Marriage Index 1 (Whitehead) n. 2

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Concerning the three degrees of adulteries (386-388 [CL 432, 485-499]). (see DEGREES.)
Concerning adulterers seen as satyrs, in company with harlots, in a wood, and in a cavern there; and afterwards in a house, where they were conversing together about marriage, nature, and religion (Memorabilia 407 [CL 521]).
They who have no religion have not conjugial love; but lust which is worse than the lust of a wild beast (439-445 [CL 79, 239, 240]).
Of the closure of the mind with adulterers and the evil (various things, 562-565 [CL 203]).
Conjugial similitude and dissimilitude are not regarded with those who are in scortatory love (818-822).
Conjugial love and scortatory love are altogether opposite to each other (847-851 [CL 423-429]).
Concerning a young man who boasted of his whoredom; he was conducted into heaven; he was held by turns in externals and internals; and thus he saw opposite things (Memorabilia 852 [CL 477]).
An internal cause of coldness between consorts is, that the evil of whoredom is not believed to be sin; still more, if it is confirmed that it is not sin (913-917 [CL 240]).
A cause of coldness is, whoredom before marriage with the wives of others; also meretricious love and concubinage after marriage: in general, all libidinousness by which the conjugial perishes (918-928).
A cause of coldness between consorts is, that conjugial love is believed to be one with scortatory love (958-961 [CL 247]).
Whoredom is the genuine cause of divorce (985-993 [CL 255]).
Adulterers do not acknowledge God (Memorabilia 1300 [CL 500]).
Whoredoms in general correspond to falsifications of truth and profanations of good, by means of the Word (1399-1403 [CL 77, 80, 517, 518]).
Heinous adulteries within the prohibited degrees correspond to certain heresies confirmed by the Word (1405-1407 [CL 519]).
The internal and spiritual cause of conjugial love is to shun adulteries from religion (1602-1606 [CL 147-149]).
An external or natural cause of love and friendship between consorts, is abstinence from whoredom from any cause, excepting impotence only (1611-1614).
Concerning angels of innocence, who did not understand what scortatory love is (Memorabilia 1738 [CL 444]).
Concerning fornication (see FORNICATION, MISTRESS).
There are several kinds of adulteries; there are those that are mild, those that are grievous, and those that are most grievous (1876 [CL 479, 487, 491, 493]).
Simple adultery is that of an unmarried man with the wife of another, or of an unmarried woman with another's husband (1877-1879 [CL 480]).
It can be seen from reason that adultery is unjust (various things, 1778 [CL 481]).
Duplicate adultery is the adultery of a husband with the wife of another, or of a wife with another's husband (1880-1885 [CL 482]).
With whom there is such adultery (carious things, 1882 [CL 483]).
There is such in England (1883 [CL 483]).
Triplicate adultery is with blood-relations (1884, 1885 [CL 484]).
There are adulteries of will, and there are adulteries of deed; and adulteries of the will in themselves are like those that are actual when opportunity offers and various fears do not prevent (1886, 1887 [CL 490]).
There are actual adulteries which are of the will, and there are adulteries which are not thus of the will; the latter are mild, but the former grievous (1889-1892 [CL 486, 491-494]).
Causes that certain adulteries are not committed in man's interior will (1892 [CL 486]).
Adulteries that are actual and of the will make man natural, sensual, and corporeal, as to the will, its inclinations and affections (1894-1896 [CL 495, 496]).
Their effect is, that man does not acknowledge God, the Divinity of the Lord, the holiness of the Word, and consequently the other things that belong to the church and to religion (1897-1903 [CL 497]).
Adulterers have the capacity to understand, equally with those who are not adulterers; but they abuse their rationality to confirm their adulteries (1904-1908 [CL 498, 499]).
How adulterers converse in favor of adulteries and against marriages (1908 [CL 500]).
The opposition of conjugial love and scortatory love (1910-1947 [CL 423-443]).
Scortatory love is opposite to celestial love, because scortatory love is infernal, and conjugial love is heavenly (1911-1914 [CL 429]).
Scortatory love is in the enjoyment of evil and falsity, but conjugial love in the enjoyment of good and truth (1915-1919 [CL 427]).
The uncleanness of hell is from scortatory love, and the cleanness of heaven is from conjugial love (1920-1924 [CL 430]).
So with what is unclean and what is clean, in the church (1925-1931 [CL 431]).
Scortatory love begins from the flesh, but conjugial love from the spirit (1932-1938 [CL 440, 441]).
Scortatory love makes a man (homo) not man; yea, the man not a man: but conjugial love makes a man (vir) more and more a man; yea, the man more and more a man (1939-1942 [CL 432, 433]).
The delights of scortatory love are pleasures of insanity, and the delights of conjugial love are enjoyments of wisdom (1943-1947 [CL 442, 443]).
Correspondence of whoredoms and adulteries with the violation of spiritual marriage, which is that of good and truth (1950-2000 [CL 515-520]). (See CORRESPONDENCE.)
Adulteries are infernal (various things, 1999 [CL 356, 477, 483]). (See CORRESPONDENCE.)
Some things respecting adulterers and adulteries in hell (2000 [CL 500, 520]).
Concerning those who lived after the four ancient ages; they were whoremongers and adulterers (Memorabilia 2034 [CL 79, 80]). Concerning the hells of adulterers, in the west; where they appear like lakes of fire and brimstone (Memorabilia 2035 [CL 79, 80]).

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