the creative strength rises, like in the universe, also in us logos, ours own, more deeply, creates our world of thought, creates the emotional, mental layers and, in the end, him necessary opposition in addition, the bearer of all higher energy, our material body. As well as logos outside People at all levels of the creation to itself as different ones Forms of energy reveals and creates, we carry people the whole Jacob's ladder of the logo revelations, the whole one Creation, as verschie their aspects of ours own in us. And how logos in the macrocosm on every step of her Creation creates, so shines and the person also reveals in to his microcosm, on every step of his being, by to the different frequency of the creative strength to corresponding ones Organs all manifestations of the same divine-creative Energy, that is ours own, from. If we our spine with the brain and with his Continuation, to the spinal cord, illustrate, we get the form a queue. This queue is at the same time the picture of the revelation form of the logo in the macrocosm and in the person in Microcosm. It is also the picture of his opposition, his Of bearer in the person: of the spinal cord. This from the finest ones, ethereal matter created mark queue is the bearer of her divine-creative strength, is the bearer 54 of our own life. The divine-creative strength shines through seven spiritual centers from, with bit by bit increasing ones Frequency, by suitable organs, which they creative strength as an opposition carry. In Altägypten the insiders on her headdress carried a white frost formed of gold, a queue to me explained to held up head. To be "privy", signified, that a person on all seven steps of the selfrevelation, of the self-confidence, thus in the whole logos Queue, had become conscious. The golden queue symbolized his perfect self-confidence, behind nobody Unconscious more remained, thus a person, that the Allbewußtsein had attained. The upright standing Äskulapschlange, from a level one Mug the life water drinks, is also the representation the creative vitality queue in the spine People. It is the absolute entirety, thus health, consequently also the healing power against all illnesses - that is degeneration. In India we find the same "queue", "Kundalini" called. As long as the person is unaware and his higher ones Nerve centers still in a latent state are, if she rests rolled up in the lowest energy center, his seat in the lowest vertebra, in the coccyx, has, thus in the seat of the negative pole of the life tension! If of her Person bit by bit becomes conscious and thereby his energy centers are activated, the Kundalinischlange curls up slowly from and rises higher and higher, takes the nerve centers, one after the other, in her possession, animates them and rises further up, 55 up to the topmost center, to itself in the uppermost part Of head, in the parting, considers. There she unites with him positive pole, his seat here, in the seventh energy center has. Then she stands as straight as the Äskulapschlange. The Indian yoga philosophy does very much a big one Difference between the life stream and the opposition, that is to the physical organs and nerve centers, him Life stream carry. The creative strength - the life stream - forms seven energy centers in the being of the person, and every energy center - in the yoga philosophy "Tschakra" called - works like a transformer, that the divine-creative By virtue of, according to the next revelation center, more deeply transforms. Thus becomes the creative strength, from the uppermost center outgoing, 6 times transformed, consequently there are seven energy centers, seven Tschakras. Because we people this energy of the earthly, material ones Level from have got to know, we calculate the energy foci, at the same time the revelation steps are, from below beginning upwards. The yoga philosophy names these seven energy centers with Sanskritworten as follows: The first, lowest Tschakra is called: Muhladara ("Muhla" if signifies "mark"); seat of the negative pole, in a latent one State, in the coccyx rests. The second Tschakra: Schwadischtana; seat in above them Gender organs located nervous network. The third Tschakra: Manipura; seat in the solar plexus. The fourth Tschakra: Anahata; seat in the nerve center of the heart. 56 The fifth Tschakra: Vischuddha; seat in the nerve center of her Sign gland. The sixth Tschakra: Adschna; seat in the forehead middle, between to two eyebrows. The seventh Tschakra: Sahasrara; seat in the uppermost part Of the skull which is at the same time the seat of the positive pole. With that The person this attains activation of this cerebral center divine Allbewußtsein. In the Bible signifies day, light: Consciousness. Night, darkness: Unconsciousness. Therefore, GOD, like Moses, this creates big insiders, in the Bible says, on every step Of consciousness - every "day" - with to the steps to corresponding ones Oscillations, only on. the seventh consciousness step - in the seventh "day" - he creates not, but rests in himself. In to this state there is no tension, on that a creation could be built up, because both poles, positive and the negative, in a perfect balance, in one absolute unity rest into each other united. The person can this only in ecstatic state as a pure state of consciousness experience, but would signify the death of his body. With some western scientific authors can we read, that the Indian yogi in ecstatic Samadhi- State is unconscious. This is a big mistake! On the contrary: he is in the state of the perfect consciousness, thus in the Allbewußtsein. Only from the outside he looks unconscious, because he no physical consciousness has. Who even in Samadhi- State was, knows, that the yogi in this state completely consciously, is completely awake. 