
Scrolls From the Dead Sea:
The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship


    Column A
1.  Praise the Lord, a Psalm [of
2.  You loved as a fa[ther(?)
3.  you ruled over [
4.  vacat [
5.  and your foes were afraid (or: will fear) [
6.  ...the heaven [
7.  and to the depths of the sea [
8.  and upon those who glorify him [
9.  the humble from the hand of adversaries [
10. Zion for his habitation, ch[ooses

    Column C                             Column B
1.  because you love Isr[ael         1.  holy city
2.  in the day and until evening [   2.  for king Jonathan
3.  to approach, to be [             3.  and all the congregation
                                         of your people
4.  Remember them for blessing [     4.  Israel
5.  on your name, which is called [  5.  who are in the four
6.  kingdom to be blessed [          6.  winds of heaven
7.  ]for the day of war [            7.  peace be (for) all
8.  to King Jonathan [               8.  and upon your kingdom
9.                                   9.  your name be blessed

Transcription and translation by E. Eshel, H. Eshel, and A. Yardeni

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Library of Congress
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