IV. AN ABUNDANCE OF TRUTHS COHERING, AS IF IN A BUNDLE, EXALTS AND PERFECTS FAITH. From the conception of faith that prevails at the present day it cannot be seen that faith in its compass is a complex
of truths, still less that man can contribute anything toward acquiring faith for himself; and yet faith in its essence is truth; for it is truth in its own right, and as truth can be acquired so
also can faith. Who cannot go to the Lord if he will? Who cannot collect truths from the Word if he will? And every truth in the Word and from the Word, gives light; and truth in light is faith. The Lord
who is Light itself, flows into every man; and in everyone in whom there are truths from the Word, He causes truths to shine and thus to become truths of faith. And this is what the Lord teaches in
That they should abide in Him, and His words in them (15:7). The Lord's words are truths. But to make it properly understood that an abundance of truths cohering as if in a bundle exalts
and perfects faith, the consideration of the subject shall distributed under the following heads:
(1) Truths of faith may be multiplied to infinity. (2) They are disposed into series, thus,
as it were, into bundles. (3) According to their abundance and coherence faith is perfected. (4) However numerous truths are and however diverse they appear, they make one from the Lord,
who is the Word, the God of heaven and earth, the God of all faith, the God of the vineyard or the church, the God of faith, light itself, the truth, and life eternal.