57 We see from the fact that there is only a truth and that of her Core of every religion this only truth is. Franziskus from Assisi, the big Therese and other big saints have this God's consciousness also in an ecstatic state experienced, how the Indian yogis experienced it as a "Samadhi" and in Asia still experience. We people experience these different steps of the logos Revelations, this different frequency, as different ones States of consciousness. Accordingly we give them different ones Names. On the first, deepest step in the lowest center as Bridge between mind and matter active form of energy of her we experience creative strength in our consciousness as Preservation of the species desire, as a sexual-physical urge and wish, and in the fulfilment as a purely physical satisfaction. We if they call the sexual strength. On the second step we experience them as the revelation Of selfpreservation desire, as a metabolism; in our consciousness as hunger, as a thirst and in the fulfilment as a full being. On the third step the creative strength radiates itself as Willpower from, and we experience them in our consciousness as Willing urge. On the fourth step the creative strength rules by this Heart center, the feelings, the emotions. In our consciousness if we experience them as sensations, as feelings; we experience them whole scale between hatred and personal love, Reflections are. On the fifth step the creative strength reveals itself as our time concept and space concept. Their tools are the sign gland, 58 to us switches on in the limited world, in the time, us with her connects and our time rhythm gives. From this center if it takes down, like quickly or slowly our heart rhythm, Rhythm of our thoughts and our movements is, whether we regard ourselves a period long or briefly, whether we always in a hurry hasten or everything in slow tempo do. Therefore, this center works decisively on them Speed of our whole life rhythm, thus on them temporal duration of our life. On the sixth step the logo energy reveals itself as Intuition. She flings the lightning in our consciousness, the spiritual light which brings us new ideas, new knowledge. As a state of consciousness we experience them as about everything shining one spiritual light, spiritual consideration and, what with it is identical, as all comprehensive, universal love. We feel the unity with the whole universe, we understand the language the nature and the symbolic salary of every line, every form. On the seventh, topmost step, we experience by in the uppermost part of the skull recumbent center the divine-creative By virtue of as a purely spiritual being state, in to our consciousness as the highest self-knowledge, as the highest "Self-awareness" appears which we are in ourselves » as I, which I am « experience. There are no unaware feelings, none unaware thought, no outwardly directed knowledge more, I am no more happy and peaceful - because "I" am everything this, all feelings, all thoughts, the radiating one Light of the consciousness - » I am « the luck, » I am « they Blessedness and the peace! I am a shining one, everything comprehensive, all piercing self-confidence. 59 With the excavations in Mexico one has symbolic representations Of GOD found, they this truth, these different ones Revelation forms of GOD on the different one Creation levels, appropriately and clearly demonstrate. Below one is Queue or sometimes a dragon, the sexual strength: Kundalini. The figure of a person, which they stands on it body-supplying, emotional, mental and intuitive one Revelations symbolizes, and completely on top, about the person, if is a beaming face, the face of GOD, Symbol of the purely spiritual-divine self-confidence: GOD! How one would have the truth of the different revelation forms of the one and same divinity better explain can? The person only is able, on all steps of the creation to become deliberate and all revelation levels in a divine one To summarize Allbewußtsein, because only the person in his body to the different forms of the creative ones Energy suitable organs has. These organs are able, as suitable opposition the different oscillations and frequency of the different revelation forms of her to carry universal, creative energy. Just as they are suited, these oscillations and frequency from him To take up universe, they are also able, the same creative ones To emit energy as a sender. These organs are the most important nerve center and cerebral centers, which the oscillations of the different creative forms of energy him hand over to suitable glands narrowly linked with them, in those the transformation takes place. With the person on of the deepest step of his Menschentums these rest most Nerve center and cerebral centers still in laten60 ten, slumbering state. His consciousness degree is suitable deeply and primitively. The way of his development is, these centers one after the other in the possession of his to itself to take of rising consciousness and to activate them, to all nerve center and cerebral centers in activity have been put and the person the whole scale of the creation, up to Creator, in himself deliberate has made. The heating material, with the person his latent ones Nerve center and cerebral centers like a radiolamp light a fire and can activate, the sexual strength, which he is in his own Body carries. As long as the person to itself still on a deep one Consciousness step considers, he is not man about the sexual one By virtue of, but this about him. He still is completely her slave, is to her still completely delivered. Thus he also does not anticipate, that this By virtue of a secret carries in himself, that his own sexual one By virtue of him the door to the power of the mind can open, that he with Help of this strength in his divine Even - in God - consciously become and with it the immortality and rule about them The matter about which whole nature can attain. With it he has him confidential key to the stone of the ways found, he is one white magician become. The alchemists in the Middle Ages, the rose cruisers, these big ones Insiders, point in her strange writings, in to those they do not want to pronounce the naked truth, always again as a result, that the material, from which one the stone of her Ways can produce, very light is to be found and it everybody Person in his possession has. They wanted her knowledge before him low-standing person, also at that time already with all Nonsense done and the secret of the sexual strength from 61 of loud ignorance abuses to morbid perversities would have, protect. However, at the same time they wanted the key to to this secret transmit only such person, already have the depth not to abuse it. They wanted thinking people on the right way lead, where they this Secret should search, in hope that find some would become. From her writings it arises unmistakably, that the material to the stone of the ways in the person lies. Already this harmless tip has dreadful cruelty causes. We know a lot processes from the Middle Ages, to those one can see castle owners, the stone of her, that Ways wanted to produce and the writings of the rose cruisers thus had understood, that he from the person made would have to become, the human blood for the confidential one Material held. Thus they killed her serfs with more inconceivable Cruelty in masses, around from the bodies them to receive necessary substance. These half-knowing castle owners, the " natural person « of the apostle Paulus immediately, that is the unaware, unknowing, "dead" person, did not roof that the thing was much easier, than they anticipated. They should have thought only, that the spring, by it is transmitted the life on the earth, the sexual one By virtue of is. The spring of the life - the famous Lebenselixir of her Rose cruiser - we carry in ourselves! From this spring flows a stream, the life, » the fire is, still like water flows «. How they could better have explained, what The energy which flows like electricity, how water, still nobody Water, but fire is, in our nervous ways flows out; thus » an igneous water, the watery fire « 62 is, » a stream from fire which flows like water «, how it in him Rose cruiser-writings calls literally. The unknowing person if this » own spring «, his sexual life energy uses mostly without wanting to generate children, only, around from it erotic ones To pull pleasures. He does not anticipate him, that he, if he The life stream which flows from his » own spring « is not economical, but for his own body keeps and the life spring for itself used, with it his higher energy centers - the Tschakras - light a fire, activate and on this Wise can attain power about them. If he became the life stream, the life, by his will for his own Bodies use, he could do to his own body the new Lives give, him with it regenerate and even the immortality of the cells - the transmutability, how the rose cruisers this process call - attain. He could do the sexual strength, converted in creative-spiritual strength, by the higher ones, to spiritual centers use in his own service creatively and at the same time in the service of the big work- Vergeistigung of the earth - help. It is natural in addition, the fact that a person comes to the possession of this secret, essentially, that he an elated, highly moral setting and philosophy of life has! And to find extremely rare there this are, have the "alchemists", the rose cruisers and others Insider, only in symbols spoken or totally was quiet. Today it has come in contrast to that time so far, the fact that must be spoken about that, around the moral setting to wake up of the people. And not from sentimentally to religious, but for generally human reasons, because the mental constitution of the person of GOD thus ge63 create is, that he, if he against the internal moral laws, to every person are inherent, lives, without fail in Misfortune, desperation and mental darkness gets. The people if some truth which discovers from big psychiatrists has have become, misunderstood and misinterprets. Still in addition by mistakes widespread by half-knowing charlatans confused, they abuse her sexual strength, while they them more and more vermaterialisieren and nearly exclusively to to erotic pleasures use. This setting carries one such big danger in itself, that we the attention of her looking person, especially, however, by wrong ones View about "displacement" and » freeing from mental ones and physical inhibitions "and" lack of restraint « try want to to wake enticed youth. We do this, even if is to be calculated on firmness with the fact, that many from the secret of the sexual strength again morbid ones Perversities will create. It must become once to tell the truth, the fact that it is possible, the sexual strength also for a lot of higher ones To use purposes as only in addition to try, from own infinite emptiness coming boredom with to expel to erotic experiences. The sexual strength is that divine-creative strength, one can do them heavenly like like hell use. But if it is used like hell, if she strikes back and overthrows him who has abused them naturally and unavoidably in the hell. Maybe will have young among many misguided Be a person as well as adults those who prick up the ears and, at first maybe from loud curiosity, at least on a certain time venture an experiment. They become during 64 of these experiments such radical experiences collect, the fact that they step finally on the way of the truth and these Away are never again left. And it becomes indeed also many give and she already gives, from a frank longing after God will practice. And if only few people thereby on the right way are led, this book has his purpose fulfils. So that we can properly explain, however, the experiments and generally understand in what they exist, we must go at first still some things get to know and think through. Since this Book would also like the way right, probably to explained ones Practise show. Christ prophesies in the Bible that once one Time will come, in the secrets of the truth from Roof are announced. Miscellaneous striking signs show us that this time has come. The truth about them finally, sexual strength must be uncovered once. What they People from it do, hangs from her moral maturity from. In the end, from nuclear energy one also can do more useful things come along as weapons, with which the humanity plans to exterminate! Also it is possible, the sexual strength, there they the divine-creative strength - logos-, the being People is to use like hell or heavenly. If the person the spiritual, magic strength and with it them Power once in the hands has agreed, it depends on him, whether he becomes a black one or a white magician! 65 WRONG AND RIGHT VIEW ABOUT THE SEXUAL STRENGTH In the Johannesoffenbarung (5, verse 6) we read, like logos, as a lamb with seven horns and seven eyes shown, the task on itself takes, itself in the matter hineinzukleiden ( to animate them, to vergeistigen, the matter to God to go back: « ... and among the church elders answered Lamb, how strangle would be [the mind feels in the matter, in the body like strangle]; and has seven horns and seven The eyes which are seven minds of God, sent in everything To land. « And: » See, this is a God's lamb, which of the world Sin carries! « (Joh. i, 29.) carry » the sin of this world « signifies for the mind, the qualities of the matter on himself to take. The qualities of the matter are for the body, of the matter is, no sin. However, the same qualities are for the mind sin. The qualities, the laws of her Matter, are opposed exactly to those of the mind. Paulus says in his letter to the Galater (5-th cape. Verse 17 and 18): » Then the meat itches against the mind and the mind against the meat. The same are widereinander that you do not act, what you want. Govern you 66 but the mind, so you are not under the law « [ Of meat, the matter]. - The laws of the matter are Contraction, cooling, stiffening, Verhärtung, compression. The laws of the mind are fires, warmth, heat, Expansion, radiation. For the mind is sin, if he reveals the qualities of the matter. And also it is Sin, if the matter the qualities of the mind reveals. The lamb of GOD is a mind, and if it in them Matter dresses, it must submit to the laws of the matter and the qualities of the matter, for the lamb Sin signify, on himself carry. Only so the matter can do logos vergeistigen and they go back to GOD. The creative principle - logos-, the lamb of GOD, says from itself at another place of the Bible: » I am of her Away and the truth and the life, nobody comes to Father then by me. « (Joh. 14, 6.) So the life - which is I even am, according to own words of the logo - even the way, by we reach to the father. In addition the life has itself first in the matter dressed, from her one suitable cover, a body formed and in this body organs hineingebaut, they are suitable to generate other and other bodies. By this the divine stream of the life flows without interruption further, always new and new covers constituent, become more and more able, the oscillations of the mind than To carry opposition and to reveal. And while they material, living, but still unaware cover, the person, her shadow life lives, it becomes from her unconscious from The lives which is the sexual strength in his materialized form, worked on, obsessed, around in her the consciousness to erwek67 God's representation in Altmexiko: Below a queue- sexual strength - on it them Figure of a person, them body-supplying, emotional one, mental and intuitive one Revelations symbolizes, and completely on top the disembodied one, pure-spiritual and radiating ones Self-confidence: GOD. 68 The first, smallest tarot map shows the still "dead" people, in spirit are still unaware and lead only one purely physical existence. They are for the time being still separate gender beings - "man" and "woman" - and also think only in the borders of the genders. These are the small puppets, to small "persons", on the palm big, sexless I herumtanzen as it wishes her role on earth. 69 ken. In own, still unaware part of his material one Of being floats his own higher Even - the logo is- primitive person without respite as a sexual strength in addition in, in itself to become conscious in the material body and this, what in his deepest being he himself is - to get to know GOD-, that is to attain self-knowledge. As long as of her Person is unaware, he experiences GOD in himself as the sexual one The urge if he has become conscious, as his own, as his own true being when I am! - GOD is to the person the absolute self-confidence state. The life, everlasting were, GOD, helps itself in this way even, in the matter to become more and more deliberate in the body until the biggest miracle is accomplished: in one and to the same divine self-confidence are the contrasts, the spiritual ones and material laws summarized which is a matter cerebral, and in this cerebral body that is in the matter in the birth hineingestorbene creative ones Principle - logos, the sacrificial lamb - finally, to Äonen more durable Development, rose and again it, GOD, become. The lamb and the bride, logos and the consciousness of the physical being, one have become. The heavenly-mystic Wedding is accomplished! Misunderstanding the holy writings and wrong religious ones Education have brought along the western person, that he the continuation absolutely necessary for this purpose of the life, the witness of newer and newer generations and him with it linked physical pleasure and the feeling of happiness, when devil's work looks and the concept of the "original sin" at itself allowed to stamp, that he the created ones in addition, 70 absolutely to necessary physical organs up to the today's one Day as sinful-indecent things considers. How wonderfully purely and heavenly the view is more antique against it and more living of Asian people, they the male gender organ, Lingam, holy hold and as the external material form To divine ones adore, nevertheless, it serves for it, the topmost: this Lives, everlasting were, GOD, by the matter, by To reveal body and to continue. Immoderate naivety belongs to it, in the adoration of the Lingam by the Orientals to suppose an adoration of the physical-male organ! If one believes in the west still, that the antique people and the Orientals who have reached the topmost culture, in such a way were silly and are to adore a certain body part? The Orientals prayed and never recite the matter, never Body in, but by the material form manifesting ones Divinity! Their whole religious philosophy, her absolute one Contempt of the physical, show clearly this elated one Mentality. Also it is an absolutely wrong view of the western people, in the elated representations Of procreative act, which the marvelous sun-god's temples in Konarak, Bubaneschwar and other temples in India adorn, to see pornographic end in itself. The enlightened Indians, these breathtaking, splendid pieces of art created have, did not look at the procreative act as one indecent action, but as the imitation of the Urzustands Of God, as the image of the life, in that two poles into each other rest and a new life, a new embodiment it is allowed. They looked at the procreative act as them Divinity, to itself by the matter in two halves, 71 in two genders, divided and, by the genders again in a unity united, manifests, around the life on to continue of the earth in the matter, with it the big purpose is reached and is allowed, the matter to vergeistigen, in of the matter to attain divine self-confidence, the resurrection to experience of the human consciousness in GOD! It is incomprehensible, how the white race arrived is, the procreative act, to us and our children the life gives to look as an indecent action, about which one may not speak. If something was about which one would have to be ashamed, why it do then the people, in such a way think, still? And why God, after this has then Denkungsart, the world so created, that this despicable one Action absolutely is necessary, around living beings testify to can? What the gigantic difference is between the view of the Orientals, they the Lingam as the embodiment of the divine ones Forces of the life look and in him at the divine adore to get children, and the western view, after one to the classical, perfect representations of the Greek and Roman gods the gender organ broken off and the damaged places with one Wine sheet or fig leaf has covered. (It is just in such a way, as if one the attention would have even stronger hinlenken want.) The people who so act betray, that they themselves sexually are pathological. Instead of the sexual procreative act as one elated fulfilment of the urge for unity - after love - and as life-making a donation, God copying, feeling of happiness giving ones To look at action, they do from it one to animal ones 72 The end in itself which is good only in addition, cool and morbid lust to experience, to act nothing at all with love and true luck has. If these people did not think so, they would have no reason for it, the gender organs as indecent things to hide. They do by her low-standing mentality from the gender organs indecent things. These people pull the divine in her own impurity down. Guilt however, in it is not the divine, life-donating strength and sexual action, but the setting that, from it really do a little bit about which they must be ashamed. No miracle that the time had to come, in this Pendulum from the prudishness in the other direction kicked. Result of the fact is, that it today many pathological people gives, the weight excessive on the one hand to the sexuality attach, while they for every mental disturbance a sexual one Reason try to prove, on the other hand they minimize them sexual strength with the fact, that they where it a possibility in addition gives, unrestrained sexual traffic provoke. As whether the sexual union was a cigarette, which one smokes and throws away with which the affair would be forgotten! These people do not know one, that the sexual strength Revelation of the being of the person is and he nobody sexual traffic can exercise, without itself - whether consciously or unconsciously - mithineinzugeben. The partner or the partner is no object which one uses and one also throws away, but a living being, human soul owns, even the prostitutes are it!- These lost people try the longing for luck and after mental balance with purely physical one, to give satisfaction to sexual traffic. 73 People long for love, but not for purely physical Satisfaction. It is a dangerous mistake, love in sexuality, without spiritual ones or to search mental relations, and love by To want to substitute for sexuality. Naturally believe to Example women, from theirs lifeless, dull and to incurious "dead" men never the smallest statement of her Love get to feel that the love is, if the man in the short time of the excitement is interested in the woman and under the effect of the sexual strength tracks of tenderness reveals, and, therefore, want with the man whenever as possible sexual traffic provoke. This does not happen, because they wished even, primarily, sexual traffic, but because they long for " a little love «. If it succeeds then with to the husband not, so they try, if an opportunity proves - and she is found always!-, from another To get man love and to realize the sexuality. Mostly, without they really from sexuellkörperlichen Unbefriedigtheit would act. The body wishes the satisfaction sexual much more seldom than one believes! The men long for the fact that the woman looks up at them, they as the highest revelation of God when man admires. If he this recognition at home does not find, he meets indeed one the other woman who gives admiration to him, and then it sees in such a way from, as if he had searched a sexual connection. The man like the woman look with the lover or with the lover "Love", and the mistake consists in it, that they them of these to "others" believe to get, because they this during one confidential meeting always only in expectation 74 of a sexual traffic, hit thus in an excited state. And the sexuality ahmt the love after. She forces one, to be affectionate, to embrace the other, him in itself to press and to themselves mutually with the revelations of her To daze sexuality, as if one gave true love. What follows after such experiences? Mutual disappointments, bitter aftertaste, mutual accusations or desolate loneliness still stay behind and with women mostly the desperate feeling of the used being and the pollution. None of both has given true love, but expects only from the other, thus also has of no love agree! One can never do love with empty, purely physical For sexuality substitute! And the humanity longs, thirsts after Love! These many poor, young people, barely him Have grown out of children's shoes and maybe also in theirs Childhood of her parents barely love have got, because they "civilized" life-style no more on love is furnished, run for sexual adventures, look sexual excesses, because they search love! Many fallen ill emotionally One can do the people whether young or arise only with love cure and not with the fact, that one to them the sexual traffic minimized, they of her relevant inhibitions wants to release and they inhibition and persuades, an unrestrained, to lead indiscriminate sexual life. How many by these have young and also older people search council for such more irresponsibly of mental treatment, around her lost one to attain physical and mental cleanness again. And if one to them only a little love and understanding brings, they go back cured in the life, around useful members of the human society to 75 become. And still none we have dripped, from of the cleanness which was recommended him, "displacement" or "Trauma" would have agreed. Under "cleanness" becomes natural not only a temperate, but also a healthy, on love based dear life understood. If we try to bring the pendulum in the middle, and if we try, after by "displacement" and "trauma" stamped rash on the side of the excessive ones, indiscriminate sexual "lack of restraint" and wrong images from sexual "freedom", to a normal view to come from the sexuality. We should follow the example of big insiders, which at the sexual strength look not as a devil's work, but this Secret of this strength know and know, that only and only she helps us people to reach the final goal - GOD. Here the infinite wisdom appears again in that Equipment of the whole creation. How to us only ours Ignorance the knowledge brings *, it is solely they sexual strength, to us the redemption of herself, from sexual strength brings! The sexual strength releases us from him from herself caused, to always recurring ones to sexual wishes and explains us from the mortality, to the death, to the redemption, to the resurrection, to the LIFE. The medieval alchemists, the rose cruisers, have this process of development very wittily shown: the wise one Person produces the stone of the ways in such a way, that he his Life tree in a washing trough full with life water it puts, * See: Elisabeth Haich, yoga in the today's struggle of existence. 76 under him the dragon, the sexual strength, with his fire incessantly heats to bring him for blossoming. If we do not despise the sexuality and we look at them not as the diabolical strength, they the person to the animal does, but we do from her also no diabolical strength, the person does the animal. If we look at the sexual strength as the key, to us the door between mind and material world, from above after below, but also from below upwards can open. Look we them as a divine driving force, to us to the creation of other generations enables, the life from above down to continue in the body, on the other hand, however, also as the same mighty strength, the person from below upwards from to his animal being transforms into a spiritual person and the death helps to defeat. We must be grateful, that the sexual one By virtue of us on both ways, with right use, in such a way a lot of luck gives. On the way of from above down short and transient, on the way of the upwards everlasting from below Luck. If we use your fire, around our life tree in them To let grow height and to bring for blossoming. Think we: The primitive person stands still on the lowest step of the consciousness. In his animal selfishness he lives in himself completely in isolation and walled, his heart is still dead, and he still has no notion what calls love. The sexual one By virtue of, this elementary fire, is able solely be to glow through dead heart for the first time. And if he during the short time of the excitement even a foreboding of the love experiences and expresses, nevertheless, this is already the first one Light of the divine love. By 77 he gets to know the sexuality the first time the luck of the Gebens. And although his first dawning love still nothing other is than one animal desire, a passionate one Desire, is still his excited state, even if still quite unconsciously and for short time, already an urge after unity, after love! If he also this urge for love for the time being only in the body experiences and, hence, also the satisfaction only in the body can look, nevertheless, it is already the first Widerspiegelung the spiritual unity in big, which he unconsciously looks and for long search, for long, maybe Äonen durable development will find, because it in his Regulation lies to find them. The sexual strength causes to us the internal restlessness which never allows to stop to us and us always wide-catches and forces, after many detours him to find internal path. At an unexpected moment becomes our self-confidence, in the midst of the animal desires, and in the "night", born in the darkness of the unconsciousness, how the divine child in a stable in the midst of animals in that "Night", in the darkness has been born. And the person starts and decides on the big way, from the first becoming conscious in Even up to the heavenly one To walk Allbewußtsein, to the purpose. To such an extent as he on to this long way becomes conscious in himself bit by bit, unfolded itself in him the ability, about the creative energy in to rule of each of her manifestations and they after to use to his will. If he once the highest one The step which has reached spring of the creative strength becomes he be able, the lower forms of energy of the divine-creative To convert by virtue of into her higher forms and 78 with the higher, spiritual forms of energy the lower forms to control and to steer and all this energy to manifest by the suitable nerve centers. If we get to know this divine strength, and we try to climb higher by her help on the Jacob's ladder and to help at the same time with it her herself - the sexual strength-, to itself in her higher oscillations to convert into spiritual strength. Where our consciousness is, there the creative one works By virtue of. 79 THE LEADERS JAKOB The people who begin the yoga way with the intention, to deny sexual strength and suddenly a temperate one Lives want to lead, betray, that they not only the divine one Descent of this strength, but also the strength even generally do not know! And how the person about something wants rule and it without victim, without renunciation give up, if he this has got to know A little bit first not thoroughly and with it it has become ready? As long as a person in the sexuality still uncost out ones Possibilities of the delight anticipates, he can and he should the sexual one Lives do not surrender. Then he would live in the belief, the fact that he has missed something and has lost; and if it also one still so big mistake is, becomes him this wrong image over and over again irresistibly to sexual experiences thrill. To GOD that can reach only, that the sexuality with all her possibilities in this or an earlier one Lives completely up to bending got to know and has enjoyed to the full. But if he does not know the sexuality, 80 if he is not able to reach also GOD. The sexual strength if is the bearer of the life, thus also a revelation, if also the lowest, material revelation of GOD! If we to GOD reach we flow, must the Hinaufklimmen on of the Jacob's ladder begin by the lowest rung (1. Mose 28, 12). One cannot jump over steps, and how could somebody something give up and go on, on the next step rise, before he this something, this step thoroughly got to know does have? If I the sexual strength, without them got to know to have, in me wants to exterminate, becomes this strength with all to my own forces direct against me, because this strength, even if unconsciously, I myself am! Just, therefore, she is as strongly how I myself am strong! I can do them on nobody Case destroy, because this would signify, that I myself destroys. One cannot destroy the sexual strength, only one can convert them! One can only be they. I must go by the experiences hindurchgehen, I have to come too the sexual strength thoroughly, with all her chicaneries, with to all her traps which it puts to the person become known, until I this form of the creative energy completely sees through. These can already be, that somebody these experiences in an earlier life has acquired and with them in this Life hineingeboren became. He does not need the experiences to acquire once again. However, everybody must this certainty in feel themselves. We can observe, that also people from a higher spiritual developing step her human one Career - as a sexual object - in the age of puberty with one lower step start, then, however, die81 the same development, to which the primitive prehistoric man maybe Annual millions needs, in very much short time stride through, to them from an adolescent an adult become are. The einzelligen living beings need annual millions, around itself by all steps of the reptiles, birds and mammals to to the today's person hochzuentwickeln, the human one However, embryo goes through all phases of this development, from Conception up to birth, in the packed period from to nine months. Thus a person of a higher step can do everything Developing steps of the sexual revelation, from the most primitive one Unloading urge of the adolescent up to the highest ones, to spiritual solidarities based on love of an adult of high standing in the short time of the youth run through. Of course there are also many exceptions, because them Variations of the development and the differences of the achieved ones Steps are infinitely numerous. If somebody the experiences with the sexual strength behind himself has whether in the previous or in the current life, he becomes escape from her enslavement, they under his rule can demand and use as a creative strength. If somebody against it the sexual strength without knowing them and without being able to convert them, does not realize and temperately lives, this Urkraft is edged out in the unconscious and suppresses, and then she reveals herself on wrong way. With of unbelievable cleverness she causes in the person often them to the heaviest physical and mental disturbances, illnesses and discomfort. One mostly does not anticipate that edged out and suppressed sexual forces at work are. Especially it is dangerous, if married couples, sometimes only one 82 Half, decide, suddenly a temperate life to lead. Above all it is suspicious that they want this generally. It is advisable, to itself only very sincerely and thoroughly to confer with, why one has suddenly got desire, a temperate one To lead life. Often does not turn out, that in such a way very much the strong wish for GOD, but more the unfulfilled Longing for love and understanding, a general non-life skill and consequently also dissatisfied sexual ones Wishes or disagreeable disappointments lie behind. Many are not frank with themselves enough, they want the true reason do not recognize, they edge out this in the unconscious, and them say, that they to attain GOD, "everything" want to give up. What these people understand under The "God" that they want to give up for it "everything"? If it is Sexuality for them "everything"? Yes. Because it to itself mostly to me around this acts! If they want to give up "everything", they must go logically also in a cave live. This, however if they do not want again, only in her imagination. Or maybe in a cave with central heating and bath? Attention As long as somebody in the abstinence a " renunciation «, an "Allesaufopfern" or "Allesaufgeben" sees, should go he just renounce not this "all one", he should not everything want to surrender, but should get to know first this "all one" and try, .mit to the husband one on more true Love based elated devotion to experience and a healthy one, to lead adequate, clean sexual life. He may himself besides, by no means suggest, that a healthy sexual one Live something pulling down, something dirtying is! If he does this, it is evident, that it to itself around 83 a morbid setting acts. Also a temperate one may Lives from unaware revenge in the dear partner, or in itself not be even! Revenge because of a disappointment, because of of a dissatisfied being or because of a failure. Sexual life is in itself, with right setting, on nobody Case pulling down or dirtying. In the Bible stands: » If no barrier, that, if to her raises to you them crosses, you feel as a sinner. « Not the sexuality pulls down and dirties the person, but of her The person who does from itself an animal and, instead of one recover, on true love and togetherness been based of sexual life, from it consciously animal and morbid, even perverted end in itself does. He dirties itself and pulls down himself and the sexuality. Who has stepped on the yoga way and on the internal way wants to make progress, becomes from the sexuality no animal ones End in itself do and also becomes in the marriage, in the physical ones unity, no animal unloading, but they Revelation of a higher, spiritual connection look. Him if a physical devotion does not pull down and dirties, because the motive of his physical devotion just a deeper, mental wish for unity, after love is. Why should he start then yoga immediately abstinence? If he is not able yet to convert the sexual strength, then can do the result of a forced temperate one Life-style heavy nervousness, disharmony, belligerence, be even the disruption of the whole marriage, because the sexual strength the way to the higher centers could not find yet. Married couples should consider, that they not from chance in one 84 Before, and consider just in this marriage. Their karma has them in this connection brought, and thus also becomes her progress just by this marriage accelerates. Their karma becomes point, when the maturity and with it the time has come, one to lead temperate life and hand in hand, in topmost one Love and mutual understanding, weiterzuschreiten. Thus the marriage becomes no unbearable load, but mutual ones be big, making happy help. If the marriage should, however, nevertheless, one heavy load, an enslavement and an obstacle in Be a progress, it becomes, if the karmische time is tramped and the karmische guilt is paid, how one spent dress fall down from the person. Escape from an incriminating situation never is a solution. Problems must be solved, but they run with us! If we to us of such agonizing connections internally relaxed have, the destiny also moves in the outside world and quite unexpectedly the door opens to the freedom. A marriage is in itself no obstacle on the yoga way. Many big saints in The west like in India reached the highest purpose in a marriage. One of the biggest masters in India, Rama Krischna, lived with his wife Sarada Devi up to the death together, and both if completely became big yogis. Also one could countless blesses Men and women enumerate, also here in the west in one Before the highest degree of the holiness, the divine Allbewußtsein attained, as for example the holy Monika, Mother of the holy Augustinus, and many other saints and also privy rose cruisers. The physical wish falls down, if the person ripe has become. He has the magic work of the sexuality ken85 nengelernt, he sees through them. This strength in her lowest ones Form, as a sexual strength, interests him only as a connection, as a catalyst between mind and body, as supporting one Desire in the progress. Then, however, he says no more, that he to reach to GOD would have to give up "everything". Nothing if the person needs "to surrender", he must renounce nothing » «! As soon as the person is able, the sexual strength in theirs to convert higher form, he keeps them, on top of that in one to higher and much more valuable form, he loses nothing, but if everything wins. Since the luck, that the person in the sexuality experiences or, better said, hopes to experience, remains to him one for always on a lot of higher step. Because he his strength not is economical, but keeps, she further remains in him and for him! We if they do not lose, we experience them no more as a short-durable, very quickly transient sexual luck, but only in the higher form of a mental and spiritual blessedness, remains everlasting to us which we cannot lose, because: I am it. Action tvam asi! These are you! if says the Vedanta philosophy. We experience the creative strength no more in the body as sexual strength, as a sexual wish and urge, which, as soon as contented, disappears, but experience them immediately as them creative strength, as a creative joy on one higher and higher consciousness level, than higher and higher to itself rising, remaining, everlasting existence state. Then I have no more the luck, me am no more happy, but me am the luck itself! How the luck can do his feeling of happiness lose if it itself is the luck? It is a pure one Consciousness question: If I still in the logo - in the life even- have not become conscious, I experience the existence as them sexual one 86 By virtue of, as the sexual urge which works in my body and for a third person life-makes a donation. If I on a higher one Consciousness step stands, I experience logos - the life - in to me as love, to itself in my soul as a feeling of high standing reveals, and if I in the logo - in the life even - consciously have become, I experience it in the mind, in itself, as a self-confidence state, as myself: I AM IT! If I have even become, however, logos - the life-, gives at the same time an indescribable feeling of happiness, never more passes, can never again pass! One has found, what one with infinite longing since the first awakening, since has looked for the first becoming conscious! One experiences the perfect one Fulfilment, redemption and resurrection! Firm ones Self-assurance and light clear self-confidence is I; this no fear, no fear and insecurity knows! According to the consciousness step the manifestation changes, the naming, the experience, the internal state changes, but the being of this strength remains, what it in reality always ours was, the divine-creative strength - logos-, own life, our own is; this something in me, I if I have become conscious in him, as myself, as I AM experiences. How the death can still have power about me, if I am the life myself? How could the life die? If we have become able, the nerve center and cerebral centers, which carry the higher oscillations than opposition, from her latent, slumbering state in activity to move - than ever higher the state of consciousness, the higher the frequency and oscillations which work in the body-, then we are also able, the creative strength just as one likes 87 to steer on the Jacob's ladder higher or lower and they after to use to our Gutdünken. The higher the revelation, the higher frequency, the higher tension, the bigger ones Blessedness. The high voltage lifts our consciousness in always increasing states, closer and closer to GOD. GOD if we can only as a being state, » as I am whom I am « experience, like Moses, the big insider, with GOD from Face to face has spoken said, the name Of GOD is: » I am whom I am... » The people understand only not what he meant with it. If we consider, that our models, in the west the big ones Saint, in the east the big masters, the "Rischis", never would have been so brainless to throw away the sexual joys, to sacrifice and to renounce them, if they real and remaining joys would be. They have the purpose, the God's consciousness and with it a luck higher a thousand times and heavenly fulfilment attains! The question is only, whether we transient, very quickly transient, or forever the remaining Luck search. Since the sexual joys are unconditional in the time engaged. We know beforehand, that we this luck and these joys sooner or later, but anyway will lose whether it likes us or not. The greater this Luck, the greater the loss if the time has run off. If I do not spend against it this strength by the body, but - because this strength I myself am - becomes conscious in her, if I the state, in which I the sexual strength again even can be, reaches, then I do not lose this luck more, because I am it myself! And which is everlasting "I" and passes with the setting of the body not, it has itself only as sexual strength in the body projects and geoffen88 bart and to itself again secluded. If I, however, with mine Consciousness no more with the projection, no more with that Revelation, but with the projecting, with the obvious - it is my own true being - becomes identical, then I carry the life consciously in myself. I am it! And which I it is everlasting. Thus the joys I are also everlasting! A person, the life - logos - with his consciousness cannot experience, because his nerves these topmost ones Frequency yet could not endure, to itself in that Transition period of the gradual development considers, should go quietly a healthy, on spiritual unity based sexual life lead. By sexual unity two people can each other a lot of love and luck give, although this luck also very much it is transient. This pulls down them not only not, but helps to build up a tender relation and true, elated ones To experience states with each other. And the nature uses theirs She beguiles longing for love and fulfilment from, with theirs Magic work and promises to them the highest luck by Sexuality to create other generations. If two People the sexual unity because of true love, from one internal spiritual connection have searched and have realized, then still remains to them after the sexual fulfilment to the consolation always the togetherness and the love. How long? This if is another question. Since if they to the sexual wishes gave way and they realized and at the moment of her physical satisfaction believed, that "now" the promised one Luck comes, they fell out just and down, and on top of that they gave for this misleading her own Forces from. However, the people mostly search one the sexual 89 Relation not from internal unity, but only from sensuous ones To reasons and for the wish for physical pleasure. It if nothing but remains to them afterwards then a big emptiness and Boredom, how one with many young or older pairs can observe. However, the nature needs progeny, to continue the life, and the person in his loneliness and desolation searches understanding and love in that Sexuality. He falls over and over again in the trap of the nature, as long as it does not become conscious by him, that he in reality not this has looked and that this cannot give him the sexuality, what he longs for. Then only he becomes with bigger and bigger Attention, maybe hand in hand with his lifelong companion, turn to the spiritual way. All that has become conscious by the enlightened. They have the false joys of the sexuality sees through, and they know, that the person the topmost joy, delight and blessedness without respite, as a durable self-confidence state in himself carry that he can be it, if he them sexual strength not is economical, but she still uses, around in a latent state quiescent nerve center and cerebral centers to light a fire, to wake them with it and in activity to move. She enables the person, in his true being to become conscious in GOD, to attain the divine Allbewußtsein. How the drops of water swim in the sea, they are the sea, so the person can stay in GOD, IN GOD consciously be be a GOD. How said, nevertheless, Christ: » Does not stand written in your law:> I have said: You are gods